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Prologue: The Jedi.

Posted by GMFor group archive E
GM, 30 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 16:31
  • msg #1

Prologue: The Jedi

You've answered the summons of your Master, and arrived at the designated meeting place in the Jedi Temple on Tython.  Things have calmed down a fair bit in the passing months since the Flesh Raider threat has been resolved, and the peace of the temple has never felt more present.

The meeting room is of typical Jedi construction: practical, pragmatic, and gray.  The table in the center of the room is lined with a number of chairs looked over by a pair of statues, hooded figures in meditative pose.  A few plants native to Tython grow in pots, and their green color provides a welcome contrast to the rest of the chamber.

As you enter, you are greeted by not just your master, but two other robed figures, and not only that but a fellow Jedi entering alongside you.

[Private to Duran: A red-and-white robed woman with a strip of cloth over her eyes easily identified as a Miralukan steps into the room at nearly the same time as you.  You recognize your Master as one of the three seated at the table, but there is a Zabrak man and a human-looking Arkanian there as well.]
[Private to Shanda Rell: A young human male with blonde hair and a padawan braid steps into the room at nearly the same time as you.  You recognize your Arkanian master seated at the table, but not the Zabrak or the Twi'lek men with him.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:39, Thu 24 May 2012.
Mul Orth
NPC, 1 post
Jedi Master
Thu 24 May 2012
at 18:41
  • msg #2

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

The Zabrak speaks up first.  "Greetings, please come in and sit down."  He is soft-spoken, and his voice is emotionless as he extends his arm to indicate the chairs at the table.
Shanda Rell
player, 1 post
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:04
  • msg #3

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Shanda moved forward with an easy gait. Each step calm and centered as she moved towards the the indicated seating area, stopping for a moment before her Master and dipping into a light bow of respect. Her voice, soft and quiet, piped up beneath the hood she wore, "Master Greka." before making her way towards one of the offered chairs. The force sight her race had been granted reached out to study these unknown figures and while questions burned in her mind she remained silent waiting for the newcomers to be introduced.
player, 1 post
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:10
  • msg #4

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Duran whirled into the room, an impatient breeze in a tranquil home, his steps light and quick but a little too hasty for many of the Masters. Indeed even his own master had reprimanded him many times to slow down and flow with the force.

He could control the force, he could fight with the force, he even used the force as his main means of finding his for but he couldn't take it slow. Yet the sight of three masters assembled slowed even his step as he offered his master a bow. No words were needed at this stage, he simply allowed the force to flow out of him sensing the other Jedi in the room and letting them sense him.

He moved to the chair closest to his master, the lightsaber and other equipment strapped under his robe clinking slightly as he sat. Bringing his hands onto the table he steepled them before him, focusing his attention on the Zabrak, clearly the one in charge as both their masters were responsible for them, he was the only one without a charge and therefore the meeting was his to conduct.
GM, 34 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:23
  • msg #5

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

The Arkanian, Master Greka, returns the Miralukan's bow curtly, as does the Twi'lek to Duran.
Mul Orth
NPC, 2 posts
Jedi Master
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:32
  • msg #6

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

The Zabrak watches as the two newcomers take their seats.  He introduces himself calmly when the both of you are situated.  "I am Mul Orth, Chief Archivist of the Library here on Tython.  I greet you warmly.  In my meditations recently, I have felt a disturbance in the Force.  I believe I have a task available, suited for Jedi of your lev- your caliber."

He focuses his attention on Shanda first.  "Shanda Rell, this mission will be a good opportunity for you to experience the galaxy, to sharpen your mind and body and witness the trials of its people.

"And you, Duran," he says, turning to the young human, "this will be your Knight's trial.  It will test both your skill with the Force, your compassion, and your patience."

He blinks slowly before continuing, his voice never leaving that emotionless quiet, "Pursuant of this, you will be joining a Republic Special Operations squad."
Shanda Rell
player, 3 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:43
  • msg #7

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Shanda listened quietly as the reaosn for the summoning was laid out. When Mul addressed her, she inclined her head softly and remained silent listening as  her apparent companion was addressed. It would be hard oressed to say how others would view the padawans entrance, to her own force sight he may as well have come in screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs. Grimacing lightly Shanda refocused, seeking out the inner calm developed in the depths of serving within the Archives and surely it was needed when Mul announced the intent.

Her face lifted, her lips moving yet no sound came forth til she finally managed a quiet, half-whispered response, "A Special Operations Squad Master?"
player, 3 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #8

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Duran nodded, a thousand questions bubbling up immediately but his master had taught him well, and although the others could feel the anxiety to ask the questions rise up they also felt him quash the curiosity as he said,"I am ready, Masters, to do the bidding of the Council and prove my worth."

This was his chance, this was the chance he needed to show he was worth more than this braid, that he could be a Jedi Knight and one day a master himself. He was strong in the force, he could be patient and he could be compassionate. This was his destiny to be a master Jedi, he had known it since his arrival and he would show them his worth.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:46, Thu 24 May 2012.
Mul Orth
NPC, 3 posts
Jedi Master
Thu 24 May 2012
at 19:50
  • msg #9

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

"Yes.  You will be flown to Coruscant soon to meet with your new companions on this joint effort.  I will be meeting you there.  Now is not the time, however, to reveal more about this endeavor.  We will be leaving tonight for the Republic capital, so please be ready."  With that, the senior master stands and departs, leaving you in the room with your own masters.
Shanda Rell
player, 8 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 20:30
  • msg #10

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Shanda nodded softly at Master Mul's words. Before rising herself she took a  moment to center herself, to quiet the anxiety of this announcement that would thrust her outside her usual experiences of minding the holocrons and datachips. Breathing out slowly, her face lifted to regard the remaining Masters and her companion for this little journey. Smiling softly to the young man her head inclined again, "Well we had best get ready. I'll have to make sure my shifts in the Archives are watched..."

Thinking softly to herself she glanced to her own Master and rose, "Master Greka, while Master Mul Orth has not given us specifics on this mission is there any word on the general guidelines of this Special Operations Squad? Surely it is not a combat squadron if they require the services of a counsellor..."
GM, 37 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 20:38
  • msg #11

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Both Greka and Master Obbedia, the Twi'lek, seem a little uncomfortable.  Greka speaks up, "We had been told he would have more information for us in this meeting.  That said, a Jedi has no 'comfort zone.'  If we are called upon to defend the weak, then we must, and make no hesitation to do so."  He sighs, bowing his head a little.  "This is suspicious.  Allow me to speak with Master Orth, but please see to your duties and be ready to leave.  I am sure everything is all right."  He gets up from his chair and departs.

Obbedia speaks up as well, drawing one of his lekku back as he leans forward over the table, folding his hands.  "Most unusual indeed.  Duran, you as well.  Be ready to leave, and meditate on the Force."
Shanda Rell
player, 9 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 21:00
  • msg #12

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Shanda bowed lightly as Greka departed glancing once more to Duran and his Master before turning towards the door herself. It would not take her long to pack what few belongings she possessed then would only be to busy herself til the departure hour. Centering herself she would return briskly to her quarters to gather her things and get in contact with the overseer of her duty roster to get her shifts covered.

In the quiet of her sparse room she would meditate, feeling out the force surrounding this change of events. Mulling over her Masters words she thought of her own comfort zone, perhaps it was time for a change in her life but at the same time... Her head turned to regard the lightsabre laying on the cot beside her, gingerly lifting the device in her fingers. It wasn't her true sabre yet, in due course she'd build her own and from her studies she knew it would take a great amount of credits and time to get everything that the Force told her would be her lightsabre.

Cradling the weapon in her hand she flicked the activator bathing the room in the bright green blow of its blade, using the soft hum of the mechanical workings re-direct her thoughts into palm and peace. If needed to she could use this weapon, but she'd prefer it remain its current use. A meditation focus.
player, 4 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 06:41
  • msg #13

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Duran felt a little confused, normally he was the one to rush out and leave things half done but this felt...wrong. Something had upset the masters, he could feel it, it was a little too strange for the normally placid masters to react like this.

He smiled at the Shanda, wondering if she could sense his smile other than through his own emotions,"Yes, I think we are going somewhere a little more difficult than what we've faced before."

Her comment about the squadron requiring a counsellor made him smile, Jedi were not only counsellor's they were warriors too. She would need to learn that, he'd help her learn, he was a warrior first and a counsellor second.

Her master only confirmed his suspicion's, something was wrong, very wrong. He nodded to his masters, meditation was what he needed. To see if he could sense if something about what was worrying the Masters.

He headed to his own chambers, unadorned except for a small tree his master had given him. A tree he tended to learn patience, foresight and connect with plants. He had killed the first two, but this one was six years old now. Smiling he sat, positioning himself in the Lotus position before turning his mind to the force. Meditation had taken a long time to master but he had it down now.
GM, 41 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 13:42
  • msg #14

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Later that afternoon, you are both sought out by your Masters.

[Private to Duran: Obbedia regards you, a slight impression of annoyance on his face.  Not with you, but something without.  "You will be leaving tonight, my student.  Are you ready?"]
[Private to Shanda Rell: The Arkanian regards you with that slight bit of contempt that he seems to have for everything.  He sighs slightly, and says, "You will be leaving tonight, my student.  I hope you are ready."]

[[Please respond in a private line to me.]]
player, 5 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 14:24
  • msg #15

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

PM[Private to GM: Duran unfolded, regarding his master careful for a moment he nodded,"I am ready, master, but I think there is more to this than what you are telling us. I can tell you are upset...what is the problem? Something is wrong, rather than leave us wondering and trying to work it out, don't you think you should share? Then we can perhaps find a solution?"]
GM, 42 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 14:32
  • msg #16

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

PM[Private to Duran: "Believe me, I am concerned.  Things will be a little...unorthodox, for your trial.  But Master Orth is a powerful seer, and we believe he needs his own suspicions confirmed.  It will be a good test of your abilities.  Please meet him at the spaceport soon, as they will be waiting for you.  Rest assured, you will find out more once you arrive at Coruscant."]
player, 6 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 14:41
  • msg #17

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

PM[Private to GM: "Suspicions? What suspicion's about me or about our mission?" he looked down, realising he had perhaps come across a little too aggressive,"Sorry, Master, I shall wait till the spaceport to find out. Do you know how long we will be in transit? I would like to get to know my fellow Jedi, do you know anything about her?"]
GM, 43 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 14:47
  • msg #18

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

PM[Private to Duran: Your master raises a hand like a conductor quieting an orchestra, "No, not about you.  About...about whatever disturbance he felt.  Remember the code, padawan.  'There is no emotion, there is peace.'  The journey from Tython to Coruscant is fairly short, I would guess a few hours.  I do not know much about Shanda Rell, no, but her Arkanian master is very strict and rigorous in his training regimen.  I expect the Miralukan could recite the code backwards while engaging a rancor.  Now, please, to the docking bay.  May the Force be with you."]
player, 7 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 14:57
  • msg #19

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

PM[Private to GM: Duran nodded there was only peace but he needed to get some answers, picking up his backpack he headed off to the spaceport. His mind still trying to find some clue to help him understand what was wrong but he knew he just didn't posses enough information to actually work out what was going on. At least not yet.]
Shanda Rell
player, 10 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 15:29
  • msg #20

Re: Prologue: The Jedi


[Private to GM: Shanda looked up from her meditations, what few belongings she possessed laid beside her on the simple cot ready to be taken. Smiling softly up to her Masters scowling visage her head inclined softly, "I am Master. It shall be a challenge I am sure but I trust in the Force, it shall not lead me astray and I shall find my place within this group." ]
GM, 47 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 15:39
  • msg #21

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

PM[Private to Shanda Rell: His only response is "Indeed.  Remember the code, student.  Peace.  Knowledge.  Serenity.  The Force."  He bows his head and closes his eyes as he recites the prime tenets, and breathes deeply once.  "Please, go to the docking bay now.  Master Orth will be waiting."]
Shanda Rell
player, 11 posts
Sat 26 May 2012
at 01:54
  • msg #22

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

[Private to GM: "There is no emotion, there is Peace. There is no ignorance, there is Knowledge. There is no passion, there is Serenity. There is no chaos, there is Harmony. The is no death, there is the Force." Shanda whispered quietly, repeating a more full variation of the code then her Master had and taking solace in its wise words. Rising from her cot she placed her lightsabre upon her hip and picked up her cloak, nodding simply to Master Grekas words, "I am ready, may the Force be with you Master."

Given leave, Shanda would slip from her simple room, beyond her personal effects one could hardly guess a being had lived there, so empty of personal expression was it. With each step she took away from her old life she moved towards her new fate with confidence, whatever the Republic had need of with one of her ability she would assist as directed by the Order.
GM, 53 posts
Sat 26 May 2012
at 02:43
  • msg #23

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Making your way through the ornately decorated temple, past innumerable hooded figures in brown robes, you find yourself at the shuttle bay.  It's a large area, fit for taking on two or three of the shuttlecraft at a time.  Standing near the loading platform of one is a jumpsuit-wearing pilot leaning against it with his arms crossed, an obviously impatient stance.  Master Mul Orth stands nearby as well, and notes as both of you enter to the bay.
Mul Orth
NPC, 4 posts
Jedi Master
Sat 26 May 2012
at 02:45
  • msg #24

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

"Hello, Shanda, Duran.  Let us depart."  A man of few words, apparently, he boards the shuttle which will take you to the orbital station above Tython, and from there onto a ship that will go to Coruscant.
player, 9 posts
Sat 26 May 2012
at 06:00
  • msg #25

Re: Prologue: The Jedi

Duran nods back to the master, clearly excited to be going on his test, his mind is full of the excitement he is expecting, he had been offworld before but every time he got into a shuttle he struggled to contain his excitement. He tried to focus on the code to keep himself calm:

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no death, there is the Force

Breathing out, his hand dropped to the hilt of his lightsaber for a moment before following Master Mul Orth onto the ship. Flicking his eyes towards Shanda he said,"Here we go..."
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