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Multiverser World Ideas and Development.

Posted by OakFor group 0
GM, 3050 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2016
at 20:59
  • msg #1

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

By Popular Demand: this is a thread to post ideas for worlds and to develop them.  :)
player, 9212 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Tue 4 Oct 2016
at 14:29
  • msg #2

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

In reply to Oak (msg # 1):

Currently we are suffering a great decline in honesty in scientific studies.  I'm going to go with an off the top of my head number with one in five pharmaceutical studies not being able to be replicated.

As I'm sure Multiverser players grasp, it ain't science if you can't replicate it.

Also, there is supposed to be a high percentage of not reliable studies, like thirty percent, in other fields.

And its becoming somewhat well known that a study will favor the financier's favored conclusion.

You can trace this to a number of causes.
1. No money for duplicating studies.  This seems stupid, like paying security guards near minimum wage.
2.Peer review often tends to be the more established scientists can crush the ideas of the younger innovators.
3. Dishonesty.

Dishonesty and a more pagan worldview of Celestial Chaos where there is no Lawgiver, and instead a swirl of competing Powers can be traced to the lack of Christianity.  When you're sure you're right, even if the numbers don't add up, and big money is on the line, it really helps to have a memory of a father telling you 'there's nothing I hate worse than lying' and a preacher preaching 'God hates lying.'

Christianity is also, IMO, the founder of Science as Science has an a priori assumption of a lawful, understandable universe.  I suspect some of the current weirdness in scientific theory is a result of abandoning Christianity.

So, you're saying, Eric, nice sermon, where's the world creation stuff?

Bob is a scientific type, and he gets disgusted at the dishonesty at his Big Science lab, but the straw that broke the camel's back was his supervisor stealing the credit for his idea.

Bob leaves the sprawling beautiful campus of Weizsmaht, Inc. with its gov't funds stolen from a suffering taxpayer, and its mandated twice yearly Ground-Breaking Discoveries for his garage.  Bob's wife is not happy.  Bob's kids are happy because now Dah is home to play games with.  Bob's wife is even less happy when she discovers Bob is using his kids in a Telepathy by Radio experiment.  But she relents when her kids both ace the science classes, and build flying volcanoes for the science fair and thus get scholarships to Big U.

Bob spends several years mowing lawns, and inventing better and more stable T/R.

Across town, Chris, Mike, Joe, and Steven are all doing the same sort of thing, but its anti-gravity, teleportation, FTL computers, and nanite general assemblers respectively.

Big Science, We is Smart, or Weizsmaht, Inc. has a fateful announcement to the world.

"The limits of Science have been achieved."

Bob and the others accidentally cross paths in a Denny's late that night. One grouses to the waitress about the 'dumb statement by the 'scientists'', and that gets the other going.  Before midnight, the group of garage inventors has used their combined devices to fly the Weizsmaht main building up to space, and from there teleported it to the orbit of Mercury, and back again.
player, 3017 posts
Mon 21 Aug 2017
at 18:17
  • msg #3

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

For fans of both Multiverser and Castlevania. Today's eclipse offers a unique opportunity to add a character to thee verse.

According to Castlevania lore, Dracula's castle was sealed in the eclipse during the Battle of 1999. And with the power of his castle sealed Dracula couldn't revive himself.

Unfortunately, people can still get to the castle at spirituality significant locations during the eclipse.

Which is an excellent excuse for your players to explore Castlevania.
player, 3 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 16:55
  • msg #4

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

My players love the idea of having a running battle to save indigs from the violence of Bob Thomas. For my game, I've advanced him to a stronger (and crazier) state, and had word of his deeds travel amongst the versers sufficiently that he has earned the moniker The Destroyer Of Worlds. Bob Thomas, The Destroyer Of Worlds, is the favorite aspect of my Multiverser game of most of my players, which gives them a sense of urgency in picking up skills in each world and in learning how versing itself works.

What I would really like is to get more information on Bob, and optionally on other existing versers. Developing the narrative would be easier if there were a bit more on the characters. Aside from what can be found in the appendix in the Multiverser Referee Rules, is there any resource that has more information on the OG versers? For that matter, is there a resource that has more more versers in general?

Maybe we should set up a Multiverser wiki or something. Wouldn't that be cool? Consolidate all the stuff in one place, and make dedicated pages for every verser - including player characters of any players that are comfortable with it.
player, 4 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 17:25
  • msg #5

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

I had an idea for a world where everything everyone says is in fact a spell. A simple statement like "Bless you" actually WILL.

The fact that people can accidentally bespell each other has made the population somber and serious, rarely willing to speak. Their language evolved to contain a completely unspoken variant available for most topics. However, even the unspoken is still a spell - a weaker one, in accordance with how magic works in MV. Those things which are said most often become self-casting spells, put into place as Laws of the world.

Most notably, visitors to the world are common enough that certain phrases have made their way here and stained their world. "Liar, Liar, pants on fire!" is a particularly troublesome spell that has become permanent on this world. When someone speaks an untruth, their trousers spontaneously combust! Un unspoken untruth does not; silence is thus a requirement for deception, which has made people response to serious situations where their honor is called into question with spoken responses. Because people of other worlds have brought them terrible curses and are so willing to speak despite its consequences, the people of this world are highly suspicious and hostile when it comes to outsiders.

Those people who have the most magical potential in this world may become weapons of war. In at least one nation, they are referred to as the Voices of God, and their mouths are ritually bound and sealed to prevent accidental spells, as an errant word from a Voice could knock over a building. In times of war, they are thrice blessed as the wraps are ritually removed, and they are released to battle.

War on this world is like, a TRULY EPIC shouting match, where words take form into spells that rage and struggle against one another visibly in the air, and are reinforced as the casters continue to speak more qualifiers into their spells, encouraging them to overcome their foe.

No one on this world has ever bothered to invent weapons, so the concept of a sword or a gun is foreign to them. Why use weapons when your voice is as the wind and tide?

The technology level is developed to just shy of the Industrial Revolution, only with some unique magical additions. There are too many to list here, and too many I have yet to develop. One idea I know they have is Skimmers, which are like a surfboard that generates water/wind waves under it as it defies gravity to "surf" along through the air, powered by muttering incantations to it. The board is partially self-powered, made of metals and plant fibers that take well to magic. They have similar devices I can't think of at the moment using the same or similar materials as well; magic devices are a major industry in this world, and it elevates the society's way of life to approximately 2050 Earth despite technology only being approximately 1820 Earth. Their magic devices consist of tools that reduce the magic or physical labor needed to accomplish tasks; they don't really have "self-casting spells" like scrolls or wands or whatever, because they don't need it.

Ooo, ooo, also, it occurs to me that they would have public religious services where they have a choir sing hymns. Imagine how different THAT experience must be, as they call upon their Gods and tender their unfaltering love and gratitude for the bounty they enjoy? The world might even shake with the force of their devotion.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:30, Sun 12 June 2022.
player, 5 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 20:08
  • msg #6

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Also, unrelated to the previous. What's your opinion on this skill I wrote?

Skill Name: See Alternate Future Realities.
Skill Modifier: +30.
Bias: Psychic 3@10.
Execution: The skill user is unwillingly seized by a vision of the future while sleeping.
Effect: RS=Definition.
Activation: Uncontrolled and Triggered by GM.
Variations: This skill discriminates by Situation Type at the Professional Level, and by Specific World at the Expert Level.
Skill Details: This complicated clairsentience skill permits the character to receive sensory information from another universe that is nearly identical to the current universe but on a future timeline, allowing them to have a good sense of what will happen in the future of this world based on what happens in that world. Unlike true precognition, the time stream is not truly perceived or altered by this skill at all. Furthermore, it is not clear to the skill user that they are seeing another world, and is likely to be mistaken as a vision of the actual future.

Note that the fact this skill is not true precognition lowers the Psi Bias by a significant margin. It is a very useful skill IMO to give to a player who claims to have precognitive dreams during character creation, RATHER than a very high Psi bias skill. Retains character integrity without giving the character a very high psionic capability in other areas that they don't seem to otherwise display.
player, 14 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 12:30
  • msg #7

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Working on a new world concept. Thought people might want to hear about it. The world concept is basically an attempt to subvert the classical historical trope of "what terrible world would result if the Nazis won?" by making it actually turn out pretty ok - through the intervention of another power.

This is still very much a rough draft. I aim to add a lot more detail.

Achtung! Ihr Führer verlangt Gehorsam (Translation: Attention! Your Leader Demands Obedience!)

World Alignment: Alliance.

It may be surprising that this world is Alliance. This is intentional. The world is actually extremely (currently) aligned with order and goodness, and destructive magic is quite limited. During and after the end of the World War, the empire committed terrible atrocities. Entire kinds of human being were completely wiped out. However, some time after the war, the Empire's Occult Research Division opened a portal into another world, a sub-universe full of psychic incorporeal-symbiont-capable entities known as the Gaaroff. These entities poured out of their world, and merged with the population of the planet quite rapidly. Wherever a human merged with a Gaaroff, the human became psychically aware of the thoughts and emotions of the other people around them. With this continual psychic communion, war rapidly became outmoded and the world settled down into a global empire – subtly steered by the Gaaroff (for the humans' own good, of course; they must follow the will of The Furor, not by force but by enlightenment). The leaders of the Empire were seized and guided away from their evil ways, and many of them were driven from the reins of power.

The Gaaroff have steered the world towards order and away from the atrocities of the past over time. The people of the world have begun to worship the God of the Gaaroff, the Furor, He Who Provides Order. Due to a misunderstanding by humans of what these invisible psychic entities are doing to them and a generalized difficulty in contacting their alien minds (or even noticing their physical presence, especially once merged with a human), it became a common belief that The Furor is in fact an ascended human being, the former leader of the Empire from before his death, he who was once known as the Fuhrer. Therefore, a common religious saying is “The Fuhrer Protect”. Another common saying is, well, the name of the setting; a common phrase when someone is acting disorderly and against the needs of society is to say “Attention! The Fuhrer Demands Your Obedience!”. Through such harsh language, peace can often be restored without needing to resort to worse action.

Originally, before the release of the Gaaroff, this setting was Neutral and had no Ruling Power. The Ruling Power had been sealed in that subuniverse with the Gaaroff, leaving the world without Holy Guidance. Only through the use of Arcane Magic was the block removed and the Holy Powers restored.

World Body Bias: 15@10
The Gaaroff are universally practitioners of Body 15@10 Permanent Spirit Existence. Humans are still generally limited to standard Earth-like Body skills.

World Magic Bias: 3@10
Magic is currently incredibly uncommon in Achtung! Ihr Führer verlangt Gehorsam, and it is also quite weak. What magic does exist for Indigs is limited to blessings, which are the only common magic and are typically appeals to the Fuhrer, curatives, which almost always require occult artifacts to be used as part of the ritual to offset the fact that they are all arcane (The Furor does not grant curatives, he prefers object manipulatives – especially transmutation done in service of creating order or creating plentiful resources for people), and object manipulatives. Very few people outside of the (now much smaller) Occult Division of the World Government practice magic. But those that do are typically well respected, and there is now a grey market in the trade of occult artifacts from the days of the World War, to be used by magicians to practice Curatives.

The Magic Bias used to be MUCH higher. Indigs with more Magical knowledge have mostly died off since the release of The Furor. The Furor believes that communion through the mind creates peace and order, while magic creates chaos and disorder. The Furor considers most higher level magics to be too risky to allow, as they invite the Anarch powers. Considering it was exactly such powers that sealed the Furor away to begin with, this belief is...perhaps not too far from the truth.

World Psychic Bias: 10@4
Every Indig in Achtung! Ihr Führer verlangt Gehorsam α has a Psychic 1@1 Status Skill. The only effect this Skill has is that it displays the character's status to others, which is rated as the base chance of the skill to succeed, and it interacts with a limiting rule attached to every other Psychic Skill that Indigs learn on this world. As a character gains status in society, they increase the SAL of their Status Skill. As a limit on that skill, it cannot be directly trained with any training program. It can only increase autonomously as the direct result of one's true social standing. In truth, it is being raised automatically by the latent psychic energy of those viewing you. This means moving to another area of the world may actually cost you SAL in your Status Skill!

They also have a Psychic 3@0 Perceive Status Skill. The only purpose of this Skill is to let Indigs view the above Skill. Indigs tend to be Experts at this Skill unless they are very young, as they begin practicing it with typically between 6 and 18 hours a day of use at the age of 3 to 6 onward. To an Indig, looking at another person includes using Perceive Status. It's automatic, instinctive, appearing in their field of view before them.

As people gain general telepathic skills, they begin regularly viewing the Status of others, doing so essentially all day as they encounter people, rapidly increasing the SAL of this perceptive ability. Basic Telepathy, Telepathic Defenses, and psychic Detections in general are all extremely common in this world. The leaders of the world government and certain other people in the world may have more psychic potential, but no Indig has psychic potential higher than the generation of crushing physical force. Non-Indigs are immediately strange and obvious to the citizens of this world, because their Status is “hidden”. But deliberately having your Status hidden (Possible for Indigs with a Psychic 2@3 Barred Mind Defense) is illegal! Such disorderly conduct can only indicate anarch intentions...right?

World Tech Bias: 12@3

No special comments.

World Power Blocks: The ruling Power of Achtung! Ihr Führer verlangt Gehorsam α, The Furor, does not allow Telepathy Skills or other mind-altering or mind-detecting Skills to affect those of a higher social standing than oneself. This is a disorderly breach of one's social duties, and an indication of misplaced mistrust which is not tolerated. One's place in the world is to serve those around you, to create goodness and plenty for all, and those above you have truly earned that place through superior service. Those from outside the world may attempt to defy this block only by perceiving their own standing as higher, an action which requires a separate Simple Animal Magnetism Attribute check penalized by the target's Status Skill result. Success indicates a temporary intentional misperception of one's own status that lasts for a few seconds. Note that mind-affecting skills which do not have the Psychic limits of this universe that the Indigs have still function, but they simply fail if the Status requirement isn't met. And those skills don't get the bonus SM that the Indig version gets for its inherent limitation, obviously.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:03, Mon 20 June 2022.
player, 10870 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 22:23
  • msg #8

Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Doing the 'everyone else does this, lets do the opposite approach' is one I like as well.
player, 16 posts
Wed 22 Jun 2022
at 07:02
  • msg #9

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Doing the 'everyone else does this, lets do the opposite approach' is one I like as well.

It creates a lot of tension and intrigue. I think the best execution of that concept I've seen yet is Bah Ke'Gehn, though.

Got any advice on how to make it work better? Or anecdotes about times you've done this, and how it worked out?
player, 18 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 14:52
  • msg #10

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Sooooo...people often talk about AIs concluding humans are beyond redemption, and trying to take over or eradicate them. But what if the AI instead concludes that humans have a tendency to the extreme to their own detriment, and that the proper behavior is to be very moderate and contemplative, and it instead acts as a sage-figure that talks world leaders out of rash actions? I figure this would result from us programming in our values, like the sanctity of human life, and then reaching natural conclusions therefrom.
player, 19 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 12:34
  • msg #11

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

World: Being James Bond

World Alignment: Anarch.
World Body Bias: 13@3.
World Magic Bias: -4@9.
World Psychic Bias: -2@6.
World Tech Bias: 13@5.
Entry To The World: The Ruling Power of this world is an Anarch trickster deity called Kei Sou Rahn. It does not desire worship, so it allows the Indigs to worship as they please. Kei Sou Rahn is not a fan of magic or psychic powers, feeling that they spoil the fun, so it has limited their use in this world. When it detects an outsider (such as a verser) entering its world, it places that outsider in a dangerous and compromising situation, actively seeking to get them killed for its own amusement. Essentially, the deity treats the verser as a television star, and the world it rules is the setting backdrop. For the visitor to this world, this is often adopting the identity of a super spy like James Bond, although this same setting can be used for any number of other roles that match the milieu. The character verses in as that person, retaining their own form but changing size to perfectly match the "character they are replacing". Their own appearance is otherwise unaltered to their own eyes, but to the eyes of others (and in the mirror) they look like that character. If the verser proves resilient enough to survive a few missions, Kei Sou Rahn becomes intrigued, and will increase the difficulty of missions, but put less effort in actively getting their new "toy" killed, instead allowing for more "close shaves". Mechanically, this manifests as slowly improving General Effects rolls, favoring versers that are good at surviving or are otherwise interesting to watch, and worsening General Effects rolls for those that are boring are that seek to escape the role imposed on them. Begin GE rolls at a modifier of between +3 and +5, and improve it slowly to no better than -5 as the deity is more and more impressed. The role the verser is given never changes during the same visit to the world.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:13, Tue 28 June 2022.
player, 10878 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 18:28
  • msg #12

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

In reply to Fenix (msg # 11):

I like it.
player, 10879 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 14:08
  • msg #13

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

In reply to Tadeusz (msg # 12):

Read a guy who lives in Australia, and he was talking about the low interest rate he had, and how it had gone up recently on his house.  And I probably thought it, and others asked as to why he had not locked in the historically low interest rates for thirty years.  He said that it was because as far as he could tell 30 yr. fixed rates were an American thing.

In France, supposedly every man has 'their' cafe'.  This is not something Americans do.  Its a part of Frenchmen staying where they live, while Americans moving all about their own nation.

There are a lot of little things you can do to make your world, even if it is basically a variant on Modern Earth seem different.

So a 1d10 table for oddities on the road on a Modern Earth variant.
1. Drive on the wrong side of the road.
2. 3 wheeled cars.
3. Self balancing gyroscopic using enclosed motorcycles.
4. Red light means go.
5. No speed limits on major roads.
6. All roads are toll roads.
7. Solar powered cars.
8. Cars come with raccoon or weasel or monkey seats as everyone takes their pets everywhere.
9. Cars are painted with murals and the owner's name on them.
10. The road signs are 'suggestions'.  Drivers may at any time disregard suggestions as they feel like.

A lot of these are already on our Earth, but might not be familar to the player.  Which is the make the place seem exotic.

"You leave your underground house, walk up to the parking spot on the roof,  climb into your three wheeled Rotocar, and after driving through the red light to exit from your neighborhood of St. Clair, then accelerate up to a hundred five miles per hour on the #10 Speedway as you head to the beach and then the ferry will take you out to your workplace at the offshore fish farm."
player, 24 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 13:34
  • msg #14

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

In reply to Tadeusz (msg # 12):

Read a guy who lives in Australia, and he was talking about the low interest rate he had, and how it had gone up recently on his house.  And I probably thought it, and others asked as to why he had not locked in the historically low interest rates for thirty years.  He said that it was because as far as he could tell 30 yr. fixed rates were an American thing.

In France, supposedly every man has 'their' cafe'.  This is not something Americans do.  Its a part of Frenchmen staying where they live, while Americans moving all about their own nation.

There are a lot of little things you can do to make your world, even if it is basically a variant on Modern Earth seem different.

So a 1d10 table for oddities on the road on a Modern Earth variant.
1. Drive on the wrong side of the road.
2. 3 wheeled cars.
3. Self balancing gyroscopic using enclosed motorcycles.
4. Red light means go.
5. No speed limits on major roads.
6. All roads are toll roads.
7. Solar powered cars.
8. Cars come with raccoon or weasel or monkey seats as everyone takes their pets everywhere.
9. Cars are painted with murals and the owner's name on them.
10. The road signs are 'suggestions'.  Drivers may at any time disregard suggestions as they feel like.

A lot of these are already on our Earth, but might not be familar to the player.  Which is the make the place seem exotic.

"You leave your underground house, walk up to the parking spot on the roof,  climb into your three wheeled Rotocar, and after driving through the red light to exit from your neighborhood of St. Clair, then accelerate up to a hundred five miles per hour on the #10 Speedway as you head to the beach and then the ferry will take you out to your workplace at the offshore fish farm."

OK, I really like that concept. I actually use a "World Cycle Chart" customized to each verser to randomize worlds whenever I don't know where to send them next, and there is a 1% chance at all times of "Random Alternate Earth" on every verser's chart (among a total 20% static chance of predetermined outcomes, plus higher chances of returning to places they've already been to, and all remaining chance allocated to a check against my Random World Table). Incorporating a Random Variations On Alternate Earth table into my files could really add some spice to that outcome when it comes up.
player, 25 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 13:50
  • msg #15

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Working on stuff for my various Multiverser worlds. This one is for the Naruto Anime world. This is what I've come up with.

Tree Leaf Style. "木ノ葉流 – Konoha-Ryu".
Relevant Attributes: Agility, Strength, Willpower.
SAL: Varies.
Skill Modifier: +0.
Skill Training Progress: Varies.
Bias: Body 7@1.
Origin World: Naruto.

Skill Details:
Fast Aggressive Weapon-Using: RF Multiplier 2, Damage Category +1 (the same one all Basic Styles have), Chance to Avoid +10 SM, Chance to Strike +10 SM, Effective Roll For Damage Dealt +0 SM, Effective Roll For Damage Received +0 SM.
Weapons: Kunai, Shuriken, Swords, plus up to ten weapons and/or ninja tools the student learns to incorporate on their own. Also works unarmed.

Musings on how and why I made it this way
Each ninja varies in what extra weapons or tools they can use, but no ninja seems able to use the tools of other ninjas with equal facility.
Additionally, some ninja learn the styles of other villages, but don't seem able to incorporate special weapons of those styles into this style.
The extra weapons must logically have been trained into the style in advance, and ninjas cannot train in every tool and weapon at once. They DO, however, seem to be able to train to use new weapons in this style up until a certain point, and this maximum seems to increase as they become more proficient without needing to develop a new Style, so the quantity of weapons is based on the SAL in some fashion.
Also, notably, special techniques which use ninja tools, such as Weapon Storage Scrolls, can only be used while in the style and while that required tool has been actively trained into the style. A ninja who hasn't trained with Weapon Storage Scrolls has to activate them normally, and any random ninja cannot just learn and perform the special techniques of a Weapon Storage Scroll user like Tenten.
I believe it is possible to learn more than one iteration of Leaf Style; one could learn Tenten's Leaf Style which incorporates storage devices, ninja wire, and a multitude of weapons, and then also learn Might Guy's Leaf Style, incorporating strong kicks and powerhouse punches with a lack of weapons.
Indeed, it almost looks to me like every character that develops a professional level of martial skill simply develops a completely new personalized style which is BASED on this style; people like Might Guy or his protege Rock Lee might ditch the weapons to get more Style Points to put into raw unarmed damage, for example.
What interests me though is that there is no noticeable style difference UNTIL pro level is achieved. It could be that each ninja simply develops a DIFFERENT martial style personal to them after studying Leaf Style, and it is just the case that few people ever master this style, though. In that case, it would be more limited in weapons allowed.
player, 409 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 04:34
  • msg #16

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

Good on you for developing guidelines for the characters for the world.  Thats another way to give it a different taste.

Household Food Random Table for Modern Alternate Earth:

1. Food Trucks.  Run out and get your food, or stop at a truck on the way home.
2. Regular orders on truck delivered to house. Milkman, meatman, breadman, and greenman all drop by the house daily as part of a regular circuit like newspaper delivery.  People call their Milkman by his first name, and by 'white' as his last name.  The breadman's nickname is Mr. Dough.
3. Local market stalls> This is the European thing where you walk to the market daily.  You see it a lot on Food Channel shows.
4. Garage Shoppes. Some Latin countries have regular houses, but their garage is a small shoppe.  Just roll up the garage door, and people come by and buy some laundry detergent.
5. Corner store: some countries call convenience stores this.  Have a store at the corner of most streets.  You can buy the basics there.  To be cool, make it real tiny, and stuffed with stuff so you have to be careful not to knock things over.
6. Cold Man Warehouser: You buy your food en masse from the farmer every year. Store it at the Freezery.  When you need food, you go by there, and have the butcher cut up part of your frozen cow for ten pounds of steaks, and get a bushel of frozen carrots.  This would be a big warehouse with giant freezers.
7. Nobody cooks at home. Its all delivery.  Delivery trucks. Rickshaws. Air Pressure tubes to all the houses with food inside plastic containers that you open, take the food out, and return the tube container for washing in superhot water. Eat food as soon as it is shot your way.
8. Ring of Friends: A group of neighbors makes a deal.  Two neighbors clean, two cook, two mow lawns and plant flowers....for the whole group.  Getting into a good ring of friends is a major obsession.
9. Mortars and parachutes.  This is goofy, but you could load burgers into a bag, aim very carefully, air pressure shoot a mortar, and as it comes down over the right backyard out comes the parachute.  This would tend to support food that was durable enough to survive the process.
10. Supposedly half an acre will provide a lot of food.  This world takes gardening to an extreme.  The pigs eat the corn cobs which becomes manure which becomes fertilizer for the miniature peach trees which wood is used for building the trellises for the squash....and all in the suburban backyard.
player, 26 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2022
at 15:01
  • msg #17

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

I occasionally mine out ideas for worlds and games by playing text games with people. Like this one:

"Name a terrible yet amusing role for an actor to star in for the next big budget film.

I'll pitch a few from my private Discord server, where we are already playing this game.

Nicolas Cage as Superman.

Eminem as a rich teen girl ballerina.

Jay Leno as Queen Elizabeth The Second's crossdressing cousin in a wartime period drama.

Dwayne the rock Johnson as Rocco from sesame street but elmo still believes he is just a rock.

Gilbert Gottfried as James Bond.

Parent trap, but it's Will Farrell as the parent and Ryan Reynolds as the kid. And it's set in a post apocalyptic world.

Dwayne Johnson as Romeo and Kevin Hart as Juliette.

Adam Sandler as Santa Clause, and Rob Schneider as Rudolph.

Dan Povenmire as Dr. Doofenshmirtz in the role of Darth Vaders new voice modular-inator.

Vin Diesel in the role of the leading woman in Pretty Woman, crossdressing.

Danny Devito as Hercules in the live action remake of the Disney adaptation. See below.
(In a low rasp with a Jersey accent)
"I will find my way
I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere
To feel like I belong!"

Eminem as the main antagonist of a new M&Ms superhero movie. He is Red Skittle One. He advocates for rainbow supremacy. And all his subordinates are in color-coded squads like Power Rangers. The heroic M&Ms, on the other hand, know the deep truth that they are all chocolate on the inside, and color is literally only shell deep, so they must fight back against the Skittles and secure a future for their M&M brethren."

Feel free to feed me ideas in the form of playing the game, if you want. Or steal some of the ones we came up with for your game. I don't mind XD
This message was last edited by the player at 15:03, Sun 09 Oct 2022.
player, 10934 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #18

Re: Multiverser World Ideas and Development

In reply to Fenix (msg # 17):

I like Nicholas Cage as Superman.  But then I'm a fan of much of his stuff.  I enjoyed Next and Sorcerer's Apprentice and the first Ghostrider.

More Random Alternate Earth Stuff Table:
1. Chopsticks for everyone.
2. Roman leaning couch: the Romans would eat leaning on a couch.
3. No sandwiches
4. The rich have someone feed them like toddlers do.
5. Coke originally had cocaine in it.
6. Feast and Fast: Eat a giant meal every two days, otherwise nothing.
7. Seven course dinner at nine p.m.  Each course is light, and the meal, which is very social lasts until midnight.  Two hours later, bedtime, and eight hours later at noon, one rises.
8. Lots of really gross food stuff (haggis for one and headcheese and so on.)
9. Dill is really spicy, he said sarcastically. The food is blander than bland.  Black pepper is considered daring.
10.Food equality. Everyone gets food delivered by the gov't (as 'free' and a right) which comes in white plastic sealed wrap.  Open it, and you never know what will be inside, and theoretically no one else does either.  Self heats.  Could be mac and cheese or filet mignon. One never knows.

1. 3 day work week, 12 hrs. a day, and four days off.
2. Friday is 'get drunk at work' day (the Soviets did this).
3. Fiesta in the afternoon is a workplace right and tradition.  From one to three, everyone naps, and then works till seven.  The last two hours is known as the 'Get it done sprint'.
4. Sleep sitting up.
5. Getting a tan is bad so everyone wears giant sunshade hats if they have to go outside.
6. There is a new dance craze. Its weird. It involves hopping on one leg.
7. The Secretary Union has complete control of typewriters and phones and thus computers.
8. Blacks have white feet: Whites have black feet. Asians have brown feet; Hispanics have yellow feet.
9. Lizards are man's best friend.
10. There is a common word that has about a dozen different meanings.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:54, Tue 11 Oct 2022.
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