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[9]Droskar's Crucible.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Game Master
GM, 180 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:20
  • msg #813

After 12 seconds!

Purplish tendrils of flame lick at the mephit from the fire and the seams and cracks of magma on its body glow brighter.

Roxie rushes past Karok with a bucket of water and the dwarf moves to intercept her. He is too slow and she presses forward, ignoring whatever the creature is doing. With a fling, the water streams from the bucket and cascades down onto the fire. The fire is diminished somewhat, hissing and steaming vapor into the air. The purplish flames diminish slightly. The mephit claws at the air and backs away a few feet as the water vapor rises. The vapor is irritating to him, but not damaging. It becomes apparent that the fire will need at least three buckets of water to put it out.

Magic missiles streak from Illiana and Tynia, striking the mephit solidly and unerringly. The impacts ripple across the charcoal leathery skin, ripping new fissures which leak magma to the floor. A third missile strikes right behind those from Shandrilar, further damaging the creature. Even with all those missiles, it still flies as if uninjured; its wings flapping with dark greasy smoke curling away from it.

Leah chastises everyone and turns back to the creature, speaking in a tongue unfamiliar with everyone including the mephit. Wings open wide and the mephit's chest expands, as if it were flexing in front of a mirror for show. The creases of magma glow brighter and the mephit lurches backward bringing its wings forward and extending its jaw wider than one would think possible. The mephits inner mouth glows bright with heat then expels a stream of molten liquid at the unsuspecting Leah. Jhaelin, in the nick of time, rushes forward extending his shield in front of both of them and diverting what would have been certain disaster for the warrioress. He is quick enough to deflect the majority of the molten liquid onto his shield which quickly heats to an unbearable degree. A portion of the liquid splashes over the top of the shield and onto Leah, burning and searing through her (-1).

Begin combat rounds 2345.18 (Rnd 3)

Remember to roll a d6 for initiative modified with DEX... even if you are not attacking, but some other action.

Roll a d20 for any attack with the appropriate damage roll for the weapon used.

Use the dice thread for rolls.

1 Magma Mephit

Magic in play...
Armor on Illiana, AC6, 9 points remain
Armor on Shandrilar, AC6, 9 points remain
Armor on Tynia, AC6, 9 points remain

Player, 279 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:20
  • msg #814

Droskar's Crucible

Having heard that the fire is a source of help and comfort (even power?) to the Lava-Thing, Karok begins to push the fire apart and stamp on the embers, using pushing sweeps of his sword.

He is wise enough to keep an eye on the flier, in case it swoops for him but, barring that, he'll spend the round diminishing the fire.
Player, 128 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:21
  • msg #815

Droskar's Crucible

If only the well were close by! As it was, while Karok tried to spread the coals and stamp out some flames, Roxie nabbed the wolf hides from the chest and started trying to beat and smother out the flames.
Player, 60 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #816

Droskar's Crucible

"Aioewww!" winces Leah from the splash effect. Turning with a grimace towards Jhaelin, she says, "That is a problem when you deal with other cultures. There is the possibility of misunderstanding. He doesn't understand his gift is painful to us yet, but at least we know he's friendly."

Feeling the burn, she says, "I need to put water on this before it blisters. I'll get more in case he has presents for everyone else too."

She'll then take the discarded bucket to the well to fill it up,
and perhaps her ceramic bowl as well, if it is handy.
Player, 179 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #817

Droskar's Crucible

Friendly!? My eye!! What in the nine hells is Leah thinking? Or is she? He will have a talk with her if they all live he promises himself.

Jhaelin grimaces as the heat from the steel shield radiates inward at him. Smoke rises from the front of the shield and the crest of Heironeous, a fist holding a lightning bolt, is ruined. Regardless of the heat he clings to it and flanks the creature for an attack with the war hammer. He isn't sure the hammer will hurt it. If the texts are to be believed, most magical beasts require magic or enchanted weapons to injure them, especially extra-planar ones. But he is not sure.

Once close enough, Jhaelin lashes out at the mephit with his newly acquired dwarven war hammer.
Player, 62 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #818

Frigedæg, 2345.00 high moon

Content with staying well away from the mephit, Illiana once again unleashes the power of an arcane missile at it.

"Solaise solatcuam!", she murmurs softly and calmly with an outstretched finger pointing at the mephit. She feels the euphoric release of power that so overwhelms her once again...
Player, 123 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:24
  • msg #819

Droskar's Crucible

This was Tynia's last spell she could cast until she could study her books and meditate. If the group couldnt kill this thing quickly then they were in trouble. After firing her last Magic Missile Tynia will focus her efforts upon gathering water to throw on any remaining fire. Leah would get herself and probably a few other companions killed if the warrior didnt wise up and realize this beast was an enemy.

Thinking about Durwe having that magic sword Tynia calls out. "Durwe, use your magic sword on this beast our regular arrows are doing no damage. Anyone else that has a magic weapon should use it as well."
player, 35 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #820

Droskar's Crucible

Cassius prays to St. Cuthbert that his attack be true and his Lords hand be upon them in this battle. If Cassius' sling didnt do any good this time around he will pray to St. Cuthbert for blessings upon the group when he got another chance to react. He spins his sling and releases it praying his aim will be true.
Player, 280 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:26
  • msg #821

Droskar's Crucible

As he worked on disintegrating the fire lay, Karok called: "Durwe! If you'd rather cast than hack at the thing, I'd be happy to borrow that magic sword!"
Player, 134 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:26
  • msg #822

Droskar's Crucible


Durwe is quick to draw his sword and toss it Karok's way after hearing the dwarf's suggestion. Then, he utters the arcane words for another magic missile.

"Solaise Solatcuam!"

A bolt of arcane energy erupts from his fingertip and streaks toward the fiery creature.
Game Master
GM, 181 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:31
  • msg #823

After 18 seconds!

Roxie grabs a wolf pelt from the open chest near the altar and begins beating and smothering the fire with little regard to being dangerously close to the creature. Likewise, Karok sweeps his sword through the flames and embers in a wide arc. Coals, pieces of wood, and a partially burned book scatter across the floor. The tendril of purplish flames move from the fire and follow the book. Leah rushes from the room to get more water in the bucket as Illiana and Tynia cast their magic and Cassius releases an iron bullet from his sling.

Two magic missiles and one bullet streak across the room and strike the mephit. The force impacts ripple across its charcoal body, flinging magma away from it with each hit. New cracks appear in its skin and molten liquid drips to the floor.

The mephit feels the cold pressing on him more pronounced as Roxie continues to smother flames. The creature tilts its wings, creating more drag and loses lift. As it descends, it lashes out at the rogue. It's claws are small and not very pronounced, but the rake of them is with the touch of molten metal. Roxie can not help but to scream as the tips of the claws rake a deep searing burn across her back shoulder and into her body (-9). She slumps to the ground unconscious, unable to withstand the pain and shock of such an injury. The mephit leaves a gaping hole in her back with charred, seared flesh. While there is no blood from the cauterized wound, it was probably a mortal injury.

At the same time, Shandrilar finishes her spell and another magic missile impacts the mephit. Droplets of molten liquid spatter around Roxie and the mephit recoils, gaining lift with its wings again.

Jhaelin swings his war hammer, hitting the mephit solidly. The hammer tears through the charcoal leathery skin and molten liquid drips from the tear. The head the hammer smolders with heat and leaves a trail of smoke in its wake.

Durwe finishes his spell and the mephit is hit with another magic missile. This impact literally sucks the heat out of the room. The mephit's body flexes backward, wings outstretched and it falls. As it tumbles from the air, the thing's body hardens. Hitting the hard flagstone floor, it shatters into shards of obsidian that scatter.

End of Combat rounds... good job guys!!

Player, 180 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #824

Droskar's Crucible

Jhaelin rushes to Roxie's side and examines the wound. She isn't dead... yet. No blood seeps from the wound as the edges have been cauterized with the heat, but several internal organs were damaged and Jhaelin can see bubbling from a wound in a lung with every labored breath her unconscious body makes.

"CASSIUS! COME QUICK!" he shouts over his shoulder. "It's okay Roxie. We will fix you. You will be okay."

Jhaelin turns his head from the sight of the wound. HE should be able to help her. OH GOD, WHY HAST THEE FORSAKEN ME? WHAT CAN I DO TO ATONE FOR MY SINS? I ONLY WISH TO HELP THOSE WHO CAN NOT HELP THEMSELVES.

"It'll be okay." he murmurs. He brushes away any fire close enough to cause harm to her. Luckily, she landed on the charred wolf pelt. Then he looks across the room impatiently.

Player, 281 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #825

Droskar's Crucible

Karok chooses the warrior's way: taking the borrowed magic sword from Durwe, he steps over to the Book that might have caused the trouble and begins hacking it to shreds with the blade.
Game Master
GM, 182 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #826

Droskar's Crucible

Jhaelin feels a tingling sensation beneath the bandages on his arm. His mind immediately relives the moment his God touched him, leaving His mark upon him. A euphoric feeling overwhelms him as Heironeous once again accepts Jhaelin as one of His devout clerics. In that moment, he feels the power of His Will within him as he has never felt before!
Player, 181 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #827

Droskar's Crucible

Jhaelin wants to jump up and rejoice! He wants to sing and dance to the glory of Heironeous. He wants to scream and shout His name to the heavens in elation... but Roxie lies next to him dying with a gaping wound in her back and every breath escapes from a damaged lung which must be filling with blood.

The cleric leans down and places one palm on her cheek and another on her back as he begins whisper a prayer to Heironeous for His healing Will.

"I pray thee, O Lord, grant me the boon of healing so I might save this woman from certain death. Through me, work your Will O Lord to bring her back to health. Ease her mind from such sufferings, and mend her wounds so she might again join us in our fight against the corrupt and unjust. Give me this, O Lord, so that we may once again give service to you."

With eyes closed in reverence, an incantation tumbles from his mouth softly as he leans close to her. If she were awake, she could feel his breath upon her skin and cheek.

When she stirs, he offers thanks to his God.
Player, 63 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #828

Droskar's Crucible

With crossed arms, Illiana crosses the room and examines the spot where the creature had fallen to the floor. Obsidian shards are scattered about the area along with some dark, coal looking lumps.

"Interesting." she mumbles from pinched lips. She carefully picks up a shard and looks at it closely before tossing it back to the floor where it shatters into smaller pieces. Jhaelin outbursts and she looks over at him.

Then, she walks away, paying little attention to anyone else, but does offer a warning, "Be careful around those shards. Some are extremely sharp."

Once settled back into her corner, she tidies up her pages and books before huddling up to get some more sleep. She shivers and silently hopes someone will rekindle the fire before morning.
This message was last updated by the player at 19:36, Sat 19 Nov 2022.
Player, 129 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #829

Droskar's Crucible

She was beating at the fire, trying to put it out so the creature would be more vulnerable ... so the others might not be hurt too much. So focused she was that she never saw it swoop down but the pain proved she should remain alert.

It felt like something reached inside of her and tried to pull everything out, barely able to get out that initial scream before she felt like she was drowning. There was no breath left in her it seemed and there was a moment of panic as she realized her life was over.

Her body fell to the ground, writhing for a moment before thankfully she lost consciousness. There was nothing, no light or freedom from pain that death was supposed to bring. There was only the burning pain and feeling of suffocation.

Then there was light, beautiful and golden that wrapped around her and slowly she felt her breath returning and the pain diminishing. Then there was the warm breeze upon her face like a gentle caress, making her want to see the beautiful scene that must be there waiting on her.

With a soft groan of lingering pain, she slowly opened those blue eyes and blinked rapidly to clear her vision. There was no oasis or beach bringing that wonderful sensation along her cheek but something infinitely better. There was joy in Jhaelin's eyes and that was the most beautiful thing she'd seen in a long time.

She returned the smile and touched his cheek, her fingers trembling slightly. "I seem to have a habit of getting hurt," she quipped dryly. Then the worry rushed into her eyes as she became more aware of her surroundings. "Is it gone? Is everyone okay?" she asked in a hoarse voice.
Player, 282 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #830

Droskar's Crucible

"Good," Karok nodded. Looked like Heironeous had forgiven Jhaelin. Probably because he showed a gut full of courage, especially in fighting big wolves and other planar oozing fire things. Well, the young cleric deserved it. And it made them stronger as a party, so all to the good.

He went over to hand Durwe's sword back to him. "Thanks for the loan," he rumbled. "Sorry I didn't have time to clean it."

And speaking of magic things... where was the stone he'd slung at that Firebatwinged dodger...?
Player, 61 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:39
  • msg #831

Droskar's Crucible

Leah returns. "I brought the water if anyone has a sting..."

She looks about confused, and then says with an accusatory tone, "Where's our little friend? You didn't drive him off into the night, did you? It's cold out there!
Player, 283 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:39
  • msg #832

Droskar's Crucible

"Dunno," Karok muttered, looking for his rune-stone. "I think he went back home again--"
player, 36 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:40
  • msg #833

Droskar's Crucible

Cassius ran towards Roxie and Jhaelin after Jhaelin had yelled to him to come. It would seem that Cassius was late, but that was a good thing because Jhaelin had somehow regained his powers of healing. Seeing the tender moment between Roxie and Jhaelin he decided not to say anything and instead stood back in case any extra healing was needed. St. Cuthbert be praised that his fellow cleric had regained his powers of healing. Now the group would be even more formidable and capable.
Player, 182 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #834

Droskar's Crucible

Jhaelin blushes at Roxie's touch, then smiles and leans back up, giving her plenty of room to rise. He withdraws his hands to his lap and answers.

"Everyone is fine. The creature has been dispatched--", He glances at Leah, "-- back to its home."

Jhaelin examines the burned area, finding a wound still beneath the damaged leather armor. She was out of danger of dying for sure, but there is still a nasty gash only partially mended.

"Everyone is okay but you. You still need some healing."

Without delay, Jhaelin once again bows his head in reverence, closes his eyes, and recites the chant for Heironeous' healing grace, laying a palm on Roxie's shoulder.
Player, 135 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #835

Droskar's Crucible

Durwe accepts his silver sword back, nodding at Karok. He sheathes it and turns, noting the dwarf's own sword.

"You should make an offering to the godbowl in the church of Iomedae when we return to Falcon's Hollow and perhaps she will give you the same sort of blessing she gave me. This was a normal sword when we first met."

Durwe then begins looking for arrows to retrieve. Unfortunately, the ones that actually hit the creature were very nearly destroyed and are beyond repair or use. He does find a couple though that he had missed earlier when attacking the darkmantle. He also walks into the library and relieves himself into the pool of stagnant water, noting the sky as he does, then returns.

"Those who need it, should continue to get their rest." He says, drawing leather to close his trousers. "It is still four hands before new sun breaks the horizon. We probably want to get moving before that."

After rekindling the fire to life with broken bits of shelf and pew, Durwe finds his previous spot and leans against the wall to rest. He isn't sure he will be able to find sleep again after such an encounter.

"Oh, and please... don't burn any more books."
Player, 64 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #836

Droskar's Crucible

Illiana wakes in the wee hours of the morning. She turns over on the stone dias, uncomfortable from lying on it so long and sits up. With practiced discipline, she lights a candle and immediately begins studying her spells. Half a stripe width on the candle later she puts her books away and begins the meticulous task of pulling a comb through her hair and tying it back. She would prefer to wear it freely. It is a strikingly beautiful head of hair of which she has always had comments on. Using two pieces of wood, she pins her hair in place and sighs, wishing for a clean bath, the ability to let her hair down, and over all happiness.

Another thing one must sacrifice in the quest for knowledge and power.

She hoped for a better day. Yesterday... bad day all around. Attacked, captured, tormented and beat upon. She has one thing to be thankful of... that damn kobold got his. Good! Her eyes glance down at Fitz, lying there dead. He was not her friend, any more so than anyone else she meets in a carriage while passing between cities. But still, such a loss. And had things gone different, that could be her lying there.

What will today bring, she asks herself. Her eyes glance at the sleeping Tynia. She does not like that elf one bit. But why? Why does the elf affect her so? Instinct. A woman's intuition. Something about her is fake! And... if Illiana is going to stay with this group of people, she will find out what that something is.

Illiana yawns and stretches as she hears others begin to stir. Hopefully it is the dull-witted one that is a useful cook. Not the sharpest... in the least, but useful to some degree.
Player, 130 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2022
at 19:49
  • msg #837

Droskar's Crucible

Feeling a flush upon her own cheeks, Roxie sat up slowly once Jhaelin leaned back but she could still feel some pain when she did so. "I'm the only one ... figures," she half-laughed but he could tell she was relieved. Closing her eyes as he inspected the wound and began additional healing, she took in deep breaths and let them out slowly to try to clear her mind of the turmoil.

When she opened them, she saw Iliana brushing her hair and making quite a show of her endeavor. Her gaze dropped and she felt jealousy and resentment well inside of her. Why was it the foul tempered beauty remained mostly unscathed? Sure she'd almost died but so had they all. And there she sat taunting Roxie who'd lost her own golden locks and was quickly accumulating scars all over her body. At the rate she was going, no one would ever want her.

"Thank you," she said over her shoulder when the healing was finished to Jhaelin and found she couldn't look in his eyes just then. Such uncharitable and self-loathing thoughts were inside her and she couldn't let this good man see them. "I think a good nap is in order, so we can be ready for the trip for the root."

She stood then and after a moment of indecision stepped outside of the sanctuary. Once out of the site of the others, she let the tears flow as she looked upward. "Thank you for taking him back though you never should have treated him so badly in the first place," she whispered to Jhaelin's deity. "He's too good a person, didn't deserve to feel like ... like I do most of the time."

It had felt strange to pray, if that could have been called a prayer. It was certainly heartfelt and she was happy Jhaelin was happy again. Having said her piece, she scrubbed at her face to dry the tears. That afore-mentioned nap and a good wipe down when she woke would probably do her a lot of good but for now she just felt defeated. Taking a deep breath, she turned to go back inside.
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