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Burova, the Capital in Darkness.

Posted by DM VisceriFor group 0
player, 226 posts
Tue 8 Jan 2013
at 01:52
  • msg #60

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Initiative = 12.  Gaming in real life tonight probably won't be able to dump an IC post till the marrow.
Kuldar Balak
player, 184 posts
Story Points: 2
Tue 8 Jan 2013
at 03:13
  • msg #61

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Kuldar now reunited with his mount takes off after the mighty Dragon in hopes of doing this sorry town some good. He rode closer directing Kilgur to keep his distance while weaving a new spell to fill himself and his allies with speed, followed by a bellowing War Cry.

Kilgur Initiative: 16
Current/Max HP: 63/63
Current AC: 27
 - Touch: 14
 - Flat-Footed: 23
CMD: 19(+4 vs Trip)

Buffs: ---
Debuffs: ---

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Enter Total Defense
 - Move: Move to L5
 - Swift/Free:

-Note: After Init count 6 Kilgur gains the benefits of Haste and Inspire Courage-

Kuldar Initiative: 6
Current/Max HP: 87/87
Current AC: 26
 - Touch: 15
 - Flat-Footed: 23
CMD: 19(+4 vs Trip)

Buffs: Haste(7 rounds), Inspire Courage +2(? rounds),
Debuffs: ---

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Cast Haste
 - Move: Begin Bardic Performance; Inspire Courage +2
 - Swift/Free: Using my 1/day Lore Master ability to get a 29 on Knowledge to identify this creature and it's strengths or weaknesses.

Recap of Buffs: Inspire Courage +2(Competence bonus to attack and damage, morale bonus on saves vs fear effects) to any allies who can hear me and are within 30ft.

Haste(+30ft base land speed, +1 Attack/AC(dodge)/Reflex, and an extra attack when full-attacking. This is targeting Kuldar, Kilgur, Solomon, Cho'kobo, Inori, Skraag, and if either get within the area and could benefit from it, Renard or Temnir as the final target.

Renard Waywynd
player, 115 posts
Tue 8 Jan 2013
at 04:45
  • msg #62

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Caring little for his own safety Renard turns and rushes for the door, still holding a weapon in each hand.  The focus of everyone's attention was obvious, the strange beast-thing in the water at the far end of the street.  He didn't know what it was, but he knew that people were in danger and he was hoping to put a stop to that as soon as possible.  He begins to work a spell, making the gestures and intoning the words under his breath as a link of his chain snaps off of it's own accord.

Initiative: 8

Current/Max HP: 76/76
Current AC: 17
 - Touch: 16
 - Flat-Footed: 13
CMD: 9

Target: Monster-thingy at H-1

Buffs: +2 Att/Dam/Saves vs. Fear, +30 ft., +1 Att/AC/Reflex Save

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Cast hold person, Will save DC 18.
 - Move: Move to N-14 (should be able to make it w/2 diagonal movements)

Notes: Left armor inside due to being in a hurry. :P

player, 229 posts
Tue 8 Jan 2013
at 19:34
  • msg #63

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Most people would feel vulnerable if dressed in as little as Solomon wore, especially in the middle of battle.  If Solomon felt this way it didn't show.  He muttered a quick spell that would help protect him from the forces of darkness.  In one smooth motion leapt atop Cho'Kobo's back and kicked him into action.  The Axe Beak ran towards the creature in the water, his powerful beak open wide in a threatening manner.  With a grunted command, Solomon stopped the bird just on the water's edge to assess the danger.  The bird honked in disapproval, it wanted to fight.  Pelor's Thumb rested on Solomon's bare tanned shoulder.  "Crawl back into the Abyss beast or be smited where you stand!"  The desert rider seemed fearless.

Initiative - 12

Current/Max HP: 72/72
 Current AC: 13 (15 vs evil) (Broken armor left in Inn along with holy symbol)

CMD: 22

Target: Monster-thingy at H-1

Buffs: Inspire Courage, +2 Att/Dam/Saves vs. Fear, +30 ft.
       Haste, +1 Att/AC/Reflex Save
       Protection from Evil, +2 AC and Saves vs evil, second saving throw allowed to resist mental manipulation by evil.

  - Full-Round:
  - Standard: Casts Protection from Evil on self
  - Move: Ride to J6
  - Free:  Mount (Ride check 21)
DM Visceri
GM, 642 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 00:57
  • msg #64

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

"You can't touch a Dragons mind stupid!" Skraag laughs as he sucks in air, his chest swelling outward, before letting out a jet of red flaming death from his mouth, engulfing the clawed creature as well as burning the back of the deceased man. Unfortunately, the little dragon's enthusiasm seems to have the unintended effect of setting fire to the old building behind the creature as well and as the flames take to the rooftop, the screams of terror from those inside the house can be heard over the crackling of the flames.

As the flames from Skraag's breath clear, at least from the street, the clawed creature is no longer there for the briefest of moments until the water where it had been standing begins to stir. Coming up out of the water, flesh burned despite its efforts to mitigate the attack, the creature growls menacingly and launches itself at Skraag, moving with murderous intent. Slamming into Skraag, the two tumble backwards out of the water and onto the cobblestone street, landing just in front of Kilgur and Kuldar, the former who skids to a stop to avoid crashing into the others, causing Kuldar to hesitate momentarily before beginning his performance. The creature rebounds from the attack and uses the tumble to leap to its feet and scan the area and then assess it's prey. Still reeling from the tumble, Skraag makes it to one knee, a few scrapes and cuts making themselves known from the sting of dirt in the wounds. As he tries to lift himself up though, suddenly he notices his strength is not what it should be…

Meanwhile on the window ledge of Daruin's Last Resort, Inori watches the exchange with calculating eyes. Impetuous little whelp. Nevertheless, an interesting distraction. Perhaps my quarry will toy with him a little bit first before I get to strike, he muses to himself before letting himself fall a few feet down the wall before launching himself across the gap between the inn and the decrepit warehouse across the alleyway with a swift push off with his feet. He lands on the top of the building with hardly a sound, the only trace of his passage a blurred shadow in the dark. Cho'kobo turns his head back down the alley and cocks his head at Inori's passing but at Solomon's mounting, turns back toward the enemy he could see. Quickly and quietly lowering himself through the all but destroyed building, Inori rests himself in the opening of a long-gone window, out of the water below him, and within striking distance of the creature.

"Crawl back into the Abyss beast or be smited where you stand!" Solomon commands the creature as he spurs Cho'kobo out of the alley and around the combatants, Pelor's Thumb held threateningly on his bare shoulder. With Renard bolting out the door and Temnir shoving people aside to make his way right behind him,  the creature seems to realize that the odds are no longer in its favor. It begins to look like it's going to heed Solomon's "suggestion" until Renard calls out in a divinely tinged voice, "Hold!" Mid-turn, the creature's joints freeze and it wobbles slightly as if it is going to fall before the only thing left moving on the creature is it's red eyes. "I have no spells to put out the fire. Someone fetch buckets for water and get the civilians out of there while I fetch help, you seem to have the creature under control." Without another word, Temnir turns and runs off down the street looking for the city guard out of sight and into the darkness. Only a few seconds after he is out of sight though, the sound of quickened marching feet can be heard from down the alleyway past the inn's stables.

Initiative Order
21 Skraag & Inori
16 Kilgur
15 "Scary Clawed Thing"
12 Solomon & Cho'kobo
  8 Renard
  6 Kuldar
  3 Temnir

Overall Party Status (Cumulative)
Cho'kobo:Full HP
Inori: Full HP
Kilgur:Full HP
Kuldar: Full HP
Renard: Full HP
Skraag: -4 HP + 1 Negative Level
Solomon: Full HP
Temnir:Full HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:01, Wed 09 Jan 2013.
Renard Waywynd
player, 119 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 05:03
  • msg #65

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

As he feels the spell take hold of the beast Renard calls out, "Attack in full force!  The beast is held but I cannot guarantee that it will last for long!"  Renard was most certainly thankful that that particular spell did not require his concentration, leaving him free to pursue other activities.  He continues moving forward, hoping to get close enough to the fight to be effective without attracting too much attention from the beastly foe.

Initiative: 8

Current/Max HP: 76/76
Current AC: 17
 - Touch: 16
 - Flat-Footed: 13
CMD: 9


Buffs: +2 Att/Dam/Saves vs. Fear, +30 ft., +1 Att/AC/Reflex Save

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Drop light crossbow (hanging from a sling) and draw tanglefoot bag from pack.
 - Move: N-14 to N-8
 - Free: Speak

Spells Per Day:
1: 8/8 (DC 16)
2: 7/7 (DC 17)
3: 5/6 (DC 18)
4: 4/4 (DC 19)

Notes: No armor

player, 232 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 15:37
  • msg #66

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Solomon had a pair of manacles in his saddlebags, but didn't think they would help.  The creature had terrible looking fangs, that could still prove dangerous.  Also, Solomon knew not what demonic powers the creature possessed.

He rode over to flank the beast with Skraag.  He took a swing with Pelor's Thumb but missed.  The lapping of water up against the Axe Beak's feet seemed to be freaking him out.  The giant bird was being a baby and would not stand still.

Solomon seemed more ashamed that he failed to hit a frozen foe than his loin cloth had slipped awkwardly to the side.

08:31, Today: Solomon rolled 14 using 2d6+7. bite damage.
08:30, Today: Solomon rolled 13 (15 with flanking bonus) using 1d20+9. bite.

08:29, Today: Solomon rolled 12 using 1d20+11. attack.

Kuldar Balak
player, 192 posts
Story Points: 2
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 22:59
  • msg #67

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Kuldar was first cursing his proximity but when Renard's spell had taken hold he now saw the benefit- he just hoped he could act before it had taken it's body back. "Kilgur, slay it!" He calls out directing his mount as he readied his own Axe to bring down on the beast.

Kilgur Initiative: 16

Current/Max HP: 63/63
Current AC: 24
 - Touch: 11
 - Flat-Footed: 23
CMD: 19(+4 v Trip)

Target: Monster
Rolls: 14:54, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 20,17 using d8+14,d8+14. Damages.
14:54, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 21,22 using d20+10,d20+10. Kilgur Full-Attack(if unable).
14:52, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 37 using 2d8+28. Kilgur CdG(if able).

Buffs: Inspire Courage +2, Haste,

 - Full-Round: Coup de Grace, or Full-Attack.
 - Standard:
 - Move:
 - Free: 5ft step to M5

Kuldar Initiative: 6

Current/Max HP: 87/87
Current AC: 26
 - Touch: 14
 - Flat-Footed: 24
CMD: 19(+4 v Trip)

Target: Monster
Rolls: 14:59, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 10,10 using d10+6,d10+6. First 2 damages.
14:58, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 31,26,13 using d20+13,d20+13,d20+8. Full-Attack(if alive and not paralyzed).
14:58, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 34 using 3d10+18. CdG(if alive and paralyzed).

Buffs: Inspire Courage +2, Haste,

 - Full-Round: Coup de Grace/Full-Attack(if unparalyzed)
 - Standard:
 - Move:
 - Free:

player, 173 posts
38/50 HP
Wis -3
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 04:49
  • msg #68

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Skraag grows large claws and fangs and tears into the thing. He has no magic he can use with his allies this close.


23:45, Today: Skraag rolled 8 using 1d20+5. Bite.
23:45, Today: Skraag rolled 7 using 1d20. Claw 1.
23:45, Today: Skraag rolled 15 using 1d20. Claw 2.
23:46, Today: Skraag rolled 4 using 1d4. claw 1 damage.
23:46, Today: Skraag rolled 3 using 1d4. Claw 2 damage.
23:46, Today: Skraag rolled 3 using 1d4+1. Bite damage.
Inori Korosu
player, 12 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 08:35
  • msg #69

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Inori darts from the cover of darkness with barely an outward breath. Drawing his Sawtooth Sabers, The Widowmakers, he takes a single swipe at the frozen beast, recognizing it as one of the foul undead. It would need to be dealt with swiftly.

After striking the creature, Inori seems to vanish behind its massive disgusting bulk, blending with the shadows below the creature. His voice emanates from nearby: "The beast is undead, it must be consecrated or burnt to be fully vanquished."

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 38/38
Current AC: 16
 - Touch: 16
 - Flat-Footed: 10???
CMD: 21
ki-pool: 4

Target: <Scary Clawed Thing>M4 <x>
Rolls: To hit. 00:20, Today: Inori Korosu rolled 51 using 1d20+35. Attack roll against clawed creature. =51 to hit.

Damage: Sneak attack (+4d6) weapon damage d8. Str mod. 0. +2 for weapon specialization. +1 for magic weapon. 8,20 using d8+3,4d6. =28 damage.

Buffs: (Bonuses from spells, abilities, etc.)+2 flanking, +20 (true strike), +5 (bab), +6 (dex from combat finesse), +1 (weapon focus) +1 attack (widow makers +1).
 +2 bonus on damage (weapon specialization sawtooth)
Debuffs: (Ailments from spells, abilities, etc.)

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Attack.
 - Move: To square N4 (flanking)
 - Free/Swift: Activate forgotten trick for 3 ki points selecting Vanishing trick -- used after I make my strike.

This message was last edited by the player at 10:45, Thu 10 Jan 2013.
DM Visceri
GM, 648 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 11:01
  • msg #70

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

"Attack in full force!  The beast is held but I cannot guarantee that it will last for long!" A command that the entire group seems to take to heart with great fervor and flashing weapons. Skraag and Inori start the assault on the currently helpless creature, the small dragon ripping with his claws and Inori wielding his deadly dual saw blades to devastating effect.

Solomon and Cho'kobo attempt their part but the ankle-deep water on the axebeak as well as the cramped circle the group had formed around the undead make it difficult to gain purchase, let alone do so without wounding one of his companions; Pelor's Thumb was quite large after all.

"Kilgur, slay it!" The battle-boar bearing his bearded bard heeded the command and tosses his head in a powerful lift that caught the creature in the hip and lifted it off of the ground still impaled on the tusks of the boar. Landing with a thud and a splash on the edge of the lapping water, the fight seems to go out of the eyes of the creature and after a moment or two of twitching, the beast goes still…and that's when the interesting begins to occur.

Before the group's very eyes, the dark grey skin of the creature begins to lighten, it's pointed claws and teeth shorten, it's pointed ears retreat back into a normal curved shape, and before a minute had passed, there before them laid the body of a naked man, faceup in the street with all manner of wounds marring his skin. As the group watched the transformation take place, or rather the detransformation, the sound of the now growing fire Skraag had started grew louder, but not so loud to mask the sound of the now extremely close footsteps.

Overall Party Status (Cumulative)
Cho'kobo:Full HP
Inori: Full HP
Kilgur:Full HP
Kuldar: Full HP
Renard: Full HP
Skraag: -4 HP + 1 Negative Level
Solomon: Full HP
Temnir:Full HP

Within seconds of the transformation completing, a squad of city guardsmen, closer to soldiers in their presentation, garb, and armament really, came at double time out of the alleyway and quickly surrounded the party, heavy steel maces drawn and raised in preparation to attack. Recognizable among them is the guard that had been on duty manning the city gate earlier that day when the group entered Burova. Once all the guards have taken their positions around the group, a single set of footsteps can be heard echoing off of the walls of Daruin's Last Resort and the destroyed warehouse before their owner rounds the corner out of the shadows. Dressed in the fine livery of what must be the royal house on top of a gleaming silver set of full plate armor, the man carried himself with the authority of the king himself.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" he muses idly looking over the scene before him before his eyes reach the corpse in the street between them all. "Well by my hope of rebirth, that's Abelard Erland. I'd wager a year's salary." Suddenly growing very serious, he scans the faces of the group before looking to the burning building and then back to his guardsmen. "Arrest them, restrain the mounts," he says harshly and abruptly to which a handful of guards approach, including the guard from the gate.

"Looks like you didn't heed my warning. Now it's the Rat Cellars for the lot of you…didn't you have another with you? Your guide, yes." Shrugging, he pulls a pair of dark steel manacles from a pouch that have obviously seen plenty of use. "No matter, I'm sure he'll end up joining you all shortly."

As the guards attempt to start to manacle Renard, and Skraag, others move in to 'help' Solomon and Kuldar from the respective mounts and clap the shackles on them as well. "Murder and arson. Both are offenses punishable by death by order of the King." Seeing that more than one of the group had a few choice words in mind, he raises a hand, "Don't waste your breath on me, you'll have your chance to make your excuses for your actions though from what I can see here, I'm not sure there can really be any."

"Sir, the building?" one of the guardsman standing closer to the burning building remarked.

"Leave it. It's likely a den of thieves or malcontents anyway. We head for Hochburg."

(OOC: So some complicated things to figure out quickly. If you are going to resist arrest or ignore the captain's instructions to remain quiet, now would be the time to do so. Otherwise, I will post again soon to take you sorry maggots to the Rat Cellars! It seems that both Temnir and Inori have evaded capture though. Intriguing. As always, spam OOC with the questions you undoubtedly have for me.)
Renard Waywynd
player, 122 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 12:45
  • msg #71

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

And THIS was why Renard had made it a habit to stay out of cities.  As always the guards showed up just in time to draw entirely the wrong conclusions from the scene that lay before them.  He was mostly just glad that nobody else was hurt in the scuffle.  He makes no move to resist them, and, though leery of any possibility that his words might be twisted by the guards he still calls out to Skraag, "Let none mend your wounds, Dragon, they are the only thing that might prove our way out of this."
Kuldar Balak
player, 196 posts
Story Points: 2
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 14:00
  • msg #72

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Kuldar's frown was obscured by his beard, but this situation was laughably unfair and was not looking to improve any time soon...quick thinking was called for, he just hoped it didn't make things worse. Kuldar moved from his saddle and began a slow approach to the man in charge while working his magic somewhat warily. "That won't be necessary, my companions and I have diplomatic immunity, I leading a mission from the Dwarven King himself- the ultimate goal is unimportant but it currently has me and my entourage here while we wait." He paused a moment to gauge the reaction, hoping his honeyed words were not falling on deaf ears. "It did not take long to realize this town was in a trouble of sorts, we kept our ears to the ground and decided to act if the need arose. The death of that man is regrettable, but he came at us as a beast so we were forced to defend ourselves, albeit it some of us more zealously then the others." He looked to Skraag at this point, before deciding to conclude before he ruined it all. "We are capable of taking on these beasts, so if you'd rather gain a few extra swords over prisoners, please do let us know."

I italicized the lying part since most of what he said was the truth, just in case that affects how the Bluff check vs Sense Motive would work.

06:00, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 38 using 1d20+22. Bluff(Glibness).

player, 235 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 15:05
  • msg #73

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Solomon was not gifted in bluffing like Kuldar; and his shear contempt for the guards would bitter his words towards them.  For now he remained quiet.

Cho'kobo likely wouldn't go as quietly.  While it would be amusing to see a guard lose and arm to the beast it would likely result in the Axe Beak's death.  Solomon started making soothing sounds to try and calm the beast.
Inori Korosu
player, 13 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 19:39
  • msg #74

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

The rapid escalation of the events indicated to Inori that their future interventions should be more cautious. As was his nature, he retreats to the shadows of the nearby decrepit warehouse.

His admiration of this group's noble efforts caused his blood to boil and his decision to execute this new interloper was set. He could cross the distance and attempt to slay this man, and even if successful he ran the risk of being attacked by the guards and risking his own life.

I will have to follow behind and see where they take my associates. Then I can strike this authority figure in the comfort of his own den."
player, 175 posts
38/50 HP
Wis -3
Fri 11 Jan 2013
at 04:22
  • msg #75

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Skraag takes the hint his companions offer and remains quite, at least for the time being.
DM Visceri
GM, 653 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 11 Jan 2013
at 08:59
  • msg #76

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

The captain of the guard cocks an eyebrow and looks at the "sigil" Kuldar flashes at him. As he ponders what Kuldar said, the guard from the gate steps forward. "When they entered the city, sir, they say they be travelers bein led by an entertainer of sorts, who do be missing by the by. The story sounds fishy to me, sir."

Shooting the guard a sideways glance as he talks, something catches his ear that he says and he turns to face him fully. "So you were on guard when this lot passed into the city?"

"Yessir, but I don't-"

"You let this lot into the city who no more than a day later are wrapped up in arson and murder?" the captain cuts off the guard who begins to pale at the implications of what the captain is beginning to get after. "A week's salary might keep you from making the same mistake again."

The guard's face all but turns purple in lividity but he grits his teeth, "Sir," before moving back into formation.

Turning back to the group, the captain looks them up and down for a moment, pausing with a questioning look to Solomon who was still dressed in naught but his loincloth and turban before addressing them, Kuldar as his main focus. "Well, Dwarf, I can't say I know much for your customs with how much you and your kind keep secret from the world, second only to the bloody elves themselves, but the law here in Derevaan is strict with those believed to be murderers or arsonists. While your story may check out, I still need to bring you in for questioning. Out of respect for diplomatic ties between our nations, I will let you avoid the Rat Cellars but I can't have you trying to sneak away in the night. Therefore, you will spend the night in The Guesthouse. Yes, I believe that will do nicely. I will have my men collect your belongings and bring them to you, minus your weapons of course." The various weapons the group had on them had already been collected by those placing the manacles on them and were being toted around by two of the guards currently, the one stuck with Pelor's Thumb straining under the weight. "Tomorrow at dawn you will be appear in court to present your case to the King as is custom for crimes committed against nobility. Then we shall see how much weight your diplomatic immunity holds."

The captain had seemed almost diplomatic himself there for a moment but the last line betrayed a smug smile and a cruel intent behind his mask of pleasant words. With a wave to his guards, the four prisoners are herded into the center of the formation with four guards in front and behind and two on either flank with the captain in the middle of the group just in front of the party.

The formation of guards and prisoners marched briskly up the street away from the docks and upon reaching the main thoroughfare turned right toward the largest of the three hilltops the captain had identified as The Hochburg, the one that housed the royal castle. As they turned, to the left, Solomon and Renard both spied a figure darting into the shadow of a nearby building, a potent curse leaving its lips in an all too familiar voice before it vanished into an alleyway. Having already passed the closed gate and manned wall to the other two hills, the third's defenses were, no surprise, more fitting for what they were defending. A thick grey wall comprised of stones the size of small carts reached up twenty feet into the air and was at least five feet thick, a fact easily observable as the portcullis was raised to allow their group entry at the behest of the captain whose name seemed to be General Hovan by how they hailed him. It was once the formation was inside of the wall though that the real defense of the hilltop castle became evident. Soldiers all sporting the tabard of the city, which was simply the red mark of St. Cuthbert surrounded by seven golden stars, milled the area around the stairs to the ramparts of the wall, all armed with crossbows with maces at their hips. Several cook fires were going with at least two dozen soldiers huddled around each one with more on the outskirts hoping to catch some of the warmth they were putting off. In all, there were likely no less than a hundred of them in sight, let alone those that must be guarding the rest of the perimeter of the wall.

Quickly, the procession turned right again heading up a smaller hill that stood separate from the main rise. At the top there stood only one building; a decent sized manor with a large wrought-iron gate surrounding the premises. Outside the gate were four guardsmen who saluted General Hovan as he approached and opened the gate for them. All but two of the guards and General Hovan stopped outside the gate, the last three and the party continuing on into the courtyard. The guards had been having a rather difficult time corralling Cho'Kobo and Kilgur along with the group but with urging from both Solomon and Kuldar to keep up and behave themselves, the two animals had made it there without too much difficulty. Now, without the larger amount of guards to control them, they broke away from the main group into a grassy section of the courtyard and eyed the General and his two guards wearily, swapping the gaze back and forth from the potential threat to their masters, just waiting for a signal to tell them what to do.

"This is The Guesthouse. As one may infer by it's name, it's a place where political...guests find themselves while the King is playing host to them. Tonight, it will be your turn to partake in its comforts. You are free to roam about the house and its grounds but know that the gates will be guarded constantly. Any attempt to escape or make contact with anyone on the outside will be met with a short trip to the Rat Cellars which are conveniently located at the bottom of the hill. Do not test my hospitality. You will not receive another break." Motioning for the guards to undo the manacles that still bind the party, he turns his back and walks to the gate. "Sleep well, we will meet again in the morning, I'm sure."

In reality, morning was only a few hours off but the effect was the same. The house itself was a noticeable upgrade from Daruin's Last Resort yet the group seemed to be thinking that the circumstances of their upgrade could have been better.
Renard Waywynd
player, 123 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 00:19
  • msg #77

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Renard rubs his wrists, which had begun to chafe and ache even during the relatively short march up to the Hochburg.  For all his show with the chains and manacles about his neck it was very rare that he put them on, and he had in his possession the key to undo them so that he never had to wear them for long.  Once again he was glad that the chains themselves acted as his divine sigil so that the guards did would not find anything that would provoke their religious zeal.  As these thoughts run their course through his head he steps out the front of the Guesthouse and eyes the gate that they had come through set into the wall which presumably circumnavigated the building.  It isn't long before he is back inside, "Well, it's better than a prison.. marginally.  At least the folk in town can sleep easier now one of their many troubles is dealt with."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:29, Sat 12 Jan 2013.
player, 176 posts
38/50 HP
Wis -3
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 00:55
  • msg #78

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Skraag walks up to Solomon and and asks him, "Did we really kill that thing? I don't know much about undead thing, but I've heard they are really hard to to destroy sometimes?"
player, 238 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 01:28
  • msg #79

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

"I don't think it was undead after all.  My people tell stories of men who can become half man half jackle.  I think what we encountered may have been something akin to that."

Solomon looks to Kuldar, "Will your lies hold up to closer scrutiny?  I know the Inn Master was eaves dropping upon us while we were there.  He may be called to help accuse us.  I have a spell prepared that will make all within range tell the truth, but I'm not sure if that'll help or harm our cause.  Though it may help us to learn who among the king's men are corrupt."
Kuldar Balak
player, 202 posts
Story Points: 3
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 01:34
  • msg #80

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Kuldar stroked his beard, looking around before grunting and patting Kilgur's snout to calm him. "Well...we never said we didn't work for the Dwarven King at the Inn. My lies will hold as well as they can, there shouldn't be a way for them to check my status but I wouldn't put it past them to just not care at some point." He looked disappointed, the lie had made their situation more comfortable...but the outcome wouldn't change if all they did was stay here, as they would be forced to do in the Rat Cellars.


OOC: Did they happen to search diligently enough to notice my spring-loaded wrist sheathe? If it was noticed he would relinquish the hammer but it would be another tool at our disposal. Granted, my armor comes with gauntlets which I doubt they'd take, so there's always that.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:01, Sat 12 Jan 2013.
player, 177 posts
38/50 HP
Wis -3
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 16:33
  • msg #81

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Skraag steps back to Solomon and pokes hie leg to get his attention, "I think you are wrong. My wounds don't look that bad, but it did something to me. I feel off and I've lost some of my magic since it hit me. I've never heard of shape-shifters able to do that. I thought they either killed you or maybe infected you."
player, 240 posts
Sat 12 Jan 2013
at 17:41
  • msg #82

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

"May Pelor's blessing banish the curse upon you and lend you some of his strength," Solomon said as he reached down and pressed his thumb to the center of Skraag's scaley head.  "Well, I know not what that creature was.  If we only had the oportunity we may be able to learn more about it by investigating its more human guise. problem at a time.  How are we going to get out of this mess?"

"I have a spell that would force all in range to tell the truth.  If I do, I'm sure one of their clerics do as well.  It would be simple enough to clear our charges.  After all he who actually fell the beast is not here.  Thus none of us are technically guilty of murder.  Second, the only one of us here that struck the beast was Skraag.  If I'm not mistaken?  With his wounds, self defense against a beast that was more than human would certainly be provable.  Even the fire was done in self defense.  So long as these men's hearts aren't corrupted by evil, certainly justice will prevail." says the young desert Paladin, knowing he sounds both hopeful and perhaps naive.  Were they going to continue Kuldar's ruse or Soloman's truth?

Cast Lesser Restoration on Skraag
This message was last edited by the player at 21:39, Sat 12 Jan 2013.
DM Visceri
GM, 662 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 23 Jan 2013
at 10:26
  • msg #83

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

While the group debates amongst themselves about what their next action should be or if they should just consign themselves to whatever the king and his men have in store for them and try to explain their innocence, a commotion can be heard from down by the southeast gate they had been recently led through. From the gate, those looking can see smoke rising from just outside the wall as well as hear a rather obnoxious bell tolling at uneven intervals. The guards standing watch over the compound all look toward the now billowing black smoke but none move off despite the questioning looks they give each other. None seem overly worried about the burning of whatever is obviously on fire but rather at what is causing it. Again, the feeling that the hill-dwellers care little for their lower-altitude kinsmen is reinforced.

The minutes go by and the plume of smoke quickly changes from black to white and the bell, which has by now woken many residents of the area whom can heard grumbling and moaning all the way from The Guest House. In the opposite direction though, unseen by most, a familiar shadow lurks in a bush just outside a span of the gate. Unseen by the group, the shadow begins a simple spell, a minor cantrip really, and a familiarly put out voice pops into each member's head. "I'm gone five minutes and you get yourself locked up. I should have known. Where is Inori? Why is he not with you? You can speak softly and I will be able to hear you through the spell."
Kuldar Balak
player, 209 posts
Story Points: 3
Wed 23 Jan 2013
at 23:52
  • msg #84

Re: Burova, the Capital in Darkness

Kuldar was a little surprised by the fire at first, but later when he heard a familiar voice, albeit in an unfamiliar fashion, he was thankful for the opportunity to move onward. "Lad...that friend of yers has been missing since the fight, if he ain't with you he's likely taken off to save his hide. I've still got about a half hour of my little spell left, but even if we get out of here we'd be wanted criminals and still unarmed." He looks over the others, knowing Solomon was willing to escape but was not supportive of the plan. "And if I got to speak with a King tomorrow my lie might get found out, even if I rested and had another spell ready no King worth his salt would be unprotected from something so simple- but we could also explain the nature of these beasts, not that the guards would do a damn thing about it."
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