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RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin.

Posted by Master DivineFor group 0
Master Divine
GM, 3534 posts
Wed 11 Aug 2010
at 11:19
  • msg #15

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Xellos, it seemed, held no wounds of a physical nature - though the spiritual and mental planes were not accounted for. While exhaustion had overcome the God of Time, whatever chemical solution Alliel had synthesized and infused into him did the trick. He lay still for a moment, and then suddenly lurched up, clawing at the air as he gasped wildly.

"I - what? What? Water.. please -"

He continued to choke and gasp.
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 569 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Wed 11 Aug 2010
at 11:34
  • msg #16

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel cursed viciously under her breath and then reformatted part of her body to force a portion of her own water out into Xellos's mouth.

"Xellos, listen to me.  I need souls from you.  I promise on my honor that I mean you no harm but someone else knows that you are here and that you are weak right now in the future.  Given the type of being involved that means they probably killed you in the near future.  To defend us both right now I need eighty souls if you can manage.  My own powers are based off souls so without them I am weak.  Once I've defeated the foe we should be able to get you somewhere more attractive where we can talk."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:04, Wed 11 Aug 2010.
Master Divine
GM, 3566 posts
Thu 12 Aug 2010
at 09:23
  • msg #17

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Xellos gulped, choked a little more, and looked up at Alliel. His haunted eyes were a dark grey-blue, and he seemed ready to drop dead.

"Souls? Souls.." he said. "Hah. Hehah. Ahah. Where am I.. where do you think I can gather eighty souls from, my.. friend? I have nothing here.. nothing. Nothing save knowledge.. knowledge.." He closed his eyes, frowning, it seemed, with pain. "And the book. The book. I have the book.. I have it."
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 574 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Thu 12 Aug 2010
at 09:52
  • msg #18

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel nods tightly and reaches down to take Xellos's sword.

"Then we fight here.  I need to borrow your sword my friend.  You can have it back if we win but right now knowledge is our last chance.  What is coming is capable of time manipulation, it modified a translocational gate to a transtemporal gate to send me here.  It knew you would be here and weak.  It knew how to sense and answer a daemon summons but doesn't in this time period and seems capable of distorting other daemon summons.  It is capable of receiving power from gods and probably of some equivalent of aramanth and it seems interested in obtaining more of your power than it has.  My best guess is that it has a true existence in time, that is it is separate from the main timeflow and capable of moving through time.  I suspect that this moment is later in its own personal timeline though not in the knowledge of its own timeline than the version I have met and that the powers it will use here are derived from mine.  That means it knows my divine powers and may well have access to them in some nature or another.  If you can tell me of a weakness I have resources it may not know of but without this I fear we stand little chance."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:22, Fri 13 Aug 2010.
Master Divine
GM, 3587 posts
Sun 15 Aug 2010
at 16:55
  • msg #19

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Xellos looked up to Alliel with haunted eyes that contained a small depth of hope. He allowed his curved blade to go freely, and sat up. He still wheezed, but the coughing, for now, had passed.

"I.. understand," he said. "I was lured here. So long ago. Years, decades. Months. I .. had a Gate of my own. Could step through time. Downwards, to this place - to Niborkerese. And it hunted me. I fought, but it cannot stop.. not here. Not.. now."

His eyes widened and held an intense desperation.

"I have the book," he said. "I have the book. I have it. But .. it is coming. It is beneath. The city. Coming, but I have the book."

He sagged back to the sand.

"I cannot defeat it. Not even with the book. Worthless."
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 581 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Sun 15 Aug 2010
at 20:25
  • msg #20

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel nodded grimly.

"The beast has helped me create a gate of my own to prey on you.  I suspect it has done so using your own power.  I can see two ways out of this for us now.  One we can find a place and time to fight this creature, one where we can win, or we can run to a place or time it cannot come.  Right now I need a choice from you.  A faded fragment of this creature is sitting at the other end of my gate and using it will tell it something has gone wrong and where we have gone.  If we can portal within this realm."

Her voice fades out and a sly smile crosses her face.

"Of course - the one thing it cannot expect.  This entire thing is a trap and I was chosen because my own powers are inactive currently.  I can get out of the trap where no-one else can but not if I portal.  So we need to present it what it expects to see as much as possible.  Now that would be."

Her form begins to change to match Xellos's as she reaches down and inflicts a small cut onto Xellos's arm before smearing the resultant blood onto her mouth.

She then begins digging a small trench and burying Xellos in it.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:59, Mon 16 Aug 2010.
Master Divine
GM, 3629 posts
Tue 7 Sep 2010
at 16:12
  • msg #21

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

"I, uh, hang on!" said Xellos. "I'm not, that is, are you quite sure I can survive in the earth? What if I.. can't.. breathe!" He struggled, but not strongly.

(OOC: I'm afraid you lost me with that explanation :P)
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 599 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Tue 7 Sep 2010
at 17:24
  • msg #22

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel concentrates briefly and then turns a small section of her skin into a sand-coloured stiff tube and sticks it between Xellos's lips.

"Breathe through that."
Master Divine
GM, 3655 posts
Thu 9 Sep 2010
at 15:11
  • msg #23

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

"I - ah - yes," said Xellos, and did as he was told.

Alliel felt a terrible emotion come over her. It was an emotion of horror, of revulsion, stark terror. About her the gems and precious stones twinkled innocently in the starlight.

Above, one by one, the starts were slowly extinguished.
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 605 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Fri 10 Sep 2010
at 10:45
  • msg #24

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel walked to the side and begins reforming her skin slightly and then pressing a gem into it and locking it in place by hardening the skin around it both as a means of carrying the stones and as an impromptu form of armour.

Whatever is coming this is going to be felt throughout time.
Master Divine
GM, 3665 posts
Mon 13 Sep 2010
at 14:36
  • msg #25

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

As Alliel worked, Xellos began to scream in fear, and the stars continued to die ever so slowly. The dread and terror only intensified..

Suddenly, Alliel felt a calling. It was familiar, a single message that she couldn't quite comprehend calling her back to her time.. spoken, Alliel realized, by the Hookah itself. It was trying to bring Alliel back into the present. All she needed to do was give up on this time, step forward..

If not, she would have to face a terror that might very easily destroy her.
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 608 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Mon 13 Sep 2010
at 15:01
  • msg #26

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel fought the call.  She needed to deal with this if she was going to be able to achieve her goals and for that she needed to face this darkness.  She continued preparing her armor carefully.  Whatever was coming would not find her unprepared.
Master Divine
GM, 3703 posts
Mon 20 Sep 2010
at 16:29
  • msg #27

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

The calling intensified, almost irresistible now. Alliel knew that the call to the present would be at its strongest before it fell silent. It would be so easy for her to love this place.. she could easily give in, be saved from whatever struggle came for her..
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 612 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Mon 20 Sep 2010
at 19:28
  • msg #28

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel grits her teeth and holds on.   Whatever comes she will face it.
Master Divine
GM, 3726 posts
Thu 23 Sep 2010
at 14:14
  • msg #29

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

As suddenly as it had come, the calling is banished. It is slowly growing darker. There are not many stars left in the sky.
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 615 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Thu 23 Sep 2010
at 14:56
  • msg #30

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel completes her armour of gems and waits.  Whatever is coming will come now and nothing she can do will stop it.
Master Divine
GM, 3748 posts
Sat 27 Nov 2010
at 17:03
  • msg #31

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

The last star above was snuffed with little fanfare, winked out of existence as if it were nothing more than a pathetic, flickering light kept up within an obsidian ceiling. The world was consumed by by the absence of light, and Alliel could see nothing, hear nothing except the rustling of the wind across the desert and the frantic screams of the Lord of Time..


That was not true.

There was another sound, fair in the distance. A persistent howl, like hunger give shape and form and sent to consume the universe. Dread welled up within Alliel, twisting in her gut and making her sweat involuntarily. Whatever moons had been caught in the skies had been banished or destroyed. The howling slowly rose, and Alliel knew it was coming, coming to claim her..
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 618 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Sat 27 Nov 2010
at 22:13
  • msg #32

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel smiles, a smile showing the pain of ages and lifts her hands.  This was it, the moment of choice.  She turned to look down at the pile of sand covering Xellos and her lips drew back in a grimace.  If he couldn't be still this was pointless.  Her forearm morphed into a long tube glistening with paralytics and she carefully moved it into the sand and into Xellos's body.  As she felt the tube enter him she began to draw his blood from him as quickly as she could - from the blood came power and this power she would take.
Master Divine
GM, 3755 posts
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 09:52
  • msg #33

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

The howl grew louder, and Alliel's hearing was consumed by the rushing of twisted white noise - the whispers of the damned, perhaps, or of soulless space-gods hellbent on destroying the Lady of Alchemy..

Xellos stopped screaming as the fast-acting paralytic entered his system. A gathering darkness, blacker even than the pitch of the starless sky, continued to grow.

Alliel felt the blood of Xellos very slowly enter her system..
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 621 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Mon 29 Nov 2010
at 09:55
  • msg #34

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel smiled and increases the rate of transfer.  As she does so she reaches down into the sand and pulls out the book.  Now is the time to find what happens.  Now is the time to survive.
Master Divine
GM, 3788 posts
Thu 2 Dec 2010
at 13:32
  • msg #35

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Above, the absence of all grows, the howling is exacerbated - almost as if Alliel can hear whatever is caught within the depths of the Void struggling to devour all in its path. The blackness, caught against the dark night sky, writhes like a hundred million snakes wrought of shadow, a billion unseen eyes observing Alliel..

The Book is ancient and leathery. It is heavy within Alliel's hands, and the parchment within is filled with sand and grime. She can't quite see it, however..

A burning pain starts to rise in Alliel as the blood from Xellos truly entered her system, mingling with her own..
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 627 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Thu 2 Dec 2010
at 15:50
  • msg #36

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel continues grimly reformating her own body to process the divine blood flowing through it.  She attempts to draw its power from it and absorb it into her own to create some sort of draw on Xellos's power within her.  Something is wrong here however and she begins to wonder WHEN this is.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:22, Fri 03 Dec 2010.
Master Divine
GM, 3802 posts
Mon 6 Dec 2010
at 16:41
  • msg #37

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

The blood mingles with her own, and Alliel feels some connection to the power. It will be gone, soon, as it passes through her, but if she was to use any part of it - or to try - now would be the time..

The howling only grows.. less than a few minutes now before it descends from the Void upon her..
Neoacadem Alliel the First, High God of Alchemy and the Dark Arts
player, 629 posts
Broken Naggurtyi
Mon 6 Dec 2010
at 16:53
  • msg #38

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

Alliel draws heavily on the power trying to create a bubble of time dragging her forward through history.  A fast forward version of time moving towards the current day but showing her what happened here and now and taking Xellos and the book with her.
Master Divine
GM, 3835 posts
Wed 6 Jan 2016
at 14:06
  • msg #39

Re: RP BROKEN PAST: The Age of Odin

The Void resists. It is great, greater than ever before: it dominates everything that is unfortunate enough to lay eyes upon it, and anything that is unfortunate to be seen by it is already too late to save. Alliel, of course, falls into neither category.

As Xello's vichor works its way through her, time seems to stagger - stop, did it stop? - around her. It was an imperfect calculation. As the Sorcerer and her victim moved through time, she experienced vague glimpses of futures known and unknown - of the emergence of Secret Pillars, the destruction of the Brotherhood of Guilds and the creation of the Salt Pacts - and, finally, stumbled, stumbled...

(You absorb Xellos's power. It flows through you, but the Aramanth is imperfect - the power lasted only momentarily, though its residue remains throughout your body. You gain a Degree, and some knowledge of the principles of time.)

Alliel returns to the City of Niborkerese, the Cursed Book and the body of a dead god in her hands.
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