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11:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy.

Posted by Faction AdminFor group 0
player, 26 posts
Strife Alliance
Mon 24 May 2010
at 04:56
  • msg #18

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Nash is around and close enough for his sensitive ears to overhear the conversation between Rocky and Brian. Unfortunately, he isn't able to see the handshake they give, nor is he really sure that they're doing that, as he's doing his best to not look at them directly.

He's a little miffed that the conversation doesn't reveal anything about the competition, but the fact that Rocky himself is so near makes him shift and wiggle his ears a little anxiously.

To better clarify on his appearance, Nash is wearing a pair of baggy jeans over a comfortable, but tough pair of sandals. Along with being shirtless, he's wearing a dark green bandanna around his forehead. Sadly, with his eyesight being so poor, he can't do without his trademark glasses, lowering his 'tough guy' points just a touch.

When he hears Brian approaching, he does his best to appear aloof and calm, sticking his hands into the pockets of his jeans and not looking at the fox until he's almost upon him. He quietly regards him with a nod.

Don't talk much... stay calm... At least it's not Rocky. Act like you know what you're doing. He thinks to himself reassuringly.
player, 25 posts
Mon 24 May 2010
at 05:28
  • msg #19

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Elena's ears droop a little as Lucky and others around her clarify why stopping the Lockman competition would be a BAD thing. She seems somewhat relieved when Billy doesn't seem worried and compares it to a race.

"Well... you all ARE making a lot of sense. I suppose I don't know enough about Lockman personally to know if they would really support us or not, but it sounds hopeful!" She looks at Lucky, beaming, "And you seem especially familiar with all of this, so it's going to be extremely helpful to have you there! Do you think it would be all right if you tried to present the idea to the Lockmans? Or maybe see if they'd be willing to talk to me about it?"

The Blissian's ears perk as she listens to the news lightly. She's curious about the new element, and excited as well, but it's something secondary to her mission at the moment.

Miya has been mostly staying quiet, keeping watch over Elena as she converses and making sure nothing gets started. Of course, she's hardly worried about that at all, what with so many Blissians around. She does notice that Billy doesn't have a Deksharr bodyguard, or at least that one isn't present for him. So far, she's been able to connect the various bodyguards in the room to their Blissians, but there was no such luck with Billy.

She listens to the Deksharr news as it's available, raising her brows a little at the prospect of such a large bounty. She makes a mental note to keep an eye out and stay alert while they're moving around. If the opportunity presents itself where she can capture the bounty while still performing her duties, she'll certainly take it.

Of course, her primary assignment of guarding Elena will always come first. She has no question in her mind about that.
player, 25 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2010
at 22:19
  • msg #20

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Drizzeleaf hops into the cockpit of her revised ship and hovers it alongside Nono. She talks into a microphone and megaphone speakers amplify her voice such that she's as loud as an average sized person. "This should make it easier for you to hear me. But hey... don't you worry about the jet-black. I have a hologram projector for new paint jobs. Saves on money in a big way and fits for my constantly changing mood. The matte black is perfect, though! Imagine I'm sneaking around... nothing reflects off my dark ship in the shadows as I go un-noticed!" she squeaks over the speakers. "Heee.. well anyhow, I am excited to OH look! The restaurant!"

Driz sends her ship on in the restaurant. The people there don't seem to object. They have a standard "no speeding" rule posted in the form of Fae speed measurements (8 inches per second) and stop signs written in Fae, but that's about it. Interesting note, thanks to this being a common thing, MOST people know the Fae word for "stop". Very handy in more cases than just traffic rules in a restaurant.

Driz spots T'shock and Joe, parks her ship proudly at their table and gets out with her chest puffed out and fists on hips.
player, 42 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2010
at 22:20
  • msg #21

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

T'shock nods to Joe in response to his question on Deksharr antics. "It's a good way to have the whole universe suddenly turn into your personal investigator AND capturer. Still, for 10k, you could have hired a pro detective and then a merc if you were too lazy to capture them yourself. Problem with that is it takes time. And if I recall correctly, the Deksharr hate wasting time. Especially when it's personal like this guy's making it out to be. Every method has a pro and con. The con here is wasting money and the criminal might even simply be after earning rep via bounty. The pro, of course, is having the whole greedy universe after the guy and catching him quick."

She then turns her attention to the Fae ship and raises an eyebrow. "OK that is cool lookin'." She then says, "Good morning you two." as she nods from Drizzeleaf to Nono, slightly embarrassed she forgot the name of the Fae.
player, 12 posts
Wed 2 Jun 2010
at 22:21
  • msg #22

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Billy can't hear Lucky's thoughts, but he is very empathic and saw the admiration Lucky had for him get interrupted by the words of the Blissian news. He smiles directly at Lucky, knowing the guy is probably concerned for the Blissians. Isn't that cute? Billy thinks to himself, then smiles brightly at Lucky. "Why thank you, kind sir. My name is Billy." he can speak like a native of Tharia when he wants to, but he's going "normal Blissian" grammatical correctness for now as he likes keeping most guessing. It's almost a game for him.

Billy glances over to Elena and then looks back at Lucky. "I like her idea. You seem like a great intermediary. But I couldn't help notice you being distracted by the Blissian news... something wrong?"
Faction Admin
GM, 99 posts
Head of the game
Wed 2 Jun 2010
at 22:22
  • msg #23

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Brian finishes walking to Nash and says, "Welcome. You're not part of the staff, so you must be an early bat. My name's Brian. What's yours?" he offers, wondering what the percentage is in the bat population of those who want eye surgery to those who don't. It crosses his mind to swipe the bat's glasses, but he smacks the bully tendencies down.


The rep answers, "I am Gerard Kimble. I'm here representing the interests of the Lockmans in your casino, but as such am trusted to make the necessary decisions as if I was Tchatzka Lockman herself." Tchatzka being Nick's sister and head of his financial division, Mr Kimble didn't feel the need to explain that to a business-minded gal like Jacqueline. "The terms I bring to the table are very simple. We have three options that we give to all our potential partners. They are listed on this paper in a generic form, but we would obviously discuss the details of the ones you are interested in." he lays a paper in front of Jacqueline. The paper shows very short, straight-to-the-point sentences listed like so;

Lockman business partner options:

1) Information Trade: In exchange for copies of all your financial records, Lockman will provide you with financial information on those that will effect your business both directly and indirectly.

2) Percentage Deal: For a percentage of all your income, Lockman will provide you with insurance and protection from both financial and physical attacks.

3) Favor Plan: Lockman will get rid of bullies that the Percentage Deal doesn't cover in exchange for certain favors.

He waits for Jacq to read before saying, "Obviously, option 3 is less likely to be worked out to your satisfaction than options 1 and 2, but I would still like to encourage you to speak your mind if you do have something you wish to take care of in any case. Also, those 3 options are not everything. They are just the three I come most prepared to work out with you. If you have something else you desire, I am prepared to work that out with you as well."
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:22, Wed 02 June 2010.
Joe Darkthorne
player, 70 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 04:39
  • msg #24

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

  Joe is totally going to respec his character if Drizzleaf's ship was tougher than his own.

  "I'm more concerned with their sending such offers after someone, when they openly admitted they have no evidence...  That's probably why then along the lines you said, a ton of people out for some cash after them who wouldn't question the situation as much as a single hired professional."  Of course, nothing says they couldn't have hired a professional who didn't care if the target was innocent or not.

  The Voice On Head lands their ship, and Joe waves hi to the little lady.  "Hi, nice ride."  They joys of automatic doors are a wonderful plus to driving inside...  Without crashing through scenery.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:57, Thu 03 June 2010.
player, 43 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 04:58
  • msg #25

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

That or having a moogle around who's more than willing to hold a door open for a lady...

"Good morning to you too, M'Lady!" Nono chimes, "I'm so very hap-hap-happy you and Joe approve of the upgrade to Driz's ship, I could just blow a gasket!  I heard talk of a hired professional!  It doesn't get much more professional than yours truely.  So what can I tinker for ya?"

He takes out a wrench and deftly spins it around betwixt his fingers.  His eyes go wide as the idea of having a fae's tiny tinkering fingers in his employ dawns on him!

"Say Drizzeleaf!  I just realized what a wonderful mechanic you'd make!  Ever consider the tinkering business?  A fantastic fae belle'd be perfect for the profession!  Would make for a clever jingle too.  Tinker Belle: aspiring apprentice to the Notorious Nono!  Oh-ho-ho!"
player, 32 posts
Black Cat
Thu 3 Jun 2010
at 05:43
  • msg #26

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Lucky admires Elena's beaming face with an endearing smile.

"Who could resist such a sunshine smile?" he answers, drinking in the very pleasant sight, "If it takes any more than saying 'If you agree to sponsoring a hospital she'll hug you!' to convince them, I'll question their sanity.  I'd be honored to get a foot in the door for you, Elena.  The Lockmans are an adventurous bunch I hear, but even if you didn't throw that radiant smile into the deal, I'm sure they'd see the sense in having people handy equipped to patch up this new colony's population."

One of the few things that could peel Lucky's off Elena's face at this point is Billy's angelic voice, and peel it does.  He smiles and bows to the suave Blissian, very much tickled by his and Elena's confidence in him.

"A pleasure, Billy.  My name's Lucky.  Your voice and her smile are about all my brain can handle right now.  News?  Oh!  You mean about the mineral?  Oh...  I was just..."

He taps the corner of his mouth.  How does one put it into words?  I think that guy's putting your race at risk?  I was wondering how I could profit off of his naivete?  Or perhaps warn your government that they should never export the stuff?  Basically admit that I think that I'm smarter than a Blissian scholar, his colleagues, and the news editors who allowed the story to get out.

Lucky rubs behind his head and grins bashfully, "I guess my kitty curiosity was kicking in.  Lots of questions I'd ask about it if I could, but I need to stay focused on where I am."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:44, Thu 03 June 2010.
player, 50 posts
Genetic franken-person
Born yesterday.
Mon 7 Jun 2010
at 20:01
  • msg #27

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

C.H.A.D. makes short work of breakfast, and takes note of the time. "45 minutes until I report.." he says to himself.  In the extra time he goes to the bathroom sink to inspect himself before heading out.  He looks over his face, noticing a darker patch of skin on his chin and neck.  He splashes a few handfuls of water on his face and starts to rub at the dirty spot realising this skin feels rougher than the rest of his skin.  Curiously he take a closer look at the mirror peering at the stubble starting to grow on his face.  It looks like he's missed the finer points of male grooming.

C.H.A.D. snaps out of it in time to make his report in the cargo bay.  Dutifully he arrives dead center of the cargo bay 10 minutes early.  He stands in that one spot, dead center, unmoving... Even as the weasel on the forklift sonds his horn a few times before giving up and just driving around him.
player, 44 posts
Wed 16 Jun 2010
at 04:15
  • msg #28

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Jacqueline's eyes widen briefly in surprise when Gerard slides the paper forward, taking it up and looking it over closely. She nods at his comments about working out options, and her eyes narrow as she gets a bearing on the wording of each option.

Slowly, she lays the paper down, "You say 'options', so I'm guessing that we can only choose one plan such as these for our partnership?  Or are you offering all of these in addition to anything else that we work out today, so long as the requirements are met? If that's the case, then I'm especially interested in what you mean in option three, regarding favors." She folds her hands and regards Gerard with a leveled gaze, "That's a purposefully vague term... Can you give me a better example of what you mean?"

As the hour draws closer, two other opossums arrive, both dressed in black uniforms. They seem a bit young, at least younger than Sabre, but they don't look the least bit inexperienced. Seeing CHAD, they take a step back in surprise and look him over before assuming a similar professional position.  Not long after they arrive, the Security Chief, Marcus, walks out into the cargo bay.  He's very short, but his uniform is clean and pressed and is snug enough to give a hint of his impressive musculature.

He looks at CHAD and smiles, "You're the new member of the team that went AWOL on his first day on this ship, aren't ya?  I dunno who's orders you were following in doing that, but, while you are here, you'll report to me first and foremost.  You can address me as 'Chief' or 'Sir'." His face turns stern as he speaks, nodding to the two opossums next to CHAD, "Xavier, Russell, you two will be taking CHAD with you on your patrols today after I'm done with him here. For now, I want you both to guard Miss Diamant's conference. Sabre and Bruno will relieve you shortly... so long as things don't get complicated."

The two opossums smile lightly at CHAD and introduce themselves briefly before nodding at Marcus and going to their temporary posts.

Left alone with CHAD, the Chief walks up to him, hands behind his back and looks him over, "Well, we're gonna need to get you a proper uniform so that you can fit in with the rest of us, Chad. Lucky for you, we've already got someone on the job." He smirks a little at that as he walks over to a collection of crates and unzips a duffel bag sitting atop one of them.
He pulls out a folded black mass of clothing. It's a uniform very similar to the ones the other two opossums were wearing, consisting of a button down, long-sleeved shirt, a pair of black slacks with an orange stripe up the outsides of the legs, and also a large pair of shoes.

"You'll have to provide the socks yourself, and any other underwear that you'll need, of course. We were able to get your measurements for the shirt and pants yesterday, but we had to guess on the shoes. Let me know what doesn't fit and we'll see what we can do. For now, though, take these and put 'em on. I don't care if you use a bathroom or if you go all the way back to your quarters to get dressed, but I want you back here ASAP, understood?"
player, 27 posts
Strife Alliance
Fri 18 Jun 2010
at 05:35
  • msg #29

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Nash takes a breath at Brian's greeting and introduction, calming himself. Calm down... talk less... a name... a name... Use a familiar one. I can do this... He's probably sizing me up right now.

"Yo... name's Nate." He pushes up his glasses steadily with one hand while the other calmly rests on his pocket, "Nice... uhh...  setup you have so far... Though I still haven't heard exactly what's... gonna go down here." He pauses occasionally in his speech, trying to keep his tone level and appearing to be a slow speaker, though the flow is not entirely unnatural.
player, 26 posts
Fri 18 Jun 2010
at 05:48
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Elena giggles at Lucky's numerous compliments about her smile, making her smile even more and blush politely. At Lucky's agreement to help her out, she does indeed give him a light hug of thanks.

At Billy's talking, Elena looks at him too. Though she doesn't have the same level of distraction from Billy being a Blissian, she still seems very drawn to his calm voice, leaning forward with interest as he and Lucky talk. She doesn't really offer her own comments on the mineral, seeming to want to, instead, let the two talk it out.
player, 26 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2010
at 13:15
  • msg #31

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

If Joe is jealous of a ship as tough as a bowling ball, he's got more to worry about than a character respec. Like standards. But then, he's known this for some time. Jealous that the ship looks like Batman's tank-car-batmobile, admin would understand. XD

Drizzeleaf says, "Thanks, Joe and T'shock!" with a little squeak to her thanks. Standard fairy accenting. She then looks at Nono. "Oh dear me, that offer is overly zealous, but the sentiment is sooo approvingly appreciated! I'm no mechanic, really. Now master magician on the other hand, that is my profession!" she looks at Joe and asks, "What is your profession?"

Yes, the 300 reference was on purpose.
player, 43 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2010
at 13:16
  • msg #32

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

T'shock is temporarily cheered up by Nono and Driz, but loses her smile when Nono offers his services in response to mention of a pro. "Wrong kind of professional, Nono. A ship was sabotaged and people died. So unless you can fix people back to life or fix broken hearts, I'm afraid this is outside of your expertise." she looks at Joe. "The guy mentioned that every person brought to him would be investigated and if it is a false accusation the person who brought them in would be punished. That tends to discourage foul play. Especially when the punishment for killing someone is death. If the police offer a bounty and you kill someone at random and bring him in, what do you think would happen? I haven't been a bounty hunter for very long, but I can tell you it works for a reason and thus, is still around for a reason. Namely, in this business, if you are stupid, you die. If not, you learn to play by the rules or die. I'd think someone like yourself would know this..."

Joe *seemed* like a capable knows-the-rules-of-the-street kind of guy. Yes, she knows there will be people stupid enough to try and fool the man who put out the bounty, but she also knows they won't get away with it. And if they kill an innocent doing so, they would have killed an innocent sooner or later. Better they kill an innocent sooner and get caught and killed than they kill an innocent later and not get caught. Though she decides against saying something quite THAT calloused in public. It wouldn't be taken right, or at least, wouldn't be taken well.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:24, Sat 26 June 2010.
player, 13 posts
Sat 26 Jun 2010
at 13:17
  • msg #33

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Billy pets his wedding ring discretely with his other hand. "Thanks again for the compliment to my voice. But please don't give the doctor false hopes, Lucky." he says with a sad smile to the black cat. "Most people don't just give up money or grants for a hug, regardless of who that hug comes from. Sad, but true. If you were exaggerating, please pardon my objection.." he says apologetically. "While I can't speak for this fine lady, most Blissians would take what you said as pure fact since they are aliens and even if our culture wasn't different from yours, they will likely hang on your every word for what works and doesn't work in your culture. Again, I do not mean to sound critical or cynical, so please don't take offense. Just making sure you understand the weight of your words. Still, since I will be there, I'll be happy to help translate any misunderstandings between our cultures."

He can't help it anymore and decides to boast of his love. He holds up the ring finger. "I know your culture almost as well as my own, for I have been married to a Gynomb for 25 years." he has a proud smile.

(Quick reminder: Gynomb is Lucky's race. Black cats.)
Faction Admin
GM, 100 posts
Head of the game
Sat 26 Jun 2010
at 13:18
  • msg #34

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Brian says, "Nobody has, really. Rocky's holding a contest and each time he does something like that, he keeps it new and interesting. Part of the fun is that the people don't know what he'll hit them with next. This is the first time he's held such a contest on this new settlement, though. So if you want any clue? He might theme the contest based off the settlement itself. So maybe he'll have reps from all the people groups. Or maybe he'll have members of each race compete. To be honest with you, as his best friend, *I* don't know what to expect yet. But that's partly 'cause I don't wanna. It's like knowing what your Christmas gift is before you open it. So... why are you here so early?"

Amy is still quiet, not giving Nash advice one way or another.


Gerard Kimble responds with a nod as Jaqueline makes her assumptions, but he adds, "You can take all of the above, but for now, let's keep things simple for both our sakes. Yes, option 3 is kept vague purposefully, as you put it. Regarding favors, an excellent example would be, in fact, Rocky's recent competition. I'm sure an informed lady such as yourself at least heard a rumor about it by now. But suppose he had asked to have his little competition at your casino instead of where he's having it right now. That would be a favor right there: Provide the Casino as a place for him to do his thing at no cost, no questions asked. Another example would be this: Suppose someone you are doing business with has done something to upset the Lockmans. Suppose the Lockmans were so upset, they decided to ask you to simply stop doing business with the offender. You would do so, even if you didn't know the reason. Though in most cases, we would tell you why. Or maybe all we ask is that you keep a flyer of some other Lockman business. The bigger the favor we ask, or the bigger the number of smaller favors we ask, the more service you earn. It is vague for a reason... there is no set, known favors, despite the psychics in our employ. But my examples are very possible, real examples."
Joe Darkthorne
player, 71 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2010
at 04:55
  • msg #35

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

  Joe's standards are as all over the place as his players.  And make just as little sense some days.  Joe will stick with the X-Com design rip-off though thank you very much.

  "All good points that would fall under the 'should be obvious' category if it wasn't for all the people who miss those points T'shock.  I think being used to an actual specified target involved with this sort of thing may be what's thrown me off."

 He looks over to the fairy, not having to look down at them thanks to the wonders of table height and her, you know, being able to fly.  "Freelancer.  Which is fancy talk for 'what seems convenient at the moment'.  I've got the legalities of bounty hunting covered, but it's pretty much been for if I happen to run into someone trying to kill me that also has a bounty on them than actively chasing bounties."
player, 44 posts
Sun 27 Jun 2010
at 20:08
  • msg #36

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Nono grins at how very Kuporific Drizzeleaf sounds, and at her boast of being a magician.

"Master Mage you say?" he asks, "Experience enchanting?  Or just a hack at hexes focusing foremost on fireballs?"

He nods gravely as he listens to T'Shock.

"Sabotaged ship I can fix," he says, "If you'll take me to them I'll give them the same steal I offered you."

Then to Joe with some surprise: "Freelancer!  A difficult path to be sure, but one that leads to the legendary Onion Knight!  Good for you, Kupo!"
player, 33 posts
Black Cat
Sun 27 Jun 2010
at 22:28
  • msg #37

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Lucky wasn't expecting a hug, but he instinctively offers a friendly squeeze in reply.  He gives Elena a light blushy smile then looks back to Billy.

"I meant every word of it," he says in all honesty, "No exaggeration.  I don't believe our hopes are false.  I will clarify that I don't expect they'd make the wise choice for the hug alone, rather that it would be more than enough to seal the deal."

Lucky then points at the wedding band.

"Congratulations to both of you for your long love.  Hope I find someone special like that!  Thanks for offering to act as cultural interpreter.  I'm sure it'll come in quite handy."

(A sharp guy like Billy might pick up that Lucky's showed a very brief twinge of sadness when the topic of marriage came up.)

About then Walter enters the dining area and begins approaching Lucky who gives a cheery wave.  Walter looks like he's not a morning person and gives a half-wave and a yawn.
player, 51 posts
Genetic franken-person
Born yesterday.
Wed 30 Jun 2010
at 22:40
  • msg #38

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

As the two opossums introduce themselves to him, he nods, "Aknowledged.  You are my team, now." he declares.

C.H.A.D. nod firmly, "Understood, sir!" he declares, and immediately goes about dressing himself sans underwear, as he really hasn't been taken shopping yet.  Dressed, he stands at attention at the very spot where he was given the order.  The kilt folded on the floor behind him.  "Ready for duty, sir!" he declares loud and clear.
player, 46 posts
Fri 2 Jul 2010
at 21:08
  • msg #39

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Jacqueline raises a brow and nods slowly in recognition to Mr. Kimble as he mentions the Lockman competition going on.  Her hands fold calmly in front of her as she listens to his examples, relaxing a little as they don't sound illegal. However, her brow creases in thought as she considers that such things could cut into their profits more than a standard partnership already would. Despite these thoughts, she lets him finish.

After Kimble has given his examples, she nods again, "I see... basically a clause of scratching each other's backs.  Of course, I would hope that we have the freedom to refuse doing favors for you if they prove too costly for us." She looks him over carefully as she says that, "As for the rest of the 'plans' given, I think they sound fairly reasonable, especially when we consider just how far the Lockman name reaches. However... they almost seem purely defensive.  You mention protecting us from bullies, protecting us from financial and physical attacks, and giving us information on those that will effect our business.  Considering the large name of Lockman, I think we would stand to gain a lot of income if you helped to promote us. Advertising, suggesting us to clients or other partners, etcetera.  I believe that would also be in your interest.  For example, take the competition that's planned to go on today. You gave the example of having it run in our casino as a favor to you. I would think that something like that would also drive up business for us, meaning that it would be lucrative on both ends."

She arcs a brow to Kimble, "Do you see my meaning?"

Marcus takes a step back when CHAD gets undressed and redressed right there in front of him. He clearly wasn't expecting that.  At CHAD's stoic demeanor, however, he shrugs and folds his arms behind his back.

"Looks like you and I are gonna have a mess of work to do... But at least you've got some military basics in you, from what I can see. That'll make things faster." He nods firmly, "All right, Chad. Let's get the basics out of ya! You can stand right, and I'm betting you can march just fine. Do you have any weapons or combat training?  If so, then what in?"
player, 28 posts
Strife Alliance
Fri 2 Jul 2010
at 21:37
  • msg #40

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Nash's ears twitch carefully as Brian talks, clearly looking for any kind of hint or insight on what's going to be going on. He appears somewhat deflated when Brian admits that even he doesn't know what Rocky is planning.

When the fox asks him about his timing, Nash fidgets idly with the fingers on his pockets, "... I like to get to places early. Beat the crowds and... uhm... see who comes.  I'm sure you can understand wanting to... keep a leg up on possible competition.

He pushes his glasses up again, despite them not entirely needing it. Mentally, he keeps telling himself to remain calm and is repeating what he's heard and said so far, not wanting to forget something and slip up.
player, 27 posts
Fri 2 Jul 2010
at 21:51
  • msg #41

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Elena tilts her head at Billy's tone to Lucky, not entirely sure what he's implying by making cautionary mention of others hanging on his words. With Lucky's response, though, she smiles again, impressed by his confidence, "If they'll take a hug in exchange for helping for helping us, I'll gladly give as many as it'll take."  She giggles a little bit as she says that. She at least seems to understand that it's probably going to take more than that to get any kind of deal. Even so, her confidence in Lucky isn't the least bit faltering.

At the talk of Billy's marriage, Elena beams, "Oh! You have a lifemate! That's great to hear! I'm sure you two are really happy." She tilts her head with sudden curiosity, "Is she here with you?"

Miya sees Walter come in, but doesn't offer any kind of greeting to him. However, as he comes up to Lucky, she moves herself a bit closer to the table to better keep everyone in view.
player, 27 posts
Sat 3 Jul 2010
at 13:07
  • msg #42

Re: Chapter 01: The Lockman Ploy

Drizzeleaf actually has read a little about Moogles since yesterday. She is in love with how Nono talks and knowing it's a culture thing makes it more amusing to her. She says, "Hexes are horrible, more hindering than helpful. I'd use 'em if I could, but I can't. Oh well! The ability to dizzle and dazzle whoever I please makes my magic more than merry for me."
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