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, welcome to ADnD 2nd -- Inquest Crusaders

02:17, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by DM-HeathFor group 0
GM, 59 posts
Mon 23 Jun 2003
at 02:05
  • msg #1


The party starts out down the hall.  It slopes down at nearly a 30 degree angle but then flattens out about fifty to a hundred feet down.  You get about ten feet further before the orc and human prints suddenly disappear.  It is not as though they suddenly stop, though.  Instead, the dust that has been marking their trail is suddenly gone, and the floor seems more clean and brushed free of dust.

The hallway continues for as far as your lighting lets you see.  It is about 8 feet wide and ten feet tall.  The walls are stone tiles as before, again making this seem more the inside of a constructed temple than a dormant volcano.
player, 12 posts
Mon 23 Jun 2003
at 13:35
  • msg #2

Re: IC7-29

Joseph, seeing the dust and therefore the tracks disappear begins to look for any other signs as to where there foe had gone.  "now that the tracks have stopped we need to be extra careful.  They have already set one trap for us, there are sure to me others."  he comments to the rest of the group.
Sir Floradine
player, 20 posts
Human Paladin
Tue 24 Jun 2003
at 03:19
  • msg #3

Re: IC7-29

Sir Floradine leads the party forward slowly and carefully, sword drawn and ready.
GM, 60 posts
Tue 24 Jun 2003
at 07:29
  • msg #4

Re: IC7-29

The party steps carefully forward.  Nothing seems to happen.  Then you walk further, and about thirty feet forward, Sir Floradine's foot sinks slightly, and there is an audible "click."

The usual sounds of dungeon travel are suddenly overwhelmed with the grating of sliding rock.  With a sudden lurch, a stretch of the corridor begins to shift.  A forty foot section of the walls to your left and right begin shifting to the right.  The movement is so sudden you hardly have the chance to move.  Sir Floradine jumps forward but cannot reach the end in time.  Shae, holding Shanjalae in her arms, is hit by the suddenly shifting wall, sending her sprawling to her right but landing on her feet.  Illborn jumps backwards...and manages to jump free of the shifting walls.

As the hall moves, taking you with it, the front and back of the hallway become stone walls for a moment.  Then the ends open again into short passages.  Behind you is a darkened chamber, while a light beckons from ahead of you [the room marked 2].  A figure appears at the sound of the moving walls.  Gan and one of the mutant orcs stands at the entrance to 2.  Behind you [in the room marked 3], two more orcs move.  You are now trapped in the hallway between room 2 and 3.  Gan orders his orcs to attack, and they move in.

[Please note on the map below that the hallway that shifted is the C-D connection.  The tiny cracks shows the length of wall that moves (yes, there are six sections of wall that shift).  Note that the dark gray simply represents the space between walls.]

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:38, Tue 24 June 2003.
player, 13 posts
Tue 24 Jun 2003
at 19:46
  • msg #5

Re: IC7-29

Joseph, standing near the front with Sir Floradine, spots Gan and the Orcs and prepares for a fight.  As the Orcs move in the Ranger strikes out, with his sword, at a foe that he has hated all his life.
Sir Floradine
player, 21 posts
Human Paladin
Wed 25 Jun 2003
at 04:32
  • msg #6

Re: IC7-29

Floradine rushes at Gan with his two handed sword.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 24 posts
Elven Druid
Wed 25 Jun 2003
at 06:09
  • msg #7

Re: IC7-29

Shae moves backward, away from the charging orcs, Shanjalae's protection her priority.  She watches as both Joseph and Floradine rush past her, using the two warriors as her cover, as she sits Shanjalae on the cold stone floor.

"Stay here, we'll protect you." she says in a firm tone. Standing again, she turns to face her adversaries and begins to chant a prayer to her totem spirits.
Kallad Shadowglenn
player, 9 posts
Thu 26 Jun 2003
at 10:39
  • msg #8

Re: IC7-29

Kallad raises his sword and with a warcry to protect his family, he rushes at the two orcs to the south, swinging at the first one he comes to.
GM, 61 posts
Fri 27 Jun 2003
at 02:07
  • msg #9

Re: IC7-29

Gan whips his hand out from behind his robe.  He is holding a wand of some sort.

Shae sets down Shanjalae and begins casting.

Sir Floradine swings his mighty two handed sword at Gan.  However, the low ceiling and narrow walls do not give him full range of motion, and the weapon hits the stone ceiling, reverberating throughout his arms.  (critical miss)

Joseph swings his sword at the orc nearest him, slashing it across the belly.  (8 hp dmg).

Kallad rushes forward, his sword swinging out at the nearest orc.  He swipes it across the head.  (9 hp dmg)

Shae finishes her spell, and a wolf appears in front of her, immediately growling and ready to charge at the orcs.

Shanjalae collapses in a heap between her fighting companions, too weary to do anything.

The wand flashes forward, and a brief light brightens in the corridor.  A bolt of lightning flies from the wand.  Sir Floradine...manages to jump sideways and is only half caught by the bolt.  (14 hp dmg).  Joseph...also dodges away, catching only half of the bolt, but unfortunately in the neck and shoulders.  (24 hp dmg).  Shanjalae is too low on the ground to be affected.  Shae...tries to jump but is unable to avoid the lightning bolt.  (26 hp dmg).  Kallad ...likewise has his back turned and cannot avoid being hit. (28 hp dmg).  The wolf is just below the level of the bolt, so it escapes with just seared hair.  The smell of burnt hair rises in the corridor as a waft of smoke lifts from the creature's back.

The lightning bolt continues, hitting one of the two orcs before he can jump aside.  (33 hp dmg).  He falls the ground a mass of frying flesh while his companion behind him barely escapes the reach of the lightning bolt.

The orc nearest Gan attacks back at Joseph...barely missing.

The remaining orc near Kallad strikes out, but Kallad, even in his weakened condition, parries the blow with his sword.

[Please note.  If you can see the dice rolling I did, let me know.  I put it under "secret roll," so I don't think that shows up for you.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:08, Fri 27 June 2003.
Sir Floradine
player, 22 posts
Human Paladin
Fri 27 Jun 2003
at 03:58
  • msg #10

Re: IC7-29

Sir Floradine hits at Gan again, making sure the evil wizard doesn't get another chance to use that wand.
Kallad Shadowglenn
player, 10 posts
Fri 27 Jun 2003
at 07:15
  • msg #11

Re: IC7-29

Kallad attacks the remaining orc, hoping that Gan gets no more chance to use the wand.  "You will pay for that!" he screams back into the hall at Gan.  "And for all you did to us earlier too!"
player, 14 posts
Fri 27 Jun 2003
at 13:32
  • msg #12

Re: IC7-29

Despite getting out of the way of the lightening bolt, Joseph is severly burnt about his head and shoulder.  The pain was excrutiating but he knew he had to keep going or the lives of everyone else was in danger.  Side stepping the blow by the orc he once again brings his sword to bear slashing at the foe in front of him.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 25 posts
Elven Druid
Fri 27 Jun 2003
at 14:54
  • msg #13

Ouch!! Kill that lousy Eucharist!

Shae looked and felt nothing short of awful. Reeling from the lightning attack she  leaps closer to Shanjalae, as she mentally commands her wolf to attack the orcs.  Positioning herself against the wall, so she can see both fights occuring at the same time, so quickly launches into another spell, her prayer sounding like a kitten mewling for its mother's aid.
GM, 65 posts
Mon 30 Jun 2003
at 02:35
  • msg #14

Round 2

Shae begins chanting a prayer for a spell.

Sir Floradine swipes down with his two handed sword....  His aim is true, and it cleanly takes Gan's arm off at the elbow.  (12 hp dmg).  Gan retreats, blood gushing.

Joseph swings his sword at the orc... and hits.  But the blow is mostly repelled by the hide and armor of the orc.  (4 hp dmg)

The wolf jumps at the orc...but is swatted aside just before biting it.

Kallad swings his sword, hitting the orc in the leg.  (6 hp dmg)

Gan whips out a scroll with his remaining hand.  He continues to back away, putting the orc between him and Floradine.

The orc swings at Joseph...and his axe finds a soft spot in Joseph's hip.  (6 hp dmg).

The other orc swings at Kallad...just missing the elf.

Shae finishes her spell and her wounds heal somewhat.  (+10 hp).
Sir Floradine
player, 23 posts
Human Paladin
Mon 30 Jun 2003
at 06:11
  • msg #15

Re: Round 2

Floradine swings at Gan again before he has a chance to read from the scroll.
Kallad Shadowglenn
player, 11 posts
Mon 30 Jun 2003
at 08:17
  • msg #16

Re: Round 2

Kallad strikes out again at the pesky orc, moving into the room and out of the narrow corridor.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 26 posts
Elven Druid
Mon 30 Jun 2003
at 12:03
  • msg #17

Re: Round 2

Two beautifully crafted daggers suddenly appear from Shae's sash, the pommel of each crafted with the likeness of an ape's face. Dextrously held in one hand, she quickly puts one dagger inbetween her teeth before hurling the other at the Orc attacking her the wolf, careful not to hit the latter.

No sooner is the first dagger thrown than she retrieves the other and it too is sent spinning towards her foe.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:55, Mon 30 June 2003.
player, 15 posts
Mon 30 Jun 2003
at 12:52
  • msg #18

Re: Round 2

Joseph is once again staggered by a blow from the orc.  His head reels in pain and blood loss.  Trying his hardest to gather himself the ranger steps into his foe again, striking as hard as he can with his sword.
GM, 66 posts
Tue 1 Jul 2003
at 03:25
  • msg #19

Re: Round 2

Sir Floradine slashes at gan, knocking him dead to the ground.

Joseph swings, and this time hits the orc in front of him.  (5 hp dmg).

Shae throws a dagger, just missing the orc.

Kallad thrusts with his sword and just misses the orc.

The wolf jumps from behind, clamping onto the back of the orc's neck.

Shae throws another dagger...but also misses.

The orc stabs back with his sword, hitting the wolf in the neck.  (7 hp dmg)

The other orc swings again at Joseph.  This time, Joseph deftly dodges out of the way.

For the second time, you hear the sound of sliding rock grating.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 27 posts
Elven Druid
Tue 1 Jul 2003
at 04:06
  • msg #20

Re: Round 2

Shae looks frustrated by her poor aim with the daggers.  Wielding the Dragon Maw dagger she moves to engage the Orc in melee, and aiding her wolf ally.
Sir Floradine
player, 24 posts
Human Paladin
Tue 1 Jul 2003
at 06:01
  • msg #21

Re: Round 2

"Get the girl!" Floradine yells to Shae.  "The walls will be resetting the trap.  Don't let her get hurt."

Then he tries to take down the orc attacking Joseph.
Shae Shadowglen
player, 28 posts
Elven Druid
Tue 1 Jul 2003
at 10:24
  • msg #22

Re: Round 2

Shae stops dead at Floradine's call, realisation suddenly dawning about the sliding rock sounds.

Turning on her heel she bolts back to Shanjalae and quick gathers her into her arms. Cautiously she moves back into the centre of the room awaiting the trap to reset.
GM, 67 posts
Wed 2 Jul 2003
at 06:36
  • msg #23

Re: Round 3

Shae begins running back to get Shanjalae.

The orc swings at the wolf, striking it in the face.  (9 hp dmg)  The wolf collapses to the ground.

Kallad makes a final sweep at the orc, hitting the creature.  (10 hp dmg)  The orc falls dead on top of the wolf.

The walls begin moving back...

Floradine swings at the orc near Joseph, but he just misses.

Joseph takes a swing, and the orc falls.  (6 hp dmg).  Joseph then dodges into room 2 with Floradine.

Shae grabs Shanjalae and begins running back as the walls close together...she jumps into the room with Kallad just as the wall closes shut behind her.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:26, Thu 03 July 2003.
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