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Aquae Grannis.

Posted by BenFor group 0
GM, 1313 posts
Decoy GM
Head of the DOCG
Tue 12 Nov 2013
at 14:09
  • msg #31

Re: Aquae Grannis

Wow, that is really interesting. I don't believe I've ever seen a bridge with actual buildings on it that weren't guard towers/gatehouses. Kewl!

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:10, Tue 12 Nov 2013.
player, 59 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 01:28
  • msg #32

Re: Aquae Grannis

"Could we make it worth the while of these Blackguards to work for us?" Brennus asked, stroking his chin. "If they are able to get around and close to the Hun they would make valuable assassains to remove some troublesome hun leaders and spellcasters.  And I doubt any man willing to serve the Orcs would have moral scruples about poison or a knife in the dark.  We could perhaps make them a better offer."
GM, 12244 posts
The Guy in Charge Here
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 01:38
  • msg #33

Re: Aquae Grannis

”I don’t think we can manage a siege,” Theoderic says.  “It would take too long to summon and move a large army.  I must be mindful of Heolstor and his men.  They have been away from home a long time, and I am asking much as it is.”

”We must move against them with what we have… an army, a very small one, but with some useful skills.”

”We will help,” Gia says, pausing for a moment in her serving duties.

Theoderic looks over at her very suddenly, surprised.

”It really is a task for seasoned warriors,” he says.  “You would be in great danger.”

”We are in great danger,” Gia replies.  “And now are lives are still in danger.  If you win, we will survive.  Maybe.  But if you lose the Huns will retake this place, soon, and they will be very angry.  So you are making your bets with all of our lives.  The only sensible thing to do is anything we can to help you.  If only to pitch your tents and cook your food along the way, so that you are more ready when it is time to fight.”

”Only volunteers,” Theoderic says.  “You have our permission to ask.  Bring those who volunteer to Lord Brennus.”

Gia is very grateful, and leaves.

Theoderic considers the plan.

We will need better reports than we have.  We will have to scout closely.  And… we need to hit Juliacum from the east.  That means we travel due east until we cross the Rur, and then turn north.  There are no roads, as far as we know.  It will be through wilderness.  We will begin scouting Juliacum while we are still on the move.”

At Brennus's suggestion of turned Blackguards... Theoderic notes they have one.  With Scolo.  Melissa. The only female Blackguard there was.

They have some time before they leave.  The Elves may wish to look at the Elven equipment here liberated from the Giant’s “Trophy Display.” That is in the other thread, The Temple of Belenus and Mosanna.  Message 6.
player, 722 posts
Lord of Lingones
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 02:43
  • msg #34

Re: Aquae Grannis

"Thank you for your understanding, Theoderic King. It is... difficult to step back from such an undertaking, especially one with so much at stake." Heolstor replied to Theoderic. "But if we are to fall on them like a storm, and shatter their defenses before they can prepare themselves: then this battle and my duties can be one."

"Petra and myself, by wing, can discover the disposition of our enemy. I will make it known to you and the rest of our companions." He continued, Pwyll chortling along contentedly from his shoulder. "Then we will march to Juliacum, put the Huns to the sword, and break the city's chains." It all fit together nicely. A fine plan, if the gods smiled upon them when the moment of truth came.

Theoderic's dismissal of a contemporary siege brings a nod of agreement from Lord Strang. The need to move quickly, with violence of action, could not be clearer. "If there are roads and secret ways through the wilderness, we will find them."

Then Heolstor moved to Petra's side, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder and looking into her dazzling eyes. He said nothing, smiling, til his hand dropped again to his side. "I'll see you in the clouds, when you're ready." Came his cryptic explanation. Then he stepped back, towards the temple's entrance. Pwyll stirred from his shoulder, disturbed by something unseen, black feathers ruffling as he alighted from Heolstor's back.

Then without a word of explanation, Heolstor changed. Obsidian feathers sprouted from his skin, he bent forward, arms taking on the shape of black wings. He grew smaller as the old gods' magic worked through him: morphing in the span of a few scant heartbeats. Almost too fast to see the change itself in its fullness. One moment a man stood amongst them, the next... a large raven.

The bird turned a bright corvid eye in their direction, head cocked back to look them over, then took flight by the same path Pwyll had taken.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:46, Thu 14 Nov 2013.
Aelasuria Soulwater
player, 1437 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 02:49
  • msg #35

Re: Aquae Grannis

She nods slightly at Theo's words speaking softly. "Then it will have to be quick and decisive. I should go take a look at these items that Brennus mentioned. I will go to the temple of Brennus and be back soon Theo."

Aelasuria makes her way to the temple to look over the elvish items that had been stolen. It was the least she could do. Perhaps with any luck they could be put to good use in the fight against the Huns.
player, 599 posts
Half-elf priestess
Ehre fur alle die Gotter
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 01:34
  • msg #36

Re: Aquae Grannis

Later, somewhere up above...

Petra had been surprised by the manifestation of Heolstor's new talent; had laughed in delight.  Soon, he would be giving Tugdual a run for his money, if his magic continued to grow in this manner.

Even better, from her view, it supplied something else they could share. Albeit from very different perpectives.  One thing to ride a flying mount; another to do so via one's own power.

As she began to guide Hermod in the direction of Juliacum, she waved, and blew a kiss in the direction of her paramour turned avian.  It had taken her some time to adjust to such altitude.  Though she believed her bond with Hermod speeded the process.  If she had understood correctly from Tugdual, such shifting as Heolstor had done bestowed instinct, as well as form.  He would be spared the discomfiture she'd experienced while acclimating.  The cheat!   No, truly, she was glad of that.

Nonetheless, she spared an eye his direction at intervals. Just to ensure this first-flight was proceeding without any issues or mishaps.

And then, after a time...roughly midpoint between Grannis and Juliacum...Hermod's preternaturally sharp eyes spied movement below.

Not the sort that was unintentionally revealed. Some mishap of concealment, occasioned while skulking about.  No; this was someone seeking to be found, it would seem.

Petra signaled to Heolstor-Raven that she was going to begin a descent.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:05, Fri 15 Nov 2013.
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 03:38
  • msg #37

Re: Aquae Grannis

Heolstor and Petra take off on their scouting duties, and Theoderic assembles the rest, using the abandoned tavern rather than the temple complex.

"Things aren't exactly as we thought they would be," he says, "but in battles, they seldom are.  It seems the Huns pulled back from this place.  We expected more here, but the Huns left it to a Giant and his troop of Orc warriors.  The Giant was killed by Heolstor, Brennus, Petra and Leanna.  The Orcs fled.  We also know that the road here, the one taken by Heolstor, was watched by enemy scouts.  They know we are here, and they are probably preparing for a fight.

"We do not have the luxury of waiting for them to move, or organizing a larger force.  I will not have Heolstor and his volunteers forever.  So we are going to try a quick move and a sudden surprise attack.  They have a demon, and at least one powerful shaman, and we will try to locate them and kill them quickly.

"Juliacum is several days away.  We will be hearing from our scouts and we will make a more detailed plan as we go along.  Rest and prepare this evening, tomorrow morning we will move out."

GM, 12258 posts
The Guy in Charge Here
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 01:16
  • msg #38

Re: Aquae Grannis

They form a long line with only a few flankers on the sides- Theoderic's instructions, because with a group like this, it will be easy to get scattered, or blunder into things, advancing along a wide front.  The terrain east of Aquae Grannis, once past the belt of fields and pastures around the town, is thickly forested.  Theoderic assigns the flank role to Centaurs and they seem happy with it.

Cirrus is told she cannot have a "scouting" role, despite the lure of excitement.  With a small pout she finds a spot near Karel.  At least, there is a musician to talk to.  A pair of Centaurs takes the rear guard position- following a small group of Gia's "volunteers" bearing all the supplies they can carry, and the few pack animals (donkeys) they had.

The land gets hillier, and they break for lunch at a stream, cool clear water coursing down from the Ardennes hills in the south.

Across the stream, there are Elven symbols, similar to what was seen before by several on the way to Aquae Grannis. The Ardennes Elves here can easily make sense of them.  Some of the "waymarks" used by the warders are secret, because when one is near the Elven settlements, one can use them to bypass the traps and other dangers the Elves like to shield their lands with.  They are, in a way, the 'Access Code" for Elven lands.   Elven warders and other Elves in border areas are supposed to know this, others are not.  Ayren Stargem, fortunately, comes from a clan of warders.  Though not a warder herself she knows what it means.

"We are coming upon Elven lands," she says.  "If we want to go forward, I should lead the way.  But I don't know this region."

The Ardennes Elves have a very "fuzzy" idea of their borders.  Not even they could draw an exact line around their kingdom.
NPC, 389 posts
Parsnips and turnips,
that was good!
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 02:56
  • msg #39

Re: Aquae Grannis

Hmmmm.... A strange Ardennes Elf makes a friendly visit to the Chief of the Huns and there are Elf markings claming land the Huns control. It sounds like a nice story. I wonder who got the better deal in that meeting?

Are the Ardennes Elves unified or do they have factions?

It would be racist to assume all elves are good that would be like saying all orcs are bad.

Sometimes the unsane just say things. It doesn't have to be right or make sense.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:58, Mon 18 Nov 2013.
Aelasuria Soulwater
player, 1443 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 05:38
  • msg #40

Re: Aquae Grannis

Aelasuria makes her way back to Theo joining him as they travel together. "Theo we have a bit to talk about. I found something out that seems a bit unusual for elves. First though I wanted to tell you and show you a little of what I have learned about some magical items we can use to fight the Huns. I researched two swords and a belt. Scolo might have identified the armor. If he's busy with other tasks though I will get to them in due time." First she carefully presents each sword in turn then the belt.

"One sword is definitely a fighters gift the other I think more suited to a ranger or anyone that spends a lot of time in the woods. It would even get you past a entangle spell. The belt is another matter it will take some thinking on how best to use it. It apparently can magically transport you to one very special person so long as you have a keepsake from them. That or it brings them to you."

She gently draws her fingers along Theo's hair. "Theo to test it I need a lock of your hair. That or some other keepsake your willing to part with? I suggest that your not on your horse if it calls you to me and I won't be on one either. When your ready?" When and if Theo provides such she moves away a rather good distance to test it.

If everyone agrees they soon find out who goes to who using the magic of the belt. Once that's out of the way she continues regarding the elves. "Scolo found the interesting information in the first place. It's thanks to Ayren's knowledge of the elf in particular that we know something is very unusual in the situation. I think the king and queen of the elves will need to know about this as soon as is reasonably possible."

"According to the message it introduces Therill Heayzan as a emissary. This is wrong mostly because my people any elf is all to aware that Orcs do not negotiate. They hate us so passionately that there is no reasoning with them making diplomacy impossible. The other thing that is highly unusual is that if the king and the queen did send someone it wouldn't be Therill Heayzan. That clan is not adventurous and even if the king and queen wanted to send a emissary there are other clans that would demand the position as a matter of honor. Which is why this entire matter deeply worries me. Something is out of sorts, however we don't have enough information to figure out what or why. Perhaps there was blackguard involvement, a demon's influence or worst would be some sort of corruption of the elvish people. It's rare but not unheard of for a elf to take a dark path. That speculation should stay between us. It could be taken very badly and there obviously is no proof of any such thing. The king and queen will no doubt investigate the matter thoroughly unless we take it on ourselves to do so directly. Regardless I think a message should be sent or if there is a volunteer to send someone."

Looking to Scolo she nods in agreement. "We have our share of bad people just like any other race. I just hope that isn't the case here."

OOC: IF theo Insists we can use someone else to test the belt. Still Aelasuria doesn't like the idea of asking someone else to do something she isn't willing to do. Thus her desire to test it personally.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:39, Mon 18 Nov 2013.
GM, 12263 posts
The Guy in Charge Here
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 21:21
  • msg #41

Re: Aquae Grannis

Theoderic has no shortage of capable scouts.  But he holds most of them back here- if this is Elven land, he wants a few of them exploring the land beyond the stream.  Ayren knows the waymarks of the warders, so she goes with them.  He asks Swift to search around as well.  Events have proven, if there is anyone with senses keen enough to locate and bypass the tricks and hazards the Elves leave on their borders, it is a Werefox.

During the “lunch stop” at the stream Melissa ponders the idea of Elves negotiating with Orcs, and Scolo’s rather “open ended” idea of Orcish personalities.

“I think they are all evil to the core,” Melissa says.  “And I’ve known quite a few.  Orcs, I mean.  Which makes me wonder.  Even if you had an Elf that would try to talk to Orcs, where would you ever find Orcs that would talk to Elves?  Aelasuria is right.  The Orcs hate Elves.  Intensely.  If you haven’t felt a hatred like that, you can’t understand it.  I wonder what the Elves ever did to them.”

Theoderic recalls Brennus, Petra, and Heolstor’s conviction that the magic items of the Elves ought to be returned to them.  But he still maintains that for this mission, the Elves would not mine them being put to good use.

He agrees to help Aelasuria test the belt.

And it works.  And yet, it is still puzzling.  The first time she tries it, it teleports her to Theoderic.  Right snug next to him.  But with the second test, it teleports him to her.  And then it doesn’t want to work again.  It appears to be one of those magic items that needs to rest a while between uses… but now that they know it works both ways, it is always in that order… or random?
NPC, 391 posts
Parsnips and turnips,
that was good!
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 21:41
  • msg #42

Re: Aquae Grannis

The wizard may snooze a little while if there are breaks, eventually he will ride in the Wagon with all the gear and true to his word - he wil identify things for the queen. Between catnaps.

His mule will certainly like this, I hear being led is quite relaxing for a mule.
player, 37 posts
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 22:09
  • msg #43

Re: Aquae Grannis

OOC: Karel would make sure to speak with Liloo before parting Aquae Grannis, unless Liloo is traveling with them.

Karel remains near Cirrus, attempting to distract her from the lure of scouting. He tells her of the ways of the Fey he has lived with, mostly water sprites and nymphs. He weaves tales of things seen and unseen, of woodland animals that were his friends, and others. One in particular he told was of the mischievous light, will-o'-the-wisp, that threatened to draw unwary travelers from the safe paths and into treacherous waters.

He listens to the others as well, though knowing little of relations between orc and elf he keeps his opinions to himself. One thing is for certain, the Huns have made more enemies than he thought possible for anyone. Each day brings him in contact with more people that have been wronged by them. Their touch is far more spread than simply the Meuse.
player, 600 posts
Half-elf priestess
Ehre fur alle die Gotter
Mon 18 Nov 2013
at 22:44
  • msg #44

Re: Aquae Grannis

In due time, a trio of winged forms -- two avian, one equine --  were visible on the skyline, and heralded the return of the aerial scouting mission.

Most significantly of all, Petra's winged steed bore a passenger in addition to herself.  And this one had information which had to be brought to Theoderic, posthaste.

Petra wasted no time in escorting this individual into the presence of Theoderic, and any attending councilors, just as soon as it was possible.

"This is Haldred," she introduced the man.  "And he is an acquaintance of Orreg."

Plainly worn by some tribulation, it seems Haldred can shed a different light on Orreg's character.   As the man speaks, he reveals that Orreg worked in collusion with the Blackguards, out of fear, and that it was Orreg whom betrayed the escape attempt. Haldred himself only managed to survive by the river goddess's intervention.

Apparently, Orreg went so far as to even being considered as a recruit of the vile Hun's Hands.

On the other hand, his reported descriptions are not founded on deceit. Haldred confirms the accuracy of those; all of them.

Once the man is done with what he can tell, Petra chimes in "We have also learnt things about Juliacum that will be tactically useful to you.  However, I would like to note something else of great significance to begin.  Just as Infernal powers feed off of baleful emotion, things Celestial feed off those of weal. Sometimes it happens, in the face of great evil, people maintain strong hope and faith in spite of all.  While that did not occur here - as the people were broken in spirit -- things went differently in Juliacum. Different enough, to draw and retain a Celestial spirit. There is something like that at Juliacum. I felt it. I am very certain. And Heolstor as well. The Demon's utter wickedness has motivated something that holds out against it.  Giving us an ally that we did not anticipate."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:45, Mon 18 Nov 2013.
Aelasuria Soulwater
player, 1444 posts
Tue 19 Nov 2013
at 01:51
  • msg #45

Re: Aquae Grannis

Aelasuria shakes her head with a touch of surprise when Melissa says she wonders what the elves did to the orcs. She was aware that Melissa didn't mean anything by it. "I think it's just a natural clash. Orcs are aggressive, cruel and only to willing to try to take whatever they want. So any time they entered our territory it got bloody fast. However legends say the hatred began with battles between their gods and ours. Lathander took Grumach's eye in one of their legendary battles. He's never forgiven us for that holding a special hatred in his heart for all things elfin."

With the testing of the belt she blushes, smiles and gives Theo a affectionate hug. "Well we certainly know how useful it is. Two uses and then I bet it has to rest probably for a day to recharge it's magical energy. What we don't know is how impressive the range is. Testing it from more then one thousand feet away isn't practical. The question is Theo is to whom the swords should be given? They are a elvish heritage so I would like to see them used by elves. However wisdom would seem that it's actually best to give them to whatever hero in our midst that will use it best and for good."

Pausing she continues softly. "The belt I am tempted to keep or give to you. It's something that could be a real life saver on the battle field or elsewhere. We need to keep you safe Theo and this is a way to do it.On the other hand it could be used creatively in theory to greatly shorten the time between getting a message to someone and having the messenger like Cirrus return instantly. On the other hand if she's captured the belt could be used against you. What do you think? In due time we also have three suits of armor to distribute."

"Finally we have three elvish cloaks that will aid in stealth. This will keep your scouts safe though I am fine with anyone putting them to good use for the good of all."

Listening to Petra's report Aelasuria looks to Theo speaking softly. "A powerful celestial spirit certainly is a blessing. For once we have a ally instead of a demon helping the Huns. Thank you Petra for this important information. Also thank you Haldred for what you have shared with us today as well. Petra do you need rest, food, drink?" Aelasuria felt it was customary to offer hospitality to any messenger, soldier or other that came to them.
player, 725 posts
Lord of Lingones
Tue 19 Nov 2013
at 02:21
  • msg #46

Re: Aquae Grannis

Heolstor-raven fell from the sky just as Petra did, alighting gently on the ground. The massive corvid hopped forward, carried by the speed of its descent, surrounded by twisting muted lights thick with grey as it again changed. Slowly, the hopping raven took on the form of a man, gait carried on from his previous form's forward momentum unbroken.

It was unusual for Heolstor to be seen grinning - but here he did, from ear to ear like an ecstatic child. He had never before felt the wind beneath his wings... his, arms, rather. Had never flown. Had never worn the skin of another being. It had been... exhilarating, to say the least.

Petra said her piece, and said it well. Heolstor nodded in time to her words - he had felt the same. A great presence, resistant and opposite the demonic influence afflicting Juliacum.

To Aelasuria's offer, Heolstor shook his head in the negative. "We will see to our own needs, but thank you for your concern. My men have our supplies in hand."

"Theoderic of the Franks, you will find two forts arrayed in the defense of Juliacum. One to the Northeast, the other to the West. Beyond and between them a hastily prepared interior wall assembled from the Roman ruins." Heolstor revealed. "If we come from the East or the West, it will go hard for our men. To the North lies the most ideal route: if we come from that direction along the Northwestern extent of their defenses, where their hastily built wall is most vulnerable, it will blood us the least to take the city."

"The number of orcs I would place at a few hundred. A significant garrision, but this is not the horde we met at Beda. With this number and skill at arms - we will overcome them." Heolstor suggested, voice growing harder by the moment. "Haldred will reveal the rest: I need only know one thing, is Orreg among this number?"

Heolstor looked to Haldred, battered as the man was, his gaze a promise of steel. "I will have answers from that orc-hearted scum, or I will have blood."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:22, Tue 19 Nov 2013.
GM, 12272 posts
The Guy in Charge Here
Wed 20 Nov 2013
at 18:03
  • msg #47

Re: Aquae Grannis

Caution:  this became quite a long post.  Most of it is Haldred's story.

Liloo is still traveling with the group.  Though the battle at Aquae Grannis is done, the Water Sprite does not feel the old sacred place is free, yet.  It is not over.  Liloo has decided to see this through to the end.

The water sprite has been talking to the water, of course, but otherwise, tends to be around Karel, and listen to tales of Fey.  Adding in his own, of course.

It has Cirrus fascinated- the fact that Karel, a human, knows so much more about the subject than she does impresses her.  She didn't know there was so much to learn.

Liloo adds some insight.  The Fey are magical beings of nature, but they are a very diverse group, and they have sub-categories most people don't think about.   The main split is between the "Fey folk" and the "Nature spirits".  The first group includes the sprites, like Liloo.  They are magical beings infused with some aspect of nature.  The second group, to which Cirrus is apparently a member, has a much deeper relationship with nature.

"Souls of nature," Liloo says.

"What does that mean?" Cirrus asks.

"I have a soul.  Karel has a soul," the water sprite says.  "If you are a Sylph, then you do not have a soul.  You ARE a soul, a soul made solid."

"Whose soul?"  Cirrus asks.

"Geula is the soul of her water.  A Sylph is the soul of her air."

* * * *

But meanwhile, Haldred, the boy Petra rescued, is speaking to Heolstor…

“After they Elves tried to escape, the Blackguards talked to Orreg,” Haldred says.  Three of them.  Humans.  Men, all in black.  One we’ve seen here before, because he came around Aquae Grannis now and then.  He’d talk to the Orcs, and Silok.  Never us.  But I saw him there.  And another, who was older, and ran the wagon that carried the slaves.  Right up to then I thought he was just another servant, but he’s more.  The others called him Korvig and they respected him.  And then there was a third they called Adlud, and he was younger and he looked like a fighter.  They told him how he might be with them one day if he was smart, because that’s where all the rewards were.  ‘Everything you like’, they said. But then they took me away with the Elves, because we were going to be slaves, and I didn’t see what happened to Orreg after that.”

By this time there are a few others listening to Haldred’s tale, among them Theoderic, who prods the boy with a few questions.  Haldred continues with his story.

“They brought us into the town, across the bridge.  And it was lined with old shops and now it was full of Orcs… like Orc shops, they were making armor and weapons and things.  Orcs were everywhere, and the Elves kept their heads down and hidden.  And they turned and we went into a gate, into the Blackguard Court.

“That was a pretty nice street.  It had a few shops, there was a tailor and a barber and a little store and a minstrel with a lute singing, and in the middle of it, they unloaded all the Elves.  And that’s when the Elves tried to escape.  They had magic. A little, not enough.  One was making fire appear, and set one of the Blackguards on fire.  One turned into a big white eagle, but Korvig did something, and it turned the Elf back into an Elf, and things all went wrong.  They wanted to get to the river, but they couldn’t make it.  There was this other creature, like a big tall red troll with horns on its head.  It could jump really far, and it wasn’t hurt by the fire, and it could make things… rocks, wood, dirt… swirl up and attack.  So all the Elves were caught again.  Then the Blackguards thanked Orreg for giving them warning.  And then they started talking to him, and they took the rest of us away.    They told us, we picked the wrong side and now we were prisoners like the Elves.

“So Orreg stayed in the Blackguard Court.  We went down some stairs in the inn and through a tunnel, a long line, I don’t know how far.”

How long did you walk in the tunnel?”  Theoderic asks.

“A few minutes… I don’t know.”  The boy says.

Many old forts had secret tunnels,” Theoderic says.  “But likely not under a river.  It sounds like you went to the fort Heolstor described at the northeast.”

“Well, it was a big stone chamber when we came out.  And on the other side, there were others.  A few Orcs.  One was a shaman, like the one we had here. I could tell.  There was the red troll thing.  And another thing, like a huge Ogre that was part frog or toad, with green gray knotty skin and it smelled bad.  Really bad.  And it looked all the Elves over and claimed a few, including the ones that had used magic.  And most of the time they were speaking a language I don’t know, but then the thing told the Blackguards, in our language, “These might be enough.  We shall see.”  The put iron collars on those Elves, and they got taken to the dungeon.  Then it gave a  lady Elf, to the Blackguards, and one Elf man to the Orc shaman, and the rest, and us, were taken to the dungeon too.

“After that, we were all in separate cells.  And some cells had Humans, too, and I think some had Fey creatures.  They were hurting some of us, I could tell.  I was there for a long time.  Prisoners came and went.  I don’t know how long.  But they made me work, and so I worked, and then one day I was taking firewood to the Orcs, and I was crossing the bridge, and there was a loud noise and suddenly one of the shops on the side of the bridge had fallen down.  And there was a man, like he was made of light, standing there but only I could see him.  And he said jump, and she will catch you.  So I jumped down into the river.  And that is how I got away.”
player, 726 posts
Lord of Lingones
Wed 20 Nov 2013
at 20:44
  • msg #48

Re: Aquae Grannis

"Demons." Heolstor muttered distastefully. He had faced the same, on several occasions. Each time they'd left a bitter taste in the Saxon's mouth - he knew no more disgusting a being, and no more terrible an enemy. As Haldred described the demons' capabilities Heolstor listened carefully. It seemed those servants of the infernal powers would be their greatest obstacle here. A few hundred orcs were, by comparison, an immaterial threat.

"You have faced terrible trials, Haldred." Heolstor stated simply, words coming slowly as he considered the full weight of what the boy had bore. "You are a strong man to have endured, and to have escaped. If your elven friends still live, they will walk free again." Pwyll circled overhead. The bird twisted to fly diagonal to the ground, long black wings cutting through the wind, eyes on the company of men and elf below.

"... And it seems our enemy is nearing their goal, this bloodletting being a means to their end. The shaman. So many demons in one city. It is no coincidence." Heolstor grasped the hilt of his blade firmly, stoney face turned to the Frankish king as his olive eyes worked through the enemy's machinations.

"If we were to attack, would the enemy be able to initiate their rite?" Heolstor asked of the assembled. "Perhaps this cannot be so simple as storming the walls."

One of Heolstor's riders approached, a young Burgundian warrior. Heolstor pulled him aside separately. "Find me Orreg, if that boy is here, and bring him to me. Do not let him escape. He serves the Huns - and has much to answer for."
Aelasuria Soulwater
player, 1445 posts
Thu 21 Nov 2013
at 04:41
  • msg #49

Re: Aquae Grannis

Nodding slightly Aelasuria listens to Heolstor's discussion on tactics and numbers of the enemy. Hearing the young mans description of what happened her expression is concerned thinking about the prisoners that needed rescuing. Especially the elves who were most likely to be sacrificed in some evil ritual. She was also a bit angry at the horrors some of them no doubt faced already.

With a serious expression she nods slightly again. "We must hurry Theo. The demons alone prove whatever is going on there is important to the Hun's plans. More importantly if we are to save them we can't waste any time. We could send in a small advance group in a effort to use stealth and scouting. It would increase the chance of saving the prisoners and interrupting any hasty ritual they might try to do if we assault the fort with a large army."

"Naturally we will want to kill their demons, shaman and any leaders as soon a possible in the battle. If we can't manage something by stealth we will have to hit them as hard and fast as possible. Opening the gates from the inside would help that greatly."
She waits to see if they had Orreg to question. It was very possible he might have very useful information he might be very eager to share. Considering Heolstor didn't appear to be one in the mood for mercy right now.

OOC: Just a thought. IF it's possible to capture the gate undetected and open it. The Huns will be in serious trouble. Especially if they feel safe and a lot of them are sleeping.
GM, 12280 posts
The Guy in Charge Here
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 02:34
  • msg #50

Re: Aquae Grannis

 Theoderic wraps up the lunch camp early.  Hearing what he has heard he has no wish to move slowly.  He sends Ayren and a few others ahead, and has everyone up and moving- east, into land which, judging by the Elven waymarks, is considered an Elven territory.

Heolstor has to interview Orreg “on the march”.  His s warrior finds Orreg back with  Gia and the civilian camp-makers.  The little group from Aquae Grannis is high spirited, excited to be away from home, and doing something important, for the first time in years.

Orreg looks surprised that anyone would call him out on what he said or did.

Even when brought before Heolstor he defends himself vehemently:   “It wasn’t like that!  They’d just as soon kill anyone!  I just wanted to come home, and that was how they let me.”

He offers to help.  “They have people there, working with them.  Human people, I mean.  They get rewards.  Money, treasures, and girls.  But you have to be with them, or else.”

Very soon after crossing into Elven territory, they run into some of its defenses.  There are plants here with long, very sharp thorns that seem to be made of glass.  In the forest, hidden in the ordinary brush and leaves, the thorns are almost impossible to see.   Someone trying to casually brush aside some leaves, or walk through brush, can easily be stabbed.  Only staying on the trails is safe- or, if you can become a Fox, you can walk under it.
NPC, 392 posts
Parsnips and turnips,
that was good!
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 02:46
  • msg #51

Re: Aquae Grannis

Oh, another city ... opening gates eh? how simple. Scolo yawns when he hears there is another attack going on... he checks his hat for the blink bunnies,

Aelasuria Soulwater
player, 1446 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 03:22
  • msg #52

Re: Aquae Grannis

She rides quietly letting Theo handle things as she trusts his judgement. Keeping a eye on things she stays alert in case there are any signs of Huns or other nastiness in the area. Once they were in elven territory she speaks softly to Scolo and Theo. "It shouldn't be long. It's very unlikely a group as large as ours could enter their territory without it being reported back to whoever is in command of their outer patrols. It's likely someone might greet us. Then again it is possible they might wait till we are much closer."

Aelasuria follows Ayren's lead carefully helping as she can if anyone starts to stray. They had to proceed carefully lest someone get hurt. Worse possibly spring a trap meant for Huns had any been placed where orcs might carelessly put their feet.
player, 601 posts
Half-elf priestess
Ehre fur alle die Gotter
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 17:16
  • msg #53

Re: Aquae Grannis

For all that Heolstor Strang was the love of her life, and had never turned anything but a gentle hand toward herself, she could almost pity even a blackheart who happened to truly incur his wrath. Yet she too had sentiments for a traitor that were in nowise gentle. And wouldn't gainsay if summary justice were decided against such a one.

But Orreg, once found and summoned, had more the seeming of a desperate boy, than a dedicated saboteur.  That didn't wipe clean what he'd done -- but, it did urge moderation in dealing wit him.  She placed a hand on Heolstor's arm.

"His descriptions were accurate and honest," she reminded him.  "He might be telling truth here, as well. Marking him self serving, rather than evil. Whatever may be said of dishonor, not everyone is willing to die for greater causes.  But I think we should be certain he is telling the truth. There is a Godly invocation that may help." 

Petra will cast and use Zone of Truth to ensure Orreg is being honest about his motives.  Heolstor can ask the questions, if he wants.  But she will advise him to be very specific; because the magic doesn't prevent being evasive, only lying. 
This message was last edited by the player at 17:18, Fri 22 Nov 2013.
player, 727 posts
Lord of Lingones
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 21:00
  • msg #54

Re: Aquae Grannis

Heolstor felt Petra's hand on his arm and understood her meaning. Though his face was cross, merciless as a winter storm, he let silence hang between them as he thought through what fate Orreg truly deserved. There was certainly a part of Heolstor that wished to decry him then and there, and order that he suffer a traitor's fate, but Petra's mercy and the events of the past week stayed his hand.

He had been eager to mete out justice before, and it had nearly cost him what he held most dear.

"Tell me the exact number of blackguards you encountered. Describe them, in detail." Heolstor demanded of the young man. Whatever he answered, truthful or not, the Saxon was certain what his fate would be for now...

"Regardless of your youth, or your fear, you did what you did. If you were my man, I would give you over to the halls of your fathers and let them decide on your innocence in the afterlife." Heolstor spoke, voice hard and pitiless. "... But you are not. You are not mine to punish. You are not mine to forgive. So instead I will have you bound - your own people, those you betrayed, will decide your fate. I would think hard on what you might do to redeem myself, were I you."

"Perhaps that will earn you their leniency." Heolstor suggested.

To his warrior, Heolstor explained: "Bind his hands. At night, when we pause on our march, bind his feet as well. He will face the justice of his own people, when the time comes." Heolstor looked to Petra, face absent of passion, as his warrior restrained Orreg and led him away to be bound.

Heolstor was suspiciously absent much of the rest of the march. Though, oddly enough, a sizable fox seemed to move through the brush in front and beside their columns... Staying curiously close to them for a wild animal.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:02, Fri 22 Nov 2013.
GM, 12288 posts
The Guy in Charge Here
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 17:12
  • msg #55

Re: Aquae Grannis

Because we have several things going on at once, this thread is going to divide, even though in time and space they are still together.    The new Marcodurum” thread is for anything involving the Elves.  If it doesn’t involve the Elves, it will stay here.

Aelasuria’s assessment of the Elves is correct; such a large group does not pass unnoticed, and the group is soon met by several of the local Elves, who help them pass more efficiently.  Though they have not seen Humans in these lands in many, many years, they have no reason to distrust now, not with such a group as this.  Not only are there Elves, but a Unicorn AND a Winged Horse!  Elven aloofness is won over quickly.

They head for the Elven settlement of Marcodurum, and talk along the way.

Meanwhile, Heolstor questions Orreg.  The boy seems chastened and scared.

”I saw five,” he says.  “But then, there were people in the village court, the tavern, Juliacum Court Alehouse.  I don’t know if anyone there was a part of them.  But there was the Korvig the driver, and Adlud his helper, and Markos who is the master slavekeeper there, and two more, I don’t know the names.  The other people in the Blackguard court… I think some of them are slaves.  Like some of the tavern girls, and the tailor’s helpers, I think.  Not all.  Sort of.”

He describes a strange “sliding scale” of slavery:  while no one but the blackguards are actually free to leave, some of the workers are more privileged than others.  Orreg can’t nail down an exact “who is a slave” definition.  The people who work on the farms, for example- they can’t leave, they have strict and harsh work quotas, but they are not kept in cells.  They can drink at the alehouse, too.  (That’s about all they can do, so they do it.)

Afterwards, Heolstor turns him over to the villagers to watch over him.  He still looks chastened, but a little less scared.
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