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06:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

○ Woodcutters Cottage.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 142 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 05:39
  • msg #1

○ Woodcutters Cottage

As you make your way across the field of wheat, you can see the Woodcutters Cottage. The small building looks quiet, all that you can see is a small flickering glow coming from the window, likely a fireplace. This far away from the village proper the sounds of nature are louder, the crickets chirp and locusts rub their wings giving the nights air a slight buzzing sound, the ground is still damp from the recent rains and your boots are now muddy from the trek across the wheat field.
Althiof Morad
player, 54 posts
Professional Locksmith &
Security Consultant
Fri 17 May 2019
at 05:56
  • msg #2

○ Woodcutters Cottage

Althiƶf continued across the field to the cottage.  First the acid had hit him, and now his boots were fairly muddied.  He expected he would need to buy a new outfit, maybe more, and possibly even get them tailored.  At this rate, the locksmith expected to know everyone in town in no time.

Knocking on the door, "I come to see Tarim.  Jaroo sent me."
Dungeon Master
GM, 143 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 06:13
  • msg #3

○ Woodcutters Cottage

You hear the sounds of someone shuffling around and moving towards the cabins door. The door opens to reveal a large Oeridian, he stands there wiping his eyes as if he was wakened. "Yeah, what's going on?" he asks. Its not that late, the sun only went down about an hour ago, but from the looks of the man before you, he was sleeping pretty hard. He looks down. "What do you need?, oh Jaroo, yeah, he and I are friends, why did he send you?" he asks.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:26, Fri 17 May 2019.
Althiof Morad
player, 55 posts
Professional Locksmith &
Security Consultant
Fri 17 May 2019
at 06:18
  • msg #4

○ Woodcutters Cottage

"Good day.  I'm Althiof.  My apologies if I came at a bad time."

"Jaroo thought that I may be able to lend you some assistance.  He said you are a woodcutter, culling wood from Deklo Grove, and that you were having problems with spiders and such."

Dungeon Master
GM, 144 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 06:34
  • msg #5

○ Woodcutters Cottage

Tarim nods. "Ah, I understand now. I told Jaroo if he knew anyone that could help me to send them my way. Sorry I turned in early tonight, I've been up the last two days preparing the pyre for the funeral, over at the Cemetery." he says. "Please step inside." he motions for you to step inside his cabin. Once inside you can see its pretty plain, except for a lot of carved wooden items, chairs, a baby crib and a few other things. Along with being a woodcutter he looks to be a skilled carver too. "Jaroo is a good man, I went to him about the Spiders, because I didn't know what to do. I've been commissioned by Rufus to construct a new table for the Tower, and he wants me to use the wood from Deklo Grove. Its some of the finest wood in the area. But when I went up there last week, the area where I harvest is crawling with Giant Spiders, I saw three of them, but their could be more." he shakes his head. "I'm not about to put my livelihood on the line over some Spiders, I've seen what a small one can do to someone, having one that large bite me or cocoon me is a scary thought, so I just need someone to go up there and clear them out. I would normally use fire, but I can't damage any of the wood, their are only a few of the special trees up there, and the Spiders seemed to have made their nests right among them." he says.

Althiof Morad
player, 56 posts
Professional Locksmith &
Security Consultant
Fri 17 May 2019
at 06:38
  • msg #6

○ Woodcutters Cottage

"If I were to travel up the northern road, how soon would I need to turn east into the woods?  Is your spot on the southern end, the northern end, or somewhere in the middle."

"How can I tell these special trees apart from the others, if that's where they're nesting?"

Dungeon Master
GM, 146 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 06:42
  • msg #7

○ Woodcutters Cottage

Tarim nods. "The trees are easy to spot, they have a golden colored bark to them, leave it to Rufus to want a table for the Tower that looks like gold. There is a clear path that leads from the north road into the forest, I've been working in that area for a few months now and the trail is fresh, I take my wagon long it often. You shouldn't miss it." he says.

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