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23:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Advertisements.

Posted by SockpuppetFor group 0
GM, 4 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Wed 15 Nov 2006
at 04:20
  • msg #1

Game Advertisements

This thread is for GM’s to post ads for their GURPS games. Be sure to mention which rules you’re using.
player, 2 posts
Game search:
Iain M. Banks
Fri 17 Nov 2006
at 19:36
  • msg #2

Re: Game Advertisements

link to "Where Are We Going? The Culture. Iain M. Banks"


The game is not up and running right now due to lack of players. I'll need only one to get the game running, so sign up!

The above is still the case. HEY YOU! Why are you not applying my game!
This message was last edited by the player at 08:34, Tue 27 Feb 2007.
player, 3 posts
I seem to have lost my
mind.  Have you seen it?
Mon 1 Jan 2007
at 17:18
  • msg #3

Game Idea

I'll post this wonderfully insane idea here first and see if we have any interest.  I was doing a bit of light reading this morning in GURPS Y2K and I flipped to the Supers section by chance.  Now, I must have read that book at least three times cover to cover and grabbed it just to read for a few minutes countless others but it never occurred to me until now to see if someone would be interested in running a supers based, Post Holocaust game.  Something along the lines of supers, good and bad, take charge of what is left of the world and set up their own 'kingdoms' so to speak.

What do you think?  And no, I would not want to run it but I would love to play in it.
GM, 13 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Wed 10 Jan 2007
at 17:41
  • msg #4

Re: Game Idea

He looked over his shoulder, daring another glance as the scaled behemoth flew. Its serpentine neck now visible, its long tail stretched out behind it like a terrible, night-black banner. Its scales, dark and glossy, hid it well against the darkening sky -- but no darkness could hide the taint in its yellow eyes, or the glint of white knives as its lipless mouth parted. The sound that came forth, a shrill and thunderous roar, tore through the sky...

Introducing link to "GURPS: Of Tooth and Claw and Fiery Maw", a one-shot adventure using the GURPS 4th Edition system, centered around one of the most classic elements of fantasy gaming. This is a story of young heroes, coming together against all odds to slay the most terrible of beasts -- the mighty Dragon.

Enter the Lands of Kel; a small frontier land in the northern reaches of the known world. A valley of simple, hard-working folk that carved their niche a century ago -- and are now forced to defend all that they have, as the ancient and terrible legend reawakens. This story centers around the heroes that rise up to fight the beast; initially conscripted into the Lord’s militia, but destined to rise above the ranks of the common soldiers and charge forth into the fray -- to become legends, themselves. More than just a story of Steel vs. Scale, this game strives to weave a tapestry of true heroism, and explore the epic struggle leading up to final act.

This adventure is designed for 4-6 players, willing to dedicate themselves to creating compelling characters worthy of such a story. They need not be grand heroes on the outset, but through the trials they will face, they will become heroes worthy of legend...or perhaps just the Dragon’s next meal.
player, 2 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2007
at 22:01
  • msg #5

Re: Game Idea

The danger of a firefight.
The rush of a high-speed car chase.
The thrill of sneaking past a sentry, and letting them live... this time.
The satisfaction of watching through the scope as your target's head explodes.

If these thoughts warm your heart, then perhaps Guns 'N Butter is for you.

GnB is a gritty and realistic modern era mercenary game. Almost anything happening in the news will be considered fair game for the culling of mission ideas. The range of missions the characters will be hired for will run the gamut from industrial espionage to hostage rescue and anything in between. Ideally there will be a single team of 4-8 mercenaries with a variety of skills and abilities.

link to "GURPS 4e: Guns 'N Butter -- A Mercenary Tale"
player, 1 post
Thu 15 Feb 2007
at 03:29
  • msg #6

Re: Game Idea

The Silver Age- a modern horror fusion set in Moscow, Russia is currently in the final stages of development in the Games Proposals, Input, and Advise section. Please feel free to investigate and participate.
link to a message in "Game Proposals, Input, and Advice"
player, 7 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Tue 27 Feb 2007
at 02:20
  • msg #7

Re: Game Idea

Well 'Guns 'N Butter -- A Mercenary Tale' unfortunately died.  We barely got going.
player, 1 post
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 13:25
  • msg #8

Re: Game Idea

Hi folks,

I'm new to this Board and looking to recruit two to three players to replenish slain adventurers in a Gurps 4E conversion of the classic White Plume Mountain module. This is a very short committment for you guys. The original adventuring party, numbering six has explored 2/3 of the dungeon, but losses were very heavy and now the group numbers only 3. They have decided to return to the surface and head back to the expedition's camp to find fresh swordsmen to help them on their push for the final Weapon of Legacy, the legendary Blackrazor.

The replacements will be of lower "level" than the original crew (ie, fewer creation points) because the original six were considered the Elite of the expedition.  I don't anticipate this committment lasting much longer than a month if the posting rate stays brisk.

Please at least take a peek at the threads, starting from the Prologue to get a feel for the game and how its played, and if you're interested, send me a RTJ. Hold off generating a character at this point, I just want to start up some dialogue to see what you're interested in doing, and set some guidelines, etc.

Thanks for your time!

GM, 15 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 15:09
  • msg #9

Re: Game Idea

All I have to say is, if anyone out there can write well and keep up with the posting pace, Join Ceredyn’s Game Now.

We need more monster-bait.
player, 2 posts
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 15:14
  • msg #10

Re: Game Idea

Thanks Sock/Bree...

And the fewer NPC's I have to run, the fewer "voices" I hear in my head...  lol
player, 23 posts
Tue 13 Mar 2007
at 19:50
  • msg #11

Re: Game Idea

Besides, we cleaned out all the really dangerous stuff, so we just need folks to help us clean out the treasure!  Lots and lots of treasure!
player, 3 posts
Wed 14 Mar 2007
at 07:50
  • msg #12

Re: Game Idea

Bugger! I need Duplication, too many interesting games.
player, 4 posts
Wed 14 Mar 2007
at 22:38
  • msg #13

Re: Game Idea

I like the idea, but life too crazy right now (he writes, sitting in an airport).  I've also done GURPS conversions of d20/D&D adventures.  I'd like to do GURPS Shackled City, but there's no way I could do it justice right now.  Maybe Summer . . .
Bai Shen
player, 17 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2007
at 00:31
  • msg #14

Re: Game Idea

link to "GURPS 4E: Not Your Fathers Shadowrun"

First off, let me state the following.  This is not a direct conversion of any Shadowrun edition to GURPS.  This is a game using the GURPS 4E rules with a Shadowrun setting.  So while most of the details will be the same, it won't be an exact match.

Everyone will be starting as low level runners looking to make a name for themselves.  Things will start simple(wait, this is SR, who am I kidding?) and get more complicated.  Expect intrigue, politics, double crosses, machiavellian plots, and more.

So if you're interested, come up with a concept and send it in.  We'll figure out how best to implement it. :)
Neil Lightfoot
player, 1 post
Sun 22 Apr 2007
at 18:07
  • msg #15

GURPS 4e Conspiracy X

Players wanted for GURPS 4e Conspiracy X.  I'll take up to six players.>
player, 4 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2007
at 13:51
  • msg #16

GURPS:The Chernobyl Zone

link to "GURPS: The Chernobyl Zone"

Hi there

I just set up a contemporary game with a bit of sci/fi slant to it. It will be mainly realism, but with some BlackBox or X-Files type in it.

I prefer 3e, but will happily accept 4e characters if thats what you wish to make.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:52, Thu 16 Aug 2007.
player, 3 posts
Sun 26 Aug 2007
at 09:03
  • msg #17

Re: GURPS:The Chernobyl Zone

I want to make Battleship Earth a Reality.
It is a MATURE GAME. Seeing how my gm's so far all run mature games.
link to "Land"

After I get these Games Rolling I plan on venturing into the Adult Versions of the games. Will that affect your game no. It will just be a different option for our 21 and over gamers.

So far I have alot of freeform gm/players in, but
my system of choice is GURPS.

But I will probably join both if the games get rolling.

Here is what was posted in my conversations section.

I would love for you to take a peek and join up.

I need allot of different types of players and/or gms

It is a Giant choose your own adventure. With each GM running their own

Its a giant advertising board seeing as how the players will have to cross games to move their stories along.

Oh Here is the conversations please have a peek at the site and join if you are interested.

Battleship Earth Game(s)

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

I was thinking of joining forces.
I want to bring Battleshipearth to life.
I did a search for games of similar themes and yours came up.
The game Invisible war can fit in well with my concept below.
It is copied from a response I just now sent someone. The whole
cia dark conspiracy thing works. It can be used to hinder group 2(below)
from reaching their goal. Please read the bottom and send me your response.
I am getting replies fast since I am going by the theory if you ask 100 women to
sleep with you you'll get 90 slaps but 10 will say yes.

The basic idea is I want to bring. This modren earth to the starflight Era.

I'll Need modern Leaders. As Group(1) They are interested in maintaining the status quo.

I'll need Visionaries as group (2)
I want group one to have the advantage.
I want group 2 to succed through strength in numbers.

I have done a search, for games of similar concept with very little posts and send their gms a message.

The idea being gms want players. Each gm will run their game adding my twist into it and send the players to the appriate game when the player goes out of the area of their game, sort of an index click link and enter next thread.

Each gm will also be a player in another gms thread. There by increasing each games player base and working my idea to bloom.

Any ideas suggestions comments.

Shoulds might be betters.

I also need help keep the threads untangled.

The above is Phase I.

Um, how does my Jason Bourne game fit into yours and vice versa exactly?

Basically people with money will have access to hired killers. You have already thought out and constructed a modern style arena setting. Where agents will seek out and try to kill off other players. I am saying you run that area of the larger game and when The World Leaders or Visionaires need a hired guy. Or an organization to carry out hits. You provide it. Post contracts and such. I am sure assasinations will be a daily part of the game or at least a frequent part

Can i have a link to your game before I set anything in stone?

It seems workable but its new to me so yea.

There is no game yet. Just an idea I am trying to bring to life.
MY scratch paper thread is

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

But this idea is not on there yet besides the idea I posted on the game proposals forum. And what I have sent you I am trying to bring it to life.

Once I get the gm/players and everything coordinated. Plots and such. I'll retire to the Megagame I created just existing a player that will travel the game.

Setting up games I like.
Playing games I like.
Running games is not me.
If the web gets tangled I'll help sort it out but otherwise I'll just provide an outline. And enjoy the adventure.

So no stone yet I still have like 30 games to send messages to.
That is another reason I need you you can help me get this sorted.
Join comment, unjoin later. No hard feelings. But I think it'll work.

But my game is a freeform GM guidance game, what about system and dice roll games that my players or me will not want to play in, and likewise with players/gm's who don't like freeform.

I understand the like and dilike of Freeform vs Non Freeform systems.

Me I perfer GURPS and system based roleplaying, but 70% of the time, we never use
dice. For system based players they would enter your game...

You got a point....

Me as a player would want rules so that, the other guy has limits.
That is extremely true, for combat based situations. If I shoot at a guy I want him dead, our some stat based reason why he is not. I would hate for every encounter to end up in a draw.

You said with gm guidance, how can that be used to satisfy rules based character and not make you feel too hindered as a gm?

Thought of a solution.

Freeform veriosn and rules based version. That will suit everyones needs.
I as a player, don't care what the rules are as long as there are rules.
You as a freeform gm are uniquely qualitfied to handle freedom combat.

Will all of the games have to be in the same basic timeframe? Like modern or futuristic, etc? Do our stories intertwine or we just have the same characters in different games and different era's within those games?
All the games intertwine in that.
Say I am Sam.
Sam Belongs to all games.
Sam's actions determine which game he is in.
Sam takes the picture of someone (Senator Bob) in some comprimising possition.
Sam blackmails Senator Bob.
Senator Bob wants Sam removed.
Senator Bob hires a hit man.
(If Sam is a freeformer)
Sam appears in your game as soon as a hitman is shooting at him.
Say Sam somehow escapes and goes to the police department.
Same clicks on police department link and now same is in another game.
You are no longer concerned with Sam or Senator Bob until next (freeform) assasin is needed.

Please save these posts for me these are Gems.

Okay I think I get it. And I'll keep these posts.

So what do we do get the ball rolling? Wait for the other 30 game GM's to reply?

Well I am talking to the SWAT GM now and if I haven't offended him. We'll have a SWAT team GM.

Mostly I need numbers and ideas now.
Definately a index.
Sockpupet hasn't responded back from my last post but if everything goes right we'll have 3 GMs.

I am going to send our conversation to the SWAT Gm in hopes that it'll make things clearer. Later on when we bring this mega game to life I will edit and post it there. I am also going to post it on the
Land site so I have one spot for all the discussions and make it public.

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

Hello I think I have and idea of how we can make both our games work.
Sent me a pm when you get this message and I'll start a dialog.

I can easily make this game alone work, so I have no idea what you're talking about.

I ment no offense. Sorry :)
No Actually I was hoping that, I could team up with you and bring this idea I have into existence.

Sort of a Super big choose your own adventure.
The World Will Be called Battleship Earth.
The name will be the end result of a linking of like minded game ideas.

I plan on starting it in the present.
With 2 Groups.
World Leaders and Visionaries.

Basically the world Leaders have access to alot of power. CIA/Police Force/SWAT teams and such.

And the Visionaries are the little guy Millionares to the bum on the street. Who want to create a better Earth or at least an Earth moving toward Star Flight.

What I wanted was players to have access to your world if the need should arise.
You would be a like they would click on to enter you world(which) you control and have thought out.

Say For instance a Senator Bob calls in swat for a suspected terrorist. The Players would click on your link and your swat team would handle that situation.
After the situation is handled they would leave your world and go to the next link that would forward there adventure.

So I am trying to band various GMs togehter as player characters to forward this epic.

I would appreciate any thoughts , ideas comment and help you can offer. This is not a world created but I am doing my best to make it possible, I'll send you my Post from the other gms to let you see where it is going.

Thanks for your time.
<<<Sent First Post in this Thread>>>
I'd love to be a part of that, it sounds sweet.

My RPoL account is 'You ask the SWAT GM for it'. When you get it set up, Rmail me. I'm a RPing veteran o 12+ years experience, and I'd love to help you out.

Cool thanks 'You ask the SWAT GM for it' should I leave out your rmail name in the land posting?
Of our conversation.

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"

<< Convo Edited the end of convo>>
I need to see who is in who is out and try to get it coordinated enough so I can fade to being just a player.

I am also thinking of adding a newspaper.

Swat is hiring.
CIA hiring and such.
People go for job interviews and such
The Jason Borne game link is there too.

Its located in land.
Its mature.
link to "Land"
player, 24 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2007
at 20:27
  • msg #18

Re: GURPS:The Chernobyl Zone

Finally, after many long months of debate, trepidation and preparation, I've decided to start a GURPS game.  First off, I have to tell you all that it's 3rd Edition, since I haven't the time or inclination to learn the new system - despite it's similarities.  Also, the game is much more a role play than a hack and slash (though there will be a fair mix of action included) so the exact details of how the mechanics work won't be important.

link to "Deadly Shadows (GURPS 3E)"

Here is the link.  I have two players already and would be able to add on only a couple more.  There's a bit of setting detail up already and more to come, but play won't begin for a little while.  Characters won't really take shape at least until the rest of the detail is up, so you have plenty of time to come check it and see how it develops before sending in a request.  My primary goal is to keep with the feel of the setting - which some of you may recognize - which is why I'm holding off until all the details are up.

I'd also really appreciate any constructive criticism that you'd like to offer.  And don't be shy; I don't offend easily.

Thanks, Snowmantle
player, 1 post
Tue 1 Jan 2008
at 01:54
  • msg #19

GURPS: The Mars Initiative 4e

Alright. I've had this idea for a while, I've thought about the best way to do it, and it seems that PbP makes the most sense.

link to "The Mars Initiative - GURPS 4e"

The whole debacle started once SJ Games released their Infinite Worlds game setting. The idea was to have an entire convention of GURPSers playing a PvP game of Infinite Worlds, with multiple GMs guiding parties of characters through missions in their worlds. The outcome of these missions would move different worlds through the Quanta as needed by one of the teams. In certain missions, players could even face off against one another in epic battles. There would definitely be some higher up characters orchestrating things (most likely Convention staff members) anyway, the whole thing would be one giant Massively Multiplayer Table Top Roleplaying Game, logistics would be hell, and it would be hideously hard to GM.

I've since then scaled that idea down, and abandoned the idea of using the Infinite Worlds setting, but the PvP aspect is still there.

I've got a good game setting for a quick 4v4 game between two teams. The setting is... different. Both teams occupy an International Space Station, circumstances cause their respective nations to declare war on one another, and the space station's neutrality is disputed. Everything goes dandy, until people on the station start dying right and left, then all hell breaks loose.

The difficult part is that the scientists on board have no weapons, and no combat experience, and so must use their wits and their environment to kill off the other team.

I have no problem with players controlling more than one character, though I would like to get a total of 6-8 players (3-4 per team). I really don't like the idea of having a team be short a player (they'd basically be short another strategic brain) unless the other players were cool with it.

Characters are going to be 125/-35, using 4e rules.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:28, Tue 01 Jan 2008.
player, 9 posts
Fri 4 Apr 2008
at 23:52
  • msg #20

Open Slot

I've got an open slot in a game. I need a rogue/thief character built on 135/-35 points, along with a player willing to post at least once every 3 days.

link to "GURPS 4e - Nevel: The Spirit Shards"
player, 36 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Tue 15 Apr 2008
at 11:01
  • msg #21

Adventuring Company for hire

Oddly enough, our entire group was orphaned when the GM pulled the plug without warning. We need a GM, and the players are good enough where they want to stick together!

A ready-made adventuring company (4e) ripe for the saga!Please help, only minutes a day. Less than drinking a cup of coffee.

Complete crew includes 5 players (possibly 7, but I don't think the other 2 will respond) at 100 / -50 made with fairly strict limits, well bahaved and mature, with lots of RPing experience, all of whom I personally feel do a great job. Only the GM was obnoxious, and he left. ;)
This message was last edited by the player at 11:44, Tue 15 Apr 2008.
player, 8 posts
Tue 15 Apr 2008
at 13:31
  • msg #22

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

What was the background situation?
player, 37 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Tue 15 Apr 2008
at 15:31
  • msg #23

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

It was set in Greyhawk. My character actually just joined, we were tryin to do something about a smugler ship that was resupplying the smuggling base the other characters took care of in the first adventure (that I wasn't part of).

I don't think anyone would mind too much if they had to change settings or tweak characters. It just seems our group was doing well together, in spite of the GM. We seem to want to stick together. And it occurs to me, that would be a good thing for a GM to know at the beginning.

We did hear from the 6th person. The 7th I'm not really expecting, but keep in mind it's possible.
player, 9 posts
Wed 16 Apr 2008
at 14:00
  • msg #24

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

Is there another place we can discuss this further, I really dislike the TSR setting part, but maybe...
player, 38 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Wed 16 Apr 2008
at 14:49
  • msg #25

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

email me at IM2L8M8[at]hotmail[dot]com
I have most of the other players' addresses, also. Or rMail if you prefer.
player, 14 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 17 Apr 2008
at 18:33
  • msg #26

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

Yes, I was in the game where the GM suddenly decided he didn't like something and bailing with no warning.  2l8m8 has my email.

I am fine with the Greyhawk setting but I am also flexible enough to move to another one.  Its not like we got vested in it or anything.

I am already in several of Silveroaks games.
player, 39 posts
Because somone else got
all the good names first.
Thu 17 Apr 2008
at 19:34
  • msg #27

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

I do? Is this Tara? Come see us at GURPS talk in fantasy.
player, 15 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 17 Apr 2008
at 19:54
  • msg #28

Re: Adventuring Company for hire

Yes it is. I have.
player, 2 posts
Mon 21 Apr 2008
at 02:19
  • msg #29


link to "GURPS 4e - Nightmare in Dreamland"

A long time, in a galaxy far, far away...

Okay, maybe not.  How about, "at about this point in time, on a planet near the center of the galaxy..."  The great and terrible being, named Nightmare, is nearing his conquest of the galaxy.  The more people fear him, the stronger he grows, and there is never a lack of fear.  No one speaks his name, but in their mind, they all worry.

There is only one who does not fear him.  Foolish or brave, his name is Kirby.  However, Kirby is a child.  A child with incredible powers, but still just a child.  He has a lot to learn in a short amount of time.  Meanwhile, somebody needs to make sure there is still enough time remaining...

The first game I've hosted on RPOL.  Based off of the video game series Kirby.  It's not to be taken too seriously.  If I had to put it in a subgenre of fantasy, it would be a mix between light and low fantasy.  If I don't get carried away, it will be a rules-light game.  If I do get carried away, I hope someone will tell me.  The object is to develop your character and have fun and a few laughs.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:03, Mon 28 Apr 2008.
player, 3 posts
Fri 9 May 2008
at 21:54
  • msg #30

Blue Planet

Lambda Serpentis II. Poseidon. The Blue Planet. At first glance it is very different from Earth, with only a few islands scattered across a world-girdling ocean. Yet it is habitable, with air that humans can breathe, a gravitational field that humans find comfortable, and native life that humans can eat. Despite the tremendous expense involved in traveling to Poseidon, tens of thousands of people make a trip each year. Some come in hopes of striking it rich. Others come out of duty to their masters on Earth. Still others simply hope to escape from their troubled homeworld and make a fresh start.

Poseidon is a world of enigmas. Decades of scientific work have barely scratched the surface. Most of the colonists don't spend much time thinking about it, but there is plenty of evidence of intelligent design behind their new home. The wormhole is a unique phenomenon, and may be artificial. Poseidon shows signs of massive terraforming operations in the geological past. Lifeforms on Earth and Poseidon have a suspiciously similar biochemistry. Add the presence of the aborigines, and it seems possible that humanity is in contact with the legacy of a powerful alien intelligence.

In short, Poseidon is a world of adventure. Welcome. Jump in and see if you can swim.


Hosting another game.  It's grounded in hard sci-fi.  There are already a few players and I'll be taking more for a while.
player, 15 posts
Tue 27 May 2008
at 22:51
  • msg #31

Re: Blue Planet

Sci FI CSI GURPS 4e under Science Fiction

If you have seen the sci fi dsaturday night ads where the CSI field agent is describing how the 30 foot snake attacked a particular location, or how multiple people were killed by a gargoyle then you know what this is about- this isn't the haples people who get caught in an attack by strange creatures or unknown forces, this is the police and CSI trying to piece things together afterwards. Sometimes the creatures body may eb at the scene, sometimes there may need to be a 'man'hunt for it, but this is law enforcement dealing with reality taking a 90 degree turn into the strange and the supernatural.
player, 16 posts
Furry Kitty with
a witch's hat
Thu 19 Jun 2008
at 02:12
  • msg #32

Re: Blue Planet

I am going to try a game.  Loosely based on Sliders.  It will be a group of time travelers trying to figure out how to fix the machine and get home.

link to another game
player, 8 posts
Thu 3 Jul 2008
at 17:45
  • msg #33

Re: Blue Planet

player, 16 posts
Thu 3 Jul 2008
at 23:49
  • msg #34

Re: Blue Planet

under sci fi I have another game going which is a colonization of a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri, plot twists are not being revealed at this time...
player, 9 posts
Fri 4 Jul 2008
at 12:00
  • msg #35

Re: Blue Planet

Well, Hyborian Adventures seems an unlikely go. One nibble over two gaming sites! I know a crappy idea when I see one! lol

I think I'll scrap it. I was motivated to run an easy-to-GM competitive Gurps game that doesn't suck up a lot of my creative time. It fills the gaps between my regular game's posts.

Back to the drawing board, I guess.... or maybe I should mow my lawn???
GM, 20 posts
And to think I almost
put something witty here.
Fri 4 Jul 2008
at 12:16
  • msg #36

Re: Blue Planet

Hey, don't look at said you weren't accepting anyone who had played in your games, before. That pretty much shut out most of the GURPS community right there. ;P
player, 10 posts
Fri 4 Jul 2008
at 12:28
  • msg #37

Re: Blue Planet

lol, right! I had a feeling that limitation might throw a monkeywrench into the machinery! Well, it was like uncooked spaghetti. I threw it against the wall and it didn't stick.

Maybe Splattered (5th Ed.) might generate more activity, seeing I can welcome Gurps (or non Gurps) friends past, present and future. Course then I'll have to break down and finally buy Gurps 4e Martial Arts.
player, 11 posts
Thu 10 Jul 2008
at 15:19
  • [deleted]
  • msg #38

Re: Blue Planet

This message was deleted by the player at 15:28, Tue 16 June 2009.
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