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08:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Questions, Comments, Concerns & Etc.

Posted by dollsteak
GM, 9 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 14:58
  • msg #96

Re: Donations

Due to a change in my work environment I am now looking for a place to host RPoL.  Buying a server and collocating it somewhere is a lot more expensive than dedicated hosting, both in terms of startup and monthly costs, strangely enough.  So I am now looking at dedicated server offerings.

The best one I have found so far is;

Alas it doesn't come with a second hard drive or backup, but nothing under $99 a month seems to anyway.

Current funds would pay for this for a bit over 2 years.
GM, 25 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 15:08
  • msg #97

Re: Donations

I suspect that should there be ongoing costs, there are those of us who would keep it payed for.
Lil One
member, 1 post
He's Big, he's Bad,
but mostly he's mine!
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 15:16
  • msg #98

Re: Donations


And if people put in a bit now and then, then I am certain the cost for each person will be quite small while the sum in the end will be large enough.
GM, 36 posts
He's big, he's bad, but
most of all, he's Ron...
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 15:37
  • msg #99

Re: Donations

I for one would be more than happy to put in a bit every few months.  :)
GM, 10 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 16:17
  • msg #100

Re: Donations

The power plan from here also looks good;

And it includes 2gb backup a month.  Alas RPoL currently using 3.5, though it does compress pretty well.  (c:
GM, 68 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 16:41
  • msg #101

Re: Donations


Would RPoL be interested in  re-selling some of its space?  I  currently pay  for  domains and webspace -  I  would  be prepared to close the accounts I  have got and xfer the stuff to the RPoL  server -  and  pay you a similar amount on a regualr basis.

I understand there might be  extra startup costs -  and if they aren't too high -  would be  prepared to pay those.

So maybe -  RPoL webservices?  :P:P

(its an offer of a way to help share the RPoL costs if  you finish up with more space than RPoL needs)
GM, 11 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 17:18
  • msg #102

Re: Donations

Absolutely, I'm not sure if I'd want to do it for every user, it depends on how easy it is to setup and keep track of payments I guess, but yes.

Which is why I'm also wondering if the former offer would be better because of the extra bandwidth.  We shall see what else comes out in the wash.  (c:
Lil One
member, 2 posts
He's Big, he's Bad,
but mostly he's mine!
Sun 13 Jun 2004
at 17:24
  • msg #103

Re: Donations

Nice idea there JohnB... :)

If you need more people for that, jase, then you could count me in on it too. Right now I have minimal traffic to my site, it is only the portrait generating traffic, really... But then I haven't opened up official either! ;)

Maybe that also would solve the problem that some people seems to have with the female portraits...
This message was last edited by the player at 17:24, Sun 13 June 2004.
member, 5 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2004
at 04:56
  • msg #104

Re: Donations

I'm sure that there wouldn't be a problem with sufficient donations. We saw how willing people are to donate when jase raised the issue of buying a server. As soon as there is a real reason to donate I'm sure the money will come rolling in. :o)
GM, 69 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2004
at 08:39
  • msg #105

Re: Donations

Speaking of images ...

Can I delete my backups of the images now?  Its  going to be time to  have a tidy up of my hard drive soon  :)
Lil One
member, 3 posts
He's Big, he's Bad,
but mostly he's mine!
Mon 14 Jun 2004
at 11:49
  • msg #106

Re: Donations

I got a copy of them on my drive (and a CD). Thought it was for the best!

But I will leave it to The Man Himself to say yes or no to you so I won't be sitting in a rain of Wizbangs from Oz or some such... ;)
GM, 12 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2004
at 15:01
  • msg #107

Re: Donations

Sure can.  I've also got a copy.  Delete away.
member, 1 post
Sat 13 Nov 2004
at 04:23
  • msg #108

Re: Donations

i dont get this thing!!!isn't this supposed to be a "RolePlaying" web page???all that i see from the names of the threads are donations, donations and more donations!!!what would making a character sheet be useful for in this thread?!?!
This message was last edited by the player at 04:25, Sat 13 Nov 2004.
GM, 39 posts
He's big, he's bad, but
most of all, he's Ron...
Sat 13 Nov 2004
at 07:12
  • msg #109

Re: Donations

That'd be because THIS board isn't an actual game, but a forum for those who want to help keep the site running.

There are plenty of games listed in the other categories shown on the main page.  1,853 active ones at the last count.  Check out some of those and I'm sure you'll find something that grabs your interest.  :)
member, 3 posts
Sun 14 Nov 2004
at 04:30
  • msg #110

Re: Donations

oh, im sorry, now i have read what this is about, sorry for bothering
member, 1 post
24+yr RPG vet, Avid RPOL
user. Helper if I can.
Wed 18 Oct 2006
at 01:11
  • msg #111

Re: Donations

I have noticed that despite numerous new posts on the General RPOL forum, that you keep the number of posts below 5000. Is 5000 a max number of posts allowed in a game? If so, what is a good hint on lowering the number of posts without deleting them? Does archiving threads lower the number yet still allow you to KEEP and READ them? I ask because my game is growing rather quickly although still below 3000 posts at the moment.

Thank you for any help or suggestions.

Powderkeg (or just PK)
GM, 8 posts
Wed 18 Oct 2006
at 03:07
  • msg #112

Re: Donations

Please re-post using the Request Access link in the Heaven forum for an official answer -- this board is for FoRPoL, which is a group of people who raise money for RPoL but do not run it ;)

Heaven is where you can contact the site moderators and the site administrator.  I don't want to do policy discussions in FoRPoL's lovely area of the board ;-)
member, 278 posts
hi all
Tue 18 Nov 2008
at 04:43
  • msg #113

not sure...

Is there a moderator with the name 'SageBahamut'?
moderator, 4758 posts
it is by caffeine alone I
set my mind in motion
Tue 18 Nov 2008
at 14:35

Re: not sure...

I see you already have done so, but just so my two year-old information from the last post is updated, rMail is the way to contact site moderators about anything to do with the site. ( /rmail.cgi )

On the rMail Compose screen, there's a checkbox for "to/cc Moderators" which sends the rMail to all of us.  There's also a list of moderators in the notice in the General forum:

link to a message in "General Forums"

We're also listed in the General FAQ under "I need to speak to a Moderator": /help/content.cgi?t=faqs&page=generalfaq
This message was last edited by a moderator at 14:36, Tue 18 Nov 2008.
member, 48 posts
Tue 16 Dec 2008
at 00:13
  • msg #115

most recent posts first?

I don't want to post in the wrong place, but after perusing the boards, this is the best I can think of that would probably fit.

I was thinking about the layout of the boards, and I'm not sure if this is possible or not... but if others would find it an improvement, and its possible, would it be possible to have the most recent post in a given thread appear at the top?

Again, I apologize if this is out of place, or been answered before, I used the search, but nothing came up... and I thought it might be a reasonably decent idea.

moderator, 4801 posts
can vegans eat
carnivorous plants?
Tue 16 Dec 2008
at 03:31

Re: most recent posts first?

Hi cagedsoul,

This board is run by volunteers who collect donations for RPoL.  That's really the only thing it deals with.

You can post ideas in the General RPoL forum or the Technical Discussions forum, or (preferred) on the beta site:

But, to answer your question, RPoL is designed for playing narrative games on, and so is designed to be read from beginning to end, with the most recent posts at the end of a thread since they are a continuation of the previous post (much like the "most recent" pages in a book are at its end, not its beginning).  Most people do not read pages from bottom to top, and so posts are not layed out that way either.

I know jase has answered this directly somewhere, but don't be able to seem to find it to link you to.
This message was last edited by a moderator at 03:33, Tue 16 Dec 2008.
member, 4590 posts
There is no albedo
without nigredo
Sun 11 Jul 2010
at 21:46
  • msg #117

Re: most recent posts first?

Quick question - I notice that server costs are $100/mo, and you're sitting on about $1500 right now. So what are donations being used for? Buying jase pizza? (Not that that's a bad thing!) Just curious if the donations are actually... helpful.

(Related, is there a reason these funds are sitting in paypal instead of an interest-bearing account??)
moderator, 11502 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Mon 12 Jul 2010
at 06:27

Re: most recent posts first?

Donations are used only to pay legitimate server costs.  Not pizza (we had enough trouble persuading jase to accept money for the server).

Yes, donations are helpful.  Having a surplus in the account gives RPoL a buffer, in case costs increase (as they have, several times since this board was set up), or in case donations slow to a trickle.

As it currently stands, if all donations stopped today, RPoL would have a little over a year to find an alternative method of meeting its costs, rather than having to tell people, "Hey, if we can't raise a hundred bucks by tomorrow, we're closing down." (then having to repeat that next month, and the month after that, etc... ) which is the way some sites appear to operate.

Also note that, if the site is forced to move to a new server host, there is typically a set-up fee involved which is equal to several months worth of server costs.

For example:
231)04/19/08         Payment to
                     Tranxact -
                     Server contract/
                     buydown       -771.00      -771.00       630.67

So having a buffer is a good thing.
member, 1 post
Sat 23 Oct 2010
at 19:11
  • msg #119

Re: Suggestion

For future upgrades RPOL must include some new features for editing messages. As an example an option to justify the text and manage paragraphs. Some players will like to obey the good rules of writing and we must agree that read an well written text is much more pleasant.

Nonethless this will add much more immersion since we can give to our adventures an appearance of a tale's book.

Thanks in advance.

p.s.: sorry for bad english, since it was not my native language.
This message was last edited by the user at 19:14, Sat 23 Oct 2010.
moderator, 11789 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Sat 23 Oct 2010
at 19:18

Re: Suggestion

Please post your suggestion in the RPoL Development forum: link to another game

This forum deals only with the financial upkeep of the site, and is not the correct place to post suggestions for possible future development.
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