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06:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)
This is an advertisement for the game Along Divers Ways (Amber)(Deprecated).

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Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Posted by Larson Gates
Larson Gates
member, 21 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 23:57
  • msg #9

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Looking for players to take over these characters.. we're very much in the very early stages.
There is no capability to take new characters at the current time!

At the point where it does become possible new characters will still need to conform to the basic precepts as outlined in the questionnaire subject to any specific alterations I make at that juncture.

Kenneth Eday ElgrimSchool of Survival (special - "Real" Earth)Intersting ItemPlayer decided game was too High Fantasy for them

This message was last edited by the user at 18:52, Mon 26 Sept 2022.
Larson Gates
member, 23 posts
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 19:27
  • msg #10

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have room for people to take over the characters above..
Larson Gates
member, 28 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #11

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have room for people to take over the characters above..

Alana now taken (23/09)
Blake now taken (26/09)
This message was last edited by the user at 18:53, Mon 26 Sept 2022.
Larson Gates
member, 36 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 23:11
  • msg #12

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Due to IRL attrition I have lost a number of players which make the following characters available to be taken over..
Send me a PM if you're interested.

Kenneth Eday ElgrimSchool of Survival (special - "Real" Earth)Interesting ItemInteresting character but difficult to play due to his background - he grew up on 'Real Earth' in a post Yellowstone Eruption era. The character is quiet and conservative, very orientated around his family, and very out of his depth in the situation he finds himself. If you like a challenge then he may be for you.
Cathal O'DonoghueCork, Ireland - studying Biological, Earth, and Environmental Science at Cork University (Mizzurian Earth)ShapeshiferOriginally written as an NPC. Catholic Upbringing but with an interesting past. Knows quite a lot due to his heritage
Edward PinmillionStudying Business Management at NYU (Mizzurian Earth)ShapeshifterThis was supposed to be a 'go-around' for the player to play this character a second time but they have consistently been unable to post since the start due to IRL problems. The character is nominally a 'playboy' the adopted son of a multi-millionaire.
Natalie Horn4th Yr Fine Arts, University Of Maine, St. Agatha, Maine, USA (Alternate Earth)TrumpThis character is potentially available as the player has been unable to post in a while due to IRL issues which I'm not sure are going to be resolved any time soon.
Alana MacFarlaneFinal year of her Art GCSE A-Level.Oban, Scotland (Mizzurian Earth)Interesting CompanionThis character has recently become available as the player decided the character was useless and decided to give up. This is not the case!! Her Companion is an Intelligent Telepathic Saker Falcon.
Blake HemsworthSalem, Massachusetts, USA (Mizzurian Earth)Power WordsBlake was not born on Mizzurian Earth but on True Earth. He was carried here by a Shadow Storm in the wake of the Tsunami caused by a Cumbre Vieja collapse.

There is another option to introduce a single character but is very left field, comes from an angle the players have completely ignored despite Cordelia mentioning it on several occasions, and would leave the character slightly behind the rest, by introducing them at this juncture. The other complication is the character would be very much older somewhere around the 40 years of age mark would be from a world equivalent to the late 17th Century/very early 18th century (circa 1690-1710), although what that means depends on which Earth culture from this time period as your base reference. The Shadow is a x2 Time rate (as compared to Amber) shadow, and supports magic. This does not mean that Magic is known/used, so you have free reign to set this (unknown, rare, rare/uncommon, uncommon, common, prevalent). As with all other characters the same constraints in terms of what is known about Amber/Shadows/etc applies.
This message was last edited by the user at 18:17, Sat 22 Apr 2023.
Larson Gates
member, 38 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 11:25
  • msg #13

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 available..

Winter has now been taken, as has potentially the 'left field' character..
This message was last edited by the user at 23:09, Sun 12 Feb 2023.
Larson Gates
member, 40 posts
Sun 5 Mar 2023
at 13:23
  • msg #14

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 available..
The ability to introduce the 'left' field character still exists, although that door may be about to close rapidly..
Larson Gates
member, 42 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2023
at 13:37
  • msg #15

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 available..

The ability to introduce the 'left' field character still just about exists..
Larson Gates
member, 45 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2023
at 11:40
  • msg #16

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 available..

Whilst the ability to introduce a character via the 'left field' exists, it's now past the most suitable point to do so.
Larson Gates
member, 46 posts
Sat 22 Apr 2023
at 18:23
  • msg #17

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 available..
I've recently lost another player due to IRL issues so could really do with a couple of replacement players.

You do not need to know anything about Amber to play. The initial part of the campaign is designed to introduce all the background you need and teach you all about the skills and powers that exist in the Amber Universe. All you need to be able to do is to play a character who has had everything they thought they knew about reality and their place in it turned completely on its head and shattered.
Larson Gates
member, 48 posts
Sat 6 May 2023
at 12:41
  • msg #18

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 (bar Kenneth who has just been taken) available..

Whilst the ability to introduce a character via the 'left field' exists, it's now past the most suitable point to do so. Aside from the other constraints outlined in msg#12 they effectively 'start from scratch' in terms of acquiring Pattern abilities.
Note also that this will apply to any new character that I have to opportunity to bring in going forward. There is a very good reason for this and it is very heavily tied into the background. To put it very simply if you were known of in Amber and/or had a Pattern Imprint, and were not one of a set of specific Elder Amberites, you'd be dead!

You do not need to know anything about Amber to play. The initial part of the campaign is designed to introduce all the background you need and teach you all about the skills and powers that exist in the Amber Universe. All you need to be able to do is to play a character who has had everything they thought they knew about reality and their place in it turned completely on its head and shattered.
Larson Gates
member, 51 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2023
at 15:16
  • msg #19

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still have the characters as per message #12 available..

Any new characters, when we get to the point I can introduce them will effectively 'start from scratch' in terms of acquiring Pattern abilities.
There is a very good reason for this and it is very heavily tied into the background.

To put it very simply if you were known of in Amber and/or had a Pattern Imprint, and were not one of a set of specific Elder Amberites, you'd be dead!

You do not need to know anything about Amber to play. The initial part of the campaign is designed to introduce all the background you need and teach you all about the skills and powers that exist in the Amber Universe. All you need to be able to do is to play a character who has had everything they thought they knew about reality and their place in it turned completely on its head and shattered.
Larson Gates
member, 52 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2023
at 11:44
  • msg #20

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

The following characters are available to be taken over. You will need to play catchup on all the background...
At the current point most of the characters have a Pattern Imprint and are in the process of learning how to use it.

Any new characters, when we get to the point I can introduce them will effectively 'start from scratch' in terms of acquiring Pattern abilities.
There is a very good reason for this and it is very heavily tied into the background.

To put it very simply if you were known of in Amber and/or had a Pattern Imprint, and were not one of a set of specific Elder Amberites, you'd be dead!

You do not need to know anything about Amber to play.
The initial part of the campaign is designed to introduce all the background you need and teach you all about the skills and powers that exist in the Amber Universe.
All you need to be able to do is to play a character who has had everything they thought they knew about reality and their place in it turned completely on its head and shattered.

Kenneth Eday ElgrimSchool of Survival (special - "Real" Earth)Interesting Item (Smart Rifle)Interesting character but difficult to play due to his background - he grew up on 'Real Earth' in a post Yellowstone Eruption era. The character is quiet and conservative, very orientated around his family, and very out of his depth in the situation he finds himself. If you like a challenge then he may be for you. Neither the original player or anybody since, I've had a couple of players take him on, post once, and then vanish, has actually explored what the weapon's abilities and limitations are, and as GM knowing what they are I have deliberately not done so.
Edward PinmillionStudying Business Management at NYUShapeshifterThis was supposed to be a 'go-around' for the player to play this character a second time but they have consistantly been unable to post since the start due to IRL problems. The character is nominally a 'playboy' the adopted son of a multi-millionaire. He is very used to functioning in the 'elite' of society.
Winter Li Mei1st Yr, Public Administration and Economics, University of Tsinghua, China (Shadow Earth)Chi PowersThe player of this character is the most recent to withdraw due to IRL problems. The character comes from an Alternate Earth with a different history for China (in the modern Era) where the world is more unified as a result. Knowing a good deal about Chinese culture (or at least Oriental Culture) and history is really a must to play this character.
Natalie Horn4th Yr Fine Arts, University Of Maine, St. Agatha, Maine, USA (S5 Shadow Earth)TrumpUnfortunately the original player has been unable to return to the game due to IRL problems, which is unfortunate. Natalie is of Native American descent and very much an 'Outdoors' woman. The original player whilst outlining what her background was never got around to actually writing up her backstory including how she discovered Trump
Alana MacFarlaneFinal year of her Art GCSE A-Level.Oban, Scotland (Mizzurian Earth)Interesting Companion (Intelligent Telepahic Saker Falcon)This character has recently become available as the player decided the character was useless and decided to give up. This is not the case!! Her companion, Kasamir, was constructed by the Amber Pattern historically to spy/keep tabs on Cordelia Chan, although that has long ceased to be his role. After that he primarily worked for the King, at least until the Rodian War. He was then blwon across shadow in the Shadow storm that followed. Alana is also very focused on completing her 'A' Levels. She is another character who is very used to surviving outdoors. She is also the youngest of the characters, so struggles due to lack of life experience. This is all very new to her.
Cormac Camerilli/Blake Hemsworthsee NotesMagicBlake was the original 'spare' TBD magic using character in the game. He comes for the Salem area on True Earth and was blown across shadow to Mizzurian Earth at the end of the Rodian War. When Blakes player dropped out very early on, the player who played Cormac in an earlier incarnation of the game, asked to play so I swapped the characters over as they are an almost identical swap in terms of ability. Cormac's player has now decided to leave, so either character is available. Cormac is a Sorcerer whilst Blake uses Power Words. Cormac hails from an alternate Earth Shadow where a Tsunammi devastated the Isle of Man, and the coasts of Ireland, Southwest England, and Wales.

Larson Gates
member, 53 posts
Sat 12 Aug 2023
at 14:44
  • msg #21

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still looking for players willing to take on a character as per above (Msg#20).
Larson Gates
member, 55 posts
Tue 5 Sep 2023
at 22:01
  • msg #22

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still looking for players willing to take on a character as per above (Msg#20).
Larson Gates
member, 56 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 12:23
  • msg #23

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still looking for players willing to take on a character (except Edward) as per above (Msg#20).
Larson Gates
member, 57 posts
Sat 14 Oct 2023
at 08:32
  • msg #24

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still looking for players willing to take on a character as per above (Msg#20).
Larson Gates
member, 58 posts
Thu 16 Nov 2023
at 22:15
  • msg #25

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Still looking for players willing to take on a character as per above (Msg#20).

Additionally at this time I have the capacity to introduce 2 new characters (*** but ensure you read the first post in this thread ***).
The first character I can introduce almost immediately, the second at a specific point that will occur in the near future.

Character 1 is the 'left field' character indicated previously.  You were born sometime between 31/07/4701 and 31/10/4713 (local world time) making you between 53 ( + up to 6 months) and 41 (+ up to a couple of months) - I still need to sort out exact date points in relation to when the Rodian War occurred although it would have had little to no impact to your world - possibly some freak weather, may be the odd minor earth quake, but nothing serious.
Your World has a equivalent tech to the late 17th Century/very early 18th century (circa 1690-1710) Earth. You need to pick somewhere on Earth from a historical perspective and define your culture in terms of that place.
Given it's position in Shadow there would be no reason why magic wouldn't be real, although I would suggest it's uncommon to rare. Your world has a Magic Factor of 0.8 (see the latest version of the rules 1.9.3 as per the website suffices) and a time rate equal to 2xAmber. Your would exists out in Shadow near Elysium.

Character 2 is 'new' from the campaign perspective. Your original world can be any Earth like world with a time ratio of 1.5 to 2.0. Like this Earth we all live on Magic is to all intents and purposes not real, so you would have never seen or experienced it. Your age at the end of the Rodian War would have been between 11 years and 7.5 years old (mostly dependant on the time ratio of the world. The higher the time rate the younger you would have been). The end of the Rodian war is significant because this is when you were picked up by a shadow storm and flung across shadow. The world that has been your home for the last 21.5 years is equivalent to early 14th Century (circa 1310-1330) England. Magic is known but its rare. The world has a below average magic environment and has a Magic Factor of 2.5. There is a lot more besides, but I will only reveal that as part of the character background.
Larson Gates
member, 59 posts
Fri 1 Dec 2023
at 19:25
  • msg #26

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Bump .. as per msg#25
Larson Gates
member, 60 posts
Sun 17 Dec 2023
at 12:52
  • msg #27

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Bump .. as per msg#25(msg#20)
Larson Gates
member, 62 posts
Fri 5 Jan 2024
at 13:00
  • msg #28

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

The characters are all about to learn Shadow Walking which is where life gets very much more interesting ..

Bump .. as per msg#25(msg#20)
Larson Gates
member, 66 posts
Sun 11 Feb 2024
at 14:09
  • msg #29

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

The characters are all about to learn Shadow Walking which is where life gets very much more interesting ..

Bump .. as per msg#25(msg#20). Note the 'Left Field' Character slot has been taken.
Larson Gates
member, 67 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2024
at 11:57
  • msg #30

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

And so it begins.. out into shadow..

Bump .. as per msg#25(msg#20). Note the 'Left Field' Character slot has been taken.
Larson Gates
member, 68 posts
Fri 29 Mar 2024
at 12:17
  • msg #31

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

First 'into Shadow' scenario is down.. where next?

Bump .. as per msg#25(msg#20). Note the 'Left Field' Character slot has been taken. The '2nd' slot will likely disappear shortly.
Larson Gates
member, 72 posts
Thu 18 Apr 2024
at 20:23
  • msg #32

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

The first excursion in to Shadow to learn to Shadow Walk has exposed all those used to the comfort and luxury of the 21st Century to the reality of Shadow, where it's not the 21st, 20th, 19th, or 18th century in the vast majority of places.
Life is hard, and even worse where things go very wrong...

The only new characters from this point on will be those that the characters are in a position to discover whilst out in shadow, and all new characters will start from scratch.

Bump .. as per msg#25(msg#20).
member, 5 posts
Sun 21 Apr 2024
at 01:06
  • msg #33

Along Divers Ways (Amber)

Wow, it’s been literal years since I’ve played Amber.  Are there any openings?

More information about the game owner:

Larson Gates does not run any other games.

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