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07:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Portrait Submissions.

Posted by Shannara
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 251 posts
25+ years experience
Mon 5 Feb 2018
at 18:16
  • msg #52

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

We are waiting from some data from one of our members to make that post. Uploads have already been done; we're just dealing with the actual announcement.
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 252 posts
25+ years experience
Mon 12 Feb 2018
at 09:51
  • msg #53

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

We're still getting some data together to format a proper announcement post, but y'all can go ahead and find plenty of new portraits uploaded to the galleries from December and January! Please remember to try and have any submissions for this month in by Valentine's Day.
member, 382 posts
Mon 12 Feb 2018
at 12:57
  • msg #54

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

I... can't really see anything new in most of the female galleries?
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 253 posts
25+ years experience
Mon 12 Feb 2018
at 19:03
  • msg #55

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Hmm, I can see some of them but you're right, a few submissions I know we've gotten definitely aren't where I can find them. Warrax will have to take a look and see what's up. In the meantime, please go ahead and avail yourselves of the other uploads.
member, 383 posts
Sat 17 Feb 2018
at 02:33
  • msg #56

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Curious if there's any word on the previous batch?
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 254 posts
25+ years experience
Sat 17 Feb 2018
at 03:46
  • msg #57

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

We did have an error with the most recent upload that we are working to fix; specifically, a number of the December/January portraits seem not to have made it correctly into the gallery. Warrax is looking into it and we'll make an announcement once we've gotten it hammered out.

If that's not what you mean, then you'll have to be more specific. D:
member, 384 posts
Sat 17 Feb 2018
at 04:23
  • msg #58

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

No worries. I was just wanting to resubmit if needed. That was what I was asking about.

Good luck with the glitch :)
member, 34 posts
Mon 19 Feb 2018
at 00:10
  • msg #59

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Hopefully we will hear something soon.

I submitted an image of a character and with any luck I can use an Exact image of my character that was commissioned a couple of years back for a non-Rpol game.
member, 186 posts
Crestline, CA, -8 GMT
Fri 2 Mar 2018
at 03:25
  • msg #60

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

I submitted a portrait in Feb., have looked through a number of most likely Category, not seeing it.

Morgan Coldsoul
member, 256 posts
25+ years experience
Sun 4 Mar 2018
at 21:04
  • msg #61

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

We have received the February submissions, which are edited and ready for upload. We will also be continuing to accept submissions for March. However, one of our team members appears to have gone unexpectedly MIA while investigating some problems with the January upload, so we are somewhat behind schedule.

If anyone is interested in helping to do the upload step, please let the mods know! We would welcome additional team members to further streamline our process.
member, 172 posts
Mon 5 Mar 2018
at 15:27
  • msg #62

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

What does the process involve?
moderator, 3780 posts
Keep calm, drink more
Mon 5 Mar 2018
at 17:41

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Actually, please let jase know rather than the mods, or simply discuss it with those now doing the portraits.

The moderators aren't really involved in this process now.  :-)
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 257 posts
25+ years experience
Mon 5 Mar 2018
at 18:36
  • msg #64

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Thank you! As always, our veteran Shannara is more an expert about it than me. So, please let jase know if you want to join the team.

We've broken the process into three steps. The final step is simply uploading sorted and edited commissions to the gallery, which requires access to FTP software. A knowledge of PHP and similar is useful in case there's a minor hangup and you need to figure out the glitch, apparently, but I don't know that it's required. The FTP part is the critical one.
member, 173 posts
Wed 7 Mar 2018
at 16:24
  • msg #65

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Is that the bit you need a hand with? 'Cos I have FTP software and know my way around PHP.
member, 386 posts
Wed 7 Mar 2018
at 16:32
  • msg #66

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Would that I could, but I lack the skills. Here's hoping mexal can help!
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 258 posts
25+ years experience
Wed 7 Mar 2018
at 17:13
  • msg #67

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

In reply to mexal (msg # 65):

Yes, that's the part where we're currently missing hands. If you'd like to help us out, please let jase know, as Shannara said. We thank everyone for all their offers of assistance!
member, 174 posts
Thu 8 Mar 2018
at 10:48
  • msg #68

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

OK, I have sent Jase an rMail.
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 259 posts
25+ years experience
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 15:41
  • msg #69

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

The submissions for February should be available in the gallery, now. Apologies for the delay; if you notice any errors, please report them as usual! We're doing spot checks as we go into preparing March's submissions for upload by the end of the month.
member, 391 posts
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 17:12
  • msg #70

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Yay, my old upload was there this time :D
\o/ Thanks, all :D
member, 4 posts
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 17:47
  • msg #71

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

If a submitted one (from around Jan I submitted) isn't up, I assume that means it wasn't approved then for some reason or another? If so, as far as I saw I had followed the criteria in terms of size and such so what other reason could it have been denied?
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 260 posts
27+ years experience
I'll forget again later
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 18:05
  • msg #72

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

I really couldn't say. It might have been a duplicate, or it could be in a gallery different from the one you'd expect. There have been several times in the past when I submitted a portrait, and it was placed into a gallery other than the one I had kind of assumed from the outset. I'd recommend checking all the galleries, in case it's not in the one you were thinking of at the time of submission.
member, 219 posts
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 18:18
  • msg #73

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

I’m in a similar situation with a February submission.  I’ve tried all the gallerys I consider at all likely.  Unless it got slotted in somewhere in the middle I can’t see it.

It did need to be reduced in resolution and file size, and that might not have worked out, but I can’t think of any other reason it might have been rejected.
member, 40 posts
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 18:30
  • msg #74

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

I’m in a similar situation with a February submission.  I’ve tried all the gallerys I consider at all likely.  Unless it got slotted in somewhere in the middle I can’t see it.

It did need to be reduced in resolution and file size, and that might not have worked out, but I can’t think of any other reason it might have been rejected.

Pretty much the same here, except I did have it sized correctly as well as a larger version.  Even listed some suggested key words/tags.

That's one thing I haven't seen for a while is any tags for newer portraits.
member, 41 posts
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 18:52
  • msg #75

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

Something that came to mind that might be of help for people looking through for their submission is when you announce that a batch has been posted, list how many went into which category.  I seem to remember that this had been done previously.  It would at least cut down the number of locations that someone might have to look through.  ;-)
Morgan Coldsoul
member, 261 posts
27+ years experience
I'll forget again later
Mon 19 Mar 2018
at 18:56
  • msg #76

Re: Resuming Portrait Submissions - October 30, 2017

We had some errors with a couple of earlier uploads, and the team is doing a double-check to see what made it in and whether anything was missed. It's hard to give a straight answer without knowing what the specific submission was, but rest assured we're trying to get it all smoothed out.

New submissions will always go on the end, so if you don't see yours, then something probably happened with the FTP upload. We haven't rejected very many, at all, and those only because they were dupes or (in one case) because there was simply no way to make it look usable due to blurriness/pixelation/etc. All the rest have been processed and edited, but the uploads caused one of us a bit of trouble, and so we're going over that part with a fine-toothed comb to make certain everything got where it was supposed to.

If you don't see yours, let us know! Please keep in mind that March submissions haven't been dealt with, yet, so it should only be January or February that might have been affected. And yes, we're getting together a list of how many were added to which gallery, too, just like Shannara always did. Eventually the bugs will work themselves out, please just be patient. <3
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