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, welcome to [WW2] Sonderkommando N

02:17, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission Briefings.

Posted by WarmasterFor group 0
GM, 349 posts
Tue 14 Sep 2021
at 07:01
  • msg #1

Mission Briefings

This is a thread to summarize the current mission and highlight the main points. That should be helpful for both old and new players :-)

  • Through an undercover spy (Lena Vogt), the Western Allies have learned of a Nazi operation under the codename "Sonderkommando N" that has been ongoing at least since 1942. It is unclear what the "N" stands for and nobody in the brass has entertained any speculation (at least not in front of you). The operation is supposedly led by SS-Oberführer Franz Kemmel.
  • Oberführer is a rank with no equivalent in the military, but sits between a Colonel and a Major General.
  • The OSI sent a British and a US squad to Berlin to pick up Lena Vogt, who will lead them to Kemmel and be able to identify him.
  • Kemmel is to be taken alive if at all possible and brought back for questioning.
  • Kemmel is rumored to (also) be a high-ranking member of the Nazi Blood Mages, potentially the head of them. (Not commonly shared with the troops, only Sykes knows that.
  • Since Berlin is under the assault of the Red Army, the Allies notified Red Army command that they are looking for Kemmel, for war crimes committed in Norway.
  • The Red Army sent a company from the BPO to accompany the Western Allies through Berlin and make sure they make it safely to their target.
  • The BPO company was also instructed to bring Kemmel back to Moscow once he was secured.
  • The Russians have not heard about Sonderkommando N
  • The Russians and Western Allies found each other at the Olympic stadium. From there, they split into two groups: A spearhead consisting of 13 soldiers (including the PC), with the rest of the Western squads and the BPO company lagging behind. The company (another 80 men and women or so) should be at the position of the spearhead within an hour or two.

GM, 504 posts
Mon 31 Jan 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #2

Mission Briefings

After the split, the two groups went two different routes.
The Spearhead comprised of about half the Western Allies, and a few more Soviets, all in rag-tag German uniforms acquired from the Nazis at the stadium.
The Spearhead made their way up North to the river Spree and commandeered a boat with two crippled war veterans. One of them a distant cousin of the English monarch. One of them shared their "Panzer chocolate" - little tablets that look like freshmints - with Julius.

They left the boat next to the Berlin zoo where they encountered a wounded tiger and a pair of large hyenas, which were quickly dealt with.

At Leipziger Platz, the Spearhead encountered a fortified Nazi position and took it just in time as the rest of the Company arrived, who had braved the Berlin Underground to get here.

Behind the fortified position, a tunnel lead down into the basement of the old Wertheim Shopping Mall, but the basement had been further excavated into a massive cavern. Trucks were watched going into the inner yard and then down into this bunker/cavern.

You went into that tunnel as well, but have been stopped by two MG42 covering the exit. With no other option apparent, the Russian commander Konnikov gave the order for his soldiers to charge forward and take the position.

The attack resulted in many casualties, but was successful. Kemmel, apparently, fled deeper into the cavern into another tunnel at the other end. You're in hot pursuit with two more trucks.
GM, 646 posts
Tue 10 May 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #3

Mission Briefings

On the other side of the tunnel, you found yourself in pouring rain and no longer in Berlin, but in the mountains. One of the trucks got wrecked on the other side, destroying the tunnel you came through in the process.

In a nearby ravine, you found a pile of dozens of burnt bodies, presumable the victims that were killed to fuel the magical energy of the tunnel.

After a sabotage attack was fought off, you explored the the area further and found Forstlager Falkenhorst - forest camp hawk's nest. It was abandoned, but offered enough room for at least a company of soldiers.

Searching the camp, you found hints about two SS division, provision requirements, and evidence of tanks. You proceeded further down the mountain, after Kemmel, fearing that the trail would grow ever colder.

Before you left the camp, you had heard a motorcycle take off, the last of the saboteurs from last night. Halfway down the mountain, you found him again. Someone had tripped his motorcycle, cut off his head and placed it on a stake in the middle of the road.

Julius' magical talents revealed that the partisans who cut off the Nazi's head were not human. But who they were... and where exactly you are is unknown.

Meanwhile, new players have been introduced and you're about to meet them soon.

The main troop is waiting at a crossroads for three scouting parties to return. One group went toward Adolfstadt, straight ahead. One went to Reinhardsdorf to the left. The third, comprised of most of the player characters, have ventured left toward Heinrichsburg.
GM, 708 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #4

Mission Briefings

Not a lot has happened since the last summary, but plenty of time have passed, so I'll bump the above.

On the road to Adolfstadt, there's apparently another settlement, closer by, called "Fischbach".
Reinhardsdorf was mostly burned down and abandoned, the architecture a mix of typical German peasant housing and weird oval halls, like eggs half-buried in the ground.

Heinrichsburg itself is a quite formidable mountain fortress blocking a pass through the mountains, heavily fortified and manned by at least a company, and apparently home to experiments on prisoners.

You still have no clear route how to find Kemmel, you are in hostile territory and you've just had a brief gunfight that may or may be not have happened within hearing range of Heinrichsburg.
GM, 710 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 17:54
  • msg #5

Mission Briefings

Some stuff that only the locals would know:
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