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OOC: Character: Nathan Serule

Posted by ControlFor group 0
GM, 532 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 06:58
  • msg #1

OOC: Character: Nathan Serule

Initial Thread can be found ind PDF format, at:

Way back when, Cara had suggested ideas for the Glyph Mage
...One way I could see doing it, you have a maximum number of potential Glyphs on your body. As a Ritual taking about an hour or so, you could alter a Glyph so that it provides an Aspect related to a certain element with a free Invoke, but it also gives Control a free Compel. So if you had a really powerful Ritual or Evocation effect you wanted to cast, you could load up on free Invokes to pull it off, but your "Resonance" or something would be super screwed up, leaving you vulnerable to all sorts of madness.

You suggested a stunt, based on Evocation
When calling upon the circles of power inscribed within your tattoos, once per session you can improve the outcome by one step: failure to tie, tie to success, or success to success with style. If you initially succeeded with style, you can create an aspect with one free invocation instead of gaining a boost

I suggested
I proposed a similar idea to Arui for "Vows of Guardianship" where each vow carries a stress-track. perhaps something similar would work here?

As a member of the Sigiled Fist, he has, obviously, sigils tattoo'd (or burnt or scarred) into him...  It makes sense to me that each of a limited number of sigils would have a predetermined effect burnt into them. And you could then burn the temporary stress-track off those sigils to power (or additinionally power) a magical effect.

SO that's kinda where we left things off...
GM, 533 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 07:01
  • msg #2

OOC: Character: Nathan Serule

This is the Law Enforcement Mantle from The Dresden Files.  I think much of it captures the responsibilities and authority of the police-force (Blue-Coats) and the Magical police-force...

Police Powers (special): [x]
This condition is always marked, unless you are Suspended (see below). You are a member in good standing of a law enforcement agency in the mortal world. You may therefore do the following without fear of legal reprisal:
  • Arrest anyone when you have probable cause to believe they have committed a serious crime.
  • Detain anyone upon reasonable suspicion of their involvement in a crime, and search them for weapons.
  • Ignore legal ramifications to stop a crime in progress, up to and including
    the use of deadly force.

Your freedom to act is not unlimited and is subject to frequent review. If you exceed the boundaries of good conduct, you may be Warned or Suspended.

Warned (fleeting): []
Mark this condition when you egregiously flaunt your position as a law enforcement agent, act insubordinately to your superiors, or fail to report in regularly on your on-duty activities. Being Warned indicates that your superiors are closely observing you but carries few real consequences if no further transgressions are reported. You recover from being Warned at the end of the session.

Suspended (sticky): []
Mark this condition when you are observed flagrantly breaking the law in the pursuit of your duties, coming into open conflict with your organization, or acting in a way that would have you Warned and that condition is already marked. While Suspended is marked, you may not use Police Powers and are subject to the same consequences as a civilian for your actions. Moreover, if you are already Suspended and caught doing something that would result in marking Suspended, you may be fired, especially if taken out in a conflict related to your job status. (If you are discharged, take a new mantle at the next available milestone.) Recover this condition when you have made sufficient restitution to your superiors in a manner the GM prescribes, or at the end of the scenario, whichever comes first.

Core Stunt:

While in good standing with your organization, once per session you can request backup, equipment, access, or protection (either political or physical) from your organization. This aid takes the form of a minor NPC to help in a scene, free success at an overcome roll, or an advantage with two invokes. At the GM’s discretion, you may use this stunt an additional time per session and mark Warned.
GM, 534 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 07:02
  • msg #3

Towards a Sigiled Fist Mantle

Now... towards a part of the mantle that deals with the specifics of the imprinted sigils...

Members of the Sigiled Fist undergo very specific magical rituals to embed magical containers in their very flesh.  This appears as tattoos and remain in effect until such a time as the tattoo  Each Sigil acts as a container for a pre-defined effect.    And each container would have a small set of it's own stress-rack...

So, there's a few things I see we need to define:

What's the process for getting a new sigil-container?
Magical-ritual, narrative.

How many sigil-containers can you have?
I'm not comfortable with more than two or three.   Unless there's some sort of trade-off ...  But this is also associated with rank in the Sigiled Fist, so... it comes with obligations.

Can you remove a sigil-container?
Nope.  Once the circle is branded into you, it's there.  There's no going back.

Whats the process for embedding a sigil into that sigil-contaner?
Personal magical ritual, something you can do on your own.  But it's got to take some time... like reset a the beginning of scenarios (or better yet simply major plot-points).

How many shifts per container or sigil?
Three, maybe?   Per Container.  That way the number of shifts on the sigil-track remains consistent.   Each sigil-shift allows you to boost the associated effect by +2 shifts... just as the mana-shifts works.  But once it's depleted, the sigil disappears  (the circl-container it's in remains).

What's it look like?
Sigil-1: Effect One [-][-][-],  Sigil-2: Effect Two [-][-][-]

So... no Unique Conditions other than the Sigils.  The containers are burnt into you, so it's not like they can normally be taken away...

I can think of one associated stunts:

Spend a Fate-point, and you can refresh the sigil-track.  Or, alternately, you can load a new sigil into an existing container, regardless of the number of remaining shifts...

Thoughts so far?
MIA, 43 posts
Fri 10 Jul 2020
at 19:26
  • msg #4

Towards a Sigiled Fist Mantle

Solid, thus far. On my phone so will read through more fully later tonight
MIA, 50 posts
Sun 12 Jul 2020
at 19:18
  • msg #5

Towards a Sigiled Fist Mantle

Right, been considering these

From what I understand of the Blue Cloaks, the Law Enforcement Mantle seems to fit unless there are tweaks that are worth making to align it with the flavour of this setting - in terms of what constitutes a serious crime, the scope for permissible corruption, brutality and review (not that I'm intending these things, but so I can judge others)

For the specific of the Sigiled Fist, I like the limitations. They fit what I had in my head. At his current rank, I suggest Nathan has a single sigil-container (perhaps let's call them "fist marks"?). Are the sigils tuned to a particular type of sigil? Or limited in what they can hold? Is embedding a sigil a cumulative effort (a few hours over several weeks) or a focused effort (say a day of fasting and ritual)?

Player, 91 posts
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 12:35
  • msg #6

Towards a Sigiled Fist Mantle

Aware that Nathan's sheet is not fully there, so reviewing this thread and the GDrive PDF FYI
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