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23:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

V: Into the Catacombs.

Posted by Man in BlackFor group 0
Man in Black
GM, 197 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 16:04
  • msg #1

V: Into the Catacombs

You're in a dank chamber with rough stone
walls and a damp, oppressive atmosphere.
This large chamber seems to have been
partitioned off into three storerooms, each
piled high with crates and jars; each storage
area is about 20 feet broad and 40 feet
deep, and the areas are separated from one
another by walls of red brick.

To the south, a low shaft leads deeper
into the catacombs. There is no noise except
for the distant drip of water, a faint
scurrying, and the burning of your torches.
Man in Black
GM, 199 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 16:12
  • msg #2

V: Into the Catacombs

One of the small areas contains grain barrels.  The grain is long gone.  The barrels themselves are rotting and show teeth marks from some large creatures.

Another section has piles of old cloth and leather.  It all looks badly rotted.

The last section is piled high with boxes and crates in a haphazard fashion.  There are no visible labels on the boxes.

To the South is a hall.  An old rotting tapestry blocks the view further.
Daniv Jensen
player, 138 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 16:14
  • msg #3

V: Into the Catacombs

Deniv moves cautiously through the chamber, glancing into each of the sub-chambers as he passes by them towards the opposite tunnel. While they are not likely to be attacked from behimd, he does not feel so secure about the one opposite.
player, 36 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 17:32
  • msg #4

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 2):

As he and the group move deeper into the catacombs, Einlian keeps a watch out for moving things, whether that be rats, boxes or anything else including shadows. He wasn't paranoid, not yet, he was using his new found focus that the stresses and dark have brought him.
Sal Warth
player, 81 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 17:45
  • msg #5

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Einlian (msg # 4):

Whispering under his breath to whomever can hear.
" I know we dont have another option, but I dont like it down here."

Every so often, Sal stops to listen for scurrying, or anything else that might be larger.

10%...makes it IF I was level 1
10:43, Today: Sal Warth rolled 10 using 1d100.  hear noise.

Lam Durus
player, 116 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2018
at 19:44
  • msg #6

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Sal Warth (msg # 5):

Lam tries to keep himself near the middle of the group as they spread out searching the 3 storage area.

OK, That last section looks like a dumping ground of stuff, be extra careful sorting through that area.

Lam goes quiet every time he sees someone concentrating or looking heavily at an area or box, ect. part in waiting for their discovery and part in case he has to react to a threat.

Jory, Check out behind the tapestry carefully to see what we go going on further south along that passage.
Man in Black
GM, 201 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 00:04
  • msg #7

V: Into the Catacombs

Sal doesn't hear anything unusual.

Behind the tapestry, the hall continues South.  Another tapestry is hanging blocking the hall another 20 feet further.
Sal Warth
player, 82 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 15:48
  • msg #8

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 7):

"Why all these tapestries.  My heart skips a beat everytime we have to move one to see what is beyond."

Taking a deep breath.

"Id assume the goddess is watching out for us, and helping protect us since we are doing some work for her.  I'd hope!"
player, 37 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 18:29
  • msg #9

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Sal Warth (msg # 8):

Pondering the question and looking around.
The tapestries appear to be acting as doors and the stop the cold getting closer to the building. If not, since there are no tables or chairs, it would be difficult to assume they are just for decoration
Player, 39 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2018
at 21:20
  • msg #10

V: Into the Catacombs

Rebeccah readies her bow as her group starts to move down the hall.  "I'm not so sure I agree with you, Einlian.  Do you really think any kind of cold or breeze could move from down here, through the book case, and to the other side of the manor where Keestake was living?  No, there is another purpose to this.  Could they be part of the original decoration when this place was built?"
player, 38 posts
Sun 15 Apr 2018
at 13:03
  • msg #11

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Rebeccah (msg # 10):

Rebeccas words made sense to him, why would cold or breeze eminate up unless there was something immense further on.

Original decorations? Why not doors though, the tapestries would muffle noise but so would a door to some extent.

We should look behind each one. Same with those crates that, unlike the first few room, were not rotting or broken

Sal Warth
player, 84 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Sun 15 Apr 2018
at 16:27
  • msg #12

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Einlian (msg # 11):

"Right we might find some food, unspoiled, or better yet, water."
Player, 42 posts
Sun 15 Apr 2018
at 23:08
  • msg #13

V: Into the Catacombs

Rebeccah looks around her.  "This doesn't seem like the kind of place to find fresh anything.  Not even a fresh corpse. Just be careful.  Keestake was here a long time.  There's no telling what that poor, crazed old man got up to around here."
Lam Durus
player, 118 posts
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 01:14
  • msg #14

V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Rebeccah (msg # 13):

As Lam approaches the tapestries, he looks for any designs or pictures on them.  They may be telling a story as you proceed down he hallway from room to room?  Careful as we go, and keep to a marching order to cover each other as we move and do not get bunched up.
Jory Ranglore
player, 133 posts
Half elf hunter
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 21:27
  • msg #15

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

Lam Durus:
Lam goes quiet every time he sees someone concentrating or looking heavily at an area or box, ect. part in waiting for their discovery and part in case he has to react to a threat.

Jory, Check out behind the tapestry carefully to see what we go going on further south along that passage.

Jory looks at the pictures too as he passes the tapestry into the hallway/catacomb leading south.
He says: "Yes, let's look behind the tapestries, but I think we should continue in the Southern direction."
Daniv Jensen
player, 141 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 00:00
  • msg #16

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

Rurning back to watch how the search may be going, Deniv makes a suggestion.  Watch the flickering of the torch flames to see where the air is going.  That could lead us to an exit.
player, 40 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 08:35
  • msg #17

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Daniv Jensen (msg # 16):

Yeah, like when we found the secret door.

I'll keet an ear ready for that distant drip of water too, it may be coming from a crack big enough to get out of.

Man in Black
GM, 202 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 10:11
  • msg #18

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

The torches do flicker occasionally.  If traced, cracks can be found in the walls.  Small creatures may be able to move through the cracks, but nothing halfling or bigger comes close.
player, 48 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 12:45
  • msg #19

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

Tath eases along through the darkness with the others, keeping an eye out for any dangers or any sign of a hidden door or fake wall. Occasionally stopping to check an area more completely.
Sal Warth
player, 85 posts
ac=10 hp 4
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 13:18
  • msg #20

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

In reply to Man in Black (msg # 18):

Sal examines the wall to see if they could possibly dig or pry rocks loose to fit through.
 Being no dwarf, it is really just a bet guess kind of inspection.
Jory Ranglore
player, 134 posts
Half elf hunter
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 20:35
  • msg #21

Re: V: Into the Catacombs

Man in Black:
Behind the tapestry, the hall continues South.  Another tapestry is hanging blocking the hall another 20 feet further.

Jory studied the tapestry 20 feet down the hall. Is there a picture on it?
What does he see if Jory takes a quick peek behind it?
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