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23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned.

Posted by The SeerFor group 0
The Seer
GM, 1585 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 13:55
  • msg #1

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

It is a long slog back to Gregor's rest. As the party funnels into the henchman's hidey hole, he notes two are missing and mutters a prayer to Kord for the deliverance of their souls to the Happy Hunting Grounds.

At first he's reticent to say anything, and starts working on a full meal for the survivors. As the somber quiet descends, the food is finished and he goes about ladling a beefy stew into dishes. Once everyone is served, he asks, "What happened, m'lords?"
This message was last updated by the GM at 13:56, Wed 07 Oct 2020.
Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 243 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/24 AC: 1
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 14:00
  • msg #2

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

In reply to The Seer (msg # 1):

"We got out over our spears and were nearly wiped out is what happened. May Pelor Bless Zan and Uthecar. I need to give them a proper burial when I can. Uthecar sacrificed his life that we could live."
The Seer
GM, 1587 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 14:18
  • msg #3

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Once his service to the party is done, Gregor casts the hood of his cloak over his head and quietly prays. Later in the evening, as the party prepares for bed, Gregor asks, "Milords, what's our next step? You are all wounded, some gravely. Shall we hole up here for a few days."

ooc: keep in mind, you had two days of exploration and battle. fyi.
Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 244 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/24 AC: 1
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 14:27
  • msg #4

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

In reply to The Seer (msg # 3):

"The evil is great and will take time to defeat. How much time do we have Gregor?"
Bruno Rhunthane
player, 668 posts
Fighter and Cleric
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 15:55
  • msg #5

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Bruno has been solemn since they escaped the barrow and thankfully accepted Gordo's meal and the comfort of their camp. He gives the lad a rough outline of their discoveries both in terms of the barrows themselves and the information gained from Nimae about Mogens and his return.

After they ate he had out a brush and in a meditative, comfortable manner began to give his beard a much needed cleaning. When Gordo asks about next moves he both nods and shrugs in response to Ulrich's reply, "I would rest here for only this night and then return to avenge our fallen comrades in case the vileness within that barrow is able to regenerate itself over time. Kullonar and I can also create some more holy water tonight."

He looks around fire at each of the party as he continues, "Despite the loss of our dear comrades, we have the advantage of knowledge that we did not previously have... And if our enemy is conscious of us, I suspect he will not expect we would return so quickly."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:15, Wed 07 Oct 2020.
Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 246 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/24 AC: 1
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 15:59
  • msg #6

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

In reply to Bruno Rhunthane (msg # 5):

"Ummmm, rest one day to heal and make Holy Water, then go back and avenge Zan and Uthecar!" he nods and says.
The Seer
GM, 1589 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 16:11
  • msg #7

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

DM caveat:

Everyone's healed: between potions & Nimea's healing you guys are in good shape. My rationale is this: you lost 2 members so there was more healing to go around.
player, 347 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 16:16
  • msg #8

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Myrrick thanks Gregor for the food and the prayers for his friends. As well as thanking Nimea for healing them.

When the others begin talking about returning he pauses, “we number two less, one a mighty warrior and one our most skilled trap finder. You want to go right back in the tomb and face the same horde that nearly killed us all, with two less very important pieces? I would venture a guess and say we may need to get back to the stronghold and result and perhaps find a few willing souls of there are any. Before we venture into any more crypts.” He sighs, “I can’t make that decision alone though. And I’m not speaking out of cowardice, but survivalist instinct. We can’t purify the area if we join the undead army, can we?”
Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 247 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/24 AC: 1
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 16:20
  • msg #9

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

In reply to Myrrick (msg # 8):

"I agree, we can't cleanse anything if we are dead. We must recover the bodies though, as I do not wish to fight Uthecar as an undead! Or Zan!"
Bruno Rhunthane
player, 669 posts
Fighter and Cleric
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 17:07
  • msg #10

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

As Myrrick speaks Bruno is putting away the brush and he leans forward to reply, "I do not think you are a coward, Ranger! I understand the wisdom in your words.... Though, I do think we bumbled into things today that knowing what we know we would be better prepared to confront even with smaller group. And to Uthecar's point, I do not wish to eventually return and have to face an undead Uthecar and Zan, let alone the revivified bones of those poor souls we have already 'destroyed'.

"I can ask Moradin's guidence on our next moves... The only 'problem' with this blessing is that the answer will only reflect on the time immediately following my query.

"So, for example, if I ask now whether it is wise for us to delay our return to that barrow for, say, three days the response will tell us that it is either to benefit of, or harmful to, the party in the moments directly following the question.

"I could ask this tonight and see what the response is and then come morn when we are ready to move ask again. Each response will reflect the time immediately following the question; however, if there is a change in the Soul Forger's answer it may tell us something about the situation before us and we could then decide whether to go back to the barrow or return to seek additional help.

"If we do this, I would appreciate everyone's assistance in formulating my Augury."

OOC: I'll edit my earlier response to reflect that we don't need a day for actual healing.

The way an Augury works is that the reply only reflects the question for 3 Turns (30 mins.) following the ritual. It's more a tactial (situational?) tool than strategic, I guess. I have failed to use this, mea culpa, because I've only got one use a day and picking that moment is, well, hard to do. That's on me, but now that I'm reminding everyone I have it, please don't hesitate to remind me IC! ;)

The advantage to my use of it is that it's not actually a spell, but a power given to me by Moradin, so I don't have to use a spell slot for it. Kullonar and I could still both take Augury spells (I think I will, because so far the only really useful 2nd level spell is Cure Moderate Wounds) and we should begin using these before we enter each Barrow. It will mean one less CMW for the coming scenes, but give us a better sense of what's forthcoming and whether or not we should even try it to begin with.

(I DO want help coming up with the questions to ask, though, because Bruno's player is sort of lousy at doing this!)

My only other thought here is that I really do think we (well, I know I didn't) think the last battle through very well. Yes, we are down 1, maybe 2, players, but I'd also point out that it seems as if Zan never properly leveled himself, so he was playing at a level or two lower than he should've been. That means that we were not equal to whatever the threat it was to begin with if the Storyteller set the monsters to equal us as a group of six 6th level charaters. Now that we know we're confronting a mob of skeletons in addition to the collection of zombies (that clearly range in power) we may approach things a bit smarter and if those we destroyed aren't going to be recreated overnight their losses may equal ours.

Also, we can drop in on Nimae again and see if we can't fill our waterskins with some of that delicious healing water in addtion to the 5 vials of Holy H2O that Kullonar and I can create this game night (10 total).

Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 248 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/24 AC: 1
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 17:16
  • msg #11

Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

You're 6th level? I'm only 4th, so that is a disadvantage right off the bat.
player, 472 posts
Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter
Brother of the Cudgel
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 19:25
  • msg #12

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Ulrich Aelgrimm:
You're 6th level? I'm only 4th, so that is a disadvantage right off the bat.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Seer, but new players into the game come in at two levels lower than the group average.
I agree we need another meatshield...erm...fighter-type for this game. I don't know of anyone personally. Anybody else?

The Seer
GM, 1591 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 19:49
  • msg #13

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Grrr! Keep OOC stuff in the OOC, please.

Kullonar: that was a rule put in place when Gildan came on board. My fear was that if he came in at 3rd level he would have an inordinate advantage. Since we started the Land of Song campaign, I haven't had to reference that rule until now. To be frank, I forgot about it. So thanks for reminding me. I shall now take the rule off the table since everyone is at an appropriate level to think for themselves.

That was a joke, for the record. Ha Ha.

You guys are killing me today.
Gildan Stalker
player, 149 posts
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 20:12
  • msg #14

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Gildan looks unhappy, "The longer we wait to return, the longer that abomination has to regroup. I admit, it bested us and there's no value in going in to more deaths once again. But I feel that, as soon as we feel capable of taking the barrow fiend on once again, and not one second later, we destroy it."
The Seer
GM, 1597 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 13:03
  • msg #15

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Late afternoon turned to eventide. Gregors made a small march around the sanctuary: when he returned, he said, "Milords, I saw some movement off in the distance as dusk fell. They weren't coming our way, but it may behoove us to couch our flames and keep double watch. The night is their time.

"Regardless of your decision, I think I will join you in the morning. If nothing else, I know the landmarks. Just don't tell my uncle."
Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 251 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/24 AC: 1
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 14:44
  • msg #16

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

In reply to The Seer (msg # 15):

"We'll go at day break if you are all up to it. Then we can take care of Uthecar and Zan."
player, 348 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 15:59
  • msg #17

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Myrrick patted Gregors on the shoulder, "You're a good man Gregors, if we survive, you have my word I won't tell your uncle." Myrrick then sighed, resigned to the fact the next sunrise might well be his last.
Bruno Rhunthane
player, 674 posts
Fighter and Cleric
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 16:24
  • msg #18

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

"Well spotted, Gregors. That movement is quite odd, isn't it? Have you noted anything like previously in the days we've been here?"

Turning to the group, "Well, so my original idea was to try an Augury tonight and then one on the morrow when we're ready to move to determine which way to go.

"What say you? What question would you have me ask now? Something like...

"Will we be at a disadvantage if we return NOW to the barrow wherein our friends were slain earlier today?"

Bruno pauses, "After all, we are healed and have rested... There is no reason if it is to our advantage that we could not return now, is there?"

Or ask that question tomorow and right now ask: "Does the movement Gregors noted in the valley increase the chances for our success if we return to the barrow in which our friends were slain earlier today?"
Ulrich Aelgrimm
player, 252 posts
Pal 4
HP: 30/30 AC: 1
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 16:28
  • msg #19

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

In reply to Bruno Rhunthane (msg # 18):

"Both questions are good and would be nice to have answered, the second with an added should we return now stuck on, with the movement in the Vale."
player, 349 posts
Thu 8 Oct 2020
at 17:47
  • msg #20

Re: Chapter Four: Lessons Learned

Myrrick shrugged, "As Gregors said, the night is there time. They are more active and likely more in number during the dark hours."
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