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23:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Village of Stars (Lenelle, Diomedes, Ostroga, Hasshar)

Posted by Dyaus PaterFor group 0
NPC, 1 post
Wed 6 May 2015
at 12:58
  • msg #4

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Ostroga leans against the low rail of the boat and takes in the scene at the dock...'This does not look like the work of pirates. Nothing else was burned, only the single ship...look other boats are docked and they are without damage."

He pilots the small boat with no small amount of skill and within a few minute those on board feel the bump of wood against wood as the small boat hit's the primitive pier.
Dyaus Pater
GM, 141 posts
Wed 6 May 2015
at 13:12
  • msg #5

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Just seconds after the boat docks and Ostroga ties the mooring line a group of ten men arrive on the scene each armed with a spear. They all level the points of their weapons at those on the boat.

One of them calls out in an archaic Atlantean dialect..."Who are you and what business do you have coming here!"
Human Priestess, 4 posts
Thu 7 May 2015
at 16:29
  • msg #6

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

She noted the Hellene Diomedes' reaction as to the ship, had been about to ask, when this welcoming committee arrived.

Ostroga had mentioned that this area was an old Atlantean outpost, so the dialect, at least, wasn't much of a surprise.   She decided that she may as well play diplomat, since neither of the men seemed eager to beat her to the punch:

"We have arrived here from Atlantis," which was true; and her accent and appearance supported it.  "We have not put in here of our choosing. Our ship was badly damaged by pirates, and we had no choice but to make for the nearest landing."   

Are these guys of the Atlantean race? 

Dyaus Pater
GM, 143 posts
Fri 8 May 2015
at 14:02
  • msg #7

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The one who called out the challenge raises his hand then lowers it drawing down the points of his fellow villagers spears. In a much less hostile tone he replies..."Please excuse my rashness, yes I can see by your state of travel that you are the victims of some unfortunate incident. As you can see, things have not been very calm here in our little village." He motions to you with his hand to come ashore..."Please, come with us, we will take you to the village Hetman. Are any of you injured?"

These folk are a bit swarthy and look to be of mixed Atlantean ancestry. They look a good deal like Ostroga who is half Atlantean and half would know this about him.

Currently there are five of you from the ship who have survived. Lenelle, Diomedes and Ostroga. The other two are just bodies who may become relevant later but for now are just place holders. No one is injured.

Dyaus Pater
GM, 144 posts
Fri 8 May 2015
at 14:15
  • msg #8

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Ostroga stands from his squatting posture after finishing up the mooring. He smiles at the man and nods his head saying..."Just let us grab our meager gear and we will join you."

Ostroga then helps all onto the dock and helps with what gear they were able to salvage. He personally was only able to escape with a belt dagger and a small pack. he lost his armor and weapons with the ship.

You can have as much or as little of your listed equipment as you want to have with you. Totally up to you guys.
Human Priestess, 5 posts
Fri 8 May 2015
at 19:01
  • msg #9

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

She shook her head. "None are injured, thank you for asking. And your apology is courteous, but not necessary.  We understand you've had your own trouble, and appreciate your invitation."

Like Ostroga, she had lost much of her equipment, armor, and weapons.  Fortunately, she had saved some of her personal belongings, including her religious texts.

The very worst loss had been her steed.  She hated to think of the poor animal going to an unpleasant, watery death.  Yet, she also gave her thanks for Ahbra's blessed Fortune, that this had not been her fate, as well.

It would have been nice to hang on to everything.  But, for some reason, I try to inject a little bit of reality into these unreal stories...

As they walked, she wondered idly how much Ostroga, or the European Diomedes, knew about this place, where they were now, seemingly, to be guests.
Human Hellene, 2 posts
Fri 8 May 2015
at 19:07
  • msg #10

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

As they walk to the Hetman, Diomedes asks, "What happened to that ship back there? Is the captain still alive?"
Dyaus Pater
GM, 145 posts
Mon 11 May 2015
at 14:38
  • msg #11

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The man responds to Diomedes..."The captain is said ship still lives but just barely. I will let the Hetman fill you in on the details.

The small group follows the guards to the meager home of the Hetman, a round stone building with a fur covered flap for a door and a thin trickle of smoke coming from the top. The lead guard holds the flap open and explains the situation to the Hetman...and older man who looks to be near of full Atlantean blood.
NPC, 1 post
Mon 11 May 2015
at 14:54
  • msg #12

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The Hetman smiles at the castaways..."You ar elucky to have made it to our shore. We are just the gateway to the Village of Stars which lies upriver a few miles. As you have noticed, we have had out own share of excitement here as of late. The ship ported here was burned by pirates from Acheron and a small number of troops set off for points north of the Village of Stars itself....nasty business. Almost all the crew of the attacked ship were killed or taken for slaves. Only the captain is still here and he is sorely wounded."

"Since the pirates left a force here, we are expecting their return, which leads to the stern welcome you were given. For that I apologies."

Human Priestess, 6 posts
Mon 11 May 2015
at 19:38
  • msg #13

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Lenelle considered the Hetman, and his words.  In general, she didn't trust Atlanteans. Too often human kind were used as pawns in their machinations. She wondered if this one was giving them a fair assessment of the situation, or if there was more, that he was hiding. 

She nodded but remained silent for the moment, awaiting to see where this was leading.
Human Hellene, 3 posts
Sat 16 May 2015
at 16:08
  • msg #14

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

"I believe I know the captain of the ship...can you take me to him?"
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 17 May 2015
at 04:46
  • msg #15

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The hetman stands and takes a few steps to the left side of the room and draws back a curtain revealing an injured man on a litter. He waves away the girl who is looking after the mans wounds and leans over the body..."It seems that he is awake now...come talk to him if you must be take care he is at deaths door."
NPC Hellene, 25 posts
Sun 17 May 2015
at 04:48
  • msg #16

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The wounded man turns his face to look at the newcomers to the room, he squints as he thinks he spies an old comrade..."Diomedes?"

He raises a hand and points north saying in a weak voice..."Ahmose...kill those who go...ziggurat." with the effort he passes out.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:03, Sun 17 May 2015.
NPC, 3 posts
Sun 17 May 2015
at 19:12
  • msg #17

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The Hetman nods..."The comrades of this wounded man, traveled north throught he village of stars to the haunted ziggurat some days ago. It seemed like the raiders were following them. There were only about 10 in the raiders group but the original group was smaller by a few folks if I remember correctly."
NPC, 2 posts
Sun 17 May 2015
at 19:15
  • msg #18

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Ostroga first looks at Diomedes that towards Hasshar..."This Ahmose, he is a bad man yes? You have spoke of him before?"
player, 1 post
Nubian warrior
HP: 22/22
Sun 17 May 2015
at 19:55
  • msg #19

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Thus another sea adventure had ended poorly for Hasshar, I should know better than to set foot on anything made of wood and sail he considers as he walk silently with the others. At least this time no one I know got hurt which is a first.

The giant Nubian smiled at that and flex his muscles, giving a pearl white smile to anyone who cared. He was a life, healthy and there was always a job for a hired blade.

"Ahmose, here?" he bellow when he hears the name shaking his head "That man has poor sense of honor and even less when it come to humor. Trust me on that." Hasshar glance around the room now that he established that there are no pretty women with a cleavage or ugly ones and nothing to drink as well - which was bad. If his old enemy was here, trouble would soon follow that he was sure.

"Where did he say he met that low life Ahmose? and by Athirat teats have you nothing to drink here?"
Human Priestess, 7 posts
Wed 20 May 2015
at 15:05
  • msg #20

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Lenelle lets out a half offended, half amused snort at the giant Nubian's words.
NPC, 4 posts
Wed 20 May 2015
at 15:38
  • msg #21

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The hetman motions to the young girl who was looking after the wounded Hellene captain. In a moment she brings golden cups filled with a fine foaming mead. SHe passes them out to the newcomers and those partake find that it is of exceptional quality and very welcome after being stuck on rationing for several days.

She then heads back into another section of the building and returns with flat bread, and smoked fish.

"Please fill your bellies,. Please excuse me, I am not much of a host it seems."
"The man you speak of was here two days ago and headed north to the ziggurat, in pursuit of another group of earlier travelers."

player, 2 posts
Nubian warrior
HP: 22/22
Fri 22 May 2015
at 07:58
  • msg #22

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

"Ahh... now this is fine mead..." Hasshar bellows with a rolling laughter as he finish the cup in one swallow.

Slapping his right hand over his right thigh he shows his appreciation for the drink and move to do as asked and fill his belly. For some time the tall Nubian is busy gorging himself with food, he had been at sea on thin rations for far to long and this meal was not much better but ever the practical man he made sure his belly was full.

"Tell us more about this ziggurat and what Ahmose is meddling about." he saws as he draw his pinga testing the odd weapon sharpness.
NPC, 5 posts
Sat 23 May 2015
at 16:54
  • msg #23

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

"I can only assume this man went in search of the party that left for the ziggurat some days ago. As for the ziggurat, it is an ancient temple said to be haunted but more likely the real danger are the Nethermen tribes in the area surrounding it. They are superstitious so they leave the place be but the party that left earlier were looking for something there I believe....what I don't know but they left we provisioned and whoever this Ahmose is, he will find them no easy prey."
NPC, 3 posts
Sat 23 May 2015
at 17:04
  • msg #24

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Ostroga finishes his flagon of mead and sighs deeply..."It seems that this would be a good time to take this Ahmose unawares eh? And maybe a chance to get ourselves another ship if we roll the dice with the favor of the gods. We can go deal with Ahmose and when his ship arrives back to pick him up, we can meet them."

He takes a large ruby encrusted earing from his own ear and turns to the Hetman..."I lost all with the ship, I will need arms and armor and we will need four mounts to take us to the ziggurat...this will more than pay for that and anything else my comrades may need as well."
Human Hellene, 4 posts
Sun 24 May 2015
at 16:40
  • msg #25

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

"Before my friend Ason passed out. He said Ahmose meant to kill those who traveled to the ziggurat. Surely in the case, the old adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" must be correct."

He then says to the Hetman, "I trust Ason will be in good hands till we return?"
player, 3 posts
Nubian warrior
HP: 22/22
Sun 24 May 2015
at 18:47
  • msg #26

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

Hasshar punch his left fist into his right palm the small thunder echoes in the room "Any action that would give Ahmose discomfort or disgrace is good for me..." he laughs again with merit although when a second boat is mention his smile falter a little.

"I had my share of sea travel, the sea gods loves me not and I have no liking to the fate they had bestowed upon me. Ten sheep I had given before my last voyage as token for my honor and for safe passage and in return I got nothing but pain and tragedy... I would trust my own two feet before I rest my head on the bow of a boat again."
NPC, 6 posts
Wed 27 May 2015
at 17:13
  • msg #27

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

The Hetman bows his head at Diomedes..."Yes, of course he will be taken care of."
NPC, 4 posts
Wed 27 May 2015
at 17:17
  • msg #28

Re: Village of Stars (Lenelle, Ostroga)

When replies about the sea, boats and gods, Ostroga throws his head back and laughs..."Fair enough Hasshar! We will decided what to do with the ship if and when we take it, for now we can agree to follow Ahmose and try to get a jump on him and his men as they attack those who came before yes?"
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