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Character Creation.

Posted by Master DivineFor group 0
Master Divine
GM, 5 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2009
at 17:02
  • msg #1

Character Creation

(Please read the Setting before making a character)

1. Create your God

a. Choose a name for your God.

b. Choose what type of Divine your God is. The choices are:

REBORN GOD: Can die, but cannot physically run out of lives; at each death they instead pay another price.

HIGH GOD: Can travel along the World-Tree, Yggdrasil, almost at will. Begin play with a Gate of Methodes. Does not start with a proper Realm (instead having a temple-castle) and thus no real people. They also gain a unique item at character creation.

RETURNED GOD: Reincarnated Gods from a far-distant past. May be a God from another Theogenesis game. Begins at second Degree in Divine Power instead of the first. Cannot reach higher than fourth Degree in Realm Level.

SANE GOD: Born out of the destruction of the Mad Gods. Great wizards and sorcerers - they begin at the second Degree in Sorcerous Power instead of the first. Cannot reach higher than the fourth Degree in Battle Skill.

VICIOUS GOD: Powerful warrior-gods born out of the Realm Savage. Begins at the second Degree in Battle Skill instead of the first. Cannot ever reach higher than the fourth Degree in Sorcerous Power.

ZEALOUS GOD: Fanatical Gods born out of the need for Yggdrasil to survive. Begins at the second Degree in Realm Level instead of the first. Cannot ever Aramanth.

c. Choose one or two Domains for your God. Domains are the aspect of reality that God governs: examples include War, Plague, Love, Water, Shadows, Delight, etc.

d. Describe how your character looks physically.

e. List some of the more mundane skills your God has obtained, such as fencing.

2. Realm

a. Choose a name for your realm.

b. Describe the physical geography type of your realm. Name any capital cities. Allow the type of geography to be shaped loosely by the type of God you are. Vicious Gods, for example, favour wild and rugged landscapes, while Sane Gods prefer more cultivated places.

c. Name your people.

d. Describe your people. List their accomplishments, physical features, religion, culture, etc.

3. Degrees

a. Each attribute has five ranks, known as Degrees. Each attribute begins at the first Degree. An italicized Degree means it is a Degree higher than fifth and only attainable through special means, typically by being a certain God type. These are:

SOCIAL STANDING: (Grey>Brown>Blue>Red>Silver)

DIVINE POWER: (Neoacadem>Purjopiarre>Hierophantasm>Hallowed Leord>Master>Realized Master

REALM LEVEL: (Lesser>Balanced>Curious>Magnificent>Legendary>Enlightened)

BATTLE SKILL: (Fragile>Slight>Adequate>Stark>Mighty>Ferocious)

SORCEROUS POWER: (Dabbler>Conjurer>Magician>Thaumaturgist>Grand Magus>Ipsissimus)

b. If you are a Returned God, your Divine Power starts at Degree two, or Purjopiarre. If you are a Vicious God, your Battle Skill starts at Degree two, or Slight. If you are a Sane God, your Sorcerous Power starts at Degree two, or Conjurer. These are free advantages.

c. You now have two free Degrees to spend. You may wish to consider sacrificing abilities for more Degrees - see Setting and Rules;Blasting for more information. You may spend your two Degrees on on:

i. Upgrade: Naturally, you may spend one Degree to go up a Degree in an attribute. It will cost one Degree will get you from Fragile to Slight in Combat Skill, for example, or two from Fragile to Slight to Adequate. Each step costs only one Degree: the price for upgrading does not get higher except in Degrees on and past Fifth. Consult the Setting and Rules; Above and Beyond - Degrees over Five for more information.

ii. Psionics: You may spend a Degree on a psionic ability. Consult the Setting for instructions and an explanation. A blunt psionic power costs one Degree while a sharp psionic power costs two.

iii. Conclave Stones: You may spend a Degree on Conclave Stones, the currency of the Conclave, the Realm's governing body of God's and associated beings. These stones are unforgeable, black discs with the seal of the Conclave on their face. They came into use after the first world fell into the Realm Supernatural and God's realized their system of favours and souls wouldn't work so well anymore. For one Degree you will receive a hundred Conclave Stones, but for two you will gain three hundred.

3. Magic

a. What's your Degree in Sorcerous Power? Depending on what it is, you will have access to certain amounts of magical ability and lore.

DABBLER: Deep understanding: One field. Basic understanding: Two fields.

CONJURER: Deep understanding: Two fields. Basic understanding: The other two fields .

MAGICIAN: Deep understanding: One circle. Basic understanding: Four fields, spread about any circle.

THAUMATURGIST: Deep understanding: Two circles. Basic understanding: One circle.

GRAND MAGUS: Deep understanding: Three circles. Basic understanding: One circle.

IPSISSIMUS: Deep understanding: All four circles.

b. Choose your fields/circles and assign them basic/deep understandings, depending on your Degree in Sorcerous Power. They are:


THE CIRCLE OF SPIRITS: Shamanism/Demonology/Necromancy/Stormseering

THE CIRCLE OF FORCES: Life/Death/Order/Chaos

THE CIRCLE OF SUBTLETY: Chance/Illusion/Time/Mind

4. Powers

a. Look at your Degree in Divine Power. Depending on what that is, you will have a different amount of unique powers - supernatural abilities that relate to your Domain - at your disposal. Minor powers are small, useful affects while major powers are the bigger, more draining and spectacular abilities. Forsaken powers are abilities that can obliterate entire armies or perform extremely impressive effects.

NEOACADEM: Minor Powers: Three. Major Powers: One.

PURJOPIARRE: Minor Powers: Four. Major Powers: Three.

HIEROPHANTASM: Minor Powers: Five. Major Powers: Five.

HALLOWED LEORD: Minor Powers: Seven. Major Powers: Six.

MASTER: Minor Powers: Ten. Major Powers: Six. Forsaken Powers: One.

REALIZED MASTER: Minor Powers: Thirteen. Major Powers: Eight. Forsaken Powers: Two.

b. List your powers and describe what they do. This is possibly the area the GM haggles most with during the RTJ/character refining process, since powers are the meat of your God. Make sure you suit them to your Domain, and if you need help, don't hesitate to ask: creating up to ten powers individual powers is tough work. Try and have a few that are offensive and defensive - versatility is vital.

c. Okay, great. Now, look at your Degree in Divine Power again. Depending on what it is, you've unlocked certain Divine abilities hidden within your God's DNA. No need to write this down, but it's always good to know. The abilities:


PURJOPIARRE: Mythcrafting, the ability to create life.

HIEROPHANTASM: Essence and Vengje, the ability to manipulate essence, the pure life-force of your Realm and a God's greatest single weapon.

HALLOWED LEORD: Geotonomancy, the ability to build and manipulate pocket worlds.

MASTER: The ability to undertake True Apotheosis and become something more than what they currently are. Also, a Forsaken Power.

REALIZED MASTER: Nothing (they have enough!)

5. That's it!

a. Well.. sort of. If there's anything else you need or want to add, add it here.

b. Double-check your character sheet and send it off. We'll review it as quickly as possible - typically within 24 hours - and might ask you to make some changes. Once we're happy, we'll give you access to the game and you can begin to play.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:49, Sun 16 May 2010.
Master Divine
GM, 6 posts
Mon 17 Aug 2009
at 18:05
  • msg #2

Re: Character Creation

















DID YOU GAIN A PSIONIC ABILITY?: Name the psionic ability, and whether it's sharp or blunt (Leave blank if not applicable)

DID YOU BUY ANY CONCLAVE STONES?: How many? One hundred, or three hundred?



(List None/Basic/Deep in the fields available)










Anything else?:
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