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03:01, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Sprawl Delve #3.

Posted by The ShadowFor group 0
player, 337 posts
Wait, she's a plant?
What gave it away?
Sun 6 Sep 2015
at 21:22
  • msg #443

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

 She felt herself surprised at her reaction to Bedlams mental prompt and angrily sent a prompt back at him, "Its where i wanted to....Sorry, its been a long day and coming back with hardly nothing is not going to pay for my motorcycle engine."
The Shadow
GM, 1204 posts
Sat 12 Sep 2015
at 06:15
  • msg #444

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

With Thunderbird scouting and Crinkles and Bedlam pulling the mostly empty carts, you follow the route through the suburbs back to Compton. About half way back is a familiar spot, a rubble choked underpass and perfect spot for an ambush. Standing on the half collapsed roadway above are a group of seven hoops, humanoid rabbits with a violent streak. Unusually, these Hoops appear to be wearing some kind of uniform.

You are around 60ft away from the Hoops, and sadly Thunderbird didn't spot them until you rounded a corner and revealed yourselves. They have clearly noticed you, but simply stand on the overpass watching...
player, 105 posts
8/35 HP
Mon 14 Sep 2015
at 22:12
  • msg #445

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Furry longears. Crinkles has had bad experiences with them. Cuteness does not mean nice. The yeti said his fists clenching reflexively.
player, 118 posts
HP:38/19 Lv3 Pyrokinetic
& Gravity Controller
Thu 17 Sep 2015
at 00:37
  • msg #446

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Arcus readies his 'STOP' Shield... but makes no other aggressive action... 'yet'... letting Bedlam deal with the Hoops.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:38, Thu 17 Sept 2015.
Bedlam Jones
player, 306 posts
I tend to get my own way
like it or not.
Sat 19 Sep 2015
at 00:54
  • msg #447

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

~Its where i wanted to....Sorry, its been a long day and coming back with hardly nothing is not going to pay for my motorcycle engine.~

~I understand your disappointment, little sis.~ Bedlam replied, careful not to offer any other interpretations of the delve.

The Shadow:
...Standing on the half collapsed roadway above are a group of seven hoops... wearing some kind of uniform.

~Whoa! Hold up here. I've heard they can jump quite a distance. T-bird, Ophelia, find us an exit route in case this starts glowing. Everyone else keep your eyes open for other surprises.~

The giant sets down the cart handles and moves to stand in front of the crew. Lamp post in hand, he silently observes the hoops for a few moments before nodding once. Raising his voice he addresses them across what he hopes is a safe distance.

"You're new in these parts. You might want to consider a different place to set up camp - there's a fair amount of traffic along this path. Wouldn't want to have any sort of misunderstanding with other travellers."
player, 151 posts
HP Current 13 Max 24
F15 R14 W17 AC17
Sun 20 Sep 2015
at 22:05
  • msg #448

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Hearing the command, Thunderbird started scanning the area to see if there were other exits or to make sure that they would blunder into a bigger trap.

18:05, Today: Thunderbird rolled 21 using 1d20+11.  perception.

player, 228 posts
HP:23 / 9
Mon 21 Sep 2015
at 11:07
  • msg #449

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Ophelia looked at the young man beside her and noticed he was still nervous in her presence. " I have very little opinion on the subject. Bedlam has made the choice and I will follow his lead. I trust him and I trust the rest of you otherwise I'd not still be here."

She gave him a smile " anyway if the crap hits the fan I still have you to protect me" she said as she slinked off to keep an eye out for anyone following them.


With the comment about the hoops in the location she returned from the rear of the column. " OK big guy a route round them roger that" and she sprints off into the ruins around them to find a possible way round.

12:11, Today: Ophelia rolled 12 using 1d20+10.  stealth roll.
12:10, Today: Ophelia rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  perception roll.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:11, Mon 21 Sept 2015.
The Shadow
GM, 1205 posts
Wed 23 Sep 2015
at 11:29
  • msg #450

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

One of the hoops proves Bedlam right by taking a huge hop from the overpass to the road below. While its comrades watch, weapons ready but not aimed at you, the hoop lollops towards Bedlam, stopping a few feet away. Close up, you can see the hoop's uniform, with a distinctive crossed lightning bolt motif. The large rabbit looks you all over one by one, its gaze lingering on your weapons and equipment. It reaches slowly into a belt pouch and pulls out a handful of leaflets, then launches into an obviously rehearsed speech.

"Unhappy with your existence? Life lacks meaning? Find new purpose with the Red Guard" it intones leadenly, offering Bedlam the leaflets.

Thunderbird does not see any signs of an ambush and identifies several escape routes.
player, 338 posts
Wait, she's a plant?
What gave it away?
Wed 23 Sep 2015
at 14:27
  • msg #451

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

 She eyed the giant rabbit with a doubtful eye and tried to make sense of what the words meant. Her hands cradled the hvy xbow but for now did not target the hopper.

 Firing off a mental message to Bedlam, "I hope your not considering that offer..and who is this red guard anyway, dont like any rabbits..they eat plants."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:49, Wed 23 Sept 2015.
player, 152 posts
HP Current 13 Max 24
F15 R14 W17 AC17
Wed 23 Sep 2015
at 15:52
  • msg #452

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

~No signs of an ambush and plenty of exit routes. What the hell is the Red Guard?~ Thunderbird thinks back to Bedlam
Bedlam Jones
player, 307 posts
I tend to get my own way
like it or not.
Thu 24 Sep 2015
at 00:15
  • msg #453

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Bedlam stands his ground as the hoop approaches. Watching closely for any sign of threat from the creature he waits cautiously as it makes it's pitch.

The Hoop:
"Unhappy with your existence? Life lacks meaning? Find new purpose with the Red Guard"

~I hope your not considering that offer...~

~Wouldn't dream of it. But I do want to know more about who they are.~

"The Red Guard?" Bedlam raises a skeptical eyebrow. "Is that you and your comrades? The Red Guard? Have you found... happiness and meaning since joining the Red Guard?"

The giant carefully accepts the leaflets. "These will tell us more about the Red Guard? And where'd you get the spiffy uniforms?"
player, 119 posts
HP:38/19 Lv3 Pyrokinetic
& Gravity Controller
Thu 24 Sep 2015
at 00:45
  • msg #454

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

In reply to Ophelia (msg # 449):

Arcus listens his expression neutral... merely gathering her opinion, though it was clear he was hoping for more of a feel for her own personal opinion of working with 'potential' slavers, but he accepts Ophelia's view without judgement.

At her last words he smiles his cheeks coloring slightly but he nods solemnly in agreement.

Arcus moves to the side of the rubble choked underpass... near where he can quickly get under cover from any gunfire but does not actually take cover, letting Bedlam 'treat' with the mad-rabbits...

Arcus makes no comment but to the observant, he is proudly  displaying his ”Rangers” – Lone Star Badge; attached to his plate armor... and his Radioactivist’s Faith Trinket its golden atomic emblem catching the light hangs from his neck, declaring without a word that HE, at least, is already sworn to a cause.

His STOP shield is on his arm he lowers it to cover his chest/waist in front... conveniently covering him resting his hand upon the pommel of his Beaten-flat U-Channel sharpened bastard sword at his side.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:47, Thu 24 Sept 2015.
player, 106 posts
8/35 HP
Fri 25 Sep 2015
at 19:32
  • msg #455

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Crinkles ambles over to stand beside Bedlam. "What does Red guard against? And how does it make happiness?" he asked earnestly.
The Shadow
GM, 1206 posts
Sat 26 Sep 2015
at 07:42
  • msg #456

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

The leaflets are a mixture of garish drawings, showing pristine housing and happy citizenry and text, for those of you that can read.

The hoop radiates pride as he expounds further. "We guard against mediocrity and sloth! Our ethos is to live every moment as if it will be your last, perform every task, no matter how mundane, to the utmost of your abilities, as if your very life depended on it!"

Realising he was beginning to rant, the hoop pauses and continues in a more moderate tone. "I can see your power. Beings such as yourselves would rise quickly in the ranks and live a life of personal fulfillment and physical joy! Ahem. Our uniforms and weapons are all made by the craftsmen of our community, and are freely available to all new recruits"
player, 120 posts
HP:38/19 Lv3 Pyrokinetic
& Gravity Controller
Sat 26 Sep 2015
at 10:31
  • msg #457

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

In reply to The Shadow (msg # 456):

Arcus speaks up, "That is an admirable creed ta follow 'Guardsman', striving fur self-improvement and making a betah life fur yourself and those in yur community is a worthy goal ta seek!"

Arcus places a hand over his heart his fingertips just touching the "Lone Star" badge on his chest in reverence, "I am 'Ranger' Arcus Starborne... I'm founder of the 'Rangers' an our task is ta bring law and order to that lawless... and support tha' laws and peaceful trade and commerce of all peace-loving communities, ta' protect the helpless from bandits and criminals in conjunction with the locale authority in the respective communities people are affiliated with."

"I'd be right honored ta consider the Red Guard and ally in this cause of the peaceful rebuilding of civilization and the seeking of liberty and justice fur all sentients. I wish ya all the best success and may tha' Holy Radiant Divine Glory shine upon yur efforts!"

As a gesture of 'good-will' and a test... Arcus will step forward and offer his open hand in respectful handshake... curious to see just how open to peaceful self-improvement the usually 'irratic and some would say mad-rabbits' actually are...

"Perhaps some day I will get the privilege to see yur community...?"

06:37, Today: Arcus rolled 16 using 1d20+9.  Interaction 'Diplomacy' with Red Guard.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:40, Sat 26 Sept 2015.
The Shadow
GM, 1207 posts
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 19:10
  • msg #458

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

"That day could be today, friend" says the hoop earnestly. "That leaflet will grant you safe passage across the sleeth bridge. Our embassy lies just across the river, and from their we can bring you home!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:05, Wed 25 Nov 2015.
player, 121 posts
HP:38/19 Lv3 Pyrokinetic
& Gravity Controller
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 20:16
  • msg #459

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

In reply to The Shadow (msg # 458):

Arcus is... perplexed.  He certainly wants to believe the Hoops are as kind as they seem, but months of traveling the wastelands have made him wary of things that 'seem' too good to be true.. though honestly.. the same thing could be said about him as well.  He ponders if he is letting prejudice 'color' his opinions or make him less willing to trust.  Bigotry is one of the ugliest, worse and most pointless social injustices to cling too in the ruin of the old world the 'Gamma Wastelands'... where mutant, alien, machine, plant and dimensional traveler all call portions of the wastelands home!  Mostly all want the same... to live in peace and prosper leaving a legacy of hope for their descendants...

{Trust ... but verify...}, he thinks.

Smiling he accepts the leaflet rolling it up so as not to wrinkle it and putting it in his map tube in his pack, "Well that's right kind'o you, Thank ya Much!!  Right now, Ah need ta escort mah' companions back ta' Compton.. but I'll come back-by fur a tour; after their all back and settled in, our injuries seen to and reports about the Badder's activities made to the Compton Elders!"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:25, Mon 28 Sept 2015.
player, 339 posts
Wait, she's a plant?
What gave it away?
Mon 5 Oct 2015
at 23:44
  • msg #460

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

 She looked at the rolled up leaf in suspicion before unrolling it and reading the message inside. Letting a frown roll her mouth slightly down she thought a message to Bedlam and the others...I want no part of this, somehow this sets wrong. We tried to deal like merchants to the scrap dealers and look where that got us, sorry boss, cant agree to these rabbits that eat plants.

 "Interesting, but no thanks."
player, 108 posts
8/35 HP
Tue 6 Oct 2015
at 19:21
  • msg #461

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

"Crinkles is going to stay with his friends, go to Compton. But Crinkles was happy to meet nice hoops." Crinkles says with a big smile.
Bedlam Jones
player, 308 posts
I tend to get my own way
like it or not.
Mon 12 Oct 2015
at 18:22
  • msg #462

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

Bedlam holds up the leaflet, nodding. "Passage across the Sleeth bridge to your embassy? This is good to know. I'm sure it will fill our discussions during our travels."

"So your embassy is just across the river? How far then, from the embassy to the home of the Red Guard?" Bedlam points to the pictures in the leaflet. "How long will it take to get to this happy community?"

OOC: Are all the citizens depicted as hoops or humans?

Quote Rose:
~...cant agree to these rabbits that eat plants.~
~No worries there, little sis.~ Bedlam's thoughts reply. ~Just want to see how much info I can get from them while they are in a talkative mood.~
This message was last edited by the player at 12:03, Thu 26 Nov 2015.
The Shadow
GM, 1214 posts
Wed 14 Oct 2015
at 05:42
  • msg #463

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

The line drawing on the leaflets show a rainbow coaltion of humans and mutants of all types, all smiling happily.

The hoops exchange glances. "We have a safe route back which takes around four hours" answers the leader.
player, 130 posts
HP:38/38 Lv3 Pyrokinetic
& Gravity Controller
Wed 14 Oct 2015
at 10:20
  • msg #464

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

In reply to Bedlam Jones (msg # 462):

Arcus smiles appreciatively but says nothing...

Thinking to Bedlam... ~I really would like ta believe these sentients but Hoops do have an not-quite unearned reputation o' some rather erratic, an Violent behavior!  They're claim o' wanting ta' start a open supportive community of sentients working tagether would have more weight..if'n there were some other races here with them... not jus' all Hoops!  Let's not be hasty... give em' some reasonable excuse fur our having ta go a different route back ta' Compton, perhaps we got to swing by the Restorationist's compound first or check on some slaver camps we passed on the way here ta' make sure their still empty-like and let's find out if others in Compton can verify their story?
This message was last edited by the player at 10:23, Wed 14 Oct 2015.
player, 154 posts
HP Current 13 Max 24
F15 R14 W17 AC17
Wed 14 Oct 2015
at 21:03
  • msg #465

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

"I think we might want to finish up here and head back to Compton for the time being." Thunderbird said. "We will keep your offer in mind and if needed, can we use the leaflet to pay a social call on your group." he said to the hopper representative.

"I want to check out the hoppers some more before we visit them. The smiling faces are creepy and might be the leaders smiling while everyone else does the work." he thought to Bedlam
Bedlam Jones
player, 309 posts
I tend to get my own way
like it or not.
Wed 14 Oct 2015
at 22:14
  • msg #466

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

"Excellent!" Bedlam grins broadly at the hoop spokesman.

OOC: Does Bedlam detect any indications of telepathic communication when the hoops pause before answering?

"We've each got one of these," he waves the leaflet. "So once we've taken care of our other commitments, we'll be able to come visit."

"Now it seems the crew," the giant gives a quick tip of his head toward Thunderbird. "Are eager to get back to Compton."

"Dabbers in these parts, dontcha know." he leans in conspiratorially to the lead hoop. "Not good to be out after dark."

"So if you and the other Guards don't mind withdrawing a bit..." he returns to his usual resonant voice so the other hoops can hear. "You know, common etiquette in these parts... we'll be on our way."
The Shadow
GM, 1215 posts
Sat 17 Oct 2015
at 08:21
  • msg #467

Re: The Sprawl Delve #3

The hoops exchange a glance again, then hop off back to their comrades, who after a brief discussion, clear the bridge.

The rest of the journey back to Compton is without incident.
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