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04:29, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Introducing myself, and a newbie question.

Posted by Gruagach
member, 1 post
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 01:43
  • msg #1

Introducing myself, and a newbie question


I've been playing table-top RPGs since about 1983 or there abouts. Almost exclusively face to face until the Covid pandemic hit. I've played a lot of games - too many to list in one post, and probably too boring to read. The biggest constants have been D&D in all its varieties, BRP and its derivatives (e.g. Warhammer, Stormbringer, Mythras, etc.), and lately anything using the Year Zero Engine (e.g. Tales from the Loop, Aliens, Bladerunner, etc.).

From what I've read so far today, this place seems quite friendly and welcoming to new joiners.

Prior to the pandemic, I had run or played in a handful of online text based games. A couple of freeform things done on ye old bulletin boards in 1999 or 2000. Then an attempt or two at running a live game over computer text chat (AOL messenger, if I recall correctly).

I'm immunocompromised, and so can't do face to face gaming except with a select few long standing friends who are willing to test for covid first, and wear masks throughout a session. I get to game with them once or twice a year.

I've played a handful of live games over discord voice and video per year since 2020. They've gone mostly pretty well, but hard to find with my schedule.

I've tried to run and play a handful of text based games over discord as well - with little success seeing a scenario / adventure to completion, alas.

In looking for a place better suited to text based play by post, I ran across several recommendations for RolePlay onLine on Reddit, so thought I'd join and see if I could learn how to run successful play by post games here.

I searched for advise in the "Game Proposals, Input, and Advice" forum, but my search query skill isn't great (yet) for this forum, and couldn't find much.

So, my question: are there existing Play by Post advice threads that folks here would recommend I read? If so, can you point to them via link or suggest search queries I might use to surface those threads?

I guess a second question, as I continue to search for advice on successful Play by Post roleplaying, if I find an older thread, is it ok here to reply to an older thread? Is there a cutoff in terms of age of thread it'd be ok for me to reply to it?

Thanks in advance for any time you invest in answering my newbie questions.
member, 2977 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 02:24
  • msg #2

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

 howdy, welcome to the best site out there.  look at the top of the Main will see a  small line   talking about the 'Responsive site'

 you might want to start there, because the 'old  site' will be gone on the  23rd

 regardless?  don't be afraid ask question..Players  or Mods  will get you some answers.

 Look at 'players wanted"...and use the   customizable  search engine that helps you   narrow you focus  for the type of   game you want.

 GMs  are permitted to bump thier  adds   every week, it gives you an idea 9of the games that are looking for folks.

 have  fun!
member, 170 posts
I like monkeys
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 02:43
  • msg #3

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

Don't be afraid ask questions. Players or Mods will get you some answers.


Welcome to the site, Gruagach. Don is an old timer here, and I am still a relative newbie, but I always like to join him in welcoming folks because I was in your shoes not too long ago. Also, you would be amazed how many of us have a similar background to yours (TTRP grognards, new to PbP).

I second everything Don said. If you logged into the old site go ahead and make the jump to the new one, which will launch fully in a week. Take your time to look through various threads in the Beginner section and the Community Chat or the FAQ to find answers to general questions. Use the search engine to find games. Use the rMail button if you want to reach out to someone, or if you have a specific question for them.

If you end up with more questions you can always come back to this thread. Between the admins and the players there will always be someone happy to help.

Good luck, and happy gaming!
member, 2 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 02:59
  • msg #4

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

donsr and 1492, thank you both for the quick replies.

I've found my way to what you call the responsive design. I like it.

I'd like to run a successful text based play by post game.

By successful, I mean: if I've got a scenario/adventure built and ready to run, I'd like to run that to a conclusion.

I'd be looking for best practices on how to do that, and I don't want to break RolePlay onLine's rules by asking in the wrong place.

So, is this forum a good place to ask for advice on how to run a successful text based game?
member, 2978 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 03:13
  • msg #5

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

 I was looking  over the forum just now? This is a good place to start, someone will tell you where to post. if   they think it will do better  else where.

 I was a Player here for a few years before i started my games, so I  just  use 'start my own game"

 One thing I will tell you.. games   rise and fall. like  watching the   beach landing in private Ryan. Some games  are slow, some are fast.All my games  a  Homebrewed system and worlds... it easy  for me to run, then having  'Rules  Folks" argue  with me  for certain systems.

I can tell you dozens of things   to help make the game 'stay alive', but the Biggest  rule i use, "  run the game as you wish someone ran it for you"..keep it  active, and you'll be fine.
member, 171 posts
I like monkeys
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 03:14
  • msg #6

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

You might want to start a thread in the "Game Proposals, Input, and Advice" section?

TBH I'm not 100% sure what's "best" vs what's "permissible" when it comes to where and how to post certain topics. Especially when it comes to advertising games. So you may want to wait to see what Don or someone else has to say.

The good news is, if you do something wrong the Mods are usually on it pretty quick, and they're not going to bite your head off as a newcomer.
member, 2979 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 03:46
  • msg #7

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

yep yep, The Mods   try to keep the  threads striaght. they'll move  a thread, ask players to take  posts  down that shouldn't be there.

 it one of the things that make this a good palce  to play. Its  'watched over" and  undesirables   don'[t last long here.... As you settle into playing /GMing you pick up tidbits  to help you down the line.
member, 177 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 19:23
  • msg #8

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

In reply to Gruagach (msg # 1):

I think Donsr and 1492 have given some great advice and covered most of the bases. So I just wanted to chime in and say Welcome.

I recall fondly and shake my head at the same time in Memory of the AOL Chatroom and OLGF games.
moderator, 16213 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 20:40

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

I guess a second question, as I continue to search for advice on successful Play by Post roleplaying, if I find an older thread, is it ok here to reply to an older thread? Is there a cutoff in terms of age of thread it'd be ok for me to reply to it?

Welcome to RPoL.

Yes, it's okay to reply to older threads in the public forums (if no further replies are permitted in a particular thread, then it gets locked to prevent them).  Inside a game... well whether you can necro an old thread, or not, would be entirely up to the GM, and can vary from game to game.
member, 3 posts
Tue 19 Dec 2023
at 23:57
  • msg #10

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

darknash and bigbadron, thank you for the replies.
member, 1805 posts
Ocoee FL
45 yrs of RPGs
Wed 20 Dec 2023
at 04:13
  • msg #11

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

Seeking input on game/scenario ideas is done in Game Proposals, Input, and Advice. You may not solicit players there. For that go to Wanted - Players

Welcome and Best Wishes.

And Happy Holidays!
member, 4 posts
Fri 22 Dec 2023
at 15:22
  • msg #12

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

Gaffer, thanks for the reply!
subscriber, 3699 posts
Member before Oct 2005
Been here for appx 20 yrs
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 15:30
  • msg #13

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

Greetins Gruagach!  I have been away for the holidays or would have greeted you sooner.  You will find both System and Freeform games on this site well run and good GMs always ready to help someone new.  Never ever think you can't ask questions as every single one of us were new here once upon a time.  You have gotten some good answers from out members above.  I hope you are finding you way around the site now. Enjoy our world its the best in the universe with a wonderful creator and moderators readily willing to help at any time.

Happy Gaming
member, 8 posts
Sat 13 Jan 2024
at 19:24
  • msg #14

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

Also of interest is the help section, it has information on the board code which can be useful from everything from making OOC, encoding languages, and letting players pick a color for their dialogue and beyond.

You already seem to be getting along well. I was going to apply for your game but it filled up before I could finish typing my concept up. That’s great!
member, 1 post
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 21:56
  • msg #15

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

hello everyone i am completely new to this kind of this does anyone have an suggestion or idea of where i could start id much rather learn while i am playing or joining in are there like beginner campaigns or whatever?
member, 3015 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 22:50
  • msg #16

Introducing myself, and a newbie question

howdy, you joined the Best  site out there..

use the  'olayers  wanted"  thread in the forums , to search for a Game you like.

ay the bottom  right hand of the screen on your home page  ,is a  customizable  search engine, for the games on this  site...everything , is on the page  that you  play on..PMS... color  for speech, dice roller, ect ect..look around..have  fun.

 don't be afraid  to ask questions, if the  Admins  don't  answer, some player will!
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