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17:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Posts - Thread #3.

Posted by JRFor group 0
player, 996 posts
Sun 7 Jan 2024
at 03:40
  • msg #8

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent shook his head. "I think you would have to speak with one of the Ancients to get anywhere with hyperdrive theory. But I guess it is as good a place as any for the theoreticians to perch." He glanced at his displays as well. "It looks like we are riding nicely. A bit of dinner would be good while the food is still fresh. The hydroponic technology alone will be a big help back home."
GM, 1084 posts
Mon 8 Jan 2024
at 15:41
  • msg #9

Game Posts - Thread #3

The main display shows their destination as Tala Research Station One (see Messages #604-617 in the Game 2 thread) with an estimated emergence time of 165.3 hours.

Joxe steps into the common area and opens the fridge. "We still have some of that cobb salad I made for dinner yesterday. There's also salmon I can cook. Or, we can try the new autochef."
player, 997 posts
Fri 12 Jan 2024
at 23:44
  • msg #10

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent followed Joxe into the common area. "I think salmon and the salad would be delicious. Let's wait to try out the auto chef later when our fresh food is gone."
GM, 1085 posts
Sun 14 Jan 2024
at 00:47
  • msg #11

Game Posts - Thread #3

315-1402 0755 - Egg System - Tala Research Station One

The jump drive's clock reaches zero, and Wanderer transitions smoothly into normal space once again. The week in jump had been uneventful, and Joxe took full advantage of the absolute privacy with Brent. They also found time to perform some maintenance checks and train more on the new controls.

"We're within fifty klicks of the target emergence point," Joxe says with a grin. "That's pretty good for a four-parsec jump." The comm panel pings as the station sends a laser communication asking for identification. "Woah, that didn't take long at all."
player, 999 posts
Sun 21 Jan 2024
at 22:14
  • msg #12

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent smiles as he sees the readout on the jump. "It's very easy with the new controls and interface to get it just right. Still, practice makes perfect."

When the hail comes through Brent turns on the transponder. "I think they are keeping a sharp eye out on emergences so that they can control the impact of the new technologies. My people are all pretty independent types; you had to be to survive the crash. I doubt if there's going to be any monopolies attempted on the technology. Let's go ahead and dock once we have clearance."

Brent will bring up the communications laser. "This is Wanderer with a mixed cargo of technology."
GM, 1087 posts
Mon 22 Jan 2024
at 14:28
  • msg #13

Game Posts - Thread #3

Wanderer docks at the station without incident. The couple are greeted by Gareth, Veronica, Naimh, Malcolm, Melina, and Trudy, who have all been working to refurbish the Imperial scouts' jump drives. Trudy leads everyone to the dining area, where they sit down to breakfast.

"So," Trudy says after everyone is seated with their plates, "what have you been up to these days?"
player, 1002 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2024
at 23:19
  • msg #14

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent pauses for a second and then speaks up. "We have found an undisturbed Imperial level shipyard that is all ready to go. It actually belongs to one of the people here with us. We want to work out an arrangement to put the shipyard to use and still respect the ownership rights. There is a 5000 ton ship ready to go that is perfectly suited to perform uplift and humanitarian missions. We need the technical and people skills from the folks here at Egg to man up all of the hulls. I think it is time to start working on a larger framework to pool our resources and intelligence. Joxe and I still plan on exploring the main."
GM, 1090 posts
Thu 1 Feb 2024
at 15:40
  • msg #15

Game Posts - Thread #3

Joxe links her handcomp into the station's commnet and brings up some videos on the table's holo display. Everyone oohs-and-ahs over the imagery and specifications Edak provided about the ship and the facilities.

"Let's take this to the leadership," Trudy says at length. "We will need to officially recognize Radshir Adair as the facility's owner, if for no other reason than the station probably won't cooperate with us otherwise. At the same time, we must assure that none of this falls into the wrong hands. That ship could wipe us out all by itself." She looks to Brent for his response.
player, 1004 posts
Sun 4 Feb 2024
at 04:33
  • msg #16

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent nodded to Trudy. "Even though it is very lightly armed for its size, the technological difference alone will make it a potential threat to the entire system. One thing we've been working on is building small system defense boats to station in each of the Allied systems. If nothing else they will work well to train spacefaring crews and maintenance personnel. I think we could really make a difference in the subsector as long as we can ensure that we don't have new fights on her hands."
GM, 1092 posts
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 15:48
  • msg #17

Game Posts - Thread #3

315-1402 1430 - Egg System - Tala Research Station One

Over the next six hours, the Tala Station group holds a meeting with the Egg System leadership regarding the Gorky facility. Given that responses take up to ten light-minutes to reach their recipients, it's a slow and frustrating process. The Egg natives take it in stride, but the outworlders have to throttle their frustration with the glacial conversational pace. In practice, each respondent gives a brief speech, which the other sides have to digest and then respond with their answers.

By dinner time, the meeting has reached the following resolutions:

1. Wanderer will remain under Brent and Joxe's personal control. The ship is registered in the Egg System, and must abide by the relevant commercial and criminal codes that every other merchant vessel and Egg citizen does. The agreement to not suborn the ship still stands, as well.

2. Brent and Joxe will be paid to transport personnel for Egg. (Brent can specify his terms here, including how many trips he's willing to make.)

3. Trudy will oversee the operation to rotate personnel through Gorky. The government assigns an ambassador and their staff to the shipyard, who will represent the Egg System government.

4. Other ambassadors will be assigned to Execute and any other friendly systems, as needed. Malcolm and the others will transport personnel and supplies to and from Execute using the repaired scouts.

5. (Anything else Brent wishes to bring up.)
player, 1005 posts
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 23:16
  • msg #18

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent will mention the need for joint defense. There might be some need to subsidize the defense of critical planets that are unable to defend themselves at the present time.
GM, 1093 posts
Fri 9 Feb 2024
at 23:50
  • msg #19

Game Posts - Thread #3

The government agrees with Brent's statement, and they will instruct the ambassadors they send out to consider this situation.

Trudy looks around the table. "Anyone else?" Joxe and the others shake their heads. "In that case, we stand adjourned. My people will refuel Wanderer so she can depart when the passengers are ready. That should take us three days, if that's acceptable."
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:33, Sat 10 Feb.
player, 1008 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 05:29
  • msg #20

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent will nod in agreement. "That sounds like a reasonable plan. We will be elbow to elbow for a few weeks so everyone enjoy the open space while you can." He looked over at Joxe. "We should stock up on air filters to keep the odor fresh." Brent said this last with a smile.
GM, 1096 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 16:22
  • msg #21

Game Posts - Thread #3

Trudy's technicians set about readying Wanderer for the return trip to Gorky. Under Joxe's direction, the old trader was converted into a passenger carrier. Edak's remotes had thoroughly cleaned the ship  after her refit, but there was now not a speck of dusk left anywhere. The arriving engineers oohed-and-ahhed over the new equipment, and Brent could recite his ship's tour spiel in his sleep.

Three days later, Wanderer boosted away from Tala Station for the jump point with sixty-two people aboard under a contract from the Egg government which included maintenance services and Cr100,000 for this trip. An optional clause offered the same payment for additional trips, if Brent and Joxe wanted to make them.
player, 1009 posts
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 23:08
  • msg #22

Game Posts - Thread #3

After they have entered jump space Brent turned to Joxe in the privacy of their state room with a serious look on his face. "Do you want to run a ferry service for a while or head off down the main to see what we can find? I am of the opinion that we should stretch our legs."
GM, 1097 posts
Sun 25 Feb 2024
at 02:12
  • msg #23

Game Posts - Thread #3

Joxe sat cross-legged on their bed, her hair loose and covering her nude body. "As much as Aunt Trudy would like to hold onto us, I think we should resupply at Gorky, and leave the rest to more capable folk." She waved her hand toward the aft end of the ship. "I'm reasonably sure that the Egg government will work out a decent arrangement with Radshir and her shipyard, and they have that big ship to start with." She smiled. "All we need is one of those new autodocs, and we can turn the other room into the nursery."
player, 1010 posts
Mon 26 Feb 2024
at 00:09
  • msg #24

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent brushed Joxe's hair back in an affectionate gesture. "I've never been one for government or bureaucracy. Best to stick to space, flying and our life together. They can move more people than Gorky can handle in one go anyway. Wandering the stars will be more exciting than acting as a crowded bus driver." He nodded and started to think. "A top-of-the-line autodoc would be a good idea given where we are going. We are headed for…" Brent suddenly paled as Joxe's words hit home. He took her hands and squeezed. "A nursery? Are you… Are you… Pregnant?"
GM, 1098 posts
Mon 26 Feb 2024
at 14:24
  • msg #25

Game Posts - Thread #3

"Oh, yes, Spacer. You've knocked up this poor trader girl." Joxe pouted. "What will I do now? I don't even know how to make drinks in a spacer bar."
player, 1011 posts
Tue 27 Feb 2024
at 22:43
  • msg #26

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent looked flabbergasted. He stared at Joxe for a moment and then wrapped her in a ferocious hug. "I thought… I thought…" Brent mumbled as he held her. He pulled back a little and smiled and kissed her. "Regardless, I cannot imagine being happier that I am right now to share a new life with you." Brent laughed a bit hysterically and kissed her again. "You'll never need to worry about hustling for a living! We are in this new adventure together." He asked. "How far along are you? How long have you known?"
GM, 1100 posts
Wed 28 Feb 2024
at 16:56
  • msg #27

Game Posts - Thread #3

319-1402 1005 - Aboard Wanderer enroute to Gorky

Joxe blushed. "I didn't even think about my implant. Even though I was in stasis, it still expired. I remembered yesterday when one of the engineers was talking about renewing her implant. So, I went to the station's infirmary. They run a pregnancy test before replacing the implant." She shrugged. "Oops."
player, 1014 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 03:54
  • msg #28

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent hugged Joxe and gave a laugh. "I suppose I should have asked or had my own implant. Anyway as they say, no one is just a little bit pregnant." He held her for a while stroking her hair. "How do we want to mix our adventuring and exploring with your pregnancy? I hate to be the overprotective father but it is something of concern. The star port may be the best place to have the baby but I'm not sure how we want to raise him or her."
GM, 1102 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 14:58
  • msg #29

Game Posts - Thread #3

Joxe smiles. "The traditional way spacers had children was to live on a suitable planet until the child was born. That doesn't apply anymore, of course. And, we have the capability now to make long jumps if we need to get back home in a hurry. We can convert the upper deck to a larger space for us and the children, especially now that we have the personnel modules in the cargo bay. We can keep a couple of them."
player, 1015 posts
Thu 7 Mar 2024
at 05:02
  • msg #30

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent considered Joxe's explanation. He frowned a bit as he thought through the implications. "That makes good sense when the children are little. We will want to have a larger community for them to be a part of when they get older. I guess that is what we are striving to do right now; pull back the darkness and open up a peaceful spacefaring community." Brent thought a bit more. "I hadn't thought about the personnel modules but that makes good sense. We will want to have a little more room to move around while still preserving the cargo deck for more hazardous shipments."
GM, 1103 posts
Thu 7 Mar 2024
at 14:22
  • msg #31

Game Posts - Thread #3

"We've seen that some people have survived, but we are apparently one of the few who've managed to get back into space. That is both good and bad, as we are always in danger of having the ship confiscated by the locals. We know that Keipes is a threat, so I'd like to stay away from that part of the main until Egg's scouts and navy is up and running. We can go rimward if you'd like."!-72.649!6.85

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:20, Sun 17 Mar.
player, 1016 posts
Sat 16 Mar 2024
at 03:17
  • msg #32

Game Posts - Thread #3

Brent nodded his head with a solemn look. "I agree with you." He brought up the local star map and displayed it holographically for the two of them to consider. "I say we had rim ward down the main. We can skip Donegal but the next three worlds in a row could have relic survivors given the favorable biosphere."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:57, Sun 17 Mar.
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