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23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Posted by The LibrarianFor group 0
player, 692 posts
Shhh...I'm hiding..
Hp:44/44 AC:22 F:6R:11W:5
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 12:07
  • msg #11

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

That’s awesome, John, right now I have the MW things I think I need. I’ll l check with Tremain tomorrow n the enchantments.
Take care.

Alton Chasmyr
player, 1003 posts
Male Drow
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 12:52
  • msg #12

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Alton extends his hand to Camber...
"Thank you."

He approaches Garret
"I need to get some quality tools, if I intend to be a true trapsmith, do you now where to go?"
Tremaine Allard
Netherworlder, 38 posts
AC 19
HP 14
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 14:21
  • msg #13

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Tremaine nods at Garret's request and holds up a hand to forestall him for a moment, while he finishes setting a freshly heated rivet in a helm he's working on.  Once done he looks up at the man.  A large goat nimbly drops a cold rivet with her lips, onto the face of the anvil, then backs up.  He smiles and fondly scratches her behind an ear.

"I'm Tremaine.  How can I help you?" he both greets him and inquires.
Alton Chasmyr
player, 1004 posts
Male Drow
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 15:53
  • msg #14

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"Tremaine, yes I was looking to buy a gusairme polearm nothing fancy, just a serviceable tripping weapon."
Tremaine Allard
Netherworlder, 39 posts
AC 19
HP 14
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 02:25
  • msg #15

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"Hold on a moment.  I think I have something that will suit, if you can wait a day for me to finish it," Tremaine absently notes, while shuffling through a pile of blades and scraps of metal.  A moment later he comes up with the blade of a guisarme, unsharpened, and with no haft attached.

"If you're not in a hurry, I can sharpen and mount this by noon tomorrow," he offers, "but if you're in a hurry, I have an even more well-balanced blade already mounted to a steel-banded, laminated, yew-and-ash haft.  It's considerably more expensive, but it's movements are a thing of beauty.

"I can part with the better-balanced one for 309 pieces of gold, or I can have this,"
and here he hefts that partially-finished blade, "in your hands in the morning for nine."

The nicer one is masterwork, of course.

This message was last updated by the player at 02:25, Tue 11 Apr 2023.
Alton Chasmyr
player, 1005 posts
Male Drow
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 19:44
  • msg #16

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"I trained in using the polearm a long while back and wanted to try my hand at using it, should it work out, I may indeed return for an upgarde at some point.  Do you have a collasible pole or the ability to make one?"

Expandable Pole Price: 5 GP Weight: 1# (Song & Silence p. 53)
This message was last edited by the player at 19:47, Mon 10 Apr 2023.
player, 693 posts
Shhh...I'm hiding..
Hp:44/44 AC:22 F:6R:11W:5
Mon 10 Apr 2023
at 23:55
  • msg #17

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

When Alton is done Garret will work with Tremaine,

So - I have this lovely armor, he says indicating his Gnomish Woker's Leather with all of the pockets covering it.
This armor is enchanted with a minor enhancement. (+1 Gnomish workman's leather = 1165gp)

I would like to upgrade, I've got this mithril chain shirt here. ... but I would miss the pockets and the color and everything.

I was thinking simplest is to sell my workman's leather for 50% and ask for a +1 enchantment and maybe an additional property or crystal.

That would cost 1000=582.5 = 417.5 gp plus whatever other property or crystals I want to buy.
Maybe for another 20 gold you can add cool pockets like the workman's leather?

Alton Chasmyr
player, 1006 posts
Male Drow
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 12:45
  • msg #18

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Alton is patiently waiting to meet the gnome Jabe as well, so he will still be here a bit longer......

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Holy symbol of Pelor - from the temple -
----The silver disk has gold inlays that show the suns rays 360 degree, although it is certainly not gold primarily silver in composition...I am wanting the craftsman to make it a locket that will open as a space for continual flame spell...

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Also a MW tool, a clockwork ear piece to tap accupressure points to aid in autohypnosis checks...

This message was last edited by the player at 13:59, Tue 11 Apr 2023.
Tremaine Allard
Netherworlder, 40 posts
AC 19
HP 14
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 14:29
  • msg #19

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"A collapsible pole?  Yeah, I made one as part of a contest several months back.  I never thought that I'd actually find anyone to sell it to.  Five gold and it's yours.  If you want, you can pick up both the guisarme and the collapsible pole at the same time tomorrow." Tremaine offers, and if he's done here, collecting money for Alton's purchases.

Turning to Garret, Tremaine asks, "Can I take a closer look at those pockets?  Leather holds up better to attachments that does a mail shirt of any material.  The mail tends to sag, but I could see what I could do with it.  I can definitely enchant either of them, even intensifying the base enchantment on your existing armor, but I'm not sure how the pockets and hooks will work out on the mithral shirt."

Alton: "Tomorrow" is whenever we conclude the transaction.

Garret:  3000 GP to increase the enchantment to +2 on your existing armor.

I have no problem providing a cost for re-working your mithral shirt to have the equivalent set of pockets, pouches, flaps, toggles, hooks, and so on, but will need approval from your GM to do so.  If you want to sell your existing armor, I can give you half value on it, as is standard.  If you want to go this route, run it by your GM and have him message me, please.

Jab Halle
NPC, 9 posts
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #20

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I didn't realise that you were waiting for me." The gnome says looking up from the silver ball that he is working.  "Oh, there you are," he adds, as he pushes his glasses up onto his forehead.

What is it I can do for you?

OOC: In the process of consulting your DM, on the basis of those 'spoiled' text lines.
Alton Chasmyr
player, 1007 posts
Male Drow
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #21

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"Jabe, I am a factotum and we seem to all love our tools and trinkets, and I have this holy symbol of pelor I got from the temple, and I wanted to make it into a proper locket, where It has a space to hold a continual flame spell, or similar such spells, but close to trap the light in when closed.  It reminds me of a lady cleric I once knew."

From the assortment of trinkets, he hands the silver holy symbol over to the gnome....

"I practice a skill called autohypnosis, and am making  a visual disk for focus, but I would like an ear ring that sits on my ear and can lightly tap a certain points to aid in focusing this skill as well."

It is actually a straightforward purchase of a MW tool for autohypnosis checks...
player, 698 posts
Shhh...I'm hiding..
Hp:44/44 AC:22 F:6R:11W:5
Tue 11 Apr 2023
at 22:10
  • msg #22

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Well, how about sell you what I have and get a simple enhancement to the chain shirt? Also, an you add the Blueshine to my chain shirt or would that need to be made from scratch?

Then maybe I can find an All-tools vest to wear over it...

Garret ponders - so many decisions is delightful
The Chronicler
GM, 9121 posts
Knowledge is the key...
Seek the key...
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 00:53
  • msg #23

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

I am consulting the other GM's myself because quite frankly, I am just not a crafty person. Even in online MMORPG's I refuse to craft, lol. I will defer to their opinions on all things that are crafted.
Tremaine Allard
Netherworlder, 41 posts
AC 19
HP 14
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 01:30
  • msg #24

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"I can definitely do the base enchantment, and adding the blueshine should only add a couple of days to it all.  I will need three days, all together, and 2500 pieces of gold, or equivalent.  I'm not sure what I would do, exactly, with 50 pounds of gold, so if you have gemstones or jewelry for some portion of that, or even platinum, that would be preferred," Tremaine tells Garret.
player, 699 posts
Shhh...I'm hiding..
Hp:44/44 AC:22 F:6R:11W:5
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 02:01
  • msg #25

Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Garret nods,

Okay I can deal - I have this ring of swimming, and my magical workman's leather worth over 1165, but we agreed on 580gp to sell you. The ring by itself is worth 2,500 I'll give you both of them. I only have 11 platinum but it's yours.

In addition I would like one more thing, I have a diamond worth 6,000gp I can give you that plus talisman of unseen servant that you can use to help you for up to 4 hours a day (1/day 1d4 hours) , and I'll add 3 potions of bull's strength that I could sell for 900 but are worth twice that, and another few gems a diamond, saphire and opal worth 500gp, and some paper and special inks I found with a wizard - Paper  20 sheets 8gp, Inkpen 3 2.4gp, Vial ink 5 40gp. And in exchange for all that ...
he licks his lips...
I would ask ....
he whispers
for you to take this Masterwork Dagger and form for me .... a dagger of assassination...

From Cityscape for a +1 it adds 1d6 to sneak attack and has some poison related benefits
so a +2 dagger essentially worth 8000gp in addition to the MW dagger.

I don't really know that the unseen servant is worth, but I have been collecting other potions and can even give you a wand of CLW with 18 charges on it.

This is me trying hard to give you interesting things that is not just a pile of gold...

If it's not enough I can deplete my potions or sell my special magic items or give some gold on top

This message was last edited by the player at 04:47, Wed 12 Apr 2023.
Jab Halle
NPC, 10 posts
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 18:52
  • msg #26

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Jab turns the holy symbol over in his hand a couple of times.  "I think I can do that.   Would you like a design on the front of the locket?  Silver again, with a gold chased pattern?.

And I can certainly make the small clockwork device, althpough I will have to spend some time in the library, and then probably measuring your ear to makle sure that we find the right places for the pressure."

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Holy symbol of Pelor - from the temple -
----The silver disk has gold inlays that show the suns rays 360 degree, although it is certainly not gold primarily silver in composition...I am wanting the craftsman to make it a locket that will open as a space for continual flame spell...

If we go with this style of holy symbol  :)

OOC:  And I will have to spend some time working out prices  :)
Alton Chasmyr
player, 1008 posts
Male Drow
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 19:08
  • msg #27

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"Jabe, thank you.  I would like to keep the holy symbol intact on the  front, if you would like to design the back that would certainly be useful for the visual disk design I intended to focus for myself.  If it would be beneficial I could come to the library for you to make measurements?"

"Do you know whom might have alchemy lab space for rent?"
Jab Halle
NPC, 11 posts
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 19:26
  • msg #28

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Alton Chasmyr
player, 1009 posts
Male Drow
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 19:36
  • msg #29

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Tremaine Allard
Netherworlder, 42 posts
AC 19
HP 14
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 19:46
  • msg #30

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Tremaine looks over the pile of offered items and then looks upward with the tip of his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, his head bobbing in what is obviously a counting gesture.  He stops several times to re-examine the treasures before him, then continues adding.

After some time he appears to come to a conclusion.

"That will be just fine.  It will take me two days to place the enchantments on the chain shirt, and just over a week more to finish the dagger.  I'll have them ready for you in that order, unless you want the dagger first," Tremaine tells him, holding out his hand to shake on the deal.
player, 700 posts
Shhh...I'm hiding..
Hp:44/44 AC:22 F:6R:11W:5
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 21:49
  • msg #31

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

In reply to Tremaine Allard (msg # 30):

With a wicked and almost childlike grin the little gnome shakes the great man's hand fervently.

Yes! I agree!

Garret changes into traveling clothes without his armor giving over all of the items and treasures offered.

Removed from Character sheet:
ring of swimming
magical workman's leather
11 platinum
a diamond worth 6,000gp
talisman of unseen servant
3 potions of bull's strength
a diamond, saphire and opal worth 500gp,
Paper  20 sheets 8gp, Inkpen 3 2.4gp, Vial ink 5 40gp.

Alton Chasmyr
player, 1010 posts
Male Drow
Wed 12 Apr 2023
at 22:41
  • msg #32

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Alton and Jabe continue talking, but start walking away from the group.....
Alton Chasmyr
player, 1019 posts
Male Drow
Sun 16 Apr 2023
at 22:30
  • msg #33

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

Alton the following day returns to the workshop area to conclude his business with Tremaine (collapsible pole and gusairmei)....

"I have decided on the basic polearm and the collasible pole..."

and check in with Camber on the sundark goggles

"Greetings all."
Tremaine Allard
Netherworlder, 44 posts
AC 19
HP 14
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 00:04
  • msg #34

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"The guisarme and the collapsible pole?  Exccellent.  That comes to 14 pieces of gold in all," Tremaine tells Alton as he places the items on the bench in front of him, draws up the receipt, and awaits payment.
Alton Chasmyr
player, 1020 posts
Male Drow
Mon 17 Apr 2023
at 01:08
  • msg #35

Re: Netherworld:  Public Workshop.

"Perfect my good man....."

Alton hands over the gold to the merchant...14 gold
This message was last updated by the player at 13:10, Tue 18 Apr 2023.
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