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Adult Content line question.

Posted by Sir Swindle
Sir Swindle
member, 380 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 13:16
  • msg #1

Adult Content line question

Can you have Adult language in your RTJ text for an Adult game. By that I mean the part literally in the box when you click "Request Access" not a public facing RTJ thread. To get there the user would have had to click through the age statement so it seems like it should be the Adult-only section. Literally every other site that has a menu like that would start showing the nudity and violence at that point.

Strictly speaking I don't think I NEED an Adult rating for what I plan (a hostile GM persona, as opposed to my usual friendly demeanor). But I think because there is no menu pop up for Mature the only way I could use foul language is by having the protection of it being Adult.
subscriber, 493 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 15:38
  • msg #2

Adult Content line question

My understanding is that all Adult content in Adult games should be viewable ONLY by members of the game.

If it's anything that can be viewed without actually joining the game, ie, applying AND being accepted, (including Game Info, character descriptions on the Cast List, Group 0 threads, etc) then I'm 99.999% sure that it can't have any Adult content in it.
This message was last edited by the user at 15:38, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
moderator, 16170 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 16:24

Adult Content line question

In reply to SunRuanEr (msg # 2):

Make that 100%.

It might be worth mentioning that "foul language" doesn't necessarily require an Adult rating.

The Mature Game policy:
Mature games are games which have (as some minor portion of them) mature themes, strong language, drug use, and/or extensive violence.  Mature games use the Mature Content flag to warn potential readers that some of the game material may be considered offensive.  Despite this flag, Mature Games must remain suitable to all ages.

So, depending on how much strong language there is, you might not need an Adult rating.
Sir Swindle
member, 382 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 16:43
  • msg #4

Adult Content line question

Sure. But Mature content also shouldn't generally be public facing.

Like if I drop an f-bomb in this thread you would moderate it at least I'm reasonably sure of that. I'm not sure why a public facing game thread would be different.

If a user can get past the adult thing and attempt to apply to the game they have already proven they are an adult and can view adult content. Not sure why MY opinion on weather they should view it matters.
member, 848 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 16:59
  • msg #5

Adult Content line question

Well, for one thing: this thread isn't rated Mature.
member, 288 posts
Hopepunk with a shovel
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 17:06
  • msg #6

Adult Content line question

In reply to tmagann (msg # 5):

+1. If someone's clicked into a game rated Mature, they chose to do that. This forum is at the General default, plus it's there in the rules that you have to be creative or confectionary.
Sir Swindle
member, 383 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 17:32
  • msg #7

Re: Adult Content line question

In reply to tmagann (msg # 5):

+1. If someone's clicked into a game rated Mature, they chose to do that. This forum is at the General default, plus it's there in the rules that you have to be creative or confectionary.

Sure but the same can be said about Adult. With the added feature that they already have confirmed they are an Adult.

I suppose it never has and probably never will come up, given how narrow the rules for Adult actually are. Like even if I prompted for a truly adult RTJ the prompt would only be mature because you are basically having them not fade to black in a PM. Which is not public facing and therefore allowed as I understand it.

And it seems unlikely that a single RTJ prompt could possibly possess enough mature content to by it's own merit push into Adult.

I was thinking along the lines of a Full Metal Jacket style drill instructor but even a single invective filled rant can't reasonably on it's own merit go past Mature.
moderator, 16171 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 17:36

Re: Adult Content line question

Sir Swindle:
Like if I drop an f-bomb in this thread you would moderate it at least I'm reasonably sure of that. I'm not sure why a public facing game thread would be different.

Because strong language is (specifically) not permitted in the public forums.  It also isn't permitted in a General rated game.  It is, however, permitted (within reason) in a Mature game (as stated in the section of the Mature Game policy that I quoted above.
member, 289 posts
Hopepunk with a shovel
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 17:58
  • msg #9

Re: Adult Content line question

Sir Swindle:
Sure but the same can be said about Adult. With the added feature that they already have confirmed they are an Adult.

That confirmation being very legally important, because in most places, deliberately exposing minors to explicit 18-rated sexual content is a crime. An age check won't stop sufficiently determined idiot minors completely - there's a whole section in the ban list for that - but the observable fact of trying is very important so that people on the receiving end of said foolishness/the site's admin don't wind up convicted of the kind of thing that gets you on the Sex Offenders' Register, children in your household taken away, etc. etc.

When running Mature or lower myself, I use Content Guidelines based on the BBFC's rating system, modified per game specifics, so as soon as anyone looks at the intro they know what they're in for. i.e. nothing minors or anyone else can see in a game is what they can't see in a cinema, and if anyone is worried about specifics in Mature games, there's warnings there. No need to hide anything, legally or otherwise, though of course you can if you prefer.

[squints] Yes? I think the question is answered!
Sir Swindle
member, 384 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 18:55
  • msg #10

Re: Adult Content line question

Sir Swindle:
Sure but the same can be said about Adult. With the added feature that they already have confirmed they are an Adult.

That confirmation being very legally important, because in most places, deliberately exposing minors to explicit 18-rated sexual content is a crime. An age check won't stop sufficiently determined idiot minors completely.

Sure, but it is there, so anything after should be in the clear, just like it is on every other website everywhere. That's all I was getting at. I'm not personally going to look further than they were able to apply in the first place. I literally don't have the means to.
member, 2826 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 20:32
  • msg #11

Re: Adult Content line question

I have  Mature  games, mostly because  people get killed, eaten , shot up ect ect.

 On rare occasions  some  one will use  strong language  when overly   surprised , and/or  angry.

 If used to accent . or set a tone for a person or scene,  I seen nothing wrong with it, in a Mature game.

BUT..... if  it is used   repeatedly, without  some  sort of decorum , it is  just  'over use"

 The  again? folks who are easily  offended  by words, should stay out of  Mature games , and  s run and hide  from Adult  games...
moderator, 16172 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 20:46

Re: Adult Content line question

Sir Swindle:
I'm not personally going to look further than they were able to apply in the first place. I literally don't have the means to.

Nor does RPoL require you to, beyond reporting anything you see that looks obviously suspicious (like a supposedly adult player who casually mentions in an OOC thread that they're expecting a car for their 17th birthday).

We do, however, say that areas of an Adult game that are visible to non-members must not contain Adult material.
member, 849 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 20:49
  • msg #13

Re: Adult Content line question

But what he really wants int hat area is Mature content int he RTJ instructions. That's ok in group 0 isn't it?
Sir Swindle
member, 385 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 21:13
  • msg #14

Adult Content line question

Not even in group 0 you can get to group 0 of adult games without the age wall.

What I'm saying is that the policy is outdated because the age wall exists. It's not "public" only age appropriate users can see it.

But like I said. It doesn't really matter. There are basically 0 use cases for it to be "Adult".
member, 850 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 21:18
  • msg #15

Adult Content line question

And what I'm saying is that you're wanting something that is actually Mature, not Adult (from what you said) in your RTJ section.
Sir Swindle
member, 386 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 23:07
  • msg #16

Adult Content line question

Ya, I know that. Hence the comment on there being no practical use cases.

Like I can think of some but you have to stretch to the point that you'd have to be trying the break the rules.
moderator, 16173 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Sat 15 Apr 2023
at 02:38

Re: Adult Content line question

In reply to tmagann (msg # 13):

Absolutely, yes.
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