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01:31, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(IC) The Island: Beach.

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 44 posts
Sat 21 May 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #1

(IC) The Island: Beach

Lying upon the beach are several people, seeming tossed there from the ocean. The remains of the ship are scattered around, some odds and ends thrown there from the rift. Waves slam down upon the survivors. Its hard to tell how long the survivors were on the beach or where they are. The rift is visible in the distance then fades into nothing. Its hard to tell if anything is useful as well. It remains unknown. Slowly and in some pain-mainly from bruises and bump some of the group awaken. The beach becomes a forest area further in. Indeed it looks peaceful but how peaceful remains to be seen.

The large, green-scaled beast that is Groxxuzuxl lies in the sand, curled up in a ball with his long tail wrapped up and over his head and reaching down to the middle of his back--his lizard brain and muscles instinctively re-enacting his time in the warmth of his egg. The mass of scale and muscles soon twitches as the indentured deckhand wakes, but the cautious Iruxi remains still to not draw attention as his sky-facing eye slowly opens and looks about for danger. With no immediate threats to be seen and the memory of the storm and crashing waves which must have brought him here come back to him, the lizardman unfurls himself with a groan and begins to stretch his stiff, battered limbs as he looks around to see who else survived the night.

The male half-orc woke up coughing, clearing his lungs enough to take in deep, meditative breaths. He rolled over to face the bright sky, grateful to see the sun. By his third breath, he knew the total of his body and his immediate environment. After a kip up to his feet, a quick pat down of his body established what remained of his personal resources.

Looking across and around the sandy beach, he saw the forms of what looked to be women scattered on the water's shore nearby. 'Well, I always wondered how I'd do on a beach with nothing but women around me.' he thought with an ironic chuckle. “Someone should lend them assistance and possibly leadership. I guess it will be me.” his train of thought concluded as he started forward at a steady jog toward the nearest person.

Keeper's eyes snapped open and he looked around as he sat up. Startled to see others, he shifted to his pure fox form before giving himself time to think and searched for a place to stay hidden and observe for now. Wait, wasn't these people part of the group that were on the ship with him? Perhaps he could trust them after all.

There was a sharp peck on Kara's forehead. The smell the salt air and the songs of the gulls were expected on a sea voyage, but the splatter of sand on her face when she brought her hand up to rub the area of the sting, and the soft crunchiness of the ground under her back said told her she was no longer on the ship. The bright sun heating her eyelids warned her not to open her eyes, but the realization that she was now lying on a beach somewhere was more urgent. Sitting upright, she cast her eyes in all directions. straight ahead was the tranquil sea, it's gentle waves spreading up the slope to lap at her feet. There was timber and cargo netting to her left and several bodies beyond that. Some stirred, others were delectable perches for hungry seabirds and a few crabs. To her right was more of the same, though on that side, no one disturbed the feasting birds.

Through the fog of confusion, she heard the welcome and familiar chirp of Arnat, the majestic hawk who had been her friend and companion for the last two years. Whatever calamity brought her to this shore, at least he had survived with her. Standing, she brushed as much sand as she could from her skin and clothes. At some point, she would have to find a private place to properly rinse the scratchy particles from her body, but that would have to wait. A few dozen yards away stood those who also endured the destruction of their maritime vessel, and she hoped they could remember more of the ordeal than she.

Lizardfolk Barbarian, 3 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 03:30
  • msg #2

(IC) The Island: Beach

Groxxuzuxl, a large and imposing lizardfolk and pressed crewman of the ship, rolls over from his fetal position and onto his four limbs as he tests his land legs after weeks at sea and a fraught night of fighting against the waves. Surviving the storm was tough for even him and too much for the ship so he is amazed to see any other movement on the beach. He stays still as only a lizard can and watches the other survivors with solid yellow eyes and slit pupils: the green man, a furry snack, and the peach man with the flying snack they had kept with them through their time on the ship. Instinctively he begins to look about for something he might throw at the furry snack to begin the hunt while remaining as still as possible to not spook it too soon.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 15 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 04:22
  • msg #3

(IC) The Island: Beach

The nearest person actually moving was an orcish looking man jogging along the shore in Kara's direction. He was a little ways off, but at his pace he would reach her soon enough. Under normal conditions, Kara would be wary, but given the situation, she couldn't imagine he was coming to do her harm. She thought she had seen another person but he seemed to have vanished. There was a fox, probably come to scavenge the wreckage, but none of the other bodies stirred.

Keeping an eye on the approaching green figure, Kara set about brushing as much sand off her skin as possible, even loosening some of her clothing and reaching under to do so. As she did so, she looked about the strange shore. Up on the sea dunes above the shore, the beach vegetation looked odd. There was no grass, just fern-like things and a few palms. There was a forest further up, but trees were not like any back home. Out past the shore, the see looked relatively calm. There were no ships or vessels of any kind. In he distance she could see what appeared to be a crack in the horizon, slowly fading and shimmering out of existence.

"Shandar," she said to her hawk, "go scout the beach. Tell me of all the survivors you see."

Shandar leapt from Kara's shoulder and took flight.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:31, Mon 23 May 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 8 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 09:24
  • msg #4

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar slowed his pace for a moment, realizing that his first estimation of the situation was far more influenced by the ordeal that he'd survived and his own roguish fantasy than by reality. 'Nonetheless, there is definitely at least one woman ahead, and she'll likely be needing help as much if not more than I do,' he thought.

Picking up his pace again, he noted several things at once: a wandering fox, that large lizard-man he'd occasionally seen onboard, several unmoving bodies, and a hawk taking flight from the woman's shoulder. 'Hmm... Maybe a lesser noble and their pet falcon? No, not given the reason for this trip. She's probably some kind of spellcaster and the hawk would be her familiar,' he concluded.

Closing to within earshot, he called out to her in a smooth rich voice wearing a friendly smile, “Hello there Miss! Welcome to our fine afternoon!” At this point he bowed gracefully before adding, “I saw you on the beach here and I thought you might need some help. So, how can I be of assistance?”
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 1 post
Sun 22 May 2022
at 13:02
  • msg #5

(IC) The Island: Beach

Oddly, the alchemist is sitting on a dune. Zed looks down at his hands, flexing them. He then rubs the right side of his neck then touches his side. Probably checking to see if he is alright. He keeps what he is to himself, not sure if anyone would understand. Heck he doesn't understand it as well but he ended up embracing it. The android looks through his belongings and stops. Glancing towards the beach he watches what is going on. So far three of them and himself. So much has happened-the rift 'attack', some people getting thrown onto the beach. Zed grabs his goggles and stares at them then wipes them off and puts them onto his head. He stands up, grabbing his gear and starts to head down the dune. All the potions are tied up and and strapped which is good.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:28, Sun 22 May 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 12 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 22 May 2022
at 15:06
  • msg #6

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Although he was still wary of these people he had barely met and the Lizardman was eying him like a dinner, the little fox finally stepped forward and changed to re-assume his natural "hybrid" form of a fox-like humanoid dressed in clothing made of leaves and feathers. He carefully watches the rest of the crowd as he spoke up.

"Uh, hi..."

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 16 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 15:25
  • msg #7

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kamatar Fletch (msg # 4):

As the Orc came to within a couple dozen paces, he stopped, calling out in clear words. From he less than brutish appearance Kara assumed he was half-orc and from the way he offered help he was an uncommon sort as well. He was tall, muscular of course, and his ink black style looked to have an elfin influence. His clothes were simple, and other than looking like he was just tossed from the sea, they were not threadbare. With nothing to indicate he might turn foe, she went ahead and responded as if he might be a friend.

"Hello there, friend." Though somewhat shouted, her voice was clear like the ring of a bell. "I don't see what's so fine about it." She laughed. "We've just been tossed by the sea and cast on this shore. Unless you know where we are, I suspect we all need the same assistance. Have you seen any other survivors? And please come close so I don't have to yell to be heard."

Further down the beach, she noticed another body stir. He had looked very still but then the reptilian suddenly cast a rock. In response to the movement, the fox transformed to take on a humanoid shape. The two must have been passengers, but she couldn't recall seeing any of them. She called back to the half-orc.

"Look there." She pointed to the approaching fox-man. "And there." she redirected her finger to the reptilian. "It seems I've found a couple."

When the fox-man came closer he greeted with a simple and hesitant utterance.

"Hello there." She said in response. "Perhaps you know where we are?"
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 4 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 18:24
  • msg #8

(IC) The Island: Beach

Groxx blinks and furrows his brow-horns as the furry snack transforms into an intelligent creature--even a recognized member of the crew--and relaxes his instinct to hunt. The fox person, much like the green person and peach person, would be much better as an ally than food. Ally meat kept better, at the least. Without an immediate threat or need to hunt, the large lizardman stands to his full seven-foot height to stretch his sore back and arms as well as flex his tail from side-to-side. After offering a nod to the others--a gesture which he's learned signals agreeableness to mammals--he leans forward to balance against his large tail and begins to scout the perimeter of their beach, keeping within earshot of their loud conversation while looking for anything useful which washed ashore with them.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 18 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 19:12
  • msg #9

(IC) The Island: Beach

As Kara greeted her fellow survivors she continued to cast her eyes about, scanning the beach for movement. Though the flaps of gulls and scurrying crabs kept drawing her eyes, she managed to spy what looked like a man sitting up on a dune. Just after she spotted him, he rose and walked down with the sand sliding away under his feet. She waved in case he didn't see them.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 2 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 19:34
  • msg #10

(IC) The Island: Beach

What the? Ok. That was cool with the whole fox changing shenanagins. He stops in his tracks, watching Keeper rise up and then looks over at the big lizardman. Zed takes a deep breath, hoping the lizardman was on their side and not against them but when he doesn't bother anyone he takes a deep breath and wipes his brow. He heads towards the witch and gets to her "Umm yes. Hello. I am Zed. Zed Quinn. Indeed. And you are if I may ask...?" He seems unsure of how to react and glances at the monk and then to druid "Have you seen Bella? We were sep..."

Popping up from some debree is a odd sight. It looks like a strange fox but definatly different. All metal. It acts like a fox, react like a fox but is odd.

"Bella!" The alchemist kneels down and the robot fox charges into him and he falls back as it sits on his chest. It looks down at him, tilting his head "I'm alright. You alright? Wait your good. Its good. Umm yes." He slowly sits up as the fox drops down to the ground. Its blue eyes seem to shine.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 20 posts
Sun 22 May 2022
at 19:59
  • msg #11

(IC) The Island: Beach

Now with three survivors and a metal fox-golem-thing - or somehow otherwise animated - standing before her, Kara clasped her hands with a smile. "Ah, yes. Well I'm Kara Eldwyyn. Just call me Kara. I'm sorry, but I am out of sorts." Running her fingers through her hair, she winces as if it was the first time she noticed the sand and sea salt clumping it into messy tangles. "Ugh. Please excuse me."

Taking a step back, Kara's hair came to life like the tentacles of a great octopus, growing longer and writhing around her head. The twisting tendrils loped back and wove themselves through each other as if combing itself, dropping a rain of sand and powder. After a few seconds it settled leaving her hair looking silky and styled.

"So much better." She beamed, brushing some of the sand and salt from her shoulders."So, we were saying?"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:00, Sun 22 May 2022.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 9 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 02:32
  • msg #12

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman watches the others as they gather and introduce themselves with one eye while he scours the debris for anything useful with the other. In his search he recovers a large backpack and begins to stuff it with anything useful--rope, nets, salted rations now soggy and extra salty, and even an iron pot. With everything useful gathered he hefts the heavy pack over his shoulder and fastens the straps over the breastplate armor he was lucky enough to have been wearing when calamity struck--even if it weighed him down so much that he swam as poorly as the others. He also uncovers a trident nearly buried in the sand and after picking it up and giving it a few practice thrusts he grins in satisfaction.

He also looks over the dead bodies that have washed ashore as well, poking at them a bit with his trident, but turns his snout towards the sky in disappointment when he finds little meat remaining after the crabs and gulls have been feasting.

Collecting his own gear.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 9 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 06:23
  • msg #13

(IC) The Island: Beach

Largely focused on the women who called herself Kara Eldwyyn, Kamatar paused briefly to watch while her hair took on life and motion of its own. Despite being astonished, only the momentary arching of his left eyebrow displayed surprise, as he managed to maintain his cheerful, friendly and helpful demeanor.

Slightly distracted by a familiar box at the water's edge, his eyes came away from Kara and he said, “Ah. Many apologies Miss Kara, I promise we will speak in at greater length shortly.” After a short polite bow, he quickly strode over to the box and opened it to retrieve several items. While only allowing his attention to briefly waver from her to glance at the others or to enable him to deftly attach items to his body, he finished quickly and then swiftly returned to Kara's side.

“Forgive me for disagreeing with you Enchantress Kara, for I must. You see, every day that I get a chance to make a new friend, discover a newfound place of beauty, or simply continue my journey towards enlightenment, is a fine day.” he said with a cordial smile and a delighted glimmer in his eyes.

Observing the fox-like humanoid dressed in clothing made of leaves and feathers and the man lying in the sand with the clockwork fox that seemed to made of glowing blue gems and metal, Kamatar stepped closer to Kara saying, “Hello to you both. I am Kamatar Fletch a proponent of the Art of Archery; also a seeker and frequent defender of Truth, Beauty and Justice. As Miss Kara is clearly a beauty, I'm obliged to defend her as she allows.”

Collected his gear.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:28, Thu 26 May 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 14 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 23 May 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #14

(IC) The Island: Beach

 "This is my first time out of the Weeping Wood for longer than a day. Now I don't know where we are..."

 Keeper looks distant and melancholy for a moment before speaking up again.

 "I am known as the Groundskeeper of the Weeping Wood. I guess some people just call me Keeper."
GM, 59 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 16:33
  • msg #15

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the group talks amongst themselves, some of the birds land nearbye. Some of them stare at the ood group. At first it looks like a seagull. But something seems odd. Different. The hawk took off to scout the general area leaving the witch and the others on their own.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:00, Mon 23 May 2022.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 11 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 17:05
  • msg #16

(IC) The Island: Beach

Perking up as birds begin to land nearby, the large lizard readies his trident to throw and waits motionlessly for one to draw near enough to strike--fresh poultry would be a welcome break after weeks living on dry, salted meat even if he weren't facing survival in an unknown land.

12:59, Today: Groxxuzuxl rolled 8 using 1d20.  Perception v Birds.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 26 posts
Mon 23 May 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #17

(IC) The Island: Beach

Noticing that the gulls might be different from the ones she had seen before, Kara looks more closely. Is their color, or the shapes of their beaks?

15:28, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d20

Obviously distracted and disoriented by all that had happened, Kara couldn't figure out what was so different.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:39, Mon 23 May 2022.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 3 posts
Tue 24 May 2022
at 23:45
  • msg #18

(IC) The Island: Beach

"That is not normal. Not sure if its a gull but the facial features..there's no beak but something else." Zed ponders something and then looks over at the witch "That is interesting. The hair that is." He adjusts his backpack and watches the lizardfolk looking like he is hunting the birds and looks at the group then looks at Keeper "Groundskeeper of the Weeping Wood?" The man seems interested and the half-orc comes across as rather strong towards the witch. He seems to not really understand and looks over at the woods as if waiting for something to come charging out but nothing happens. He rubs his hands together as the fox looks up at each of them minus the lizardfolk who is hunting. She moves slightly, her bright blue eyes look aroud curiously.

16:26, Today: Zed Quinn rolled 9 using 1d20+4.  Knowledge (Nature).

18:36, Yesterday: Zed Quinn rolled 20 using 1d20+10.  Perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:09, Wed 25 May 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 15 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 25 May 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #19

(IC) The Island: Beach

12:44, Today: Keeper rolled 21 using 1d20+7.  Perception.

"It's not like any bird I've ever seen, but I haven't gone far from my home until now."

 Keeper looked to Zed a little confused for his reaction.

 "Yes? That is where I am from and I had watch over that forest for years."

GM, 62 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 00:49
  • msg #20

(IC) The Island: Beach

Some of the gulls make some strange squeeking sound then take off leaving the group alone. There are some here and there but they are a good distance off. Swooping through the sky the hawk flies down and lands upon the witches shoulder for a moment then flies off. The construct fox watches the hawk. "Should we go down the beach a bit or into the woods? Maybe gather up anything of use?" The alchemist speaks out quietly, not really looking at any of them. He slowly looks over at the scary lizardfolk.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 28 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #21

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara nodded. The hawk seemed to agree with Zed. "That sounds like a splendid idea." She looked back out to the horizon, The vestiges of the rift were mere ripples against the azure sky. "But we don't know where we are. Maybe we should proceed with an abundance of caution."
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 12 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 02:57
  • msg #22

(IC) The Island: Beach

Despite standing so still he must have been invisible to the birds, they begin to scatter and lizardman lowers his trident in disappointment. Trudging back to the gathered men, hoping they have finished with their chatting and are ready to deal with their situation, the lizardman stops short and points his snout aside to get a good look at them with one eye before speaking, slowly and with special care given to the consonants using his stiff lizard lips, "E'ryone else is ...bird food. Take anything useful. ...We should follow the shore. Shores have ...ports. And fish." He gestures along the shore with his trident for effect.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 10 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 20:24
  • msg #23

(IC) The Island: Beach

After watching the birds, the lizard-man, the fox-man, and the man with the magical clockwork fox, Kamatar nodded.

"Then we are in harmonious accord. We will move along the shore, gathering what useful items we can find. We should also be looking for shelter from the weather and other creatures that might choose us for a meal at night." he said, smiling at the others.

Whispering to Kara he said

While awaiting her reply, he started to walk down the beach.
Kitsune Druid, 16 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 26 May 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #24

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Eventually we should make sure we have shelter. Of course food is important, we won't have to worry about water as much."

 Keeper demonstrates this fact by casting "Create Water" as a spell-like ability.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 29 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #25

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the group started down the shore, Kara shook her skirt out again and followed. The now-closed rift on the horizon provoked an odd feeling about their new predicament. While they survived, it felt like there was yet another revelation to come. Keeping pace with Kamatar, She spoke softly in his ear.

Observing Keeper's water trick, Kara called over to him.  "Nice, Keeper. Can you make enough for a bath?"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 4 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 21:15
  • msg #26

(IC) The Island: Beach

Looking down at the fox, the androud ponders as they start to travel. He looks up, watching the half-orc and human getting close to one another and isn't really sure how to react. Heck its all pretty new to him. Does he say something? Yell? Do something dumb? Block them so they have their alone time? Zed keeps walking and stops as he sees a seashell. He grabs it just as Keeper makes her watery display. The alchemist looks somewhat surprised and doesn't see the lizardfolk approach and then speak! His eyes go wide, not expecting it and he looks at the others "It...she...he..can speak?" It doesn't sound insulting. He pulls out some sort of journal, writing it down and puts it back in his pack. The robot fox starts to move along, getting between the half-orc and human and looks up with its bright blue eyes. It just stares up at them as it walks right between the two of them.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 13 posts
Thu 26 May 2022
at 21:30
  • msg #27

(IC) The Island: Beach

The large lizardman looks back skeptically at the men whispering to each other and sniffs the air for pheromones before chastising them, "No ...mating. ...must save energy." He shakes his head at the foolish men, but then licks his lips at the thought of a fresh egg to eat. Wasting no more time, he begins on their trek down the beach.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 5 posts
Fri 27 May 2022
at 13:53
  • msg #28

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Mating? They aren't mating. That involves...wait. What does it involve? Nevermind." The android looks at the half-orc and human then looks up at the big lizardfolk and gulps "By my calculations they are conversing on private matters that should include us correct? Yes. And your name is?" He steps back, watching him for a moment then turns towards the half-orc "Mr. Fletch? Is that correct? Would you allow us the pleasure of know what was said between yourself and Miss Kara?"
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 14 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #29

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman continues on, ignoring most of the manic mandroid's questions, but offers the simplest of introductions as he briefly looks back over his shoulder, "Groxxuzuxl." He then stabs at the air ahead of himself in a gesture to urge the others to follow.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 33 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #30

(IC) The Island: Beach

Turning also to face Kamatar, Kara gave him an expectant smirk. She was intrigued but he plainness of Zed's question. Why Kamatar chose to engage her so secretly, she had no idea, but she was not asked the question and was also interested to hear Kamatar's response. Maybe Groxxuzuxl was correct in his instinct. Perhaps mating was what Kamatar had in mind. How he answered would help her decide whether she should be offended, amused, flattered or a mix of all those things.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 11 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 20:09
  • msg #31

(IC) The Island: Beach

With a mischievous smile and his arms open wide with empty hands turned upward, he bowed before replying.

"Groundskeeper of the Weeping Wood, who some call Keeper. What would you prefer to be called? I do not wish to insult you for two reasons: First,  because you deserve respect. Second, because you have already offered to share the results of your mystic skills, and Third, because I have never met a being like you before, and I'd like to learn more about you, as you permit."

"You who call yourself Grox...Sorry, I intend to say Groxxuzuxl. How you see my behavior towards Lady Eldwyyn is wrong. But let me say again for your ears. I am Kamatar Fletch a proponent of the Art of Archery; also a seeker and frequent defender of Truth, Beauty and Justice. As Lady Eldwyyn is clearly a beauty, I'm obliged to defend her.”

He laughed briefly before speaking to Zed, "Forgive my laughter, Zed Quinn. I don't know you nor where you come from. Perhaps such questions and assumptions are fine where you come from, or are another sign of your lack of knowledge about certain things."

He paused, his smile vanishing as he looked directly into Zed's eyes.  His eyes took on a steely glint, his arms drifted down to his sides and his previously smooth calm voice gained a noticeable growl. "Mr. Quinn. Let me teach you something that might save your life. What is said in confidence, in private, between any two people is just that, private. Not to be heard by anyone else. Asking someone to violate such a confidence is an insult to any man or woman, elf or dwarf, or even a half-orc. This is triple so in the case of words passed between a man and a woman, no matter what relationship they may or may not have".

"I," he openly growled with a fierce expression, "will let your insult pass this time, since I understand you are ignorant. If Lady Eldwyyn wishes to take offense and seeks satisfaction, I will support her. For your sake and in the cause of harmony, I suggest you apologize to her now."
Kitsune Druid, 21 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 28 May 2022
at 20:20
  • msg #32

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Keeper will do, what fix what is not broken as they say. I am not one to dive into conflict and would rather avoid it if I can."

 The Lizardman puts Keeper a little on edge and leaves him wary, but for the most part this group seems pretty easy to get along with. He then finally go around to answering Kara's question about the water.

"Not yet, but with more practice I'm sure I could... unless you are able to bathe inonly two Gallons of water."
GM, 69 posts
Sat 28 May 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #33

(IC) The Island: Beach

As they proceed further down the beach, there is a rocky area leading into the water about 5' above it then after about 40' it stops. Zed watches the half-orc and then turns as the lizardfolk walks off "What did I do?" He seems confused, back to the beach and then falls and hits the ground! The android slowly gets up and realized he fell over some old boards as he wasn't paying attention and sees two potions and picks them up, wiping them off "Found something." As the half-orc berates him, he stands up "We're in this together and yet you get all heated up and don't care about anyones well being besides Kara apparently which I believe you two just met? You insulted me right now and stated that I don't know anything which you are completely wrong. So please stop acting like I am a child. And I would appreciate you treating me with respect and dignity instead of acting you are I believe it stated..." He ponders for a moment "Better then me. Again, pardon my rudeness which I feel I have not even been rude Mr. Fletch. Laughing at someone who does not understand what you perhaps intended isn't the best for first impressions. And I will not apologize for rudeness as I am just not sure what you even said because acting like your better. If you intend on this getting phsyical then alright. I will not fight back if attacking me makes you feel better. It was a simple question and yet you decided to get into a altercation which doesn't do much if I recall. So go on, do what you need to do but I don't think it will go well with Miss Kara." He speaks calm and more relax which is rather odd. His eyes dart to Kara then back to Fletch and he drops his gear, resting his arms "Apparently I am not worth your time or respect which takes time to progress. One doesn't get it by any titles. You do not know me or my capabilities and in such we need eachother. All of us even if we dislike eachother am I correct? I believe I am. Though I feel I did not mean to be rude by what I asked..." He looks at Kara "Would you accept my apologies for anything I said or have done? Though I feel asking wasn't a horrible thing. Please accept it, Miss Kara." He bows his head towards her, expecting someone to just clean clock him and beat him down-mainly Fletch. His eyes dart back to the monk "Please I am awaiting your response to what I stated. We could get along rather well or you can dismiss me, or attempt to do what you feel needs to be done in accorandance to what you stated which is in fact false. I am not ignorant. You have proving yourself to be far more ignorant then myself by acting tough in front of Miss Kara which would accomplish nothing. So please remain peaceful." His tone is almost eery, collected. Calm. Not something Fletch is probably used to. He could be easily killed by the man. He holds a hand out as if to shake the hand of the monk if allowed. Strange.

The lizardfolk kneels down and finds more wood and a scroll case but not sure whats inside. Kara as she looks around sees yes more wood and old cloak, slightly tattered but useable. The monk finds some armbands and a potion. And the druid finds what looks like a quarterstaff covered in mud and dirt probably washed up from the ocean. There's odds and ends-old wood boards scattered around, more dead bodies most of which are picked clean but there could be something in the pockets. But there is general nothing of any use. Nothing heavy as most would not make it to the shore.

So got:
3 Potions
Scroll Case (might have something inside)

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 35 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 02:08
  • msg #34

(IC) The Island: Beach

Seeing what looked like a confrontation simmering between Zed and Kamatar, Kara stepped between them. She placed a hand on Kamatar's chest as if to stop his advance. She held up her other at Zed, but he had already stepped back.

"Gentlemen," Her melodic voice at once carried some amusement and an urgent plea. "Please. Do calm down. I am not the least bit offended by anything said so far, and I must agree with Zed that we are all in quite the predicament together. I urge you two not to quibble over such a misunderstanding. Zed, perhaps you do not understand the nature of privacy, but there are many sentiments my lord Kamatar might have wished to express to me in confidence and none of them conspiratorial in nature. I don't know if any of you noticed the rift on the horizon when we first arrived, but I suspect we are not only marooned on an unknown shore, but perhaps somewhere even farther afield. We must work as a team and try to reconcile whatever differences peacefully and without confrontation. There is no sense if fighting each other when our mutual perils have yet to surface."

She looked back and forth between them.

"Kamatar, I truly appreciate your defense of my honor, but please at least check to see if my honor, such that it is requires said defense beforehand."

"And Zed. You seem to be a reasonable sort. Perhaps some forethought before leveling insinuations, or even words that could be misconstrued as such."

She again traded her gaze between them.

"My friends... a truce?"
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 15 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #35

(IC) The Island: Beach

The large lizardman sniffs at the found scrollcase and gives it a shake to listen to what might be inside before opening it up to see. As conflict seems to grow among the others, he marches back and plants his trident in the sand authoritatively, nodding along with the female man's peacemaking but adds his own words to settle things, "No fighting. Wastes energy. Wastes meat. Offense is nothing. Survival is everything. We find town; you can be hurt by words then."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 36 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 02:48
  • msg #36

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looked over her shoulder at the lizard guy. "So it seems our scaly companion agrees with me." She smiled.
GM, 72 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 04:40
  • msg #37

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I had done nothing. Mr. Fetch decided to insult me and called me ignorant which I am not and decided to press me into a possible fight that I wish to not endure. Of course he would have easily won but that does not mean he has honor. I am not saying he has none, not at all but over something such as this which could have been solved with a civil tongue. Zed's calm tone is definatly odd. He takes a deep breath and nods his head "My apologies. I know what privacy is but with all that has occurred and there was no insinuations but by my views I supposed it could have been handled differently." Calm and cool. He tilts his head "Yes I am of reason. Thank you." He glances over at Fetch, expecting him to be impatient and cold towards him after the half-orc seemed to get aggrivated "Truce. Perhaps we can learn from one another if you wish?" He holds his hand out this time towards the lizardman "No fighting. I agree." Odd and strange. He pulls out the potions, sniffs them and ponders something "Interesting. A potion of resistance and this one..." He holds it up, looking at it "This is different. Boost ones senses." He holds them out, allowing anyone to take them if they wish.

The lizardfolk opens the scrollcase and pulls out some sort of scroll. To him, its just gibberish.

So got:
Armbands-By Kamatar's feet (Unknown to Group except the monk)

Quarterstaff-By Keeper's feet (Unknown to Group except the druid)

1 Potions-By Kamatar's feet (Unknown to Group except the monk)

1 potion of Resistance-Held out by Zed

1 potion of Keen Senses-Held out by Zed

Scroll Case-has a scroll-Groxxuzuxl

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 14 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 09:30
  • msg #38

(IC) The Island: Beach

After making his statement, the angry half-orc kept his hands to his sides and looked at each person as they spoke, actively listening, saying nothing until the last words were said. His walk faltered slightly when Kara put her hand on his chest, bringing him to a stop in front of her.

Closing his eyes and taking a long meditative breath, his anger seemed to flow away with the exhalation of the air from his body. When his eyes opened again, his whole demeanor had resumed its innate serenity. When his eyes drifted back to Kara's face, his eyebrows arched once more, heralding the return of his mischievous smile.

“It wasn't only your honor I was defending, Lady Kara,” he said with a brief spreading of his smile and the return of the smooth richness in his voice. “But apologies were asked for and those apologies and more were given. So I have no current quarrel with anyone on your behalf or mine. Thank you for seeking to bring us back to the harmony that ill-chosen words briefly disturbed.” Resting his hands over hers on his chest he whispered,  After a bow followed by a kiss on the back of Kara's hand, he turned his full attention towards Zed.

“Mr. Quinn. It seems that you are a reasonable being. Your apology is accepted, as are your offers of truce and eventual friendship. I apologize for my aggressive conduct. However, I must point out that in calling you ignorant, I was being truthful. There are too many things in any world we find ourselves in to claim absolute knowledge of them all. I myself am quite ignorant of the ways of magic, even as it happens around me, even when it happens to me,” he pauses with a flicker of frustration across his face.

“Ouch!” he exclaimed, while nearly tripping over some thing in the sands. Carefully squatting over the area, he reached down and uncovered a potion filled bottle and a pair of armbands.
GM, 73 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 13:33
  • msg #39

(IC) The Island: Beach

"You are ignorant as well as believing you know what is best for everyone. You are ignorant in a varity of different things and I take that as a insult. So please do not state it, and I will not. Both of us can be, and neither one of us does not appreciate being called it Mr. Fletch. You seem to want to be forgiven and yet you continued to use the word and expect it to be ignored and forgotten. I believe as well as some if not all of us doesn't take what you state as being apologetic as you continue using the word as a way to show your views as being disrespectful towards me." Cold. Calculated. Calm. His head tilts as he watches the brutish monk. And whene he goes to speak quietly to Kara, Zed is about to say something but stopped. Despite all that was said, no emotion. His face is a blank slate and it seems like the half-orc is showing his emotions more then the android "You wish and believe a certain thing be it may or may not be true yet you believe it be. I have my own views and it will provided us with current arguments as of late so I suggest we both keep our views to our personal self views to ourselves. I offered you a truce and was deemed by you to not wish for it to be done. You agreed and went back to your views, spoken to everyone. It makes no sense. So I suggest a truce with neither of us attempting to berate each other. Berate is a interesting word. Peace. Truce. This will solve nothing per say but to easy Miss Kara's view. So peace." Seems like he learned something at least for the current moment.

When he sees the monk yell, his head tilts slightly to each side and upon seeing the potion and armband, Zed's demenor turns to curiousity in seconds "If I may?"

Slowly, a strange very small head pops up. Then another. And yet another. All around the group, about 20 of them start to converge on the group. Some come down from the woodlands, other coming towards them from different sides of the beach. Tiny creatures. All of them hiss at the gathered group as they 'surround' them. They all stops about 20' away in all directions. The group is huge compared to them, as they only get to about 2' tall.

They hiss constantly, moving back and forth. And the construct fox watches them, blue eyes glowing more brightly. Zed watches them, looking around at the massive small creatures. Still they keep their distances, in all directions at 20'. One of them moves forwards hissing about 10' then skitters back. Zed speaks out "By my calculations I believe the captain spoke of parlay though unsure if it will work."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 38 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 14:31
  • msg #40

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Zed, Kamatar, please." Kara sounded exasperated. "If the both of you would stop trying to be right, you'd realize that you each have a different sentiment about the word."

"Zed," She said is name with an elongated 'e' and a rising pitch. "Kamatar is being literal and applying it specifically. I don't think he means it to be offensive."

"Kamatar," She sang each syllable. "Zed clearly finds the word offensive, no matter how you mean it. Perhaps you can find a different vernacular."

"I think we should follow Groxxuzixl's lead and focus on our shared predicament. Thank you, both of you."

Kara could have gone on but there were more than enough words already spoken and they only served to make the matter worse. Letting it drop was definitely the best course. Fortunately for that small crisis, a new one reared it's ugly little head... or twenty as it turned out.

"Boys, it seems we have new concern." From under her cloak, Kara produced a wickedly curved sickle and slowly backed away from the chittering creatures. "We should back into the water. It might make it more difficult for these lovely beasties to surround us."
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 6 posts
Sun 29 May 2022
at 18:09
  • msg #41

(IC) The Island: Beach

Glancing at Kara, the alchemist watches her for a moment and nods. He grabs something from his belt. It looks like a odd potion, the liquid looking like some sort of alchemical fire "Parlay!" Nope didn't work. Course he doesn't get what the captain ment. He chucks the bomb, and it drops down near three of them. It explodes, throwing fire all around it after lobbing it at one of the dinos. It misses them, exploding in the sand.

11:01, Today: Zed Quinn rolled 7 using 1d20+4. Bomb!
+1 Point Blak so 8. Misses

This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Mon 30 May 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 25 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 29 May 2022
at 18:19
  • msg #42

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper drew his bow, Notched an arrow, aimed and fired, doing his part to lessen the numbers of this pack or spook them enough to flee.

14:16, Today: Keeper rolled 6 using 1d8.  bow damage.
14:16, Today: Keeper rolled 18 using 1d20+4.  Bow Attack.

Lizardfolk Barbarian, 17 posts
Mon 30 May 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #43

(IC) The Island: Beach

The large lizardman curses in his native tongue--a harsh language with long words built more from the throat and tongue than the lips--as the sea of tiny creatures somehow catches them off-guard, likely because they were distracted by the incessantly quibbling men. A few such foes would be no trouble, but a swarm could take down even as one as great as himself with a hundred tiny cuts and maybe an infection. He glances briefly at the smaller ones he has been forced to ally with who would surely succumb if swarmed by the little ones before growling at the situation. The growl quickly grows into a roar or warcry as Grox rushes into the fray with his trident raised high to bring it down at the nearest foe.

21:41, Today: Groxxuzuxl rolled 18,11 using d20+8,1d8+7.  Charge Attack.
-2 AC for 1 round. Unless the sand counts as difficult terrain?

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 15 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 02:40
  • msg #44

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar fell silent as everyone became aware of the crowd of small reptilian creatures attempting to surround them. "Just as I was actively seeking not to fight, another opportunity to spill the blood of creatures that likely bear us no malice presents itself."

Quickly stepping forward just enough to shield Kara from being attacked, he fluidly gathered his finely crafted longbow and arrows, seeming to flow in the movements of a dance that quickly ended with twin arrows drawn towards the clutch of hissing creatures.

"Little ones, I don't wish to end your lives. Run away and live, stay and die." he said to the small lizards, his face calm and serene, his voice having a hint of sadness.

In his heart, he was hoping that the small animals would run away before being killed. His remorseless voice of survival saw they looked to be decent meals once they were slain.

Kamatar is ready to fire on the first little creature that moves forward aggressively towards Kara, Keeper, himself or Zed. Otherwise, he will not fire first.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:56, Tue 31 May 2022.
GM, 84 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 09:48
  • msg #45

(IC) The Island: Beach

The witch talks and pulls out her sickle, waiting.

Keep pulls out his bow and fires at the small creatures hitting one.

Grox charges them, slamming down onto one creature and pins it to sand killing it.

Zed tosses a bomb but misses its mark.

Kamatar pulls out his own bow and waits but seconds later the creatures attack. One attack misses but the second attack hits one along its neck but it remains standing. All of the group seems to be surrounding Kara.

Hissing, they swarm the lizardfolk surrounding him. Four of them attack Grox. They are so tiny all of them are in Grox's space nipping at him and one hits! It is only a nick but he feels something else trying to naw into its flesh but he is able to shrug it off.
*Grox take 1 damage (DR 1/-)
*Fort Save vs Poison DC 12: Saved

The last five circle around the group, waiting. It looks as if the group is being herded and are surrounded. Sort of. The only person that is being 'herded' is Grox.

OOC Group is up.
Kara (20)
Keeper (19)
Groxxuzuxl (13)
*All around you in your space
*2 Damage
Zed (12)
Kamatar (12)
Creatures (x10) (11):
*AC 15
*20' from the group
*Creature 1: ??/6
*Creature 2: DEAD
*Creature 3: ??/8

All others no damage (Yet)

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:31, Tue 31 May 2022.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 7 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 09:59
  • msg #46

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist thinks outloud "By my calcuations and their movement..." He chucks his bomb and it connects, ripping into the creature and killing it! Some of the blast flicks off harming one of them as well, scorching it.

OOC Group is up.
Kara (20)
Keeper (19)
Groxxuzuxl (13)
*All around you in your space
*2 Damage
Zed (12)
Kamatar (12)
Creatures (x10) (11):
*AC 15
*20' from the group
*2 are Dead
*4 on Grox (Not hurt)
*Creature 1: ??/6
*Creature 2: ??/8
*Creature 3: ??/9
On Grox
*Creature 4: ??/?
*Creature 5: ??/?
*Creature 6: ??/?
*Creature 7: ??/?

All others no damage (Yet)

This message was last edited by the player at 20:31, Tue 31 May 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 42 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 18:56
  • msg #47

(IC) The Island: Beach

With the guys all around and ready to fight, Kara prepares her sickle and get ready to defend herself. It looked like there were seven of the diminutive creatures, but if they were so bold as to attack a party almost as large as theirs and much bigger, perhaps they had some kind of special weapon. Kara looked for something about them that might be more dangerous than what was obvious.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 19 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #48

(IC) The Island: Beach

The large lizardman roars at the tiny critters as they swarm on him and break his thick skin before dropping his weapon and bending over them to swipe with his claws and even snap at them with his jagged teeth.

Free: Enter Rage    Full: Full Attack
Bite: Hit AC 9    Claw: Hit AC 22, 9 Damage    Claw: Hit AC 24, 10 Damage
AC: 15/9/14    HP: 15/17    F/R/W: +7/+1/+2
16:30, Today: Groxxuzuxl rolled 9,22,24 using d20+8,d20+8,d20+8.  Attacks (Raging) Bite/Claw/Claw.
16:30, Today: Groxxuzuxl rolled 9,10 using d4+7,d4+7.  Damage (Raging) Claw/Claw.

Kitsune Druid, 27 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 31 May 2022
at 21:28
  • msg #49

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper notched another arrow and fired at a previously hit little Dino.

I rolled 15 to hit for 2 damage. On phone so I could not copy and paste it.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 45 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 21:47
  • msg #50

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara decides that they are too far away to attack with her sickle, so she casts a Sleep cantrip on a cluster of them

OOC: If it needs a roll
17:44, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 7 using 1d20
Intelligence +4

GM, 92 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 22:09
  • msg #51

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara casts her spell at the dinos! 3 of them fall asleep!

Keeper fires and connects, killing it.

Grox drops his trident and goes ballistic! He kills two of them as the other 2 fall asleep.

Zed chucks the bomb, killing one of them.

With the threat relatively done, killing off the rest is relatively simple. The alchemist looks over at the lizardolk and he kills off one of them. There's two asleep critters, up for grabs as the hawk flies down and lands upon the witches shoulder. Zed takes a deep breath and looks down at all the creature some are dead, others asleep "Well that was interesting I will say." He looks over at the armbands and the potion that the monk probably dropped. He blinks, doesn't grab them and pulls out the potions once more "Anyone in need of assistance in healing their wounds?"

The fox robot sniffs one of the dinos and looks up at Zed. He looks down at the robot and glances at Kara "You put them asleep or in stasis?"

So got:
Armbands-By Kamatar's feet (Unknown to Group except the monk)

Quarterstaff-By Keeper's feet (Unknown to Group except the druid)

1 Potions-By Kamatar's feet (Unknown to Group except the monk)

1 potion of Resistance-Held out by Zed

1 potion of Keen Senses-Held out by Zed

Scroll Case-has a scroll-Groxxuzuxl

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:23, Tue 31 May 2022.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 21 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #52

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Just a scratch," the lizardman says in way of answering the strange man as he takes an interest in one of the fallen critters. He picks it up by the tail and gives it a few sniffs before turning it over in his clawed hands to appraise it. Finally he grasps it firmly in one hand and bites down hard to tear off and swallow the upper half.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 46 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 23:07
  • msg #53

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looks around to see if any more of the little skulkers are still around. Not seeing any she put the sickle away. "They're asleep. You may want to put them out of our misery before they wake up." She looks at them all laying about. "They're about the size of chickens. Perhaps they're edible?"
GM, 94 posts
Tue 31 May 2022
at 23:56
  • msg #54

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist pockets his two potions and shrugs as he looks down at the two sleeping creatures "I could perhaps create some sort of cage and watch it. Perhaps learn..."

And chomp goes the lizardfolk upon the dino. As he starts to chew it, it doesn't taste good. Nothing like chicken, just raw. Even for the lizardfolk. Zed watches this, tilting his head. He steps back from Grox. For some they might throw up but ironically not Zed.

So got:
Armbands-By Kamatar's feet (Unknown to Group except the monk)

Quarterstaff-By Keeper's feet (Unknown to Group except the druid)

1 Potions-By Kamatar's feet (Unknown to Group except the monk)

Scroll Case-has a scroll-Groxxuzuxl

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 17 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 07:40
  • msg #55

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar carefully places his composite bow back beside his backpack and quickly looks over the rest of the group, again watching and listening carefully. "Lady Kara, Keeper, Zed, and Groxxuzuxl, that was well done. Now, I was picking up some things. Oh, here they are!" he says while calmly getting some items from the sand.

Carefully removing the sand from the pair of armbands and what looks like a bottle containing some kind of potion, he examines them briefly before putting them into his belt pouch.

Stepping briskly over to Kara, he pulls out the bracelets and presents them to her. "Lady Kara, I'm happy that you were not hurt. Could you please look at these bracelets and tell us if they are enchanted? If they are, could tell what the magic can or will do?"

While Kara looks at the bracelets, the half-orc looks over at Zed and Grox, "Mr. Quinn could you please capture and save one of those creatures, if Groxxuzuxl will let you."
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 22 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 17:33
  • msg #56

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman tilts his head back and bobs it up and down as he swallows the barely-chewed upper half of the critter down in one mass. Turning his attention to the lower half still clutched in his hand he begins to poke around through the gore to find and pull out the digestive track and any bladder to get an idea of how well these critters have been eating and to improve the taste as he promptly tosses what remains down his gullet. After a nod of approval at finding an immediate source of food and having something to fill his stomach besides sea water after last night's ordeal, Grox comments reassuringly to the others, "Bony, but tastes like cat," before moving about and gathering the kills--snapping the tiny necks of the ones only sleeping. With his backpack now stuffed with nine little corpses, the barbarian returns to the scrollcase he had found before and, after giving it another look, holds it out for someone else to take with the simple explanation, "Funny words."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 47 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #57

(IC) The Island: Beach

Upon being shown the items, and considering the surrounding area, Kara focused, reaching out with her senses to feel for any magic imbued nearby.
Kitsune Druid, 28 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 17:51
  • msg #58

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Reached into debris near him and picked up a well made quarterstaff. Keeper wondered who it belonged to, but if the owner was not among the survivors, there was no harm in taking it. It was of good quality wood, but maybe there is more to it than that.
GM, 95 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 18:34
  • msg #59

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardfolk chuchs some of the track onto the ground or what he believes it is as he never saw it. Probably is. Or maybe not..and then eats the rest after a few chomps and gulps. It looks pretty bad and even as it slides down his throat it tastes horroble. Not like cat. Whatever the small creature ate it doesn't settle well within Grox.

Make a Fort Save Grox.

"If you are intending to see if it tastes adequate and wish to enhance your appetite then no. Not to sound rude I believe. Sorry if I came across as....oh wait!" Zed is able to scoop up one of the sleeping ones as Grox snaps down all the other necks and makes sure they are completely dead. The alchemist scowls at the lizardman "Bad!" Seriously? He's not a damn dog. Of course if the lizardman gets in his face he'd be more afraid of him then the monk. Pondering, he pulls out some string from his pack and ties the 'beak' shut and ties up the 'hands' and feet up. He just holds it on one arm feeling pretty proud "You don't know if it could hold poison. Or some other vile disease. Probably can handle it. Maybe."

As the witch takes the armbands, she studies it just as the druid finds what looks like a quarterstaff.

Taking a deep breath and hoping he didn't insult the lizardfolk, he asks politely for the scroll so he can examine it and possibly either use it or give it to the witch.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:09, Thu 02 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 48 posts
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #60

(IC) The Island: Beach

After a quick examination, Kara hands the arm bands back to Kamatar. "They're definitely magical. All I can tell you beyond that is they would aid in grappling." She looked over at Keeper, holding out her hand. When Keeper placed it in her palm she hummed. "Also magical. I think it might hit a little harder than just mundane wood."
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 23 posts
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #61

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman's stomach audibly churns and he soon scratches at his belly scales a moment before adding, "Little spicy, too." He then tilts his head at the strange man tying up the little critter and asks, "You mean to question it?" With no one taking the offered scrollcase, Grox tucks it into his backpack--it'll probably be worth a few coin once they reach a town.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 9 posts
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 20:11
  • msg #62

(IC) The Island: Beach

"No. To learn from it Grox. Learn from it. Now then can I see the....." The lizardfolk put it into the case and puts it on his backpack. Of course it wasn't offered to anyone to begin with. This will be a long long time to overcome his...lizardness. And his backpack full of the dead dinosaurs.

"Nevermin. Miss Kara?" The android turns his head towards her "Grox has a scrollcase with a scroll. Perhaps if you would be kind enough to ask him for it yo can take a look? That is if you want?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:38, Thu 02 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 49 posts
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #63

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Of course. Grox -  can I call you Grox - Grox, if you'd let me see that scroll case, I should be able to determine what it is." Kara waits.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:40, Thu 02 June 2022.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 24 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #64

(IC) The Island: Beach

With a slightly annoyed "Hmph" the lizardfolk digs in his pack again to take out the scrollcase and hand it off to the small man.
GM, 96 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #65

(IC) The Island: Beach

Zed takes the scroll case and gives it to Kara to check out. Easily she can open it and take a look, knowing what it is with her magical nature. The alchemist keeps the sleeping dino in one hand and glances around "Keep going down the beach or into the woods? Perhaps if this place is hospitable going down the beach may aid us. But checking out the woods could prove profitable." He watches the group then looks out over the calm sea as if pondering something.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 50 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 02:08
  • msg #66

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara accepts the scroll case and performs her evaluation. After a few seconds she opens her eyes. "Yes, this spell is for curing minor injuries. May I hold on to this?"

"Here is what I find interesting. There are no ships on the sea. And while that in and of itself is not proof of anything, the birds here are strange and these small creatures are unknown. Not to mention there was that phenomenon on the horizon when we washed ashore. I hate to be the nay-sayer but I expect this place is not hospitable. We should tread cautiously no matter which direction we choose. On the beach we should be able to see things coming, but we are also exposed. In the woods we are better concealed to things at a distance but so too are any attackers. The question we should ponder is whether we want our enemies at a distance or up close."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 18 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 05:08
  • msg #67

(IC) The Island: Beach

With a bow to Kara, Kamatar says smoothly, "Lady Kara, I would much prefer those who might be my enemies at a distance. This gives me the chance to convince them not to attack, if they can be reasoned with, if they are unreasonable, there's plenty of time to stop them forever."

Standing up to his full height he adds, "I think there still might be other survivors to find and offer our help."
he says pulling out the potion bottle, "Please determine the usage of this potion if you will, then we can continue down the beach."
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 10 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 09:54
  • msg #68

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist looks over at Fletch "May I?" He holds out his well one hand to the half-orc. He pulls the cork off, sniffing it and puts it back on. Zed looks at it for a moment, checing its consistancy and holds it back to Flech "Ahh definatly interesting. It can heal wounds."

Flech: Potion of Cure Light Wounds

This message was last edited by the player at 12:55, Fri 03 June 2022.
GM, 97 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 14:52
  • msg #69

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the group converses, what appears to be the flapping of wings is heard above them. Zed glances up and sees what looks like a big bird flying around about 80 or more feet up. Its hard to make out and at times seems to glide through the air. Any flying creatures seem to avoid it. It keeps moving towards the island and is soon gone. Its hard to tell any details reguarding it but it definatly was big, bigger then any reptile birds seen on the island.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 25 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #70

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman shrugs at the small man and answers simply, "No use to me." As she begins to fall into the trap of speculation, the large beast shakes his head and cautions her, "No place is hospital[sic]. Big boat takes us to always strange places. Everywhere is Krishu and Chikkixixl, twin spirits of hunger and fear. You choose which guides you." Having shared the little bit of wisdom he's gleaned over his years, and once everyone is done huffing potions, Grox leads the way down the shore.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 11 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 18:15
  • msg #71

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Wait..." Zed pulls out a journal probably and writes it down "Hunger and Fear. Kashu and Chikki?" The alchemist puts it into his side pocket "Shall we?" Seriously Zed? Everyone knows you put down the correct names. Maybe "I'm not particularily scared and hungry so I am fine. Thanks for asking." It wasn't a question. He makes sure to give the potion back to the half-orc, adjust his backpack and waits.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 51 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #72

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara smirked at Grox. His observation was simple, but had some merit. Of course, like everything else in life, it was more complicated. But it seemed good enough for him as he smugly went on down the shoreline.

"Well, it seems we have a leader." She gesture to the lizard man ambling ahead. With a smile to the others and a bounce of her eyebrows, she followed.

"Do you see that?" Kara pointed to the flying creature as she walked. "I've never seen it's like. Something is definitely off. Zed, you seem to be a collector of information. Do you have any idea of where that storm might have deposited us?"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 12 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #73

(IC) The Island: Beach

"This isn't my area of specialty. Engineering? Yes. I know some of what you can do but not quite." Zed pauses for a moment "By knowing the location of the rift and the possibilities which could be really anything possible there is a change that we my have just shall I saw obtain the luck? Or its possibly its some magical aura from the rift which could be hiding us but honestly I don't know. I just build things or rather attempt it. " He starts to walk after the lizardfolk "We could have perished and this is some strange occurance." The fox construct keeps walking next to him and jumps into the water before going up to tbe beach. Its like it doesn't know its a robot and acts like a fox. But isn't one.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 52 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #74

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara shook her head. "So, you saw that rift also? I'm getting the strange feeling that no matter which way we go, we will not find anything familiar."
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 13 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #75

(IC) The Island: Beach

"The rift was pretty hard to not see, Miss Kara. Not to sound out of line. It was massive. Blues, greens, reds. It did get to a darker hue I believe not quite black but close. And not sure if anyone attacked. We would have been alerted. I'm not sure." Zed looks over as the dino wakes up and really wants to get free. He holds it in his hands and grabs a old worn out torn blanket and puts it over its head. It tries to get down and fight but since its mouth can't really move.....
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 53 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 20:14
  • msg #76

(IC) The Island: Beach

Startled by the little lizard thing squirming frantically against its bonds, Kara hops to the side away from Zed. "Why are you keeping that horrid little creature. You should kill it and be done. You know it wants to eat you, don't you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:12, Sat 04 June 2022.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 14 posts
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 20:22
  • msg #77

(IC) The Island: Beach

"By my recollection and possible taste which I don't feel it would be adequate to consume me. It might try of course. But it is a possibility that either myself or Mr. Keeper can find a way to communicate with it. You protect the forest correct? I don't feel sacrificing this creature is the correct motivation." The android tilts his head, no emotion and looks over at Keeper as if awaiting a response to hin inquiries.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 19 posts
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 01:18
  • msg #78

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar starts to speak  when Zed takes the potion from Kara. However, once he sniffs it and confidently announces the results, the half-orc accepts the potion with a respectful bow and a quiet, "Thank you, Mr. Quinn."

Kamatar briefly looks confused when Kara and Zed discuss the possible nature of the Rift. After a moment, he nods, and simply falls back into step besides Kara with a contented smile until she hops away from Zed and the small beast.

A momentary look of disappointment crosses his face after Kara expresses wanting to kill the lone captured lizard.

"Lady Kara, forgive me for this opinion, but it seems that our last fight has summoned your feral heart. Killing this lone survivor isn't necessary yet. Since you've noted that we're not likely to find anything familiar here, it would be best to learn from what is here so that we may survive and prosper. Not everything that has intention towards you is your enemy, beautiful one, some are simply unaware of your true value. Others are your friends and allies." he says to Kara, his smile returning, as he folds the earnest compliment inside his light rebuke.
GM, 103 posts
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 14:55
  • msg #79

(IC) The Island: Beach

Now they are flirting or rather Fletch is attempting to flirt even though there in a strange place with odd creatures and could be in danger? Zed doesn't get the mating ritual and thinks now isn't the time or the place but he says nothing to avoid the violent monks nature. He nods towards Fletch. As the group is following the lizardfolk, Zed keeps the lizard close and watches the witch for a moment. As they travel for about ten minutes there's no sign of survivors. Just beach, nothing sticking out like wood or anything that washed ashore. Maybe if they went the other way but hard to tell. He stops suddenly as everyone sees a cave near the beach.

Kitsune Druid, 30 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #80

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeperis a little distracted, but still tried to see if there were any track leading in or out of the cave and if so what kind and how fresh? He did a not do a very good job of it.

14:27, Today: Keeper rolled 9 using 1d20+7.  survival.
14:27, Today: Keeper rolled 10 using 1d20+7.  Perception.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 58 posts
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #81

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara chuckled at Kamatar's assessment. "I'm sure your intention has my value at heart. The creature, however, I suspect still only values any of us as a meal. Sparing it would not make it more inclined to consider us allies. But your point is taken, noble Kamatar. I just hope the think doesn't have more if its kind coming to look for it."

As they walked, Kara kept Shandar soaring just overhead. The large flying creature she saw before made her want to keep him close, but she was more concerned about local carnivorous denizens. If Shandar saw anything worrisome, she would feel it and be able to warn the others. That also freed her to study the sand for any other debris from their doomed ship. It was when everyone else stopped, that she saw the cave.

"That looks promising." She looked at the flow of water stretching from the mouth to the ocean. If it flowed to the ocean it could be fresh water. If it was from the ocean, it would be undrinkable. Of course she could just taste it. "Unless something already lives there, I like that as a possible shelter."
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 26 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 02:40
  • msg #82

(IC) The Island: Beach

Grox tries to help look for tracks, see if the water comes from a clean source, and looks to the sky once again to try and determine direction and time of day, but has about as little luck as the fox-man.

22:38, Today: Groxxuzuxl rolled 7 using 1d20+4.  Survival.
GM, 107 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 13:59
  • msg #83

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist watches the two of them talk about the captured dino and he tries to steer clear of them. He thought he made the point and hope someone doesn't try to kill it. Of course Zed isn't sure how he'd react. He keeps it close and slowly walks up to the cave and looks inside. His eyes narrow for a moment as he looks around. The lizardfolk and kitsune don't see any signs of traffic. And Zed steps inside.....
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 59 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #84

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara considered a more thorough inspection of the cave.

"Can one of you specialist tell if something has been coming and going from that? I imagine with the water covering all the ground of the entrance we wouldn't see tracks." It seemed such a perfect hidey-hole that it was likely the residence of something. Caution was always the best tactic, but while she was herself pondering the question, the alchemist decided all those cats were just wrong about curiosity.

"Or... we can just do that. Are we gong to follow him in or wait for the horrified screams?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 21 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 20:29
  • msg #85

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Wait!" says Kamatar, while quickly running forward to pull Zed from the entrance of the cave. Physically interposing himself between Zed and the front of the cave, he adds with urgency, "Can you see in the darkness inside that cave? Do you know who or what you might be frightening? As a reasoning person surely you understand that it's not wise to enter a cave without precautions, forewarned is forearmed, right?"

He quickly adds, "But if we're wrong, and you know what's in there, please enlighten the rest of us."

Taking the opportunity, he takes a quick look for himself.

OOC: Kamatar Fletch rolled 10 using 1d20+7 ((3))
The die roller doesn't like me. :)

This message was last edited by the player at 20:33, Sun 05 June 2022.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 15 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #86

(IC) The Island: Beach

Stopping in his tracks as the half-orc leaps in front of him and almost falling over him, the alchemist looks at him "I am smart enough to not wander in if I see something that wishes to harm me or endanger the party Mr. Fletch. I ask you to step aside and let me to go further in the investigate. No one knows what we may or may not face, Mr. Fletch. If I see anything of important, I will inform the group and intend on waiting for the group to enter and will not part from them." Calm and collected. He tilts his head as he watches the monk. He moves to get around him which is easy as the opening is rather large and he stops, The man looks back at the group "It seems safe. There is more of a cave within." Odd man.
This message was last updated by the player at 11:34, Mon 06 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 60 posts
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 23:41
  • msg #87

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara wasn't fast enough to stop Kamatar from jumping into the fray. She wasn't sure if he would have done that if she hadn't said anything, but he certainly acted with out hesitation. Zed was clearly not pleased with the interference. The two of them had already gotten off on the wrong foot and this was sure to increase the tension. The Alchemist seemed so emotionless and calm most of the time, but when it came to Kamatar, he intellectual veneer cracked and his ego showed through.

The two just didn't see things the same way, but in the last argument, neither was more right than the other. This time however, Kara had to side with the green-skinned monk.

"Zed, please." She called out to cover the short distance. "I'm afraid i have to side with my green-skinned defender on this. We don't know what's in there. It's such a perfect hiding space, it's likely something has claimed it. If there is already a resident, it could come crashing out and attack us. Even if we agreed that investigating was the right move, you should have raised it for a discussion. At least then we'd be ready for whatever happens. By taking it upon yourself, you also put the rest of us at risk. "
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 27 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #88

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Don't know where sun is," the lizardfolk mentions of his repeated attempts to judge direction and time of day, "but maybe cave make good shelter?" Making no move to go into the cave himself, he asks of Kamatar, "Green men see in dark, yes?"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 16 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #89

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist watches the half-orc and human when he did nothing wrong. He just stands there, watching and waiting as no words seem to really come to him. Nor ones that would seem to work. "You seemed to want it as a possible shelter. Investigating it seems to be a result. Now I am in the wrong for doing as you suggested Miss Kara. Am I correct by doing what was ask?" Cold. Calculated. He looks at the half-orc expecting to be smashed or insulted. He steps back and nods "I will remain outside. It appears that my aid is no longer needed and my help is being dismissed." He just turns and walks out. Zed sits down outside on a rock, putting his gear down. The robot fox sits down next to him.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 61 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 02:22
  • msg #90

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara threw up her hands, looking at Keeper and Grox. "I don't understand." She looked back at the Alchemist. "I asked if you could look at the area here in front of us. Not go inside. I guess I wasn't clear. Must you be so... I don't know... with you it's either on or off. Yes we should investigate it fully, but also cautiously. Never mind. From now on, I will stay quiet. It seems whenever I speak it's taken to require some impetuous or aggressive action. All you smart manly types can just make all the decisions."
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 17 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #91

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist just remains outside on the rock. He seems to be just waiting, probably expecting the half-orc to go off on him and be pummeled. Zed pulls out his waterskin, sips it and puts it back into his backpack. He pulls out a journal and writes down a few things before pocketing it. Its hard to tell if he heard her.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 22 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 11:24
  • msg #92

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar replies to Groxxuzuxl, "Some green men can see in the dark, yes."

He then turns to the entire group, "Now that no one is going inside. I hope you won't mind if I take a good long look inside to see what can be seen."

As he's looking from the front entrance, he replies to Kara, "Lady Kara, I know more than a few things but as I mentioned before, I'm also aware of my limitations. Please, even if you don't think anyone else is listening to you, I always will."

After a few moments of trying to look inside, he remarks, "Well, I'm not seeing anything, so I'm going to take two steps in and take another look. Anyone wants to join me?"

Kamatar Fletch rolled 8 using 1d20+7.  Perception.
Maybe there really isn't anything to see.

Kitsune Druid, 38 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 08:19
  • msg #93

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper seems a little irritated by everyone, including himself, stumbling over themselves to figure out if something was living in the cave. He decided instead to just go inside and see for himself. He was cautious and made an effort to sneak into the cave.

04:15, Today: Keeper rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  Stealth.
GM, 117 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 11:43
  • msg #94

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist remains outside, sitting on the rock. Nothing pops out as Keeper slips inside. The half-orc doesn't see anything-just a cave that curves to the right as he peers inside. Its a decent size. The lizardfolk and human wait as well.


Its hard to tell where it came from but it felt like it shook the ground. Zed falls onto his back as he wasn't expecting it and what caused it remains unknown. Shortly after, it goes quiet.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:20, Wed 08 June 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 26 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 18:23
  • msg #95

(IC) The Island: Beach

The sound chilled him to the bone and energized him at the same time. Reflexively he called upon his training to quiet his fears and steady his instincts. Within several heartbeats, he turned to look for the source of the thunderous sound and to verify the ongoing relative safety of the others.

Again he flowed into motion, his bow nocked with an arrow and his back to the wall of the cave. In the silence that followed that menacing roar, he calmly whispered to the others, "Is everyone still with us? Lady Kara are you well?"
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 69 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #96

(IC) The Island: Beach

Startled by the booming roar, Kara takes a sudden step back, pressing a hand over her heart. She had never heard its like, but then again she wasn't exactly experienced with all the fauna in the world. What she did know - or rather what she felt instinctively - was that the deeper the roar the bigger the beast, and this one shook her ribs and moved the ground.

"No, Kamatar, I'm not so sure." Hesitant laugh. "Do any of you worldly fellows know what that was?" Her eyes ere still flicking around in search of anything that was ready to come gobble her up. "It sounded awfully big.... and hungry." She whined.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 29 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 00:32
  • msg #97

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman goes about scouting the area around the cave while the mammals make looking into the cave ~a thing.~ At the sound of the beastly roar, Grox crouches low and readies his trident as he looks around urgently to find what made the noise.
GM, 122 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #98

(IC) The Island: Beach

The druid is gone it seems. And the android seems to be gone as well. Looking around there is no sign of what made the horrible noise.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 73 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #99

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara casts here eyes about. "Where did Zed an Keeper go?" She spun around in place then looked up and down the beach. "Did they go into the cave?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 27 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 07:12
  • msg #100

(IC) The Island: Beach

Still looking around for something big, Kamatar eased the pull on his bow. When Kara drew his attention to both Keeper and Zed being mission, he remained calm, "I don't think that whatever made that noise would be able to approach us without someone seeing or hearing it. On the other hand, both Mr. Quinn and Keeper could get away from us easily. Particularly if they went inside the cave here."

He looked to Kara saying, "Since we're not seeing them anywhere else, well we should take a good look around." Here he paused, looking to see if he could see either Zed or the small clockwork fox.

"Groxxuzuxl, Lady Kara, whatever made that roaring sound probably isn't in the cave, and at least one of our allies probably is. Let's take one more look out here, then go inside and find out who and what lies within. I think I'd rather be inside somewhere than outside right now." he concluded as he looked around for either of the fox-like beings (Keeper or Zed's familiar) before starting to walk inside.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 24 using 1d20+7 ((17)). Perception roll.

This message was last edited by the player at 07:18, Fri 10 June 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 42 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 10:02
  • msg #101

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper decided the coast was clear and that the cave he was hiding in was good enough for shelter for now.

"Hey everyone! I didn't go very deep, but it doesn't look like anything is living in here, at least immediately."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 76 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 11:56
  • msg #102

(IC) The Island: Beach

On hearing the fox-man's voice, Kara exhaled the breath she didn't realize she was holding. She turned to the cave entrance as Keeper emerged into the light. "That's one of many mysteries solved." She looked cross. "Keeper, if I may. Did you not just hear the small squabble between myself, Kamatar, and Mr.Quinn? I'm not the boss, but if we are to get along, I insist we refrain from impulsive actions. We should discuss everything as a group, especially when that action affects everyone else."

She sighed.

"But since you were in the cave, did you happen to see Zed poking about?"
Kitsune Druid, 43 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 12:03
  • msg #103

(IC) The Island: Beach

"No Ma'am, I have not seen anyone or anything enter or exit the cave."

 He was sorry for acting rashly, but he did feel finding out if the cave was safe was the best thing to do and he needed to be safe about it.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 77 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 12:20
  • msg #104

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Wonderful. Yet another rash action. Now we have to go find him." When Zed first tried to enter the cave on his own, Kara simply disagreed with him taking that initiative. Him disappearing entirely was unacceptable. Of course he was free to go off on his own, but he should have said he was not interested in staying with them. Now they would have to search for him in case it was not his intention to stay away. He could be in danger or hurt in some way. It put everyone at risk, and it was inconsiderate.

Kara sent Shandar up to look, then went to where Zed had been sitting. With luck, she would find footprints or any other sign of where he might have gone off to.

OOC 08:19, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 28 using 1d20+14 ((14)). Perception
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 32 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 12:36
  • msg #105

(IC) The Island: Beach

"No, we don't." The lizardman corrects the female as he continues to look about for the source of the roar. "We should keep moving. The other one chose its path."
GM, 127 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 12:40
  • msg #106

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara and Kam look around and find nothing but Zed's goggles. No blood, no sign of fighting. Nothing. Its pretty odd and creepy. And the bundled up dinosaur. His fox is either sitting on him upon his shoulder or darted off.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:42, Fri 10 June 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 44 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 12:51
  • msg #107

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper made an effort to track Zed's footprints, but seemed still in his own head worrying about his conduct earlier.

 08:49, Today: Keeper rolled 9 using 1d20+7.  survival.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 28 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 16:17
  • msg #108

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar takes a deep breath, once, then again. Upon opening them again, the half-orc was calmer, with no signs of fear. He looked briefly towards the lizardman then back to Kara and Keeper, before speaking, "Groxxuzuxl is basically right if Mr. Quinn did actually leave on his own. But there is no evidence of that. I think it would be safest for us to believe that someone or something took him away. Which means either something the size of what could have made that roar, something that can move above us, or something that can move underground."

He looked up briefly before moving to gather closer together with the others, "Here's my idea. We move as a group deeper into this cave, one of us watching each way.  Keeper, please watch ahead of us. Groxxuzuxl, please watch your side and the ground ahead of us. Lady Kara, if you would please watch our other side, the ground there, and encourage your winged companion to keep watch in the air above. I will keep watch behind us. If anyone sees something, call out to let the rest of us know what and where it is."

He pauses, looking for agreement from the others, "If we can agree to this, we will better survive here. Agreed?"
GM, 129 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 16:51
  • msg #109

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kam and Kara are able to see as well the robotic fox peeking out from the rocks and it goes over to where the goggles are and starts to dig but doesn't seem to get anywhere.

Keeper can't find any tracks as it looks around.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 33 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 17:23
  • msg #110

(IC) The Island: Beach

"No," the lizardman answers the green man's question. He looks between the others and the cave entrance and asks, "Why bother with the cave? We survive better moving on." He looks towards the strange metal fox before adding, "The strange one was trouble, like a mewling hatchling. Better to eat in long winters than to starve yourself feeding it."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 31 posts
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 07:30
  • msg #111

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar nods, "Well if you disagree with my cave idea then please join me. I think Zed might be under this place where his little metal fox is digging. I'm going to try to dig a little. If you don't want to join me in digging, please stand by and keep your trident ready."

He looks to Keeper and Kara as he dons a pair of gloves and begins to dig into the sand."Lady Kara, Keeper, could you both help me dig to see if Mr. Quinn is somehow buried here?"
GM, 136 posts
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 10:57
  • msg #112

(IC) The Island: Beach

A rock drops down from the cave above as Zed is sitting on top of it. He writes something down, and looks down at them for a moment. And his goggles. The fox looks up at him and stops. Zed looks down at them again, putting his book back into his pack. If he heard them which he probably did, the android doesn't say anything. His feet are dangling down as he watches them for a moment before he stands up "No he is up here. Not down there. That is what you say a joke?" The small dinosaur peeks its head around as Zed pulls out some of his rations and it gobbles it up.

And then another....


Zed turns as the ground begins to shake. The woods near the android sway. Coming up from behind him is a massive creature towering over everyone of them! It looms down from above the cave!

He starts to get down at a decent pace almost falling at times but he catches himself. Getting to the bottom, he scoops up his goggles and his companion "By my calculations it would be wise to"
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:00, Sat 11 June 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 33 posts
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 16:27
  • msg #113

(IC) The Island: Beach

Shouting, “Please forgive me Lady Kara!” Kamatar attempts to scoop up Kara into his arms and run carrying her, failing that, he will take her hand and run with her. “Everyone, scatter and head for the forest! We are food out in the open! Meet back to the cave when it's gone!”

Taking his own advice, Kamatar will try to bring them both to the nearest entry into the forest, using whatever possible cover was available. Otherwise, it's a simple, straightforward dash to the trees.

'If I'd had a chance to think, we could have let the little lizard go to be a distraction to that huge lizard thing. That way, at worse, the big one would have eaten the little one, and the rest of us could have gotten away. At best, everyone and the little one could have escaped. But for right now, I have to save myself and Kara.', the half-orc thought.

Standard Action: Grabbing Kara
Movement: 30' into the woodlands.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:53, Sun 12 June 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 49 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 16:58
  • msg #114

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Follows orders and heads to the forest in his own way to help in scattering. There is more he could do once in the forest anyway and plans to do so once their giant hunter is amongst the wild with them.

 Ready action: Cast "Entangle" to immobilize the Dino on a failed save and still leave it in difficult terrain if it makes the save. Trigger: Once it is both in the woods and in Range. (400 ft)  (Ref Save DC: 14 ) (Lasts 1 Minute) (If Entangled on failed roll, can take a movement action to make a Strength check 14 to break free)

Movement: 30' to the woodlands

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:53, Sun 12 June 2022.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 37 posts
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 17:01
  • msg #115

(IC) The Island: Beach

Grox doesn't wait for the strange one to make its way down the cave cliff--he lets the others run to the woods near the creature while he bolts down the shore.

Full Round action: 120' down the beach.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:54, Sun 12 June 2022.
GM, 143 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #116

(IC) The Island: Beach

The druid conjures up from the ground beneath the dinosaur vines stretching upwards trying to wrap it up. Keeper darts off quickly into the wilderness.

Kamatar is able to scoop up the witch who is standing there watching the wild creature. He's able to get the the forest behind the kitsune, as the woman collapses in his arms.

Unexpected, Zed watches the dinosaur. For a moment he debates on who to follow if anyone at all and he runs at the cave, dissapearing into it!

Grox takes off full spring down the beach.


The dinosaur drops down and hits the ground outside the cave blocking it! It then watches the lizardfolk and takes off after it, the sound of it connecting to the ground causing some damage! Its right behind Grox about twenty feet away! It looks like its pretty fast, closing in on its prey! It looks like it can get to him, its toothy maw so close!

Keeper   (22) In the woodlands
Zed      (20) In the cave
Kamatar  (20) Holding Kara (Unconsious)
Grox     (18) 20' from the dinosaur
Dinosaur (15) 20' from Grox
20 x 20' x 20' Reach
*Note: Running Kara as a NPC until she returns.

Lizardfolk Barbarian, 39 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 02:38
  • msg #117

(IC) The Island: Beach

Grox changes direction and heads straight out into the sea, estimating this giant beast with tiny arms is ill-equipped for the water.
20' swim speed in armor
A creature with a swim speed can move through water at its indicated speed without making Swim checks. It gains a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform a special action or avoid a hazard. The creature can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered when swimming. Such a creature can use the run action while swimming, provided that it swims in a straight line.

Full Round Action: Withdraw. Swimming 40'.

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:10, Sun 12 June 2022.
GM, 147 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 03:28
  • msg #118

(IC) The Island: Beach

It growls and send out one hell of a roar as it watches its prey darting off into the watery depths. Its massive eyes narrow, watching for a moment before turning towards the wilderness. Not seeing anymore possibly prey it turns back towards the wilderness and moves into it. Soon it is gone after letting one one more....


All the birds scatter and it goes eerily quiet. Kara lies unconsious in Kamatar's arms with Keeper right next to them. They don't see either Zed or Grox with the android but the half-orc knows where the android is.

The lizardfolk doesn't have a clue where the group is but they can be easily found as Grox knows where they entered the woodlands if he wants that is.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 34 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 17:14
  • msg #119

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar lets out the long breath he had been holding ever since finding their hiding place in the forest. He looked down on the unconscious woman in his arms and then over to where he could see Keeper.

After gently slinging her over his shoulder, he slowly and quietly made his way over to Keeper's side.

While whispering he asked Keeper, "Is it safe to go back to that beach cave yet?" After Keeper's reply, he spoke calmly.

"As soon as we can, we should likely meet up with the other survivors. Lady Kara was overwhelmed by that thundering lizard, so she's trusting me to take care of her until she regains her senses."
Kitsune Druid, 52 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #120

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Seems clear, but lets be careful getting back to the Cave. It seems like where we will likely be able to meet up."

 Keeper agreed began to venture out and head back to a possible meeting point at the cave.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 40 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 20:31
  • msg #121

(IC) The Island: Beach

Grox treads water for a time, able to keep himself afloat on the water's surface with little effort--much like an alligator or crocodile.--as he watches the trees to be sure the great beast had left. When he is sure that it is clear, he makes his way back towards the cave--keeping to the sea and propelled by his great tail. Arriving at the cave, he heads ashore, emerging from the water with his trident gripped tightly and his yellows eye with their slit pupils angrily scanning the beach for the strange man.
GM, 150 posts
Sun 12 Jun 2022
at 21:10
  • msg #122

(IC) The Island: Beach

The witch remains unconsious and seems to be in shock. And there is no sign of the huge creature within eyeshot. Everything seems to be quieter now. What this place called birds can be heard. This area is a decent place to rest temporarily but its open and not sure of what lurks within the forest.

Grox scans the area and slowly comes up to the beach. Keeper spots the lizardfolk along the beach as he sees him from the woodlands. There is a lot of large footprints upon the ground much bigger then any of them. The monk comes out with Kara slung over his shoulder as well.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 42 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 17:25
  • msg #123

(IC) The Island: Beach

Looking to the others Grox insists, "We should move before the beast or the menace come back."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 37 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 17:53
  • msg #124

(IC) The Island: Beach

When he, Keeper and Kara returned to outside the cave, Kamatar gently and carefully lowered the unconscious woman onto her back on the ground and attempted to bring her awake.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 20 using 1d20+3.  Heal check.

He nodded thoughtfully after listening to Groxxuzuxl. "I agree about moving as soon as we can. If I can bring Lady Kara around, I won't have to carry her, so we can move faster." Taking a deep calming breath while still tending to Kara, he asked the anthropomorphic fox, "Keeper this place seem to be somewhere I think you'd know more about. Any thoughts of how we stay alive better and longer?"

'Beast and menace? I wonder what Groxxuzuxl means by that? He'll explain if he needs to. I wonder what happened to Mr. Quinn? From the way that monster lizard acted, I don't think it got him. I guess he'll come back when he wants to.' Kamatar thought.
GM, 157 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #125

(IC) The Island: Beach

Oddly, Kara doesn't wake up despite the monks attempt to get her out of the shock and from being unconcious. She just lies limply upon the ground agains the outside of the cave wall. Everything seems calm.

At least for now.
Kitsune Druid, 56 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #126

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Works to get everyone back together, safety in numbers and all of that. Zed was still missing, but most of the survivors were together, unless there were more out there we were not aware of.

 "We Should establish some kind of Shelter, whether we use the cave or build something. A shelter is one of the important keys to our survival, food and fresh water being the others. I don't have a lot of hopes for Zed, but he may still be alive out there somewhere."

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 42 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #127

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar turned to address the lizard man, "I think Keeper has a good idea. Finding or building shelter against enemies and weather sounds good to me. This cave seems like a good place to start until we find something better. Besides, I'm sure I saw Mr. Quinn rush inside when we all scattered. If we go inside the cave we can find Mr. Quinn and find out if this would make a good shelter for us. What do you think, Groxxuzuxl?"

While awaiting Groxxuzuxl's response, Kamatar resumed tending to Kara, trying to ensure that she was as comfortable as possible while resting on the ground, on her back. He also took a look around them all, not wanting to be surprised by anything else.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 43 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 02:11
  • msg #128

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman sizes up the lump of female before offering, "I can carry this one. Shelter is good if you need to stay or need to rest. Do we need this?" Groxxuzuxl looks between the others, not sure of why they keep suggesting slowing down or halting their return to civilization.

Grox is already slowed to 30' from his armor; he can carry another 350 lbs without speed penalty.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:11, Wed 15 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 86 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 03:01
  • msg #129

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara's eyes fluttered open, then squinted against the daylight. The green blur in the center of her vision slowly sharpened until Kamatar's face came into focus. Her body felt sore especially in her legs and midsection, but her real concern was why she was on her back.

"What happened?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 43 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 08:58
  • msg #130

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looked down into Kara's face as she looked up at him and spoke. Relief and a sincere look of jubilation spread across his face along with a wide smile. “Welcome back Kara! We're quite happy that you decided to join us!” The tone of his voice was cheerful as he replied.

“What happened? Well, that's a story. You see we finally discovered what made that frightening roar. It came to visit us for a meal and roared again to declare itself, we decided not to be its supper and then you passed out. In our haste to escape being the giant lizard's lunch, the group scattered and I was obliged to carry you. Alas, I didn't quite think through the best way to carry you, so you ended up across my shoulders as we ran. You, I, and Keeper hid in the forest, Mr Quinn rushed into the cave, and Groxxuzxl was brave enough to let the giant thundering lizard chase him into the water.” Pausing to take a breath he smiled at Grox before continuing, “Apparently the bigger lizard decided that it couldn't swim after Groxxuzxl or find the rest of us, so it left. We came back to the cave. So here we are.” Kamatar finished his words looking into Kara's eyes with an arch of his eyebrows, and an audacious smirk.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 87 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 15:46
  • msg #131

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara sat up, maybe with some help. She looked around the beach area outside the cave, blinking trying to reorient herself with what Kamatar just said. She remembered the gigantic creature like it was out of some nightmare. How could such a beast exist? Her guess was not comforting.

"So, Zed is still alive? That's lovely to hear. And that monster is still alive. Not so lovely to hear. Help me up please."

Once on her feet, Shandar swooped down to perch on Kara's shoulder. He was as anxious about the encounter as she was. Around them was Keeper and Grox, but not Zed. She then remembered that Kamatar said he ran back into the cave. The cave that Keeper had already probed and was now looking like a good place to shelter and use as a base.

"We should be in there." She pointed to the cavern entrance. "I don't very much like the idea of wandering about with that monster still hunting the area."
GM, 171 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 18:56
  • msg #132

(IC) The Island: Beach

Once its decided to go into the cave and explore it, the four of them get there. Right before the entrance is another set of massive footprints. If the group had just seen that and not the dinosaur it would be pretty unerving but to see the actual creature?

The insce if the save is somewhat damp. Stalagimites and stalagtites are scattered around. There is just the light from outside fixating into the room, unless some who has darkvision who can see perfect. Its about 10-15' up, maybe less as the 'roof' has no definate shape. It just looks like a cave. Doesn't look like anyone has been inside. Along the back of the cave part of it hooks around so unless someone goes to it and glances around the corner. Maybe about five feet long, bout 7' tall.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 91 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #133

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Well, I don't see Zed." Kara squinted into the darkness ahead. "He must be exploring further back. We need to light some torches."
Kitsune Druid, 58 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #134

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper pulled the quarterstaff he picked up earlier from the wreckage and muttered a few words.  Soon the staff shines like a torch and he slowly begins to walk into the cave further, hoping the others will join him.

 Keeper Casts "Light"

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 92 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 19:52
  • msg #135

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara follows Keeper, waving for Kamatar and Grox to follow as well
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 46 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 21:16
  • msg #136

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar was about to speak once more when Keeper lit his staff. The half-orc quickly stepped  up to walk alongside Kara, attempting to look anywhere but at the anthropomorphic fox's glowing quarterstaff.

Glancing to see if the lizard man was behind them, once Kamatar was certain, he turned his attention back to the woman beside him. "Are you feeling better, Lady Kara? I was slightly concerned when you fainted as the thundering lizard came after us. I became more concerned when it took you sometime to awaken. Do you faint often?" he asked with a warm smile, resting a hand on her shoulder.
GM, 176 posts
Fri 17 Jun 2022
at 02:30
  • msg #137

(IC) The Island: Beach

The darkness slowly turns into a small open area with some light poking in from above. It definatly looks peaceful. As they get closer to some boulders, Zed looks up from behind the boulders, with a bomb in his hand and seems to be about to throw it but he doesn't. He takes a deep breath just as the tiny dinosaur peaks out as well as the robot fox. And the bomb is lowered but expect one of them to chew him out. Or attack. Maybe they will be happy? Probably not. It looks like Zed did choose well-the area that the group entered from is only about 7' tall and 5' wide. He's covered in dirt, the goggles over his eyes. The alchemist pulls the goggles up, watching them for a moment.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 94 posts
Fri 17 Jun 2022
at 02:43
  • msg #138

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looked at the green hand on her shoulder, then smiled up at Kamatar. "I'm fine, thank you. I honestly don't know what came over me. I've seen frightening things before. That beastie, however... It might have been the most frightening thing Ive ever seen."

As they came around and saw the lit cavern come into view, Kara stopped. The way the light shone in on the moss covered rocks; it was breathtaking. After admiring it for a moment she let the others urge her on. That's when she saw Zed poke his head out.

"There you are Zed Quinn. You can come out it's just us come to find you. I'm glad you're safe. Is that the end of the cave?" She looked at Kamatar. "If so then I think we can make this a shelter. A base from which we explore." Turning back to Grox she said, "I know you want to keep going until we find civilization, but I fear there is none to be found. If we are to find something, I think we should have a known good shelter to return to after exploring. Wandering about randomly could find us caught out with nowhere to hide when another one of those monsters finds us."
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 44 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 01:22
  • msg #139

(IC) The Island: Beach

"You," the lizardman growls at the strange one as he hunches under the low ceiling and clenches his claw tight around his trident, "Playing games when there is a beast nearby. We should have left you to your fate but instead we mucked about looking for you as the beast came down on us. If it were smart enough to go after the easy prey we would have lost one for your foolishness." He glares at Zed a few moments longer before turning his attention to Kara and the cave. He reasons, "Beasts that size don't live on islands. Can't. Not enough food for its food or their food. And there's no big land worth knowing without Iruxi. We cover all land before warm-bloods." He looks up to the light coming in from above before shrugging--the others will come around when they accept there is no rescue coming for them--and noting, "But good place for a fire to cook dinner." He shrugs his large pack from his shoulders and begins to fish out the several dead lizards crammed into his pack or dangling from it by their necks through various hoops and ties.
GM, 181 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 04:08
  • msg #140

(IC) The Island: Beach

No emotion. Zed seems to ignore the brutish behavior of the lizardfolk knowing he was wrong. He was watching and saw the lizardfolk did nothing. And the half-orc who has seemed to have caught the eyes of the witch. But Kamatar seemed to be concerned about Zed, same as Kara and Keeper. But not Grox. It confuses him as the half-orc seemed to want him dead. And now Grox seeming to hate him. But they need eachother yet the lizardfolk doesn't seem to care. He looks around the area "If we can find a way to place something between here and the hole above and create some type of gate it could be a safe place." He stops as he sees Grox with the dead dinosaurs. And he responds to Kara with "Yes? You are glad I survived? With the creature looming down, I felt to survive it would be wise to go into the cave. With its size, if it choose to come after me it would be hard for it to manuenver around." Well in truth he was correct. He seems to be intrigued with it and tilts his head as he sits down. Perhaps he doesn't care about the group but its hard to tell.

This is a strange place, going against all rules...

The small dinosaur slowly walks towards the druid and watches Keeper and when he sees his old brethren being hauled out it then turns and runs off probably hiding somewhere. And the construct gets to the top of a boulder and sits down. And the witch's hawk flies up and drops down in front of the fox. They look at eachother, the hawk moving closer and pecks at the construct's forehead. Clank. Clank. It watches the hawk who then flies around the room and lands back on Kara's shoulder.

With a quick look around, it seems safe. There is a moss covered area, good for sleeping. And in the center it would be a area seeming to be a good place for setting up a fire.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 48 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 07:16
  • msg #141

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Groxxuzuzl, I understand your thinking, but I'm not sure those patterns apply here. We've been though a tear in the world and ended up here. Except for a few items we've found on the beach, there's been no other sign of people here. I'm not disagreeing with you, but I've heard of islands that go from sunrise to sunset, with mountain peaks that touch the sky." he related in his smooth, rich voice.

“Greetings, Mr. Quinn!” said Kamatar with a congenial smile, “I am also pleased to find you and our little lizard friend still alive. Also, thank you for sharing this nice cave that we found. Is that hole where the light comes in, large enough to let in or out anything the size of Keeper?” the half-orc calmly asked, addressing the alchemist.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 18 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 11:09
  • msg #142

(IC) The Island: Beach

Stepping back as Kamatar seems to be pleased to see him, Zed watches the monk "Glad I survived so you can...." He glances up at the hole and points upwards which reveals a decent sized hole, at least 15-20' wide or wider "I was unable to find the owner of this place." Is that some sort of sarcastic retort?
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 96 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 12:59
  • msg #143

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara heard Zed's cynical response. She wanted to comment on it but decided that whatever he was feeling to make such a remark could only be exacerbated by being pressed. Instead, she looked up to see the enormity of the opening above. "Well that's not going to keep anything out. I expect though, if we can somehow put a gate or cage here in the entrance to the rest of the cave that shouldn't be a problem"
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 46 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 15:31
  • msg #144

(IC) The Island: Beach

Grox shrugs off the others' comments as he begins cleaning the kills for eating. Maybe they're all in some land with no civilization, maybe there's no hope but to sit in place, and maybe the sun doesn't set and pigs fly; it's not worth arguing over when there's work to be done.
Kitsune Druid, 61 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 15:36
  • msg #145

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Well, when this place is secure, we have a place to stay during rough weather or if we run into another big monster we don't know how to deal with yet."

 Keeper nods, almost thinking out loud as He seems pleased with how things are turning out so far at least. All's well that ends well and everyone is still alive for now.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 49 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 16:46
  • msg #146

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looks around, nodding several times as he closely examines the environment of this cave end. When he finishes he bows to Kara with a grin, a flourish, and the inflection and manner of a servant, "Lady Kara I guess these are the best accommodations we'll be able to provide for now. I hope you will find them acceptable." He pauses to glance over at Groxxuzuxl's preparations, "As you can see, our expert cook is preparing one of the local delicacies." He glances over at Keeper, "Our vulpine master of refreshment will be ready to provide you with a drink at a moment's notice."  He continued his imitation of a servant, "Our master of clockwork and his miraculous vulpine minion will entertain you with wit and games." he added as he looked over to Zed.
He then bowed deeply once more before her, "My humble self, I will provide as my lady requires, even if none other can or will."

He then looks around at everyone and concludes with his usual tone of voice, "I hope all of you found my jest funny because I'm hoping that I can at least cheer up one of us. If not, then I apologize for my failure. Just trying something I saw a bard do a few times."

He walks over to Zed and pauses to dramatically look the alchemist over then stands upright and addresses him, "We are not friends. I don't hate you, I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to see you die. As long as we can work together, I will treat you as my ally."

After fully stepping away from Zed, he looks into Kara's eyes, kneels, takes her hand in his and says sincerely, "Truthfully, My Enchantress, I am your guardian and your friend. Whatever else we may become is up to you, I want many things, but I will never force anything upon you except to save your life. I promise."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:57, Sun 19 June 2022.
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 19 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 18:19
  • msg #147

(IC) The Island: Beach

The alchemist looks at the half-orc, vowing he will protect someone he just met. His eyes go to Kamatar, no emotion. As much as he wants to state his skills are not for entertainment, he doesn't. There is nothing he can say that will not come across as being rude to anyone of them. Its everyone against the alchemist and he has no grounds to state otherwise other then to be their amusement. Allies and not friends don't really work well together. And as Kam kneels down, his eyes go wide. This is entertaining for the android as he has no clue what is going on. His eyes turn to Keeper "Well it is considered safe until it does rain in which if it comes down at a decent pace, we could be in trouble." He turns towards Kam "Also my abilities are not used for entertainment purposes. They have other uses like creating bombs which I have done beforehand and I have a small set of other abilites which can be useful. Not to be rude, Mr. Fletch." Again, no emotion. Perhaps he's trying to show it but its hard to tell "I have wit? Was that a proper use of gratitude? Not sure if I phrase that correctly." It doesn't sound really rude. For someone thats so smart, communicating seems to be a bit hard apparently "Nonetheless Miss Kara is correct. We need to obtain the materials to create a gate. For the upper area maybe we can scout the area and find a way to close it temporarily or permentalty? Perhaps with maybe sticks put side to side next to one another and maybe moss could be used to at least provide adaquite cover from possible aerial attacks?"

Popping up from its hiding spot, the dino slowly moves towards Keeper and looks up at the kitsune.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 97 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 19:28
  • msg #148

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara's eyes went wide when Kamatar went into his presentation. His affectations were quite exaggerated and as they were directed at her, she didn't quite know how to react. Looking about at the others as he went through his effusive display, she worried they may resent the outpouring of attention the half-orc continued to show her. To say she was a relieved when he revealed it was an act performed in jest, would have been an understatement.

Kamatar certainly had a peculiar style. After joking to Kara about the accommodations, he approached Zed in what appeared to be an effort to mend fences. It really didn't come out all that well. Zed had his own unusual quirks which didn't help the matter. There was still an unnecessary tension there, and Kara found that uncomfortable.

Without missing a beat, Kamatar, went from Zed, back to Kara. This time he definitely didn't feel like he was joking. Professing guardianship and friendship he went on to say he was interested in more that that. Surely the man had his charm, but he wasn't at all subtle. Perhaps that was the orc part of his personality. Of course she had had suitors in the past, but here they were in such uncertain circumstances and one of her companions made his desire crystal clear. She wasn't at all worried that he may push the issue, but just knowing he had that interest would make for some awkward moments.

Not to dwell on these emotional matters, Kara decided to stay focused on business. "Thank you Kamater. You humble me with your affection. Still we should do as Mr.Quinn suggested. Gather the materials and erect a barrier. Maybe we should also go back in small parties and salvage as from the wreckage as we can."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 52 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 18:23
  • msg #149

(IC) The Island: Beach

The half-orc nods in reply to Kara's latest words. His eyebrow lifted and his eyes widened, "Water!" he exclaimed as he was visibly struck with a sudden thought. "We need a safe source of fresh water too. Although I have faith in Keeper's ability to make drinkable water, we shouldn't rely on that as our only source."

Kamatar looked back at Kara, "Lady Kara, as your hawk companion can fly, maybe they could safely scout around and find that water for us. What do you think?"

He looks around to the others, "Keeper, Mr. Quinn, do either of you have a plan on how we can make either a gate or other way to secure our cave? I thought we could include all the ideas I've heard so far. So while Groxxuzul is preparing food, the others of us could go to the edge of the forest and gather wood for the gate. At the same time, we could look for signs of fresh water and anything else we can find along the beach. Does anyone else have a better idea?"
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 49 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 02:37
  • msg #150

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman quietly works--slicing open the critters from neck to cloaca, carefully cutting away the skin, and pulling out the guts and sorting them between probably edible and probably not--while he waits, watches, and listens to see who among the group are going to be dead weight. Finally the talk seems to be turning into action and he suggests, "Thornbushes, bramble, and sticks stuffed in the hole and entrance will keep out most predators, make noise if disturbed, and let light through. Can set up coins and my pot as and alarm." He thinks for a moment before adding, "Dead wood for a fire and living wood to cook with--or some roots or fruits for a stew."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:37, Mon 20 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 99 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 03:57
  • msg #151

(IC) The Island: Beach

"We walked through water at the entrance. We should taste it to see if it's salt or fresh. It looked fresh. If it is, that means there must be a source in the cave itself. Other wise we will have to search. Are we going to put together a work party to gather wood?"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 21 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 14:44
  • msg #152

(IC) The Island: Beach

Seems like the monk is taking charge and its hard to tell if Zed agrees with it but he doesn't say a word and acts like he isn't paying attention. Zed pulls stuff out of his backpack and starts to see up what looks like some sort of odd kit. He is paying attetion but making it look like he isn't. And apparently he's dead weight knowing what the lizardfolk is pondering. He has something else coming to him. "With all due respect, we have seen a massive creature. The smaller dinosaurs can easily get inside. We need to find a way to keep the smaller creatures out. The cave entrance should be able to keep the larger ones out. But if you wish to use Grox idea so be it. Its a least a move so we can hear it. We should scout out as well to see what other creatures are looming around the area. As for water the druid can conjure some up so I feel its the least of the worries posed." He ponders "Sticks upon eachtoehr covered with a blanket or two could suffice for a door. Not a big entrance into this area. Also leaving Grox here isn't wise. It seems like he knows the wilderness. And of course Keeper as well. I suggest sending them out together-one for watching and the other for gathering up supplies. If more are needed we can rotate. I suggest we send out first someone to cout the area, that is it per say. See what they can find. When they return, we should send out someoone to gether wood and other supplies bust stick need the cave. I do not expect anyone to take my advice. It is simple my view on this matter." He puts down odd vials, corks, a variety of different items and stares at them and starts to write something down. The whlle time he talked he just keeped looking at his belongings.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:59, Mon 20 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 100 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #153

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looked around at the others. She wasn't sure she liked the general tone. No one was being hostile, but everyone was throwing out their own ideas. It appeared like there was general agreement on some things, but with different priorities. Grox was very pragmatic - maybe too pragmatic. He was too quick to write off party members for making what he saw as bad choices. Kamatar thought water was the first priority. Zed thought blocking the entrance and scouting was more important. They didn't really didn't disagree on what we needed, they just didn't agree on how to go about it. Maybe it was a legitimate difference of opinion, but maybe it was also a symptom of the simmering tension between them.

"Gentlefolk," She spoke up so everyone could hear her clearly and waited to make sure they were. "If I may. It sounds like we all agree on our immediate needs. We need to block access to this cave, we need to know what's in this area, and we need a source of fresh water and a stockpile of supplies. Beyond that we need to understand this strange new land we're in and find a way to return to civilization, if that's even possible."

"That all said, I think there is a bigger priority. Us. Whether we like it or not, we are thrust together in this situation. I contend that our mutual survival is better served by teamwork." She raised a hand to halt any input at that point. "It's not enough to be together and do things for the group. A team works together as a unit not a a bunch of individual playing only on their strengths. Everyone contributes and no one is more or less important. I insist we agree to do better than we have thus far. So, Grox, no more talk of leaving an one behind, Zed, no more going off and doing your own thing. And dear Kamatar, I truly appreciate that you want to protect me, but you cannot focus on me to the exclusion of anyone else. Whatever I am not without fault, so I shall consider the whole of the group going forward."

"So, before we execute tasks, those tasks need to be put into a plan, and the plan needs to be something we can all get behind. I also think we need a leader. Not a boss, not a captain, but a leader. We can vote on most things, but the leader is the one who will make sure we are working to whatever plan we have and who will arbitrate disagreements. Having a leader will make everything more efficient. We should vote for this leader."

"That is my say. Does anyone else want to opine on the matter?"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 22 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 17:42
  • msg #154

(IC) The Island: Beach

"We aren't a team, Miss Kara. Totally different who don't want to seem to work together despite having to. Also I may add no one knows eachother. Grox doesn't care at least for my well being which is acceptable. Most do not. Kamatar just wants you to live for some unknown purpose yet he just met you less then a day. So now I am being ordered by someone to stop doing what I believe is correct? Who makes that for certain? You have Mr Fletch barking out orders. Now you do the same, more politely though but now you order two people to not do something without any prior reasons other then you dislke them? I know little of lizardfolk but Grox has his own instincts, same as I. And yet you didn't point out anything you perhaps did wrong. Nothing I can calculate. Mr Fletch is a bully but uses his trust with you to get away with it. You had been duped, Miss Kara. All because he wants you to believe you need protection when in turn your probably the strongest one here. I have seen Keeper being reliant and have not see him do anything wrong. And there is no leader. I don't trust Mr Fletch. And do not trust you Miss Kara. Actually I do not trust anyone here. It takes time to build up approaximate trust. it seems we all want different things and I believe you will just follow Kamatar as he will protect you. I do not understand it." Of course he expects for everyone to bash him for speaking his peace. But in turn it makes complete sense. Not even a day passed by. He expects for the lizardfolk to stab him in the chest and kill him. A arrow from the half-orc to end his life. A odd spell to kill him from the witch. All the different things that may or may not occur. But he waits.

Strange. No emotion. Just a cold stare at each of them. Odd.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 50 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 17:54
  • msg #155

(IC) The Island: Beach

The lizardman ignores the bickering but soon stops his work to think on what the others are saying and nods before adding, "The ... Zed is right. Until we know more about this place, it is too dangerous to split up for chores. We will go out and scout and gather together." He stands up from the gore, licking his fingers clean, and tries to put words into action--he looks to Zed and asks, "Have you seen a source of water feeding what we saw outside? Do you know how much time we have left in the day? Will you come with us to gather wood and find a way to block off the entrances?"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 24 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 18:05
  • msg #156

(IC) The Island: Beach

The android tilts his head as if pondering something. He looks around after he listens to the lizardfolk. Of course despite his words, he still expect to be stabbed in the back by Grox "I am correct with my views?" He keeps working "No to the location of possible water yet I pointed out Keeper can create it. I would say...." He looks up at the sunlight "Appromate time is a bit after noon. Though I could be rather off as we do not know how long were we apprarently asleep on the beach. Or unconsious. And I stated previously a way to block off the entrance, Grox. That is the way I would do it."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 101 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #157

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara raised her hands then let them drop. "I wasn't barking orders. I was trying to insist that we work together and yet you insist that we continue to just go forward without a plan or even an agreement. It's lovely that you and Grox are finding agreement but what of the rest of us? You may not understand some of our motivations, but I don't understand your insistence on continuing with this discord. I want to survive this place and hopefully find a way to return home at some point. Do you not want the same? To get anywhere we need leadership. If that's to be you or Grox, then fine. Just we have to stop trying to be dysfunctional"
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 25 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 19:57
  • msg #158

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I do not want to go with this apparently discord but apparently my views and your own apparently do not mess as you feel I just want to cause more problems. This is not solving anything and discussing it will just ended up with people continuing to be bitter. You want a leader. I feel no one here can lead without feelings being hurt. I feel Grox's views will get us killed and he can eat us." His eyes go to Grox "I feel my views are correct?""I view with Mr Fletch as the leader his view on things will not work as he is I believe courting you. That in turn gets in the proper views of being a possible leadership. Though I do not understand this concept."</blue> Again he waits to get punched by someone as his attempt at not being rude probably camer across as such "If someone asks me to do something in a polite manner I will consider it. Consider it."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 102 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #159

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Very well, Mr.Quinn. Then how about Keeper. He has thus far not done anything to offend anyone so far as I can tell. I will gladly follow him as well. We just need to work together."
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 26 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 20:11
  • msg #160

(IC) The Island: Beach

"If anyone asks me to do something I feel is a good thing, then I may consider its views on the positive and the negative and come up with a solution. In turn I will do what I feel is best with the currently asked question. Hopefully that answered your question to your satisification." Yeah it probably made it worse. Seems he's good at it without realizing it. The fox looks up at him as the alchemist kneels down with two small objects. It moves over to the lizardfolk with two objects sitting on it. It waits.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 53 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #161

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar shakes his head, mostly remaining silent throughout the discussion. He sighs softly as Mr. Quinn seems to miss everyone else's point. After Kara resolves to accept Keeper as the leader, he adds, "Either Keeper or Groxxuzuxl, both of them seem better adapted to places like this than the rest of us. It was Keeper's idea that we needed to find shelter. I think our survival will depend upon good ideas like that." He pauses, taking a deep and calming breath before speaking again. "So I choose either Keeper or Groxxuzuxl to be leader. I hope one of them will accept, if neither accepts then I will follow Kara. For now, I'm going to gather supplies for our cave with whoever else is willing to go."
Zed Quinn
Android Alchemist, 27 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 20:41
  • msg #162

(IC) The Island: Beach

The android doesn't get it? No. It seems like his views aren't taking seriously nor are his abilities. If he somehow could possibly get made, he would. When Kamatar says he's leaving to get supplies-Zed remains. If his views aren't going to be taking seriously then there is little point for him to endanger himself. There is no leader. Not today, not tommorow.

It seems like he must trust people he just met. That doesn't bode will with him. It seems like a leader can't be decided upon. It seems like all of his words aren't taking seriously and he is being frowned upon. So why does he even talk? He won't say what the others want and it drags things down. THe android isn't being taken seriously.
Lizardfolk Barbarian, 51 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 21:14
  • msg #163

(IC) The Island: Beach

Grox's shoulders collapse in exhaustion as his attempt to assuage the strange one's melodrama proves futile. He nods to Kamatar and agrees, "Let's go. Too much talk." He looks to the less troublesome and endlessly upset others to invite them along with a gesture, but doesn't insist.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 103 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 21:28
  • msg #164

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I give up." Kara signed in exasperation. Zed, whatever his problems were. seemed to be determined to block any attempt at unity. He showed all the signs of someone that thought he was smarter than everyone else and had no interest in anyone's opinion but his own. If the world outside weren't so hostile, she would be just fine with letting him go his own way. But as difficult as he was, she didn't wish to see him sent to his death.

"I like to think I'm a patient and considerate person, but you, Mr.Quinn, have exhausted me. Do what you will or don't do what you won't. You've pushed me to the point where I do not care anymore." She turned her back to him, folding her arms over her chest. She didn't even want to look at him in that moment.

Kamatar waited until the end to speak. He supported Kara's nomination of Keeper as leader, adding that he would also accept Grox or herself. Without saying it, it was clear he also agreed that Zed was not suited for that role. Kara was willing to accept Zed as leader if it would have brought out some kind of team spirit in him, but he stubbornly reinforced that he was his own person and would take no other counsel. Offering politeness as the qualifier for any requests just made matters worse.

The next alarm was triggered by Kamatar. "Kamatar, please. Do not go off alone. I'm sure you are quite capable, but this is a land of predators, and even you cannot slay them all alone. It's safer in numbers." She looked to Grox and Keeper. She was glad when Grox spoke up ahead of her request."Thank you Grox. I'm going too." She glanced back in Zed's direction. "The air in here has become quite stale"
GM, 190 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #165

(IC) The Island: Beach

Everyone goes outside leaving Zed within the cave. When everyone has left, he grabs his gear and departs. He does leave two potions-the Resistance potion and the Grease for them. They see this once they return. Nothing is left besides the potions, not a note. Nothing. It seems like Zed is gone for good. Its hard to tell if he will survive but he is very smart. Never know.

Four remain.

Left behind: Level 1 Spells-
Grease Potion
Range close (25 ft.)
Target one object or 10-ft. square
Duration 1 min.
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no

Resistance Potion

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:10, Mon 20 June 2022.
GM, 201 posts
Tue 21 Jun 2022
at 18:57
  • msg #166

(IC) The Island: Beach

Its pretty quiet. The dinosaur that was here earlier probably spooked off everyone for the time being. But there are some reptile-birds watching. The group heads out to get several different things. They don't go into the woods very far maybe about 5' but they don't find much yet. They stick close to the caves but elsewhere they could find more supplies, perhaps go up the beach past the cave to see what they can find. Or venture into the woodlands. Between their work they were able to several several different things from either the beach or near the woodlands:

6 broken boards about 3'.

2 snapped oars.

4 blanks that are soaked.

Branches that can be cut down for firewood near the woodlands (probably to last about 7 days) Not bad. Could use some for the gate. If using it for the gate, probably have 4 days worth of firewood if you chop it down.

7 days of edible plants and roots for 2 person.

No thornbushes.

A few brambles probably last 5 days. Good snack. 1 person.

Bout 4 vines. Good for the gate or for hanging fish or whatever you choose for it. Bout 5' long for each vine.

No sign of prey

Everyone goes outside leaving Zed within the cave. When everyone has left, he grabs his gear and departs. He does leave two potions-the Resistance potion and the Grease for them. They see this once they return. Nothing is left besides the potions, not a note. Nothing. It seems like Zed is gone for good. Its hard to tell if he will survive but he is very smart. Never know.

Four remain.

Left behind: Level 1 Spells-
Grease Potion
Range close (25 ft.)
Target one object or 10-ft. square
Duration 1 min.
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no

Resistance Potion

As Grox is heading inside, one minute he is there and the next something grabs him! He is taking into the sky by a winged beast in seconds! Like a hawk flying down to scoop up its prey! And he is gone.

Three remain.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:53, Tue 21 June 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 64 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 02:30
  • msg #167

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Plenty of options to work with, building a barrier."

Keeper took the items left behind for the group to use later.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 111 posts
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #168

(IC) The Island: Beach

When the bird thing swooped through and carried off Grox, Kara screamed. She ran after the thing, not stopping until she was in the water up to her waist. Even as the monster faded into the distant sky, Kara called out Grox's name, and screaming after him with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 56 posts
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 20:14
  • msg #169

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looked up as the flying reptile soared off with Groxxuzuxl. He was halfway through his firing flow before he realized that it was too big and too far for his arrows to have nay effect.

Kara's scream galvanized him into motion, and he was soon standing behind her protectively, his arms around her. He said softly, "I think that monster may find itself with a Groxxuzuxl sized hole in its body soon. He's a survivor, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him again someday." Kamatar added sincerely. "He's a survivor. We have to be survivors too. That's the best way to honor his memory until we see him again."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 113 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 03:31
  • msg #170

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara sunk into Kamatar's arms still sobbing. It was too much. They had only just arrived in this place and they had already lost two of their number. She really didn't know Zed or Grox, but in the short time they were together she had already counted them as family. Zed, at least left on his own. In her mind he was in danger but not gone. Grox however, was carried away by a monster. Kamatar was right. It was possible Grox could fight his way free, but in her heart he felt lost.

Once she had gotten control of her self she patted Kamatar's arm to tell him she was okay. They needed to continue and gather the things they needed. The land was full of dangers and if they were to survive they had work to do.

"Come, Kamatar," She wiped her eyes. "Let's go back and do what we have to do."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 58 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 04:52
  • msg #171

(IC) The Island: Beach

Reluctantly releasing the human woman from his firm hold, he turned back to go to where their supplies were gathered, to rejoin Keeper.

As they approached the cave and Keeper, Kamatar waves to the anthropomorphic fox and spoke quietly as he and Kara rejoined him at the cave, "We are three now. We're ready to work together. You're our leader, what do we do after building this barrier?"

Kamater began to work with Kara and Keeper to build the barrier.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 114 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 14:55
  • msg #172

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara didn't know the first think about building barriers, but how hard could it be. She helped where she was directed, but there were other things to do when not braiding vines or holding two pieces of mismatched wood together to be lashed. She wrung the as much water as she could from the blankets then laid them out to dry. She separated the firewood from the barrier wood, and stacked it neatly off to the side. She also found a cool spot to gather all the edibles they had between them.
Kitsune Druid, 66 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 18:02
  • msg #173

(IC) The Island: Beach

"What do you need me to do? Anything we need to gather or anything we should hunt?"

 Keeper wasn't quite sure what to do to set up this new living space other than just lifting and moving stuff around.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 117 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #174

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Well, I think first we have to decide how long we plan to hole up in here. If this is adequate for our needs, then we should stay until we find something better. If we agree to stay, then we all have our own stuff we can set up. I have rations, maybe we should pool those. Let's make this like a home for now." Kara went and dropped her camping equipment into a corner. "I can set up here. We each should find a place. Maybe we should also put up some privacy screens. Living in a tight space, we might get on each others nerves eventually. "
GM, 211 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 02:41
  • msg #175

(IC) The Island: Beach

The door was build but took a little time but it seems to be good keeping anything out unless it pushes through. Everyone has their own seperate areas with their gear. They were able to find moss and place it down for blankets. They were able to find blankets and use them like tarps providing Kara her own space. The two oars are good for the entrance area to hold it up. The four blankets are drying out over the fire, and with their skill sets they can easily let them dry as well. Several of the branches can be broken down and some use to keep Kara 'safe' from prying eyes in her 'area'. The edible plants are place in another moss area for future use. They have several rations which are good as well. Two vines go across the fire pit for cooking fish or anything else. It came at a price but the three of them can live here for some time. But the area above is vacant. Inside the cave it does seem cozy but perhaps it isn't a safe place with the open area above. The two potions rest in the center of the cave near the fire pit. Night has begun to fall and the three of them sit around the fire pit staring into it with the hawk perches upon Kara's shoulder. Oddly the small dino is there as well and sits near the druid. They were able to find some water and boil it over the fire. Between the three of them, they make a decent home for now. What is last is the two potions. They got food, comfort and warmth but its pretty cold but near the fire its not bad at all.

Left behind: Level 1 Spells-
Grease Potion
Range close (25 ft.)
Target one object or 10-ft. square
Duration 1 min.
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no

Resistance Potion

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 118 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 03:17
  • msg #176

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looked around the cave, quite pleased with how it turned out. She had a privacy screen, and a place to hang her wardrobe. Her cot and bedding was actually reasonably comfortable. As far as being stranded went, it could be a lot worse. It remained to be seen how much they would be able to keep the dust under control but there were more important things to worry about. There was one bit of luxury she did want to try and work out though. She really wanted a bath.

Sitting around the fire, her two companions were so quiet. There was a lot to process in their situation, but neither Keeper, not Kamatar seemed the type to be easily rattled. Of course after seeing the powerful Grox carried off, anyone's confidence could be shaken.

"So," She broke the still. "What's our plan for tomorrow? I was thinking maybe we should turn that big open area into a giant smoke pit. The smell of smoke should keep any normal creatures away. I don't know if these beast are normal, however." She looked at the small reptile that Zed chose to save. For whatever reason, it had taken to them. "I was also wondering of we could route some of the water in a way we could use it to bathe and maybe clean our clothes. I have plenty of soap. What do you think?" she strokes the feathers on Shandar's head.
GM, 213 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 13:43
  • msg #177

(IC) The Island: Beach

As Kara speaks, the sound of music can be heard above. But who or what is playing it? It is definatly amazing!

05:38, Today: Seferiz Branng rolled 21 using 1d20+8.  Perform: Mandolin.
Kitsune Druid, 67 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #178

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Whoever is playing that music, is that wise with such creatures about?"

 It was certainly an attention grabber, but could it be dangerous to be making that much noise around here. Keeper had to go check it out though, see what the hubbub was all about.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 119 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 21:37
  • msg #179

(IC) The Island: Beach

The sound of music stopped Kara's thought dead in it's tracks. Her ears perked and she cast her gaze up in the direction it sounded to be coming from.
17:32, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 23 using 1d20+4 Perception

"There's someone else here!" She looked excitedly to the others. Keeper commented on the danger of it, but when he got, presumably to investigate, she put a hand on his arm. "Keeper, wait. Yes it's dangerous but it's better if we investigate with you. Strength in numbers." Her genuine concern was evident in her eyes. "We go together."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 60 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 01:39
  • msg #180

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar listened for a long moment, almost missing the words of his companions. He kipped up to his feet, his belt and belt pouch on his hip, composite longbow in hand and his quiver on his back. Falling into step with the two of them, the half-orc echoed her sentiment, "We are stronger together, we go together." as they all went to investigate the source of the music.
Kitsune Druid, 68 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 13:02
  • msg #181

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper follows along to take advantage of safety in numbers. They should stick together so if another monster shows up, they can handle that crisis in the best way.

09:00, Today: Keeper rolled 13 using 1d20+7.  Perception.
09:00, Today: Keeper rolled 15 using 1d20+3.  Climb.

GM, 216 posts
Sun 26 Jun 2022
at 14:17
  • msg #182

(IC) The Island: Beach

The half-orc gets up to the top of the cave with ease. He holds a hand out to Kara and the two get to the top. The druid gets up there without a hitch. Expecting to see whoever was making the music all they found was forest, top of the cave and the moonlight high above. With a squeaky voice:

"Hey! Who are you?" Of course this is spoken....

In Goblin.

08:51, Today: Seferiz Branng rolled 21 using 1d20+20.  Stealth.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:52, Sun 26 June 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 122 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:22
  • msg #183

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara cast her eyes about for the source of the voice. It was in Goblin tongue, which she did not understand, but it was a voice. She was nervous about the reptilian monsters in the area, but an intelligent enemy was still scarier. Ready with a spell, she moved so that the edge of the cave pit was behind her and Kamatar was in front.

"Are you friend or foe?" She said out loud. Her voice bordered between restrained and a call out.
Kitsune Druid, 69 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #184

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper also did not understand goblin, but it was clear this person was not a giant lizard and even if they were, he seemed more afraid of them instead of the other way around. For now, Keeper decided to look less threatening by transforming into his purely fox form to end up smaller than the goblin.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 62 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 22:05
  • msg #185

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looked around as well, while being certain to stand close to his allies. With one hand resting on Kara's shoulder, he called out in Orc. "You make music then disappear when others come to hear you. I want to hear more, if you'd rather play than fight?"
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 2 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #186

(IC) The Island: Beach

Poking his head up from beind a boulder, Sef sees the druid transform into a fox and he freaks out. Jumping up to get a better view (he's only 3' tall) the bard has a umbrella.

Yes. You heard me correctly. A umbrella.

Sef looks at the kitsune, mutter something in draconic and points the umbrella at Keeper! And the ktsume doubles over and whatever the way a fox laughs it does the same thing!

"See? Everyone just laughs. Laugh laugh laugh. No one likes Seferiz! Nope nope nope!" This is definatly a odd goblin. He's litterally covered in paint smeers and has a variety of painting tooks. A mandondolin at his feet. A rapier at his side and a bag. He twirls the unbrella, aims it at Kara and then winks before flipping it out.

And then he is gone. Poof.

Make a Perception Check.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 124 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #187

(IC) The Island: Beach

Upon seeing the odd little goblin, Kara steps back near Kamatar. When the Goblin starts to point his umbrella around, first forcing Keeper to break into laughter, Kara uses her prhensile hair hex to Seize his mandolin and pull it to her.

"Show yourself and come forward to speak civily or I will smash this into tiny pieces. "
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 4 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #188

(IC) The Island: Beach

The hair misses its mark as well the goblin isn't nowhere to be found! But then Kara looks at her hand and there here is! It looks up at her and smiles "Sef got a friend! Be my friends? Please?" He smiles at everyone just as Keeper stops laughing "Seferiz Branng! Sef for short no? Smaller them me! See? I'm tiny!" He steps back and bows his head and twirls the mighty umbrella and puts it over his head "No hurt Sef right? No no no."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 125 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 04:41
  • msg #189

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looks confused. The little rascal was full of tricks. "No Sef, we have no interest in hurting you. But if you want friends then you will have to be a friend as well. Were you on the same ship we were on?"
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 5 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 15:55
  • msg #190

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Boats boats boats! I like boats! Painting boats?" Strange goblin "Boat went boom. Cold water! I grabbed umbrella an' swim swim swim." He's acting all goofy. The goblin spins his umbrella and aims it at Keeper as it snaps closed onto itself "I got you I did!" He seems rather proud of himself."Ai ai Captain! Meanie. Always smacked Sef!"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 66 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #191

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar was impressed by the amount of sheer chaos presented by the rambling goblin. His eyebrow raised several times, accompanied by the partial opening and then closing of his lips. He smiled patiently at Kara and Keeper, then looked around occasionally for any potential trouble forming nearby. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he regarded Seferiz Branng with a look similar to that of a certain Vulcan when encountering something he didn't quite understand.
Kitsune Druid, 73 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 19:26
  • msg #192

(IC) The Island: Beach

Once able to finally stop laughing, Keeper returns to his regular form, looking a bit annoyed.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 9 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 20:01
  • msg #193

(IC) The Island: Beach

Climbing up on a rock, Sef motions for Kara to come over. If she does he goes to place his hands on her face and stares at her, his eyes narrow and his face turns stern "You ever danced with the devil on la pale moonlight?" Ironic.

And he starts to dance. After moving from the witch he starts to head for the druid and backs up <greem>"No no no."</green> And his eyes dart to the half-orc "Oh no." He starts backing up and falls.

And he gets to the hole with his back to it and almost falls. Dance move. Or lucky.

Maybe both.

15:57, Today: Seferiz Branng rolled 16 using 1d20+7.  Perform: Dance.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 127 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #194

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Well aren't you a quirky little thing." Kara was both amused and perplexed by the goblin. He seemed harmless enough, but standing out where they were was no harmless. They were all at risk.

"Gentlemen, now that this little mystery has been solved, I suggest we get back inside." She backed up and began to climb back down.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 67 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 07:14
  • msg #195

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar waited and watched while Kara descended into their cave. He commented to Keeper after Kara was half say down, "I think it's safe to say that Seferiz is either not all there or speaks horrible Common, who knows it could be a little of both. Please keep an eye on Kara and watch out for Seferiz as you climb down. I'll follow you soon."

The half-orc kept watch on his surroundings as Keeper followed Kara down. When Keeper was half-way down, Kamatar took one last look and started climbing down after the others.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:43, Thu 30 June 2022.
GM, 226 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 15:03
  • msg #196

(IC) The Island: Beach

Maybe thats the case-Sef isn't all there. Or maybe he is a lot smarter then people realize. Perhaps its a ploy. Hard to even tell.

But he's funny. Or tries to be. Perhaps he's a innocent goblin. Or as innocent as a goblin can be.

Once everyone gets to the bottom of the cave, Sef slowly walks in holding his umbrella out fully closed. Upon seeing the small dinosaur, he jumps in the air and points the 'weapon' at it! </green>"You killed my papa! Prepare to die!"</green> Sef winks at Kara.

The dinosaur just looks at the strange goblin. It bites towards him and backs up.

Sef sees the fire and slowly backs up right into Kam. He looks up at the looming giant (least to him) and gulps.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 128 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 19:57
  • msg #197

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the first one down, Kara cleared out of the way for the others. She waited until everyone was safely down before turning to go inside, but was halted at the sound of Sef threatening. She wondered what could have possibly happened between the top of the cave entrance and the bottom. When she turned, she almost laughed. Sef was in a duelists standoff with the tiny lizard thing that Zed had left behind. The little beast was backing away, but when Sef winked in her direction she suspected her was just pulling a prank.

"Sef," she gave the goblin an admonishing look, "leave the beast alone. It's harmless. At least it is when there is only one."
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 10 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #198

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Leave it alone? My dear. I saw -actually saw- a big band of them attacking a shipmate! Really I did. Bet you don't believe ne. Must have been ten or more all jumped at him! He didn't stand a chance!" Sef puffs his chest out as he sits down, and pulls out his blanket and sleeping stuff. Carefully he puts down all his paints, making sure they were in line and pulls out several empty parchments "Even those small ones can be a issue. Get it? Small ones? Nevermind...." Afterwards he checks on the mandolin and starts to tune it but he stays quite some distance from the fire as if afraid.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 129 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 20:41
  • msg #199

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Yes, yes. We were accosted by a group of them also. They didn't fare so well, but one of our fellow survivors saved this one. Since then it had decided to hang around. But I assure you it has not been menacing in any way." Kara nods.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:48, Thu 30 June 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 68 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 17:19
  • msg #200

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looked at Seferiz, quietly watching him as he interacted with Kara and the little lizard. More than once, he was inclined to say something as the goblin spoke in his annoying voice, but Kamatar quickly reminded himself that it was sometimes better to listen than to speak. When Seferiz began speaking more coherently and talked about the death of another shipmate, Kamatar had some questions.

"Apparently," Kamatar said in his smooth, rich voice, "Like many beings, it and its kindred are much nicer once their basic needs are met. So, Seferiz Branng, I have questions for you. What was your position on the ship? How many of your shipmates have you seen since coming here? How long have you been here?"

Slowly, while listening for the goblin's answers, he reached toward the little creature and tried stroking it on top of its head and on its belly.
Kitsune Druid, 74 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 18:12
  • msg #201

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper had been brooding a little in his annoyance, but finally spoke up.

"We are much better together than separate. The little lizards here hunt in packs apparently, we should try to get along and do the same. I am still not happy with what you did to me, but welcome to the pack anyway..."

 Keeper watches the goblin and the little creature, hoping to help them get along as well.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 11 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #202

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin looks at the half-orc "Asking questions? We just met! Geezus!" He takes a deep breath "I was a stowaway. Saw some people drifting in the water. Drift drift drifting. Not sure if they were alive. I did ask. No response. Probably because I'm a goblin. An' been here for two days. Wandering the beach. Nothin' saw me. You know I can hide very well!" He puffs his small chest up and sighs "Been here long? I askq questions to you know?"
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 130 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #203

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara watched the interactions between Keeper and Sef and Kamatar and Sef. There really wasn't any conflict, other than confusion and maybe a touch of suspicion. Keeper was right, they all needed to stick together, but that had been her message from the start.

"Right then. Yes, Keeper is correct, of course. We must all sick together as a team. It doesn't matter how we got here or what we did on the ship. Questions on that matter are purely academic and answers mean nothing other than to satisfy curiosity. So, I suggest we all just make ourselves comfortable and not stress. So, welcome Sef. I am pleased you're here with us."

"Keeper, is it possible to put together some kind of bath or shower? I feel really sticky from the salt water."
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 12 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 23:08
  • msg #204

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Oh wait! Wait wait wait! I told you my name. So what is everyone elses?" Oddly, he pulls up a paintbrush "I can paint in my corner right? Never painted a rock thing. Should be interesting."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 69 posts
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 00:27
  • msg #205

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I was the one to ask you questions, Seferiz Brang, in fairness I will answer yours. I am Kamatar Fletch and I have been here today.
I would appreciate an apology to Keeper for what you did to him."
Kamatar replies calmly, without rancor or insistence.

Holding the little lizard in one arm, he moves to sit next to Kara.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 131 posts
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 02:47
  • msg #206

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looks over at Kamatar as he sat beside her. "Well, since we're sharing," She leaned against his arm, "my name is Kara Eldwyyn, but you can just call me Kara. I'm pleased to meet you."
Kitsune Druid, 75 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #207

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I don't really have an official name or anything like that, but most just call me "Keeper". As for a bath, I suppose we could build something that would do that. I am not an expert in that though."

 Keeper answered the question and introduced himself a bit.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 13 posts
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #208

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin holds up a hand and looks at Keeper "I will ask ok? You wish for a apology yes? I'm sorry...." He grins "For allowing you time to laugh. Greatly apologies!" Sef chuckles for a moment "Sorry for bothering you! But I can play! And paint!"  He holds up one of his paint brushes.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 132 posts
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 20:16
  • msg #209

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara shook her head. She didn't understand why it was so hard to understand. "Keeper, it's not the bath container that I'm asking about. It's the supply of fresh water. It could be a shower. I'm asking you because it seemed Zed believed you could create an unlimited amount of fresh water. If that's not true, then I apologize."
Kitsune Druid, 77 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 21:01
  • msg #210

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Not unlimited, right now I can create roughly 2 gallons of fresh water a day. Not good for a shower, but fine for drinking."

 Keeper was working on this limitation, but it was not something meant for creature comforts.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 74 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 22:25
  • msg #211

(IC) The Island: Beach

While continuing to idly pet the tokage, Kamatar bowed briefly to the goblin saying, "Thank you for that apology, Seferiz. I have another two questions. What useful things and places have you seen since you came here? How many living creatures have you seen bigger than me?

Before you answer those, let me say this: I get that you're a goblin. I'm not against anyone or anything that isn't against me or those I care about. If you deliberately hurt me, Kara, or Keeper, you become my enemy. If you help me or these others, then we can become allies and maybe even friends."

GM, 234 posts
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #212

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I'm more like a prisoner to you it seems. Sef doesn't like it. Don't like it all! All these questions get me bothered!" The goblin drops his paintbrush and grumbles "I've seen lots of things! Lots! Never found me nope nope! Everything is bigger then me and you! Cept that creature!" He points a hand at the tiny dinosaur "Bad bad things! Why would I hurt anyone? Nope nope. Run away that's how I live! But if someone is nice to me like you or maybe not as you just insulted me again...threaten' to take poor Sef's life no no..." He lowers his hand and kicks a rock against the wall and sits down in a huff "I need friends but not friends who dislike me." The goblin sniffles like he's about to start crying.

The inside of the cave has some slow moving water dripping down its side into a small pool about 5' wide and about 2' down. Not enough at the moment for a bath but if Keeper uses his spells...
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 137 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 03:59
  • msg #213

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Oh Sef. Kamatar didn't mean it like that. He's just gruff sometimes." She looked over at Kamatar, giving him an admonishing look. "No one here wants to harm you. He's just very protective. Please don't be insulted. We are all pleased your here with us."

Kara stood. "Kamatar, can I speak to you for a moment, please?" She pointed to the screen shielding her cot.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 75 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 08:34
  • msg #214

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looks curiously at Kara in response to her admonishing look. As she stood, he stood with her. When she asked to speak with him and gestured to her private area, his left eyebrow raised, his eyes grew wide for a moment, then quickly closed as his face reflected his anticipation of chastisement. With a new expression of frustrated guilt, the half-orc let his chin drop to his chest, and he avoided her eyes while doing her bidding.

Once they were in her privacy of her section, Kamatar continued to keep his gaze directed towards the ground. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you, again", he started with self-deprecation in his voice. "I...just..." his voice died in his throat and he fell silent.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 139 posts
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #215

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara had anticipated being a bit more direct with Kamatar once they were out of view. He always meant well, but his delivery had proven now on multiple occasions to create more friction that was necessary. Once they were alone, however, his sudden display of remorse evaporated most of her consternation.

"Listen, Kamatar," She put her hands on his shoulders. "I know you have a good heart, and I know you want to protect me and Keeper. And you've already protected me. You saved my life from that giant monster. It's not that you disappointed me. But when it comes to new people, please hold off on the threats until there is just cause. Just pretend that everyone is friendly until they prove not to be. There is no sense in making enemies." She moved a hand to his cheek. "Mistakes are mistakes. You will only disappoint me if you don't try to get better at this." She gave him a peck on the cheek.

"There now, let's go back and all be friends. Hm?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 77 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 05:43
  • msg #216

(IC) The Island: Beach

After Kara finished speaking, Kamatar took both of her hands in his and held them for a long moment. During that moment and for a breath after he silently refused to let her go. "Kara," he said in a quiet voice, "I know we really don't know each well, but you and Keeper are the only people I feel I can trust. I don't mean to be threatening to newcomers,  but living has taught me hard lessons. I'm not sure we can fully trust everyone we meet, and I want them to know the price of betrayal so that they have every reason to be trustworthy."

He paused to look fully into her eyes with a soft smile and a hint of vulnerability in his own, "I will try to do as you ask, but I don't understand how telling someone the rules is threatening. So many times my life or freedom became endangered because I didn't know the rules as they were being used against me." He sighs briefly before letting her hands go and gently wrapping them around her waist, "Kara Eldwyyn, you are becoming more precious to me as time passes." He lifted her up until their faces were level, keeping his eyes looking into hers he adds, "Forgive me for being rude and blunt My Enchantress with hair the color of Midnight. I crave your smile like I crave the perfect moment of releasing an arrow, when I feel whole within myself. I crave your touch like a child craves his mother's milk. I promise you that one day soon, I will capture your lips with my own and glory in that delight even if you punish me for days afterwards." He concludes while setting her down and preparing to rejoin the others.
GM, 239 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 10:12
  • msg #217

(IC) The Island: Beach

The cave's 'curtain' seems to be a safe spot. Sef watches Kam and Kiara go into their 'room' and he looks at Keeper. Yet sound travel in the cave. Its hard to tell if the goblin heard them. "Whatcha think they are doing? I bet they are talking about horrible things to do to me. Yup yup. All the time, all the time. Maybe I should just go." The bard sighs and looks at the ground, kicking a stone.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 141 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 21:25
  • msg #218

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looked dumbfounded at Kamatar's response. There were two completely different things to address, one was to try and explain - again -  how to be less threatening, or even what it meant to be threatening. The other... ugh. Did appreciate his admiration, but his overtures - flattering as they were - were way over the top. It was too much to deal with in that moment. She would stick to the immediate issue of welcoming Sef, and leave Kamatar's amorous intent for another time.

"Thank you Kamatar, but let's stay focused shall we. While it's true we cannot fully trust everyone we meet, neither can we fully distrust them. In civilized society, we give people the benefit of the doubt. When we want to attract trust, we don't discuss the price of betrayal. Just, please try. Welcome new-comers, and don't lay out any consequences for bad behavior before there is any, hm?"

"Just please trust me on this."
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 15 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 00:54
  • msg #219

(IC) The Island: Beach

A few minutes pass and Sef is out like a light as he waits for Keeper. He's lying on his blanket on a boulder and seems to be asleep. The goblin is holding his paintbrushes as well. Zzz.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 78 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #220

(IC) The Island: Beach

"My Lady Kara, no one has ever given me the benefit of the doubt. I've always had to prove my worth and intentions, particularly in what is called civilized society. When I sought to improve myself and join the order that taught me the skills I have, I had to prove myself by living outside their walls for over a year before they let me in their front door. Thereafter, I daily had to prove myself, in fact I still am trying to improve myself." Kamatar replied in a voice tight with repressed anger.

With a touch of sadness in his eyes, he took a deep breath and then slowly let it out, the moment of anger flowing out with his breath. "I do trust you and Keeper. I will trust you on this and do as you ask. I hope that you are right and my feelings on this are wrong. Likewise, I'm sure you understand that any betrayal by newcomers will have consequences." the half-orc concluded with a stark finality.

Stepping to the edge of her enclosure, he said softly to her, "Let's go. I'm going to sound like an idiot if I keep talking, and I need to meditate upon what you've said."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 142 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #221

(IC) The Island: Beach

"We can talk more about these things later. For now, thank you." Kara came out from behind the screen and found her seat. She saw that the Goblin was asleep and Keeper was busy with something she couldn't discern. "Well, Kamatar, it seems it is still just us."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 79 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 05:57
  • msg #222

(IC) The Island: Beach

The half-orc nodded then whispered softly,
This message was last edited by the player at 05:58, Wed 06 July 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 143 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 06:04
  • msg #223

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara leaned in to hear the whisper. She nodded and whispered back
Kitsune Druid, 81 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #224

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper was keeping to himself for the most part, except for offering some attention and maybe some food to the little dinosaur who decided to stick around the group a bit. Perhaps it will decide to stick around and maybe even be trained in time.

13:11, Today: Keeper rolled 14 using 1d20+5.  handle animal.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 82 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 06:57
  • msg #225

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Keeper (msg # 224):

Kamatar spoke softly to Keeper, indicating the sleeping goblin as he does, "Keeper, thanks for keeping track of our little companion. Please keep an eye on Seferiz while Kara takes me to the mouth of our cave to teach me more patience and gather a bit of water. Thank you again, my friend."

Softly stepping towards Kara, he gestured with his hands to tell her that their plan was a go.
When he was close enough for her to hear, he whispered to her

After walking with her to just inside the main entrance to the cave, the half-orc pauses to look out and around at the earth, sky, and the waves before he looks down on her again, his smile warm but as usual slightly mischievous.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:14, Fri 08 July 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 145 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 13:33
  • msg #226

(IC) The Island: Beach

Glancing at the sleeping goblin, Kara smiled and nodded. He was actually an adorable thing, sleeping so peacefully with his paintbrushes clutched in his little hands. She patted Kamatar's arm, letting him know she was ready and then followed him out.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 17 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 20:56
  • msg #227

(IC) The Island: Beach

The sleeping goblin swing one hand out, still clutching his paintbrush. Another swing. Then another and as he throws a right hook, he falls onto his face. Seems like he was dreaming about someone or something. Ironically he doesn't get up and keeps sleeping without his blanket over him. Guess he was tired. Or stressed. Maybe a combination of a lot of stuff.

Good thing the brush wasn't snapped.

Oh hell to everyone if that happened!
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 85 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 09:30
  • msg #228

(IC) The Island: Beach

While standing at the water's edge, just inside the cave's walls the half-orc archer took another look.
Making sure a third time that they were neither under nor near threat nor close to the others,
Kamatar whispered to Kara Tell me of your life, Kara Eldwyyn. Tell me of your dreams. Tell me of yourself, Enchantress. I will listen and if you ask, I will tell you of me.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:52, Sun 10 July 2022.
GM, 247 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 23:56
  • msg #229

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the half-orc and human talk, a beast begins to get closer to them about 30'. It stares at them, as its claws click. It stares at Kam and Kara but doesn't move besides going from the right to the left about 10'. Its small size makes it look like it couldn't harm a fly but its a strange island.

A very strange island.

Unknown to the goblin and kitsune within the cave.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 149 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #230

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kamatar Fletch (msg # 228):

Kara chuckled at Kamatar's request. He was asking her to tell him everything about her, and there was a lot to tell. The problem was that she expected he didn't really want to hear it all. His romantic notions were of someone with idealized preconceptions about her, many of which she was certain she couldn't live up to. She felt compelled to say something, but had no idea where to begin.

"I'm not sure what you'd have me say, Kamatar Fletch. My life until now has been somewhat tumultuous. But I do not seek pity or sympathy. It just was as it was. Know that two years ago I pledged my service to a spirit as it's instrument. In return, it has granted me power. I usually feel like I know the nature of this being, but sometimes I sense that perhaps I do not. So far it has cost me little. But I do worry. I have few dreams. I use the abilities I have to affect change but also to seek excitement. I think that this is more than I-" She stopped mid sentence, turning to peer into the night.

"Did you hear something?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 88 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #231

(IC) The Island: Beach

Just as she called attention to the clicking sounds of the lizard's claws, Kamatar saw the reptilian creature while it watched them. In a soft whisper, he replied,

Casually sliding a hand into his belt pouch and lightly gripping his 9 section whip, he continued speaking aloud. "That was an interesting choice to make. Are the few dreams you do have pleasant? Are you worried about costs to be paid for in the future? Or are you worried that none other will trust you if they know that part of your loyalty is already spoken for?"

Still mostly looking into Kara's face, Kamatar's shifted one or twice to keep current on their visitor's position.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 151 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 19:40
  • msg #232

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Kamatar, I somehow doubt the creature knows what a conversation is. Maybe we should just retreat to the cave rather than risk an attack. Everything here so far have had sharp teeth and claws." Kara slowly edges back to the door, nudging Kamatar to come along with a hand on his shoulder.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:52, Mon 11 July 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 89 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 08:03
  • msg #233

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar nodded and stepped between Kara and the dinosaur outside as they both carefully moved back into the depths of the cave. He mostly kept looking between the outer entrance to the cave and the dinosaur, deciding that he preferred them much smaller. The idea that there might be more than one briefly flashed through his thoughts, inspiring him to be even more careful.

As Kara reached the internal door, Kamatar reached back to gently take her hand and whispered,
GM, 258 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 17:30
  • msg #234

(IC) The Island: Beach

The kitsune hears something from outside as Kara walks in through their custom door. Seif snorts and remains asleep holding his brushes.

Kam looks back and sees the eyes of the dinosaur getting closer.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:50, Tue 12 July 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 156 posts
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 20:55
  • msg #235

(IC) The Island: Beach

Once past the threshold, Kara pulled on Kamatar's arm. "What are you doing? Come inside and we'll close the door." She urged. "There is no reason to fight the creature."

Calling back into the cave. "Keeper! Come here. We have another monster."
GM, 260 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #236

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin continues to snooze as Kara tries to get Kam to get inside though all they have between them is a door that could possibly be knocked over or crushed with enough force or weight.

As Kam turns to head inside, the dinosaurs charges at the monk and leaps! Three of the beast land on or near the monk and begin ripping into its flesh!
*Kam: Take 12 damage.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 157 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #237

(IC) The Island: Beach

When the creatures attack, Kara screams. Not just any scream, but a piercing shriek directed at the beast in the center.

Kara casts Ear-Piercing Scream (daze for 1 round + 1d6 damage per two caster levels)
15:39, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 25 using 1d20+9.  Spellcraft
15:40, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d6.  Ear-Piercing Scream

Kitsune Druid, 87 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #238

(IC) The Island: Beach

 The first thing Keeper does once alerted to trouble was attempt to shake Seferiz awake.

"There is a problem outside, little one..."

 Keeper then readies his Bow and heads to the problem. Seeing Kam being injured, he knows what he must do later, if they are all alive when this is over.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 20 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #239

(IC) The Island: Beach

After getting throttled awake, Seif doesn't look happy. He holds up his brush "Call me little one more time. I dare you. Just one more time. Small. Little..." He seems threatening with his well...brush "Pint size!" The goblin grabs his umbrella and looks up from his 'rock' seeing what is going on.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:22, Wed 13 July 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 90 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #240

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper ignored the Goblin's posturing, but was thinking of other ways to say "little" for future use. Seeing the savage damage done to Kam, Keeper rushes right behind the Monk and out of the Dino's reach for now to cast and deliver curing magic to the best of his ability.

15:29, Today: Keeper rolled 9 using 1d8+1.  Cure light wounds roll.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 91 posts
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 04:53
  • msg #241

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar groaned softly as he found himself under siege from three of the dinosaurs. With his back to Keeper and dripping from the wounds he suffered, he stepped back while rapidly scooping up his bow and flowed into his art, releasing two arrows, one for each of the attackers not targeted by Kara.

Kamatar is using his Perfect Strike ability on the first shot

Kamatar Fletch rolled 17,7 using d20+5,d20+5.  Perfect Strike Longbow Attack
Kamatar Fletch rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Longbow attack.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 9, 6 using d8+1,d8+1.  Longbow Damage.

If both shots hit, then one took 9 hp damage and the other 6 hp damage

This message was last edited by the player at 19:23, Fri 15 July 2022.
GM, 267 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 00:05
  • msg #242

(IC) The Island: Beach

The bard pulls out his shortbow and fire, hitting one of the dinosaurs but doing little damage.

Keeper moves up to Kam and heals him.

Kara lets out a ear shattering scream, hitting one of them and dazing it.

Kam takes a step back and pulls out his longbow. He fires twice, hitting its mark.

The two of them leap at Kam! One misses but the other hits its mark!
*Take 8 Damage Kam

Seif realizes he may hit the half-orc takes a deep breath. He does a dance and sings with all his small might!
*Inspire Courage! 6/5 left

+1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear
effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon
damage rolls.

Group is up!
Seif   (21) 20' from dinosaurs
Keeper (16) 5' behind Kam (10' from dinosaurs)
Kara   (13) 10' from dinosaurs
Kam:   (13) 5' from dinosaurs
*Took 11 Damage (Added in the cure light)
Dino   (11)-
*Dino 1 ??/11
*Dino 2 ??/05
-Dazed 1 Round
*Dino 3 ??/06
AC 15

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:13, Sat 16 July 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 91 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 08:14
  • msg #243

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper after healing Kam, also took a step back, notched an arrow and fired an Arrow with his Bow at one of the Dinos, hoping that if they all are hurt, they might be encouraged to run away.

Aiming at "Dino 1"
04:09, Today: Keeper rolled 23 using 1d20+6.  Bow Attack.
04:09, Today: Keeper rolled 3 using 1d8+1.  bow damage.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 93 posts
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 18:36
  • msg #244

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar grunted as the next impact and tear from the dinosaur's attack cut into him once more. Forced to take another step back, he looked to Keeper with a grateful smile saying, “Thank you again, my friend! If I fall, I know you will look after Kara for me!"

The half-orc's smile quickly vanished into a look of total concentration as he flowed into his art and released two more arrows toward the savage dinosaurs.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 11 using d20+5+1.  Longbow Attack.
Kamatar Fletch rolled 7 using d20+5+1.  Longbow Attack.

Ouch! Missed twice!

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 168 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 17:48
  • msg #245

(IC) The Island: Beach

With little else she could do magically that would hurt the savage little monsters, Kara runs back to the fire. No torches, no torches. Damn it all. Searching about the orange-yellow tongues if flame she spots a couple bits of wood that would suffice and that weren't totally consumed. careful not to burn herself, she uses her sickle to hook the ends not aflame out so she can grab them.

OOC: If I can get outside, I will swing the torches to keep them at bay myself.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:13, Wed 20 July 2022.
GM, 281 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 09:15
  • msg #246

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper fires and hit is mark as Kara rushes over and is able to get two torches lit up.

It was a good thing that the dinosaurs missed their mark as three of them lunged at Kam.

Seif fires into the fray, hitting one of the dinosaurs!

+1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear
effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon
damage rolls.

Group is up!
Seif   (21) 15' from dinosaurs
Keeper (16) 5' behind Kam (10' from dinosaurs)
Kara   (13) 15' from dinosaurs
Kam:   (13) 5' from dinosaurs
*Took 11 Damage (Added in the cure light)
Dino   (11)-
*Dino 1 ??/18
*Dino 2 ??/05
-Dazed 1 Round
*Dino 3 ??/06
AC 15

Kitsune Druid, 94 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 08:17
  • msg #247

(IC) The Island: Beach

 Keeper preps and fires another arrow, hitting again with great proficiency.

Still attacking Dino 1
04:14, Today: Keeper rolled 8 using 1d8+1.  bow damage.
04:13, Today: Keeper rolled 21 using 1d20+5.  Bow Attack.
(Both rolls given +1 from the Bardic inspiration)

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 177 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #248

(IC) The Island: Beach

With fire in hand, Kara rushes back to the fight. Throwing one of the flaming brands between the creatures and her friends.

15:25, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 11 using 1d20+3.  Throwing fire brand
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 95 posts
Mon 25 Jul 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #249

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar almost seemed to dance as he took another step clear of the vicious dinosaurs. Only a brief expression of pain appeared on his face then vanished under his total concentration as he flowed into his art and released two more arrows toward the savage dinosaurs.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 23,13 using d20+6,d20+6.  Perfect Strike Longbow Attack.
Kamatar Fletch rolled 8 using 1d20+6.  Longbow Attack.

15:29, Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 5 using 1d8+1.  Longbow Damage.

Damage vs Dino #1 is 6 points (forgot to add in the bonus to damage from the bard)

GM, 293 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 15:52
  • msg #250

(IC) The Island: Beach

Between the fire being thrown and two of them being hurt, they turn and scatter into the cave and head somewhere into the night. Seif puffs his chest out, all proud and jumps onto the rock "See> I saved everyone." Right. Sure. Whatevever. He hops down and looks over at the pretty hurt half-orc "Well...I could try to help him. Really I could but he's well...big. Probably flatten me. Smush smush smush." He looks at Kara and Keeper "I got it! You hold him and I can do my mojo on him. See?" What in blazes is he talking about?
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 182 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2022
at 22:22
  • msg #251

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Seif. What are you talking about? How can you help him?"Kara puzzles.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:23, Tue 26 July 2022.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 21 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 19:25
  • msg #252

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Will you trust me or not? I can't reveal what I got up my sleeve. Up up my sleeve you hear?" Again, the goblin puffs his chest out "Not going tah hold him, I won't do something impressive! Course what I do is normally impressive. Well to me that is. Anyways." He's either full of himself, smart or something else. Probably something else.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 183 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 19:30
  • msg #253

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara holds Kamatar around the waist, leaning against him to hold him up. "Okay, I have him, Seif. Do your mojo."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 96 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 20:31
  • msg #254

(IC) The Island: Beach

With a mild grunt, Kamatar breaks from his focus and lays his bow aside while sliding his other arm around Kara. With his gaze clear and his eyes wide open, he slides to the floor of the cave, bringing the witch with him. Looking at Seferiz he says, "Do what you can, please. I will remain here peacefully." Quickly turning his gaze to Kara he adds, "As long as you hold me Enchantress, pain is simply a passing distraction. With you close and unharmed, I am at peace"
GM, 295 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 20:54
  • msg #255

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin just stares. And gawks. He almost died and now is all lovey dovey? Seif just stares at the two of them not really understanding. Woman were just breeders to goblins. All the 'kids' were thrown together. "I don't think I will help you. Nope nope. This is...well...what is..." He glances at Keeper.

The druid just smiles ironically as he looks at the three of them "Don't ask."

Seif jumps down away from the two people "Yah people make no sense. No sense. Just wanted to help but geez. I'll go paint. An' sleep. Not going to show you my mojo that can help you out. Nope." He seems well disturbed and upset. Oh and tired.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 184 posts
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 21:11
  • msg #256

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara stared after the Goblin in astonishment. "Seif! What's wrong? Why won't you help?" She shook her head. Kamatar was injured and there was no time to try and understand the goblins reasons for his change of heart. "I suppose I'll just have to do it myself, Kamatar."

Kara casts her Heal Hex:
17:08, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 4 using 1d8+2 ((2)).

Then Kara performs her healing skill.
17:10, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 19 using 1d20+6 ((13)).

Depending on how he is after that, we might use a potion.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 98 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 06:45
  • msg #257

(IC) The Island: Beach

After all of Kara's efforts to treat his wounds he remarked, "Thank you, Kara and Keeper. Without you both, I would likely be reptile food right now."

With a slightly pained grin he says, "From this I've learned that we need to travel in a group of three or more whenever and where ever we go until we get much stronger. It seems everything that is not us is out to eat us. I guess we should return to full cover and try to rest this evening. I suggest we all keep our weapons close and ready for us at all times, and two of us should remain awake while the others sleep."

He looks to the anthropomorphic fox saying, "Is there anything more you can do to heal me tonight? If not, I guess you should get your rest. Kara and I will remain awake and on guard til morning."
This message was last edited by the player at 06:48, Thu 28 July 2022.
GM, 298 posts
Thu 28 Jul 2022
at 11:31
  • msg #258

(IC) The Island: Beach

"And me. Of course I get ignored. Ignored! I helped, I did! Of course I could have helped you more but...." Paint paint paint. Grumble grumble. Soon the goblin puts it away and yaws.

Keeper shakes his head "No, I have nothing left. And you do realize Kara needs sleep. There are others who can take turns. You have become smitten. Keep it in mind my friend. Sometimes it clouds ones judgment. I will take first watch. You should sleep throughout the night."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 99 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 00:39
  • msg #259

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looks at Seferiz and replies, "I'm not ignoring you, Seferiz, but you just offered help and then changed your mind and refused to help. I'm sure you have your reasons, but I don't understand, and so I'm going to depend upon the people I know. Goodnight, Seferiz."

He turns his attention back to Keeper and replies calmly, "I had planned for Kara and I to sleep tomorrow but if you'd rather keep watch then so be it. I am too tired and wounded to argue with anyone tonight. Thank you for telling my mind what my heart already knows. Wake me when you are ready to rest. Goodnight friend Keeper." Kamatar smiles gratefully before placing his weapons within easy reach and falling asleep.
GM, 300 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #260

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

"I helped and now yah don't care. Apparently shootin' at them wasn't help. No no. Of course. I'm a goblin. An' I don't know yah but I helped. Fine. I won't help you again." The goblin sighs "No one needs me. I'm used to it. Seif do this, Seif do that. I won't do it yah know. Free. I can help but you scare me. Always scared."

Of course the half-orc doesn't here this being asleep. He takes a deep breath and curls up in a ball away from the group with his paints "I'm Seferiz Branng. So yah know me."

The druid watches the odd group and sits down next to the goblin "He didn't mean it. Go to sleep. I will take the watch." He motions for Kara to come over and sits with him.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:10, Fri 29 July 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 186 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #261

(IC) The Island: Beach

After Kamatar settles in and drifts away, Kara notices Keeper waving her over. Walking over, she takes a seat next to him.

"You can't stay up all by yourself, can you?"
GM, 303 posts
Fri 29 Jul 2022
at 13:09
  • msg #262

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I can and I will. If anything occurs, I can wake you up. Back to the wall, watching the door and the open ceiling above. I'll be fine." Keeper goes to rest his hand over her shoulder for a moment "Get some rest."

Sleep falls upon the goblin.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 188 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 05:14
  • msg #263

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara shrugged and nodded. If he was just going to send her to bed, why ask her to sit with him, she wondered. She was going to have to learn to understand her new companions.

"Sounds good, but if you get tired, do wake me up so you can get some rest. Okay?"

With that, she disappeared behind her blind, changed into something softer, and then went to bed.
GM, 304 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 13:44
  • msg #264

(IC) The Island: Beach

During the night when everyone is asleep the goblin moves over to the half-orc. He mutters something and puts his hands upon him healing him. He then curls up next to Keeper who is in fox form and goes to sleep.

Kam is healed for 4 HP

The next morning, everyone is feeling better and the half-orc is somehow fully healed. Keeper stretches and reverts back into its normal form. And the goblin is painting something upon the wall, whistling to himself.

Everyone is fully healed, max spells are back, ect.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 190 posts
Sun 31 Jul 2022
at 18:01
  • msg #265

(IC) The Island: Beach

After a somewhat acceptable night of sleep, Kara awoke refreshed but also unready for the day. The cave was cool, but after being washed ashore and working to get established, she felt sticky and gross. She would be unable to deal with the day unless she did something about it.

With her clothes from the day before, she took a fresh set from her waterproof sack, along with a sponge and some soap. Keeper was already awake, and Seif was busy painting on the cave walls. Kamatar was still asleep, giving her an opportunity to get cleaned up. There was a place in the cave where water spilled from a seep in the wall into a pool. It wasn't good for bathing, but it was enough to rinse her hair. Placing her head under she rinsed out the seasalt and sand, and scrubbed her scalp with some soap. For the rest of her body, and her soled clothes she needed more water. Fortunately, there was a flow from the cave out to the sea. It wasn't deep enough for a full bath, but it was enough to use the sponge and the flow would wash away the dirty water.

Finding a spot still inside the cave mouth but not exposed to the outside, Kara knelt in the water, removed her top and placed it and her dirty clothes down stream, then used the sponge to wet and rinse her skin. Once sufficiently wet, she lathered in soap and then rinsed that away, then repeated. It felt so amazing to get that dirt off her, so she took the opportunity to rinse once more.

Being clean was as refreshing as the night of sleep. After her body was fully rinsed she used some soap to clean her clothes then shook them out. She dressed in fresh clothes before returning to the interior of the cave where she hung her wet laundry to dry.

"Good morning Keeper. Good morning Seif. I hope you both slept well."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 101 posts
Wed 3 Aug 2022
at 03:55
  • msg #266

(IC) The Island: Beach

It was a rough night for Kamatar, still troubled by the pain from the wounds that remained.
When he felt the magic closing his wounds, he'd awakened just enough to enjoy the sensation.
However, the siren call of sleep rapidly drew him into its reassuring depths, and he fully rested.

When his eyes opened, there was light and relief where there had been a struggle with pain and darkness.
His hands quickly gripped his weapons, while his head turned back and forth, quickly assessing the current situation.
Rising smoothly to sit up, he confirmed being free from the wounds he'd suffered before, which caused a momentary wave of confusion.
Looking around once more, he quickly located everyone and relaxed his grip on his weapons.

With an almost overly loud yawn he greeted the group. “Good morning everyone! Today is a beautiful day.
It's good to see that everyone is healthy and safe!”

He paused to stand up, before speaking even louder, “Someone was kind enough to heal me while I slept.
To that person, I say, THANK YOU! For everyone who kept us safe while we slept, I say, thank you.”

Briefly ducking his head to sniff his underarms, he recoiled with a repellent reaction saying,
“Gods above, I stink. Please forgive me if I offended anyone. I will immediately go and bathe. Excuse me.”

He quickly grabbed up his belongings and all but ran to wash himself with soap and the torn remains of his clothing.
From his backpack he recovered leather pants and a fresh linen shirt.

Looking and feeling almost like a new man, he rejoined the others inside the depths of the cave.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 195 posts
Sat 6 Aug 2022
at 06:04
  • msg #267

(IC) The Island: Beach

As Kara started to hang her wet clothes, Kamatar stood and wished everyone a good morning. He certainly looked better than he did the night before. It was clear someone performed some healing magic on him while everyone slept. She wondered if his bright demeanor was a side effect, or if he was just a morning person.

"Good morning Kamatar. I'm glad you're feeling better." She smiled a him.

After announcing his body odor, Kamatar went out to bathe. Kara turned to the other two companions. "Which of you healed Kamatar?" She suspected it was Seif, as Keeper had already done so during the conflict with the reptiles.

"Do you feel better now, Kamatar?" She asked when he returned from washing. "Now that we're all clean, we should decide what to do with the day."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 104 posts
Mon 8 Aug 2022
at 06:44
  • msg #268

(IC) The Island: Beach

“Yes, Kara and everyone else, I'm feeling much better. Thanks again to whoever healed me during the night. Makes me feel like we might have a better than good chance of staying alive here.” he said with an even wider smile.

Pondering Kara's last words he stood in thought for a moment and his smile faded before he replied, “Well unless anyone has a better idea, I think we need to find a regular source of food other than fish, and we should still attempt to find if there are more goods or people to be found further along the shoreline. I also suggest that if we find ourselves under attack from monsters that we head towards the water. Also, we should consider ourselves in danger from the moment we leave our cave until we return. There are simply too many things that want to eat us.”

Speaking to all the others he says, "More now than ever before, we only have each other to help us survive here. Kara said it yesterday, we have to trust each other. From today forward each of you can trust me to help you when I can."
GM, 313 posts
Wed 10 Aug 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #269

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin starts to paint, but its hard to tell if he is listening to the conversation. He whistles a goblin tune as he paints the wall and jumps up, holding the brush like a sword "Going out not wise. Nope nope. I can scout around. Not seen! Not even a wink. Going out in the open isn't smart. Not smart at all." He winks at Kara "Nope nope not me. I cannot reveal my tricks! Any day I wake up is a good day." He puffs his chest out and grabs his umbrella.

Keeper seems to be gather herbs scattered around. He listens to everyones views "I think the goblin has a valid point. Here we only have to worry about two ways for anyone to enter. Outside, well its not wise. Running towards the water could be valid but what lies within? I don't like it. I think we should remain here, see what we have in stock while Seif scouts the area. I don't like him going out alone but he's quick. Just my view. I want to be able to gather up herbs as well in case magic doesn't always work."
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 13:12, Thu 11 Aug 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 196 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 04:52
  • msg #270

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Well we can't stay in her forever." Kara complained. They were right, of course, but the idea of staying in the cave indefinitely made her feel claustrophobic. "We do have enough provisions for a few days, but sooner or later we will have to venture out. Are you suggesting Keeper that Seif go scout alone and you go out to gather herbs leaving me and Kamatar here?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 105 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 07:50
  • msg #271

(IC) The Island: Beach

After listening carefully to everyone else, Kamatar says. "I have to agree with Kara. We can't stay inside here forever.
On the other hand, both Seferiz and Keeper have proven to better at moving around undetected outside than either you or I Kara."

He paused to look over the group with a slight smile, "Staying inside for today anyway, isn't the worse idea,
I'd certainly enjoy the company and honestly, I'm not truly looking forward to another creature's attempt to make food out of me.
So, upon further consideration, I agree that Seferiz should go scouting and Keeper should go herb gathering."

He looks at Kara adding, "Besides, taking you outside this cave would put you in greater danger and that's not something your chosen
guardian and protector should do. Wouldn't you agree, Lady Kara?"

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 197 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 12:41
  • msg #272

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara's eye rolled as her shoulders dropped. Looking away, she huffed and stormed off, disappearing behind her privacy screen.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 106 posts
Thu 11 Aug 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #273

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kara Eldwyyn (msg # 272):

Moving over to the outside of Kara's privacy screen, Kamatar sat with his back to the 'wall' and spoke apologetically,
“I'm sorry, Kara, but they were right. They have abilities that neither of us do which give them a better chance of moving around
without being attacked. Besides, once they give us a better idea of what is around us, we can take that knowledge and
use it to move safer and smarter,"

He paused before continuing, “I also apologize for endangering us last night. I failed to understand how truly dangerous this place is
even after we lost Groxxuzuxl. I miss Grox already even though I feel that we'll see him again someday.”

Kamatar paused once more, turning to face towards the entrance to Kara's area. When he spoke again, he started with a sigh.
“Yes, I know that sometimes I sound like a lovesick idiot, other times I'm more orc brute than intelligent man. Believe it or not,
there are good reasons for why I do what I do. At least, I believe there are. I think I've talked enough, its time for me to listen.”

GM, 319 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #274

(IC) The Island: Beach

Before the goblin leaves he slowly goes to the half-orc but is stopped by the kitsune. Keeper nods his head and the goblin takes off.

The druid kneels down, watching Kam "Give her time. We have been through a lot. And we don't need a leader, Kamatar. We need a friend. I haven't live my life with one and it seemed you have taken the reigns but Kara doesn't seem to like it. Let her be alone, give her time my friend." He seems to be at peace despite what has occurred.

Some time later, a squeeky voice is hear above "You have to come up and see this! Its important! Yes yes. Important!"

Keeper looks up as he is gather what little herbs from the cave and he glances at Kam "Shall we?"
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 199 posts
Fri 12 Aug 2022
at 04:48
  • msg #275

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara was pouting in her cot when she heard Seif urging Keeper and Kamatar to follow. Apparently the goblin had found something important. No one had called her to join but she wasn't going to let them go off without her. She came out from around her privacy screen.

"Does that include me?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 108 posts
Sat 13 Aug 2022
at 07:41
  • msg #276

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar replied insistently as he moved to follow the others, bringing his weapons and some gear. "Of course, Kara, what is important to us is important to you too. Please, come join us."

Soon he joined the anthropomorphic fox and the goblin up and outside to see what they found.
GM, 322 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #277

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Yes yes. Everyone! Hurry!" The goblin yells out.

When everyone gets to the top of the cave, the goblin has his uumreblla out "Come on! Throught the trees!" He seems excited.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 201 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #278

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara came from around the screen. "I'm coming, but did you say through he trees? That sounds rather dangerous. Are you sure it's safe?" Kara, grabbed her weapons and followed along quickly.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 110 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2022
at 09:05
  • msg #279

(IC) The Island: Beach

As Kara joined the group, Kamatar replied, "I think it's going to be as dangerous as any trip made moving around here.
But we're together, so that should make us all a little safer. Please keep your eyes open and looking for trouble, Kara."

Keeping a step ahead of the witch, the half-orc moved as quickly and quietly as possible while marking their path,
so they could easily and quickly find their way back to their cave.
GM, 327 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2022
at 22:15
  • msg #280

(IC) The Island: Beach

After a few minutes they comes across a clearing that seems to be a watering hole. Standing there are two large massive looking beasts with two horns and what looks like almost like a shield is leaning down drinking. Two more creatures-looking like big creatures with frilled upon their heads are drinking as well! The goblin points and whispers "Big!" They are indeed huge!
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 114 posts
Mon 22 Aug 2022
at 23:06
  • msg #281

(IC) The Island: Beach

In silent awe, the half-orc archer stares down at the watering hole and the surrounding area trying to get a better understanding
of the size of the monsters.

In addition, Kamatar looks carefully to see if there are tracks from other, smaller animals near the watering hole
and any sign of birds or other flying creatures in the air nearby.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 22 using 1d20+8.  Perception.
15:45, Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 11 using 1d20+6.  Stealth.

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:46, Tue 23 Aug 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 206 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #282

(IC) The Island: Beach

As they edged up to the clearing, Kara gasped. The creatures drinking at the watering hole were like nothing she had ever seen or even heard of. Their sheer size made them magnificent, but they were also beautiful in their strangeness.
"They're amazing" Staying partially concealed behind Kamatar, she spoke softly to avoid spooking them. "Have you ever seen the like? I wonder what they are."

Unless someone did something to interrupt, Kara was happy to just stand there and gaze in wonder.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 23 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #283

(IC) The Island: Beach

" I feel big. But not big. Small? No no. I'm big." Sure. Whatever you want to believe Sef. He ducks down to hide, watching these huge beasts drinking "They are goin' tah see you." He could have just stayed here all alone with the beasts but no. Of course not.  They wouldn't have seen him at all!

15:45, Today: Seferiz Branng rolled 36 using 1d20+20 ((16)).
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 207 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 19:55
  • msg #284

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

"Oh" On Seif's warning, Kara crouched and moved behind a nearby bush. The crested one looked like a big duck, and the other was reminiscent of a cow in a way. Unless they were carnivorous, she doubted creatures so large would care about a bunch of tiny observers, but it was better to be safe than risk having them charge.

15:51, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 12 using 1d20+4.  Stealth

Kitsune Druid, 100 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 23 Aug 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #285

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

A small fox, that was obviously Keeper but for some reason acting very confused till the terror of very big dinosaurs straightened him ... and he dove under a leaf. Big enough to provide cover for a small fox. Frightened eyes looked back at the other party members.

OOC: I think it's good time to put myself here. :)
Keeper hides with the result of 27, cause foxes are Tiny. Yay.

22:03, Today: Keeper rolled 27 using 1d20+8.  Fox shaped Stealth.

GM, 331 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 14:13
  • msg #286

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

The horned creature seems to stare at Kara and Kam as it continues drinking. It doesn't look disturbed, probably from where they are attempting to hide. But perhaps it doesn't see them. Perhaps. It looks down at the water then goes over to some plants and starts to munch on them. Every so often it looks around then goes back to eating. The duck billed dinosaurs continue to drink. Of course one of them looks around as if sensing something then goes back to drinking. It seems relatively peaceful. The strange birds seen before move from tree to tree.
Kitsune Druid, 103 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 25 Aug 2022
at 16:35
  • msg #287

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper's panic only grew when he noticed smaller birds flying every wich way. It reminded him of a big predator stalking someone. He started looking around for a safer place to hide himself and his party. At least they were people, not wild animals out to eat his furry backside!

OOC: Keeper starts looking for a big enough trees, so Party can climb up to semi-safety, and for good ambush spots against the drinking dinos. Yes, he's just paranoid but as frightened Kitsune he have reasons to be.

18:31, Today: Keeper rolled 24 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 117 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 22:50
  • msg #288

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar whispers, "Good. The two large animals seem more interested in drinking and not being threatened than curious about us. Seferiz, did you find any other water or food nearby? Have you seen any signs of other people around? Also, do you think that we could use this water
hole sometimes?"

GM, 336 posts
Sat 27 Aug 2022
at 23:53
  • msg #289

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

As Kamarar speaks, Seif doesn't answer. He seems to be gone. Hard to tell where he went. One minute he is there but the next 'poof'. The druid does find a good sized tree still in fox form. The dinosaurs don't seem to really bother the group at least not yet.

The group can make Perception checks to try and see the goblin if you want. Or anything else.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:54, Sat 27 Aug 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 208 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #290

(IC) The Island: Beach

Still behind her cover, Kara continues to Marvel at the large creatures. "Well it seems not all of these creatures are ravenous predators. Would that not mean that people aren't the usual prey? If we could find a way to approach without spooking them, they could let us know when the dangerous ones are nearby. "

When Sief doesn't answer Kamatar, Kara starts looking around for the Goblin. "Now where did that little rascal get of to?"

4:43, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Perception.
Kitsune Druid, 109 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 20:04
  • msg #291

(IC) The Island: Beach

Little fox, still hiding a bit, narrowed his eyes at the maws of the drinking giant reptiles. Observing them, plant eaters or meat eaters? It is very important question that needs answer more than a goblin escaping.

OOC: Perception 20 and Knowledge(Nature) 27 checking his facts. With simple logic. Keeper should know difference between the teeth of carnivore and herbivore.

22:01, Today: Keeper rolled 27 using 1d20+9.  Knowledge(Nature).

22:01, Today: Keeper rolled 20 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 118 posts
Tue 30 Aug 2022
at 20:15
  • msg #292

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar whispers, "Maybe I'm overreacting but it seems to me every time I try to talk to Seferiz, he vanishes.
Given that he seems to be able to sneak up on me or anything else here, I'd think I'd have more to fear from him than he me.
But I don't understand how or what he thinks."

At this point, the half-orc takes a look around and sighs with resignation and a slight look of frustration.
He continues whispering, "Keeper? Keeper? Could you come back and talk to us? I'd appreciate your advice."

Looking to Kara he says, "I'm beginning to feel like an oursider again. Am I really that hard to talk to Kara?
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 209 posts
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 03:26
  • msg #293

(IC) The Island: Beach

Probably failing to find Sief, and with Keeper definitely hiding, Kara returns to observing the large beasts. Kamatar also seemed ot be haing a difficult time with Sief's disappearance and wondered out loud if it was him or something else.

"I don't think so, Kamatar. Sief just seems to dance to his own drummer. He's with us, but I'm not sure he sees himself as one of us yet. Keeper seems a bit different this morning for some reason. Anyway, don't take it personally, Kamatar. I don't think you're hard to talk to. "
Kitsune Druid, 111 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 31 Aug 2022
at 08:23
  • msg #294

(IC) The Island: Beach

Tiny fox slipped from under the thick wegetation near Kamatar and looked up at him with narrowed gaze. As if asking him about his inquiry. It almost seems as if the animal form of Keeper raised an eyebrow at him.
GM, 340 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 22:00
  • msg #295

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the group converses, no one sees or hears the goblin. But as one of the duckbilled creatures walks by and heads into the waterhole, a small green hand reaches up at it and touches its massive leg. But it pays little attention to it as its probably didn't feel it. The hand darts back down some 40' away.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 119 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2022
at 23:57
  • msg #296

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar notices Keeper looking up at him. With a grin he looks at Kara and then quietly points down to the fox
looking up at him. The half-orc archer looks back down into his eyes with a determinedly calm expression,
before his eyebrow raises back at the Keeper-fox. "I wanted to talk with you." he whispered just loud enough
to be heard by his companions, "Seferiz brought us out to see the big animals and the watering hole.
What I'd like to know is if there is a chance we could safely use it too."

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 210 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 03:39
  • msg #297

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I'm sure we can use it, if we can get to it safely." Kara looks around for any sign of more predatory type creatures.
Kitsune Druid, 112 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 19:56
  • msg #298

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper looked towards Kara, gazed at the very big animals, then looked back at her with very skeptical body language. Then turned back to Kamatar and started jipping, but whatever he spoke in fox was lost in lack of translation.

He then paused, slumped and hid his eyes under his paws for few minutes. Looking as if he wished to be swallowed by earth. He then uncurled and stood up, transforming back into his semi-humanoid shape.
"Apologies, I had a big scare involving lizard equivalent of hungry wolves ... followed by falling into a stream and back of my head kissing a rock. Everything is scrambled."

His voice sounded a bit different, like slightly changed accent?
"Waterways like this are relatively safe from wild animal attacks. If you are on your guard constantly and don't linger too long. Meat eaters love to ambush drinking animals. But we are lucky, I can summon water all day. Clean one, too. And if you help me by finding not-poisonous berries ... we will not worry for eating, too."

OOC: I had silly moment and had to find the color for my speech.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 211 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 20:15
  • msg #299

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looked skeptical. "How much water can you actually summon? I'm trying to figure out a way to pipe this water back to the cave."
Kitsune Druid, 113 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 2 Sep 2022
at 21:53
  • msg #300

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper counted things on his fingers, mumbling something incomprehensible, before nodding and speaking confidently to Kara.

"It's an orison. A bucket by ten breaths or so, with pauses to rest myself from chanting. And take unto consideration that if you redirect this water, animals will sniff it and follow. Including various meat-eaters."

OOC: Orisons and Cantrips are "at will" spell category in Pathfinder.

GM, 346 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 15:14
  • msg #301

(IC) The Island: Beach

The water begins to ripple as a massive creature comes out of the woods. It sinks its huge fangs into the back of the duck-billed creature. The other duck-billed creature takes off! The huge dinosaur with the two long portrusions plants itself and sstare at the big predator. All the flying creatures take off out of fear. Moving fast the goblin moves around the predator annd prey towards the group! It darts towards the group carrying his umbrella! The predator slams into the ground right after the goblin barely missing it! It clamps into the duck-billed creature moving back and forth like a cat ripping into a mouse!
Kitsune Druid, 115 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #302

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Hide, you fools!"

Keeper, eyes wide as saucers, whisper-shouts at his companions before following his own advice and transforming into a small fox again and hiding under the bushes. It would be better if his own shaking like a leaf didn't shook slightly the bushes.

OOC: Ugh, my Stealth is 13. Keeper proceeds to move back towards the beach and party's encampment while trying to stay hidden.
21:49, Today: Keeper rolled 13 using 1d20+8.  Fox shaped Stealth.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:01, Sun 04 Sept 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 213 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2022
at 23:17
  • msg #303

(IC) The Island: Beach

Upon seeing the predator jump out of the bushes and grab the duck-billed creature while it was drinking, Kara scrambled to find a place where she would not be seen. The nearest tree looked like a good place. It was frightening, but she was more concerned about there being a second predator than then one that already found a meal. She found it unlikely that it would abandon it's huge meaty prize in favor of a handful of scrawny people.

"They're amazing!" She peeked from around the tree trunk.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 121 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #304

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar attempted to move quietly and stay beneath the notice of any of the oversized creatures while keeping up with Kara.
Ducking (all puns intended) into any available foliage near Kara that might hide him from the massive predator, he also kept watch
for any other predators that might try to take them unaware.

It was soon obvious that while disturbed by the two huge creatures fighting for survival, he could do neither well.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 13 using 1d20+6.  Stealth.
Kamatar Fletch rolled 10 using 1d20+8.  Perception.

Whispering to Kara and Keeper Kamatar says, "I think we've been here as long as we dare. Lets make our way back to our cave.
Unless you have a better idea, Be certain to look out for anything that we might be able to use, people who need help,
or anything that might want to make a meal out of us."

Making certain that both Keeper and Kara are in agreement, Kamatar joined the others in quickly leaving the watering hole to head back to their cave.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:49, Thu 08 Sept 2022.
GM, 350 posts
Thu 8 Sep 2022
at 23:06
  • msg #305

(IC) The Island: Beach

The massive predator chumps down and turns to leave carry the defensive creature in its teeth. And the horned creature watches, perhaps unwilling to charge the beast immediatly but then snorts and watches. The goblin ducks and gets out of the way hdiding. The three-horned beast slams into the t-rex! It howls and drops the suropoded down onto its attackers back. It howls in pain as it rips into the beast who attacked it but gets a glancing blow and then hobbles off into the wilderness probably to nurse its wound. Seif peers up from behind Kara "That was amazing!" Soon the waterhole has just the three-horned beast goes back to drinking like nothing happened! Amazing! The other flying creatures come back, skittering around the dead duck-billed creature above not sure of the three-horned beast. All is caln, all is bright.

For now.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:12, Thu 08 Sept 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 121 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 18:31
  • msg #306

(IC) The Island: Beach

Small scared fox became slumped and scared fox-person.

"Can we come back to camp?"

Keeper whimpered pitifully to the rest of the party. Trying his best to give them wet kitty stare and wobbly lower jaw.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:58, Fri 09 Sept 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 216 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 19:10
  • msg #307

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara was still wide and amazed by the creatures. But her spell of fascination by the insistence from her teammates to return to the safety of the cave.

"Oh, very well. Let's go back. If we're lucky, that predator will be too injured to plague us for a long time."
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 24 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2022
at 19:31
  • msg #308

(IC) The Island: Beach

In a whisper voice, the goblin stares off into the distance. His eyes go wide and he goes almost still. Raising his hand up to his mouth, his voice comes out "Don't move. If you don't move it won't see you." Did he see someone? He's definatly not acting like he normally does.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 125 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2022
at 10:24
  • msg #309

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Seferiz Branng (msg # 308):

Kamatar immediately stopped and squatted in place, carefully looking around. He quickly
reached over to grab Kara and pull her into his lap.

"What do you see and where is it?" he whispered to the goblin.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 218 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2022
at 03:53
  • msg #310

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara covered her mouth to stifle a yelp. She did not expect to be yanked down. When Kamatar asked Seif what he saw, she also started looking around.
Kitsune Druid, 126 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 16 Sep 2022
at 08:29
  • msg #311

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper transformed back into a small fox and slowly crawled towards the others, again hiding under underbush and just peeking nervously.

OOC: Hide 18, Perception 27.

10:28, Today: Keeper rolled 27 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

10:28, Today: Keeper rolled 18 using 1d20+8.  Fox shaped Stealth

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 220 posts
Sat 17 Sep 2022
at 02:37
  • msg #312

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara continued peering in the direction Sief indicated

22:36, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  Perception
GM, 361 posts
Sat 17 Sep 2022
at 22:05
  • msg #313

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Sief remains still. No one sees anything. Then he runs off back probably towards the cave. Seems he is going to be a handful. Or a saving grace. But when the group gets to the cave, they noticed the makeshift gate is destroyed. Everything they left there is gone! Backpacks are gone as well as rations, basic supplies....all gone! Sief looks inside and sighs-he's got hurries over to where he slept and pulls out his brushes! Thank god! But it seems they were robbed. There is nothing left in the cave besides some bushes for healing herbs and the paint kit. And the water seeems to smell odd.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:14, Sun 18 Sept 2022.
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 25 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 18:14
  • msg #314

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin stares at the ground and kicks a rock there. He puffs out his chest, grabs his umbrella and stares at the group "I'm gonna get our stuff back!"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 126 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 19:04
  • msg #315

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar sighed, a sound of frustration and some anger, "Well now we know that there's someone smart enough
to make use of our tools out here. Otherwise, this theft makes no sense. Maybe Keeper should help you, Seferiz,
I'm sure he could follow their scent."

This message was last edited by the player at 19:06, Sun 18 Sept 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 128 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 18 Sep 2022
at 19:07
  • msg #316

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

The fox transformed back into a fox-person and gave the goblin a loathing filled glare, then Keeper turned around to his companions and took a deep calming breaths several times.

"Any of you can track?"
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 225 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 05:14
  • msg #317

(IC) The Island: Beach

When they entered the cave, the place had been cleaned out. Everything was taken except for some of Kara's wardrobe. "No! By all the Gods! How could this have happened?" She ran out into the middle of the cave and turned in slow circles, looking at the empty space. "Why would anyone do this?"

"It's not fair. If there are other survivors, why wouldn't they come join us? This is just... just...." After a few turns she collapsed to her knees and wept.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 128 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 07:49
  • msg #318

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kara Eldwyyn (msg # 317):

Kamatar looked to Keeper and replied, "No, I cannot and I don't believe Kara can either."

After taking his own calming breath, he knelt beside Kara and gently pulled her into a reassuring embrace, saying softly,
"My Enchantress, the good news is that now we know that there are others who use tools here. They probably took what
they thought they'd need out of desperation and ran away."

After that, he simply held her close until she finished crying.
Kitsune Druid, 131 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 18:07
  • msg #319

(IC) The Island: Beach

"They condemned us to death with that act. Because they couldn't knew that I am a druid. And they stole my holy symbol. If they desecrated it ..."

Kitsune's face morphed into snarl, that looked very dangerous on a human but on bestial face of a fox-person it looked positively lethal.

"Kamatar, they waited till we leave to steal from us. It is malicious intent. Desperate person would first ask. I consider Kara and you to be my friends. We survived the crash together, and even if I poorly remember that ... I treat my bonds seriously. Both friendships and enmities."

He spoke solemnly before going to Kara and trying to console the woman. Babbling a little that she can curse them all to die trough wolf-like lizards that chased Keeper earlier.

OOC: I personally detest thievery. Whoever robbed our characters blind? It was pure, undiluted malice. I'm just glad they were only a little evil instead of slitting our throats while we slept even if normally such actions would lead to our deaths anyway.

Keeper may try to track them trough scent in his fox form, but ... it'll be very dangerous. VERY.

Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 26 posts
Wed 21 Sep 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #320

(IC) The Island: Beach

Biting his lip, the goblin puffs his chest out "Maybe they need it to survive, ever think of that? But its not theres. I want it back because I promised Kara but maybe they aren't malicious?" A gobin being the source of reason? Probably the smartest thing he's said.

And he'll be ignored.

Least he has his umbrella and his weapons. He twirls the umbrella up over his head and puffs it out, letting it leans on his back. Weird Seif.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 129 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 00:50
  • msg #321

(IC) The Island: Beach

While still holding Kara in his arms, he listens to Keeper and Seferiz, occasionally whispering reassuring words
to the witch in his embrace.

After listening to Seferiz's words, he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before speaking to all,
"Keeper, we cannot truly know the intent of those who have taken from us. Being that we've seen no sign of them before,
I doubt that this theft was planned. It feels to me like someone stumbled upon our cave after we left,
took what we left behind, and ran away."

He paused for a moment, letting out a growl before continuing to speak, "Don't think that I'm not angry.
My blood calls for vengeance, my heart calls for justice, but my mind knows that this place could drive anyone
to take what they can use, no matter where they might find it."

"We need our belongings back, we also need to find out more about those who have taken them. Keeper, Kara, Seferiz,
we should go now to find what is ours and those who have taken from us. You and Seferiz should lead the way.
Can you follow their scent, Keeper?"

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 226 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #322

(IC) The Island: Beach

Tapping Kamatar's chest, Kara indicated that she would be fine. She shook er head and looked at Seif. "No, dear Sief. No matter how you paint this, it was an act of malice. Desperation is never an excuse for such a violation. Stealing our supplies, the supplies we need to survive, means they didn't care if we suffered. It's not like they only took some of things. They took everything, not caring if we didn't survive as a result of their selfish act. They may not be evil, but their act was wicked and cruel. When we find them, I will not treat them like friends."

She looked up at Kamatar. "I agree with Kamatar. Justice must be served."
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 27 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #323

(IC) The Island: Beach

"See? Seif do this. Seif do that. I'm tired of getting bullied an' thats what you do! So back off Kamatar! You hear me? Back off!" The goblin seems to get more upset. He waves both his hands up, dropping his umbrella "See? I ttry to make a point but it gets ignored." He crosses his arms over his chest <greem>"Hey my stuff got stolen too. Not just yours. And I didn't say that Kara. Stop putting words out there I didn't say. We need to find them but...nevermind. No one will listen to Sief. No one. Maybe they think we died. Or or...nevermind. Not listening."</green> He sighs and sits down on a large rock, back to the others and expecting someone to attack him. Everyone goes after the goblin. Why not? He reaches down and grabs a paint brush that still has some dye on it and stares at it.

"What if we put pictures outside? Yeah I know dumb idea. But could work. An' desper desper...what she said could be a good reason. And not saying anyone has to treat them like friends Kara. Not at all, nope. But if we find out why they took the gear...." Seif looks at them and stands up. He slowly walks towards Kara and offers his hand "Sorry. Don't hurt me okay? Trying to help an' I don't like yelling." He lowers his head and sighs.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 228 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 04:42
  • msg #324

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Sief, no one is yelling at you and no one is bullying you. We just disagree on this." After a pat on Kamatar's shoulder, Kara got up off his lap and went over to where her room was to sort through what was left. It was mostly clothes. "Well, apparently these thieves are all men. If there was a woman among them, they would have taken these too, even if they didn't quite fit. A human woman anyway." She turned to look at the other three.

"We really weren't gone that long. And in that time, these scoundrels found our cave and carried everything away. You may be on to something Sief. If there were scary paintings or warnings on the walls outside maybe it would have given them pause. It's worth trying, but after we chase them down and get our things back. We should be prepared that they won't willingly return them."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 131 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 08:10
  • msg #325

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Seferiz Branng (msg # 323):

Kamatar growls softly while closing his eyes, his whole body tenses in anger for a long moment. When his eyes open again,
he lets out a long breath and shakes his body, from his head to his feet. When he finishes, he looks to Seferiz,
"I'm angry Seferiz. I'm angry because our belongings that we need to survive were stolen. I told you what I think we should do,
Seferiz. I'm trying to work together to regain all of our stolen belongings and food."

The half-orc closed his eyes and took a deep breath, when he opened his eyes again, he was almost coldly calm,
"I cannot bully you, Seferiz. If you don't want to be found, I can't find you. I wouldn't even try. I did hear your point and I agree.
We have two goals now. First to find who took our belongings and get them back. Second, to learn why.
I am not going to immediately try to kill someone for taking my belongings, even if I might be justified in doing so.
I'm willing to listen to anyone with a better idea on how to succeed in those goals. But if no one has a better idea,
then I expect Kara and Keeper at least to follow my plan."

When he finished speaking, he looked to the others for their response, while gathering his few remaining items.
Kitsune Druid, 133 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 08:30
  • msg #326

(IC) The Island: Beach

Before talking to his friends Keeper needed few minutes spent on calming breath exercises.

"Seif. Of all of you I am the least endangered thanks to druidic arts.

 Do you want to know what would happen if I couldn't invoke druidic arts? We all would starve to death without our food. And while I don't see a problem with harming those who did us harm, am not blind enough to not let people talky folks like Kamatar to lead when dealing with other people.

 But from what I see it wasn't an act of desperation. They didn't stole just food, they took everything they saw as valuable. It means calm mind while pilfering and selecting.

 I can only promise you one thing, Seif. I will be ready to defend myself or you lot, but will not attack first.

 I think Kamatar is best suited with talking with these ... people, because now I'm too angry.
 They took my holy symbol, a precious gift from my respected mentor!

Afterwards he looked everyone present in the eyes before speaking again. Visibly steeling himself to act.

"Apologies, my friends. I am rattled and lacking composure right now. In my fox form I could try tracking them, but first will need to sample scent of all of you to find the different not-us scents. Am not a ranger, it will take my utmost focus to even try. Will rely on you to watch my back so hungry lizard doesn't eat me alive."

Then he transformed into a small fox, took another deep breath to calm down, and began sniffing around the cave ... starting with taking a good smell sample of everyone. Deliberately making gagging noises with Kamatar and Seferiz. Then combining looking at people's tracks and sniffing around he began tracking.

OOC: Survival check to track 24, yoo hoo!
10:29, Today: Keeper rolled 24 using 1d20+8.  survival to track.

GM, 372 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 10:06
  • msg #327

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin goes over to the rock once more and sits down, staring at the paint brush and his view on things seems to be ignored. Everyone seems to want to kill everyone else. he listens to the others view, especially Kara who seems to be getting bloodthirsty. And the fact that Kam expects everyone to do as told, ignoring the goblin. Everyone just ignores the goblin. Good and bad.

With a quick shapeshift, the druid turns into a fox and sniffs everyone. So much stuff to process, to feel out. New world, new place. For a moment, Keeper sniffs around the room and gets a feel of it. But the druid doesn't really feel any of them makes sense now knowing everyones scent factor. After getting near the 'makeshif door' he seems to smell something. Something different, not really like the goblin or the half-orc. Just different. And the kitsune stares out of the inner cave, towards the main entrance.

OOC: Make a Perception Check

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:18, Thu 22 Sept 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 230 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 17:54
  • msg #328

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Exactly, Keeper. This wasn't desperation." She raised a finger. "We've only been here a day. At best it's opportunism, and at worst outright malice. And we weren't gone all that long. They might very well have been waiting nearby for us to leave. I'm not going to attack first, but I will be ready."

13:53, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 19 using 1d20+6.  Perception
Kitsune Druid, 135 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 22 Sep 2022
at 19:23
  • msg #329

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper transformed his head back to fox-person, smiled at Kara, and spoke softly.
"I also normally am not so angry. But encounter of these strange lizards, running for my life from a pack-hunting group of wolf-acting lizards who were nimble like monkeys? People's malice on top of that is little too much. I found a scent, please watch over my bacon as I try tracking."

His head transformed back into fox's and he began looking around, and checking the tracks.

OOC: Perception 19. Keeper, of course, fully transformed to talk to Kara. I just made it funnier with flavor description.
21:17, Today: Keeper rolled 19 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 132 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 07:27
  • msg #330

(IC) The Island: Beach

After he finished gathering the remains of his gear, Kamatar addressed the goblin, "Seferiz, I'm asking for your advice,
for your thoughts on our current situation, your plan. What do you think we should do?"
With that said, he sits beside
Kara and looks expectantly at the goblin. "What are YOU willing to do to get our food and equipment back?
What do YOU want us to do about the theft of our belongings? "

While waiting for the goblin's answer, he calmly added, "By the way Seferiz, calling orc-kindred bullies is not going to stop most
of us from bullying. I fight the instinct to dominate everyone around me all the time. If you think I'm bullying you,
then do what Kara does, tell me what I'm doing wrong, ask me to stop, and give me a better choice."

This message was last edited by the player at 07:46, Fri 23 Sept 2022.
GM, 380 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 13:31
  • msg #331

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Seems you are in charge. So why does it matter my plan when everyone will do what you want? That's unfair." The goblin stops realizing he's going against 'authority' apparently. But instead of stopping the arguement he goes with it "Everyone bullies me! It has nothing to do with you. Does it matter what you did wrong anyways?" Seif bites his lip "I'm not afraid! So you better back off! I'm not like Keeper who does as you want! Or Kara that acts all pretty towards you! I'm just a goblin that everyone ignores until until they need something! Who cares if I get hurt! Think it matters to anyone here? You'd leave me behind." Seif looks up at the burly half-orc and walks up to him. For some odd reason Sief doesn't seem to be afraid. He puts his hands up "I want to be your friend. But I expect to be treated like one. Not ordered around. You need to show some respect!" Whatever brought this one? He expects to be berated, and possibly killed but unlike most goblins he will look at the ones doing it and knows what he did was right.

Catching his attention, the goblin follows the fox and gets down on all fours. He just watches for a moment and glances at the others.

The ground seems to shake a bit then goes silent. And the water in the pool begins to move slightly. Another shakes. Another move in the water.

"That ain't good right?" The bard gulps.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:56, Fri 23 Sept 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 137 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Fri 23 Sep 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #332

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Something big, no shouting. Big lizard can kill us as easily as pack of small ones."

Kitsune transformed briefly back to speak quietly to the party, before shrinking into a fox again and hiding under the leaves to the right.

OOC: Nooo! Only 23 Stealth.

19:40, Today: Keeper rolled 23 using 1d20+8.  Fox shaped Stealth.

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:09, Mon 26 Sept 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 133 posts
Mon 26 Sep 2022
at 07:51
  • msg #333

(IC) The Island: Beach

Turning his attention towards the source of the Kamatar whispered to Kara,"Unless you object My Enchantress,
I will carry you deeper into our cave where we can be safer from whatever that is outside. Lets go."

Unless she speaks or shows other signs of resistance, Kamatar will immediately pick up the Kara and attempt to quietly carry
her deeper into the cave, following through on his word.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 235 posts
Mon 26 Sep 2022
at 14:25
  • msg #334

(IC) The Island: Beach

At the sudden rumble, Kara looked around as if she could see the source or maybe see that the ceiling was going remain above. When it came again, she took a step back.

"Yes, I object, Kamatar." She put a halting hand on his chest. "If I wanted to hide, I'm perfectly capable all on my own. But nothing that big is getting in here, so let's not panic just yet, shall we? Instead, maybe we should investigate."
GM, 385 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #335

(IC) The Island: Beach

Of course the half-orc ignores the goblin Seif doesn't stay inside or maybe he did-man he can hide but he watches Kara push Kam back. Lovers quarrel. Keeper curls up in a ball trying to hide. Maybe that's what the goblin intends on. Hard to tell. Everyone seems to ignored him unless a fight breaks out or if he does something stupid, and even afterwards-he gets ignored. Or laughed at. And when he tries to make a point-it seems to be ignored. So why bother? Maybe he should go off on his own.

The druid seems definatly afraid of well everything. He jumps just as the ground shakes in the area seeming to get closer. Whatever happened to the goblin remains unknown. Shivering, Keeper looks up at the big hole above.

Maybe it can get through it! The wide eyed fox druid stares up at it looking petrified.






It sounds like its right outside the cave!


It echoes through the cave, bits of debree fall to the ground.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 134 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2022
at 07:17
  • msg #336

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kara Eldwyyn (msg # 334):

Kamatar nods to both the goblin and Kara, falling silent and squatting in place, as they were already about as deep inside the cave as they could be.

He looked towards the source of the booming and readied an arrow in his bow, his face becoming expressionless.

When the creature roared just outside the cave, Kamatar maintained his squat and took aim at its eye if visible.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 239 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2022
at 17:52
  • msg #337

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

There was no way they they were going to see anything from so deep in the cave and whatever is was was too big to get in. But to learn about this place and the creatures that lived there, she felt they should try to see the beast outside. Kamatar had squatted in place and aimed at the entrance, but Kara didn't feel like anything would appear there.

"Kamatar", let's get a look. She tapped Kamatar on the shoulder, then carefully crept forward until she could see out.
GM, 389 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #338

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

As much as the goblin wants to see the half-orc get splattered by the huge dinosaur (well he's a goblin) Seif realizes its Kara pushing him along and that's not good either! He pops out from behind some rocks near the door and throws his hands up "No go out there! Not smart at all. I'll go first. That creature won't seem me." Well hopefully. Between able to go invisible and being all sneaky. Course he didn't expect them to listen anyways.

Everyone knows its coming from outside but the cave roof shakes a bit and some dirt and debree fall down. Sief's eyes go wide and he points up.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:22, Thu 06 Oct 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 143 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 6 Oct 2022
at 21:12
  • msg #339

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

"Seif, it certainly can smell you and it sounds angry. Please don't go. It'll leave soon enough ... I hope."

Scared expression on the face of humanoid fox-person told it all.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 240 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #340

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara edged nervously to the front of the cave until Sief warned her off. He volunteered to go because he could hide better. But then Keeper warned that the monster outside might be able to smell him. Kara's curiosity was bigger than her fear. "I don't know animals as well you do Keeper, but I suspect a bear wouldn't waste his time on a butterfly. Especially if it was just the scent. Sief, it's up to you, but If you don't look, I will."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 136 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 06:21
  • msg #341

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kara Eldwyyn (msg # 340):

Kamatar swiftly put a firm hand on Kara's shoulder, preventing her from going further. Looking into her eyes, he spoke words of caution.
"First, we can be sure that the animal making that noise isn't any regular animal we've seen before. Second, it doesn't make sense to walk out to meet a predator when you know that the predators here are giant sized and usually hungry. Third, your assumption about what might try to eat you or not because of your size does not consider how hungry or aggressive that monster might be."

With a slightly apologetic smile, he holds Kara by both shoulders and adds, "I don't want to lose you to some monster. Don't you think we've seen enough by now, my Enchantress?"
Kitsune Druid, 147 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 08:31
  • msg #342

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper only nodded his head, not wanting any of his new friends getting eaten by hungry predator.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 242 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 08:47
  • msg #343

(IC) The Island: Beach

She probably should have predicted that Kamatar would prevent her from going outside, but she felt burst of righteous ire when his halting hands gripped her shoulders. Her rage fizzled almost as soon as it began, however, when she realized her was right.

"You're right." She conceded. "There's no reason for anyone to go out there. Whatever that is can go unseen for now. We know what it sounds like and it cannot move without shaking the ground. We should let it pass, then go after the thieves."
GM, 392 posts
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 14:31
  • msg #344

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Fourth! Stop assuming anything." The goblin chines in. But as soon as he does, he claps a hand around his mouth. Great. Now he's sticking up for himself against something a lot bigger then him. Lovely. Good way to make friends.

Rocks from above start to fall down. Seif puts up his umbrella out of instinct. Sure that will help. Probably not.

The roar outside gets louder and louder as the massive creature can be seen from below through the hole. It looks down into the hole, sending out another roar. The cave above seems to slightly shift probably due to its massive weight. After a few minutes, the creature seems to move off away from the cave and it sounds like its heading back to the forest. But as it moves off, it seems to be limping. Probably due to the three-horned beast attack.

"Let's go find our stuff. Least we can agree on that right?" Sief seems to be a bit aggrivated. He jumps up on the rock, umbrella over his shoulder unfurled and looks like a little kid.
Kitsune Druid, 148 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 10 Oct 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #345

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper was so relieved that he smiled and nodded to the goblin, before slumping a little. And grumbling something under his breath.

OOC: Anyone evasdroping can hear words in Kitsune language. Let's assume it sounds like Japanese.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 137 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 19:09
  • msg #346

(IC) The Island: Beach

Looking around at all the others as the echoes of the huge beasts passing fade, Kamatar observers,
”So we are in agreement that we'll carefully go after the thieves who took our belongings. Good.”
He pauses to look at both Seferiz and Keeper, "I'm suggesting that those of us who can move the most quietly
and possibly track the trail of our thieves, go first, with the rest of us following behind. Does everyone agree with this?”

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 243 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #347

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Let me translate that suggestion. You two lead. Kamatar and I will follow because we're likely to muck it up if we go first."
Kitsune Druid, 149 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 12 Oct 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #348

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper nods.

"And please keep watch, look up at trees and around us as well. I'm not a good tracker, so I won't be able to see if some hungry animal readies to jump on me."

With that said, Kitsune transformed into a small fox and begun sniffing after scent he found earlier. Before the great predator terrorized them all.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 138 posts
Wed 12 Oct 2022
at 06:58
  • msg #349

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara Eldwyyn:
”Let me translate that suggestion. You two lead. Kamatar and I will follow because we're likely to muck it up if we go first.”

Kamatar looks to Kara, his left eyebrow raised as Kara asserts their ability to 'muck it up' if they go first.
With a slight chastising tone to his voice he comments, “Milady of spells, I'll accept your assessment of our lack of skill
in stealth and tracking compared to our companions. But also trust that I will do my best to avoid 'mucking it up' whenever possible.”

He concludes with a grin.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 244 posts
Wed 12 Oct 2022
at 22:09
  • msg #350

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara giggled at Kamatar's almost indignant response. "Oh please lighten up, Kamatar. I was kidding. But also trying to be more precise. It's good to recognize our friends' superior skills. Also, we're taller so we can be overwatch as they focus on the task of finding the scoundrels who stole our supplies."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 139 posts
Wed 12 Oct 2022
at 22:26
  • msg #351

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kara Eldwyyn (msg # 350):

Kamatar briefly puts his hands on Kara's shoulders while continuing to grin down at her, “Fair enough, but who is going to watch over us?
Maybe your winged companion, Shandar? I think he's the only one of us capable of doing that.”

Letting her go but taking up position close to her side, the half-orc follows behind the goblin and kitsune, while making certain to keep track of Kara's presence and a watchful eye on their surroundings.
GM, 393 posts
Sun 16 Oct 2022
at 20:05
  • msg #352

(IC) The Island: Beach

The goblin stands there looking rather dumbfounded and decides to get into what Kam is doing but does it badly as he doesn't know what flirting is! He looks at Keeper "Seriously? Do that always act like that? Not sure what its called. I'll try." He musters up some courage, goes to take Kara's hand in his two well being a goblin getting between the half-orc and human. Oddly he doesn't back away unless Kam goes to clock him "Echantries? Or Echanter or...whater he said. Miss Kara? I have exceptional skill in causing mayhem. That is what its called? Or making people blush? That works. I can make people laugh! Keeper know that!" Seif grins broadly "I will fetch yer belongs and stop the ones who took them. You have my word." He bows.

Keeper sniffs the area and starts to head outside "Wait for us! Come on!"

Outside if everyone follows, its still daytime. There doesn't seem to be any sight of the dinosaurs but that doesn't mean they are hiding. The druid keeps sniffing the area, going further down the beach past the cave. Sief glances around "I'll shoot up ahead in the woods alright?" He then dissapears into the foliage.

Everyone make a Survival check and Perception Check if you'd like!

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 246 posts
Sun 16 Oct 2022
at 20:17
  • msg #353

(IC) The Island: Beach

When Sief took her hands and vowed to use his skills to fetch their belongings, Kara blushed and giggled. "Fair Sief, I thank you and your noble heart." She leaned over and kissed his forehead. "You are a most valiant warrior."

She follows along as they discussed.

16:16, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 16 using 1d20+1.  Survival.

16:15, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 18 using 1d20+6.  Perception.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:18, Sun 16 Oct 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 141 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #354

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar's left eyebrow raised when Seferiz took Kara's hand and began to emulate Kamatar's own style of romantic
overtures towards the blushing witch. He held his peace, largely still keeping an eye on their surroundings, while not doing
anything to interfere with the goblin's verbal efforts.

When Seferiz went ahead into the foliage, Kamatar softly whispered to Kara, “I must admit to some envy of your new favorite,
given the favors you have blessed him with already.”
He paused before continuing with an overplayed wounded expression,
“I didn't think I'd fallen so much out of your favor, that I've become unworthy of your touch.”
Resting one hand on her shoulder and lowing his head to beside hers, he spoke gently into her ear, “What should I do to regain
favor as your champion, Milady?”

Kamatar Fletch rolled 11 using 1d20+8.  Perception check.
Kamatar Fletch rolled 21 using 1d20+3.  Survival check.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:53, Mon 17 Oct 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 152 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 06:32
  • msg #355

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper just gave the flirting duo a exasperated stare, before returning to his tracking attempts. Wich seemed to go not so well ...

OOC: Perception 12, Survival 13. For some arcane reasons my Surivval +8 check shown as another Perception check, I'm just leaving it for a dice roll. Just in case, Perception have +10 check bonus and Survival have +8 check bonus.

08:29, Today: Keeper rolled 15 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

08:28, Today: Keeper rolled 12 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:15, Mon 17 Oct 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 248 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2022
at 09:00
  • msg #356

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kamatar Fletch (msg # 354):

Kara smirked at Kamatar's response. By his exaggerated display, she first thought he was joking. But when he whispered for a chance at redemption, she thought that maybe he really was jealous. It seemed rather silly, but she didn't want to jump to any conclusions. As far as she knew, the goblin's overtures were meant in jest, to which she played along. But was it possible, Sief was serious? And what of Kamatar's reaction? Was he serious or also playing at feeling stung? Given all the circumstances, it really wasn't the time for romance, but men often found any occasion to be appropriate.

"No need to worry, Kamatar." She kissed his cheek. "You're doing fine. Now pay attention so we don't get gobbled up"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 143 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 00:09
  • msg #357

(IC) The Island: Beach

Immediately after the kiss on his cheek, the half-orc's expression changed to a broad grin and he nodded as if he'd
received confirmation of some idea. “Thank you, my Enchantress! I am heartened by your proof that your faith in me has not dimmed.”
he said in a voice that was both heartfelt and playful.

“Believe me Kara, despite my banter, I'm seriously attempting to pay attention to everything around us. Food is becoming a growing concern
for me both in wanting to eat and in not wanting to be eaten.”
As they kept moving forward he resumed his natural height.
With an amused tone he added, “Truthfully, I don't mind if Seferiz wants to try to court you as I do. I find his attempts at imitation to be entertaining.”
He paused with a smile while continuing to scan their surrounding area.
GM, 400 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #358

(IC) The Island: Beach

Before Sief leaves after the kiss, he turns back to see Kam gets his own. Grumbling, the bard storms into the wilderness. No one finds anything odd on the beach but when Kam gets closer to the forest, he finds a ripped piece of clothing and a ripped up ration pack. As the witch comes over she points out it looks like someone or something passed into the woods other then the bard of course.
Kitsune Druid, 155 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 19 Oct 2022
at 05:22
  • msg #359

(IC) The Island: Beach

The fox person leads the way forwards, after pausing for a moment to observe the ripped food ration. And stamp his little fox feet angrily upon seeing it.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 253 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2022
at 13:32
  • msg #360

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara shook her head at Kamatar's magnanimous acceptance of Seif's attempts at courtship. She wanted to call it absurd, but that didn't seem like the right word for it. Given that her focus was on the trail, she couldn't decide how she felt about it other than it felt bizarre.

"What makes you think i want to be courted at all? I swear-" She cut her statement short when Kamatar discovered the torn clothing and ration package. "It seems we are on the right trail. The scoundrels left my spare clothes behind, so I expect it was from one of them."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 147 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #361

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar frowned as he examined the remains of the ration package and the clothing, then turned to the others, speaking softly, "I think we are getting closer to our thieves. I can imagine several reasons for leaving the torn clothing behind, I hope it doesn't mean that they were found by something else before we find them. Also, I suggest we speak softly so we don't give ourselves away."

He paused to look at Kara with a sad expression, then quickly regained his quiet, focussed look as he prepared to move forward. "Lets go!"
Kitsune Druid, 161 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 12:26
  • msg #362

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kepeer stared judgingly on his companions. Then made a jip and pointed with his nose where they are to go.

OOC: I think I forgot to make a move on imput, apologies.

GM, 411 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 13:46
  • msg #363

(IC) The Island: Beach

As Kara grabs the cloth, the bottom of it is covered in a thick substance. Blood. Same as the ration pack! Keeper points towards the woods, probably having the scent of something or someone. The bard doesn't 'reappear'.

Perception and Survival checks please.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:25, Sun 23 Oct 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 264 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2022
at 20:01
  • msg #364

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Noticing the blood, Kara shows the new evidence to Kamatar, her eyebrows raised high. It wasn't a good sign.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 150 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 03:52
  • msg #365

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Kara Eldwyyn (msg # 364):

Kamatar nods grimly while looking at the blood on the ration pack and the cloth. "Let's be careful, quiet and attentive while we move on. I don't want to lose either Seferiz or Keeper by being too far behind them." he noted quietly as he encouraged her to keep moving.
Kitsune Druid, 162 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 24 Oct 2022
at 07:29
  • msg #366

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper sniffed the blood, to check if it was a familiar enough scent and squinted again at the footsteps. Checking the scent marks as well while following the trail.

OOC: Survival 25, Perception 20. Nice rolls. :)

09:28, Today: Keeper rolled 25 using 1d20+8.  survival check.

09:27, Today: Keeper rolled 20 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 151 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2022
at 08:23
  • msg #367

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar looked over the remains of the ration pack and the clothing once more, paying close attention before moving on…

Kamatar Fletch rolled 27 using 1d20+8.  Perception roll
Kamatar Fletch rolled 19 using 1d20+3.  Survival roll

GM, 416 posts
Sun 30 Oct 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #368

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

The forest seems pretty peaceful. Keeper can easily lead the group into the thick of it, and pieces of clothing becomes visible. A backpack leans against a tree. Both Keeper and Kam noticed one of the vines creeping against the ground near it and it stops. It has several flowers near the backpack and hard to tell if anything is around. Probably not which is a good thing!
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:19, Sun 30 Oct 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 152 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #369

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar slows to a stop and makes certain to point out the vines near the backpack leaning against the tree. "I think that those vines are probably part of some kind of living trap. We should either avoid the backpack and the vines and flowers or if someone is going to insist on retrieving the backpack, they should use some kind of long stick."

With that said, Kamatar looks around the nearby foliage for a long fallen branch or, failing that, a good long tree limb that he can cut off to create a makeshift 10' pole.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:00, Mon 31 Oct 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 269 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 02:16
  • msg #370

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara nodded. "Yes, you're right. But I'd be interested to understand how this trap works and who would have set it. Is it not possible that these vines are just a predator, and the backpack is all that remains of the last victim? Either way, yes. we should retrieve the pack in a safe manner."
Kitsune Druid, 163 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 31 Oct 2022
at 07:17
  • msg #371

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper transformed back into a mortal form, and spoke.

"I learned of meat-eating plants, like ones called assassin vines that attack the unwary. Kara is right, but we can either fight that vine after checking it's mobile and dangerous or use rope ... if we have one. I am not sure it is one, but with ancient lizards running around? Those things grow in jungles."

One fearful glance was given to all the surrounding greenery.

OOC: Perception 29 and Knowledge(Nature) 26 to make sure it isn't a carnivorous plant. If it is Keeper will warn others without hesitation.

19:15, Today: Keeper rolled 26 using 1d20+9.  Knowledge(Nature).

19:14, Today: Keeper rolled 29 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:17, Mon 31 Oct 2022.
GM, 425 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 14:16
  • msg #372

(IC) The Island: Beach

The druid is pretty sure its alive and some sort of assassin vine but it slides into the forest near the tree and backpack. If it is, it probably knows where the group is. Of course Keeper knows this. Still the flowers upon the tree seem peaceful and calm. From here its hard to tell who had it, why it was left behind. There's a lot of trees as well. Nothing seems to make any sudden moves and the backpack remains near a tree. The ground is full of weeds, vines and other unknown substances. It looks normal and there's dirt and mud as well. But the group gets a feeling they are being watches. Really close....

Very close.

And Sief pops up between the monk and witch. He goes to take her hand "Don't like it here. Not sure why but I don't."
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:23, Wed 02 Nov 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 279 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 14:29
  • msg #373

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara looks down at Sief, wondering what he was on about. When he said they should go, she nodded.

"I agree. That backpack isn't one of ours so it's not worth the risk to try and get it. Let's move on."
Kitsune Druid, 166 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 2 Nov 2022
at 18:01
  • msg #374

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I am almost sure it's a variant of meat-hunting constrictor vine. Gimmie a moment to keep on track."

Keeper nodded, agreeing with the cautious party members before walking under a bush and emerging as a fox again, ready to track and lead them to the thieves.

OOC: 26 Survival to follow the tracks of said thieves. By scent as transformed into small, and hopefully unapettizing looking, fox.

19:00, Today: Keeper rolled 26 using 1d20+9.  survival check.

GM, 435 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 15:55
  • msg #375

(IC) The Island: Beach

Unfortunatly the 'tracks' so to speak its hard to tell which way but probably in the direction of the backpack. Makes sense. There seems to be oddly a roughed up area near the backpack, as Keeper keeps his distance. at least 40 feet. It seems rather odd with the backpack. Maybe it was dropped down and there is nothing to fear. Stopping in its tracks, Keeper gets a different wiff. Lavender. Its more of a pungent smell but not bad. It leads around the backpack tree. As the fox looks up in the tree it spots something where the backpack lies but can't make it out with all the foliage, trees, branches and whatnot. But it doesn't seem to really move.

Sief looks up at Kara "Doesn't hurt to grab it right? Taking it doesn't hurt and we might need it...." He leans on his umbrella for a moment and taps his rapier. Sitting down, he ponders what to do "I could try an' grab it."
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 288 posts
Fri 4 Nov 2022
at 20:38
  • msg #376

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I think that would be too dangerous, Sief. We don't know what's between here and there. And I worry about that moving vine." Kara looks at her Hawk. "Shandar, go scout by that backpack. If it looks clear to get closer, come sit on my left shoulder. If it's dangerous, come back to my right."
GM, 441 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 23:18
  • msg #377

(IC) The Island: Beach

The bird flies over and scouts.

Nothing. It flies down and lands on the backpack.

Still nothing.

Frustrated with everyone trying to figure out what to do and he told them he would do it, the goblin reaches up towards the backpack and mutters something in Draconic. It starts to move towards the group.

Nothing happens. Nothing creeps up. Nothing attacks it. The bird flies off and lands on her shoulder. It flutters and lands on the ground near the group "I told you I got it. Don't believe Seif." He crosses his arms over his chest and stares at the group.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:13, Tue 08 Nov 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 170 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 16:46
  • msg #378

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kitsune gaped at the goblin, then trotted forwards and inspected closer the vines around the backpack.
"You risked, you take loot."

OOC: YOLO ! Ready action to run back to the party if vines do as much as twitch. Should I roll Perception or I can take 10 on the examination?

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 162 posts
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 18:36
  • msg #379

(IC) The Island: Beach

“Thank you, Seferiz for taking the risk that the rest of us were trying to avoid. Can we at least see what is inside the pack before you claim full ownership?” said Kamatar with a regretful tone in his voice. Still looking suspicious at the area, Kamatar quietly readied two arrows in his bow. “Seferiz my friend, these arrows are for your protection from anything that might still try to attack you.” he explained.
GM, 446 posts
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #380

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I got my own arrows. Just want my gear. Everyone else got all upset about a vine!" He grumbles "And I'm not your friend. Someone needs to get the pack so I did instead of standing there and doin' nothing!" The goblin puts the umbrella over his shoulder and stares at all of them before lowering it and extending it outwards so no one can see him. Maybe its a slap in the face. Its good he seems to be gaining confidence. Its like a battle between the half-orc and goblin with Keeper and Kara in the middle! He looks down, probaboly realizing its not his as its way too big "Go on. Take it. Seif do this, Seif do that. All the time. Beat on Seif." Something seems to be bothering the bard. Maybe something happened in the past. He grumbles and starts to walk off in the direction where Keeper probably pointed out. He starts to humm but he suddenly stops in his tracks. He seems to be staring at something or someone and his hand goes to his mouth.

Before he vomits.

What the heck happened???
Kitsune Druid, 172 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 22:54
  • msg #381

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kitsune re-transformed and pulled out the sling and stone from the ground while hurrying towards Seif and looking around for the cause of goblin's distress.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 290 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 04:08
  • msg #382

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara, watched as Sief used magic to retrieve the backpack. If she had known he could do it that way, there wouldn't have such a discussion about it. But, the good news was that he succeeded and no one had to risk exposing themselves to danger.

"Oh good job, Sief." She pet Shandar as he landed on her shoulder. "I didn't know you could do it that way."

When Sief bit at Kamatar about not being his friend, Kara winced. That was unnecessary. Sief was still offended in some way by Kamatar. Clearly their team would have to work on their communication style. Then Sief realized that the pack wasn't his and bade them take it before walking off. Kara followed with her eyes, but the rushed to him when he started to vomit.

"Sief. What's wrong?"
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 163 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 04:25
  • msg #383

(IC) The Island: Beach

Quickly stepping up to Sief, while putting his bow and arrows away, Kamatar was careful to arrive at the goblin's side just before Kara. “Seferiz, are you alright?” he asked, looking concerned as he reached the goblin's side, carefully looking to see if the smaller humanoid had been injured and by what.
GM, 448 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #384

(IC) The Island: Beach

As the others approach there is a horrid stench. Scattered all over is dry blood. And something else...Body parts. Most of the bodies seem to have been torn apart and eaten but there is a thumb here, foot there. Part of a skull there. Its hard to tell who did this and why, or how many people got killed. Seif pukes again and places a hand against the tree. He's shivering. Scattered around are more flowers, oddly about the same area as where the backpack was seen. Maybe its coincedene. They are different colors as well.

Make a Perception Check and a Fort Save DC 15
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 164 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2022
at 23:17
  • msg #385

(IC) The Island: Beach

In reply to Narrator (msg # 384):

16:12, Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 26 using 1d20+8.  Perception check.
16:14, Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  Fort save 15

Looks like Kamatar is going to see what makes him vomit or that and something else.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:59, Sun 13 Nov 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 174 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #386

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper just peeked a little, and then he made a strangling noise in his throat before falling to his own knees and retching.

OOC: Perception 21, Fortitude 6 ... I assume that Keeper lost his lunch now.

18:06, Today: Keeper rolled 21 using 1d20+10.  Perception check.

18:06, Today: Keeper rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  Fortitude save.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 291 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #387

(IC) The Island: Beach

Following her keen nose, Kara looks about at the carnage. The stench and gore was disgusting, and really didn't like seeing body parts strewn about, but she didn't feel the need to vomit.

16:28, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 22 using 1d20+6.  Perception
16:29, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d20.  Fortitude.

At least she thought she didn't, until she did. So, instead of soothing her friends she too dropped to her knees and vomited the meager contents of her belly.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:32, Sat 12 Nov 2022.
GM, 452 posts
Sun 13 Nov 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #388

(IC) The Island: Beach

The entire group starts to vomit! They puke several times, dropping to their knees at the horrid sight of all the body parts and blood strewn around the area. Slithing through the foliage are four snakes. Not huge but they seem focused on each of the group! They lunge at each of them trying to get their bites into their flesh!

Perception is to see the snakes.
For 1 round everyone takes a -1 to their attack and Fort saves due to throwing up and are flat footed. For everyone that is hit make a DC Fort Save vs 13.
Failure: Kamatar loses 2 Con (Temporarily), Kara loses 1 Con (Temporarily)

13:42, Today: Narrator rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Kara.
*Hits 1 Damage

13:42, Today: Narrator rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  Keeper.

13:42, Today: Narrator rolled 15 using 1d20+4.  Seif.

13:41, Today: Narrator rolled 13 using 1d20+4.  Kamatar.
*Hits 2 damage

Kitsune Druid, 178 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 20:37
  • msg #389

(IC) The Island: Beach

Too busy puking, for the company, Keeper was too slow to notice the attacking snakes ... but luckily it bit only his robe. His retaliation was clumsy and only poked the animal.

OOC: Intiative 5, Keeper acts in the same moment as Kara. Keeper attacked snake back, missing with the quaterstaff.

21:34, Today: Keeper rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  initative.
21:36, Today: Keeper rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  Attack snake .

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 168 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #390

(IC) The Island: Beach

The moment he took to recover from the stench was too long to prevent him from being struck by the giant snake that wounded him. With his bow and two arrows already in his hands, it only took a breath for him to smoothly take a step back and focus on his target.

After taking a 5' step.
Kamatar will make a Perfect Strike against the snake for his first arrow.
(Perfect Strike allows him to roll his attack roll twice and take the higher result.)
Then Kamatar will make a standard attack with his second arrow.

First Attack
Kamatar Fletch rolled 21 using d20+5-1.  Perfect Strike 1st roll, First Arrow.
Kamatar Fletch rolled 6 using d20+5-1.  Perfect Strike 2nd roll, First Arrow.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 9 using 1d8+1.  Arrow Damage.

Second Attack
Kamatar Fletch rolled 16 using d20+5-1.  Attack Roll 2nd Arrow

Kamatar Fletch rolled 6 using 1d8+1.  Arrow Damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:34, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 293 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 02:42
  • msg #391

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara shrieked. God, she hated snakes. Slithery slimy looking things that bite. And one bit her. She felt it too. It was poisonous and she could feel its effect immediately. Grabbing her sickles by their handles she  swept out a strike.

21:41, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 4 using 1d20+1.  Attack.
21:41, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 12 using 1d20.  Fortitude.

GM, 460 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 02:56
  • msg #392

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

The monk hits one of them soundly twice.

The bard steps back after vomiting and winks out!

One of the snakes harrasing Sief turns and goes after Kamatar flanking him. It misses but the other snake going after Kamatar hits.
Kam: Lose 1 HP. Fort Save DC: 13

One of the snakes slithers up and attacks Keeper! It hits but does no damage!

The last goes after Kara, slithering up to her! It bites into her leg!
Kara: Lose 2 HP.
Con: Lose 2 more HP so 4 total.
-1 to Fort Save so going at -1 Fort.

Snake: AC 14 ??/15 vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kara
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Keeper
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:19, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 294 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #393

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Bit again, Kara shrieked again. Except this time, it was a spell, ear-piercing scream. She hated snakes after she stepped back;

22:20, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 16 using 1d20.  Fortitude.
22:20, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 18 using 1d20.  Save v Poison.
22:22, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d6.  Damage from Spell

5' step back
Spell: Ear-Piercing Scream
DC: 15

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:31, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 181 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 07:08
  • msg #394

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper keeps swinging! And backpedaling from the snake's aggressive onslaught.

OOC: Attack vs snake, miss. 5' step back towards kara and kamtar.

08:06, Today: Keeper rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Attack snake.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:09, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 169 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 08:27
  • msg #395

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar growled as the goblin vanished and the snake that was attacking the goblin suddenly struck him. The brief moment of confusion allowed the first snake to bite him again. A flicker of anger briefly rose in the half-orc's eyes before being subdued.

Keeping his bow in his left hand, the half-orc quickly pulled out his nine section whip and deployed it defensively, causing its length to fly around his body at fantastic speeds and discouraging attacks against him.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  Fort save.

Things are not getting better.

Weapon has blocking quality, giving a +1 to AC when fighting defensively.
Kamatar takes the total defense action, which gives him a +4 to AC.

Kamatar's AC begins at 16. +1 for the Nine Section Whip and +4 for using the Total Defense Action.

16 + 1 + 4 = AC 21

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:45, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
GM, 465 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2022
at 23:41
  • msg #396

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kam goes all full defensive!

Kara casts her spell as she steps back. The snake doesn't seem bothered but is hurt by it.

Keeper swings but misses.

The bard winks in flanking Kamatar and swings but misses!

The snake by Sief hisses and strikes! But misses!

The other snakes strikes at Kam! Barely misses (Got a 20 total!)

The snake attacking Keeper strikes out! And misses!

And the last one slithers up and goes to strike Kara! And misses again!

Lucky group lol!

Sief is flanking one on Kamatar (+2 to hit Kam)
Snake: AC 14 ??/15 vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/03 vs Kara
Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Keeper
Kitsune Druid, 183 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 17 Nov 2022
at 08:13
  • msg #397

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper's wild flailing finally connected with the snake attacking him with a wet crunch!
He kept slowly backpedaling towards Kara. The kitsune huffed and puffed.
"I'll try to help, Kara!"

OOC: Hit vs AC 15, 4 bludgeoning and magical dmg vs Snake. Move action to flank Kara.
I believe all the help he can provide will be First Aid after the battle though. :P

09:10, Today: Keeper rolled 4 using 1d6+1.

09:10, Today: Keeper rolled 15 using 1d20+2.  Attack snake.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 296 posts
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #398

(IC) The Island: Beach

Everything she was doing was failing. It was just a stupid snake, but she couldn't hit it and her spell barely hurt it all. At this point, she decided that running might actually be the best option, but she wasn't going to turn her back to the thing in case it would strike again. Even if it would only buy her a moment, she swung her sickle again, then backed up away from the sinister serpent as quickly as possible.

14:49, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  Attack. but I mistyped. I only have a +1 so I really rolled a 3
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 172 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 04:55
  • msg #399

(IC) The Island: Beach

As he looked around, he could see that the situation wasn't improving at all. He was still feeling weakened by the bites he'd suffered already, but it seemed that the vicious serpents were unable to get past his spinning guard, and he did keep two of them away from the others.

"I will try to keep these two busy while the rest of you defeat the others. Kara, if you have nothing that will hurt these serpents, best you retreat behind me but don't turn your back on them. Keeper, Seferiz, you know what you can do best. Please, help us!" he asked as he maintained his defensive stance.

Keeping up Total Defense Action with his 9 section whip.  AC 21.

GM, 470 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2022
at 23:54
  • msg #400

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kam keeps going defensive.

Kara swings and misses.

Keeper pulls back, watching the snake and slams it. And the crowd goes wild. If there was one!

The bard staps at the snake and kills it!

The snakes strikes at Kam! And hits its mark!
Kam: Take 1 Damage. DC 13 Fort.

The snake attacking Kara strikes out! And misses!

And the last one slithers up and goes to strike Keeper! And hits!
Keeper: Take 3 damage. DC 13 Fort.

Snake: AC 14 ??/?? vs Kamatar (Flanking)
Snake: AC 14 ??/03 vs Kara
Snake: AC 14 ??/?4 vs Keeper
Kitsune Druid, 186 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 07:20
  • msg #401

(IC) The Island: Beach

Distracted by unknown noise, that startlingly reminded Keeper of cheering crowd of kitsune, he got bit. By a certainly poisonous snake! Strangled scream ended when he choked that noise and just gurgled angrily before swinging again at the snake wich bit him. He deliberately let the injury bleed a lot, and thus missed the snake.

OOC: Attack and miss the snake followed by Fort Save 14, passed. HP 15/18.

23:18, Yesterday: Keeper rolled 9 using 1d20+2.  Attack snake.

23:18, Yesterday: Keeper rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Fortitude save.

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:39, Wed 23 Nov 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 173 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #402

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar reflexively grunted as one of the snakes managed to strike past his guard. However, the results of the bite seemed less virulent than the ones before. Despite that, Kamatar was sweating profusely and slowed for a moment before resuming his whirling defense.

Kamatar Fletch rolled 24 using 1d20+6.  Fort save DC 13.

Finally, he made it.

Keeping up Total Defense Action with his 9 section whip.  AC 21.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:16, Thu 24 Nov 2022.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 298 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 22:30
  • msg #403

(IC) The Island: Beach

She had backed away, but the snake followed. The step of distance helped, but then the slithery creature closed that with a strike. Instinctively, Kara swiped at it again, but had exactly the same result. She was done. Turning on her heel, she ran back the way they came several yards.

Disengage 30'
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:17, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
GM, 472 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #404

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kam keeps going defensive and makes the save.

Kara  disengages and hides behind a tree about 30' away.

Keeper swings and misses but makes the save.

The bard swings the rapier and hits the snake as he's flanking Kam!

The snakes strikes at Kam and misses.

The snake strikes at Kara and misses!

And the last one slithers up and goes to strike Keeper! And hits!
Keeper: Take 2 damage. DC 13 Fort.

Snake: AC 14 ??/04 vs Kamatar (Flanking +2 to attack rolls for Kam and Sief)
Snake: AC 14 ??/03 vs Kara
Snake: AC 14 ??/04 vs Keeper
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:17, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Kitsune Druid, 188 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 08:00
  • msg #405

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper whined with pain when the snake bit him, again. In retaliation Keeper's warstaff struck hard and true with a resounding crack into the head of the animal.

But to his mounting terror, he felt the burn from the venom in his veins ...

OOC: Keeper hits with 22, confirms critical with 21 ... and causes 6 damage. Glad I could double it. Failing the save. HP ~13/~18 (with 5 damage total) and poisoned.

08:58, Today: Keeper rolled 9 using 1d20+4.  Fortitude save.
08:56, Today: Keeper rolled 3 using 1d6+1.
08:56, Today: Keeper rolled 21 using 1d20+2.  confirm crit.
08:56, Today: Keeper rolled 22 using 1d20+2.  Attack snake.

Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 174 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 20:17
  • msg #406

(IC) The Island: Beach

The half-orc growled with muted frustration as he saw Kara run from the battle and Keeper take yet another strike from the still attacking snakes.

His anger quickly fading, he carefully stepped away from the aggressive snakes but made certain to keep his allies within range to aid them.

“We will win! We outnumber the serpents, we are stronger than their venom!” he shouted, beginning a rhythmic war chant in time with the motion of his spinning 9 section whip.

Kamatar is going to keep within position to flank as many snakes as possible between himself and his allies. He'll also maintain his defensive posture, so he can both distract the snakes and keep them from striking him.

As long as he maintains a flanking position, he should still be able to aid his allies with the flanking bonus.

Maintaining Total Defense Action with his 9 section whip.  AC 21

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 299 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 15:07
  • msg #407

(IC) The Island: Beach

She was really hoping to save this spell for the thieves who stole their gear, but the snakes were an immediate problem that was becoming far too dangerous. Now at a safe distance, Kara casts sleep up on them.

OOC: I have no idea what I need to role

GM, 479 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #408

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kam keeps going defensive.

Kara casts her spell as the woman peeks out from behind a tree! The snakes hiss and two of them fall to the ground not moving!

Keeper sees two of them looking dead and moves towards the last hissing beast. He smacks it in the head but it seems to want the druids blood!

Sief looks down at the snake on the ground not moving "Mess with the goblin! Go on!" He goes over to flank the one going after Keeper and swings!

With Kara's spell taking hold, the last snake is easily killed by well everyone. Sief puffs his chest out and goes to grab the snakes. He drops them down in front of Keeper. He just seems all proud of himself.

The backpack remains untouched.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 301 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #409

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kara emerges from her tree, grumbling. "Stupid snakes." She hurries up to where Sief dropped than and chops them to pieces with her sickle. "Stupid snakes, I hate snakes. How dare you..." She chops some more. "attack" more chopping "US!"

"Ugh." She puts away her sickle. "I hate snakes"
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 30 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 16:57
  • msg #410

(IC) The Island: Beach

Stopping in his tracks he stares at Kara. The rapier is slowly hoisted up "Don't move. Stay still." What is he doing? He looks petrified.
Kitsune Druid, 190 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 20:40
  • msg #411

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Kara, stop! We need them whole for antidotes! And food, I can bake snake. If you chop more than those two ... it'll be just useless mess. Snakes are animals, incapable of malice. Unless you are a mouse facing a playful cat."

Keeper panicked a little, before whispering the healing spell in his own repeitoare to fix his bleedings. Hopefully, the venom will give him enough time to fix it.

OOC: Keeper tries to use snakes as he said. First to aid in Heal checks needed for all the poisoned folks being aided in their ills.

Narrator? I kinda need indications how bad poisoned Keeper feels. Can I take 10 on the check after helping folks to throw off the poisoning?

Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 31 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 20:46
  • msg #412

(IC) The Island: Beach

"No no. Not the snakes. Shh. Be very quiet. Everyone quiet." The goblins voice is quiet as well as he raises up the rapier "Don't move Kara."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:55, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 176 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 02:33
  • msg #413

(IC) The Island: Beach

Looking around slowly and carefully, Kamatar tries to see what is causing Seferiz to call for quiet.

Today: Kamatar Fletch rolled 10 using 1d20+8.  Perception check.

Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 302 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 20:12
  • msg #414

(IC) The Island: Beach

At Seif's warning, Kara freezes. Except for her eyes, which flick in every direction to see what might be the danger. She suddenly regretted putting her sickles away.

15:11, Today: Kara Eldwyyn rolled 11 using 1d20+6.  Perception

This message was last edited by the player at 20:35, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
GM, 482 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 20:32
  • msg #415

(IC) The Island: Beach

Sief slowly reaches up near Kara's shoulder. He gets up on his toes, and tries not to breath. He grabs something and drops down "I'm gonna messed you up you good for nothin'..." He falls back and lets out a yelp before revealing whats in his hand.

A stick. The goblin grins "Got you didn't I? Yup. Seferiz Branng! Bard of many talents!" He gets up, wiping dirt from them and goes over to the backpack "Wanna see whats in it?"

It starts to rain but the water seems to move across the leaves not hititng them directly. But its indeed raining.

The snakes are left there waiting to see what the group is going to do next.
Kitsune Druid, 192 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 18:26
  • msg #416

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper gives an evil glare to the goblin, before making a mud bomb and throwing it at hte goblin.
"I want us to return to cave, so I can try ensuring we don't die to poisoning. Please take the snakes with us."
Fox-headed druid pleaded to his companions.
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 177 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 06:26
  • msg #417

(IC) The Island: Beach

“Good work everyone! I apologize for not being at my best, but I dislike snakes almost as much as Milady Kara. Thank you, Lady Kara, your spell saved us all.” said Kamatar with a look of guilt.

Clearly relieved that the attack of the snakes is over, Kamatar gathers the remaining whole snakes by piercing them through their heads with an arrow, insuring their deaths and securing their fangs inside their mouths. He then hands the dead snakes to Keeper.

“Seferiz, I'm going to gather the backpack unless you'd rather do so. Keeper, I agree we should get back to our cave as soon as possible. ” he announced, while taking one step towards the backpack.
Kara Eldwyyn
Human Witch, 305 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 07:09
  • msg #418

Re: (IC) The Island: Beach

Kara exhaled when Seif revealed that he was just kidding around. She gave him a stern look. His prank was funny, but she was in no mood after the snake disaster. "Seferiz, please. This is not the time for such shenanigans. I'm quite on edge." Keeper seemed none too pleased either, but Kamatar just shrugged it off. He got right back to business

Kara growled. "I was hoping to save that spell for the scoundrels. but I suppose not dying was a good reason to change plans. I don't want to go back to the cave. There is nothing there. Why can't we deal with the bites here and press on?"
Kitsune Druid, 193 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 14:47
  • msg #419

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper looked back at Kara and spoke with pained voice.

"I have used my sole healing spell to stop my bleeding. In the cave we can sleep and rest, while I have peace of mind to check injuries and hopefully help us power trough the venom. Some venoms need treatment because they weaken you while killing small animals. Other venoms? They kill you faster or slower."
Seferiz Branng
Goblin Bard, 32 posts
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 14:30
  • msg #420

(IC) The Island: Beach

"Just tried to lighten the mood and you yelled at me. Out of everyone, you...." The goblin sighs and shakes his head towards Kara. He is blind sided by the mud pie and falls to the ground. Yup. That did it. He gets up to his feet, wipes it from his face and turns to walk into the wilderness further "I get the point. You don't want me around even after I helped. Well you won't get my help anymore." He still has his rapier drawn but isn't moving at them but moving away from them. Between Kam getting on his case, Kara yelling at him and that fastball special from Keeper...
Kitsune Druid, 194 posts
Of Weeping Wood
Nature's Son
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 21:04
  • msg #421

(IC) The Island: Beach

Keeper gave Seif a very judging stare. Then pointed a finger at Kam.

"He is afraid of snakes, it would be funnier."
Kamatar Fletch
Half-Orc Monk, 179 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2022
at 07:55
  • msg #422

(IC) The Island: Beach

Kamatar sighs and shakes his head, “I'm not afraid of snakes more than any reasonable person might be. I just dislike them in general.” he says in reply to Keeper.

Turning his attention to the slowly retreating goblin, he looks sad and says calmly, “Seferiz, we don't dislike you, but sometimes we don't understand you. Also, sometimes you don't understand us either. Kara was still scared after the fight with the snakes. She wasn't angry with you just a little upset. Keeper was ready for joking with you. If you really want to go, we won't stop you, not that we could anyway, but I'm going to miss you.”

Reaching over and grabbing the backpack, the half-orc quickly moved back to rejoin the group. When he'd safely rejoined the others, he put the backpack on a clear area of ground and carefully opened the backpack away from the others.

After it was open, he hesitated a moment before looking inside.
GM, 484 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2022
at 19:00
  • msg #423

(IC) The Island: Beach

"I'm going on my own, least I won't get yelled at or get mud thrown at me. I made a mistake but don't need to bother when the goblin." The goblin turns and dissapears into the woods.

What lies inside the back is well nothing besides two potions. Nothing else.

As Kam and Kara go to respond, Keeper seems to be missing as well. Perhaps he went after him?
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:03, Tue 06 Dec 2022.
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