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23:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2.

Posted by SkaldFor group 0
Vova doMedvyed
player, 16 posts
It's easy to make a mess
when you don't clean up!
Fri 12 Apr 2024
at 05:24
  • msg #384

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

 The compliment is largely lost on the merrily day-tripping Vova, who's lightly patting 'Kitty' on the head and carrying on a sort of conversation with it, but the arrival of five more 'kitties' (one of which hits him in the head and knocks him onto his back) snaps him out of his happy reverie and leaves him staring up at Wrukaog with a puzzled, and then outraged face as he registers that the warrior is suddenly very, very big.

 "You made me small!" he accuses - not seeming to appreciate that he is in fact, lying down - but since that's not likely to change anything he's mostly left to puzzle out bipedal motion for himself, which he does mostly when Vic starts pecking at him hard enough to draw blood.

 Both arms wrapped around half a dozen severed Hydra heads, most of which are facing forward (and not actually seeing anything) Vova stumbles after the group, being aggressively pecked at any point where he stops moving, starts to sit down, attempts to go the wrong way or starts singing that damn' song about a little goblin.
GM, 1559 posts
Licenced to Kill
Mon 22 Apr 2024
at 06:27
  • msg #385

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

A gorilla standing behind one and screaming in one's ear really just makes one want to join in, and Tesseryn is no exception, yelling loudly as her legs drive her forwards a few paces, not really concentrating on the direction, just noticeably away from whatever it is that's at her back.

Even the sight of Giant Wrukaog bearing down upon her doesn't cause her to waver from her path.  Better the terrifying beast you know and all that.  It does give Vova pause, however, if only to voice largely confused objections, though encouraged by Vic's beak that worthy does manage to rise from the ground to stumble after the big Orc, arms full of severed Hydra heads, the blood running freely down his Owlbear fur cloak.  It's not a good look.

All that screaming causes Aurion to turn around, though the look from the Elf is more chiding than concerned, as his concentration is interrupted.

Wrukaog's axe at least serves to quieten the gorilla, its scream fading to a strangled gurgle as it hits, upon which it does a swift about turn and races off east down the passage behind it.

At which point Brindle arrives with Halphed in tow.  The Halfling's best friend is quick to offer his advice.

"Oh dear.  I'm afraid that was Haffrung.  He probably wasn't very pleased about what you did to his pet," Halphed glances at the many-necked corpse of the beast currently cooling nearby.
player, 157 posts
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 14:35
  • msg #386

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Wrukaog doesn't hesitate. A fleeing opponent is a free hit!

Wrukaog_ rolled 21 using 1d20+16.  Attack of opportunity - to hit gorilla.
Wrukaog_ rolled 27 using 3d6+17.  Damage on gorilla from enlarged greataxe.

Even if his axe misses or merely wounds the gorilla-Haffrung, giant Wrukaog immediately races after it, swinging his enormous greataxe with murderous intent.
player, 1100 posts
Brindle Thistlefoot
Tue 23 Apr 2024
at 14:46
  • msg #387

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

If the passage is too narrow for giant Wrukaog to chase the gorilla, Brindle will immediately dismiss the Enlarge Person spell he cast on Wrukaog.

Then he urges others to help catch the gorilla.

"Don't let him get away!" he cries.
Tesseryn Brightsoul
player, 501 posts
Holy Liberator
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 02:28
  • msg #388

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

"Haffrung?!!"  Chiding herself for a fool, Tesseryn lumbers after the Wrukaog, drawing her sword as she goes.
Aurion Moonbeak_
player, 278 posts
Sun Elf
Sorcerer and Wizard
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 02:56
  • msg #389

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

"Haffrung?!!!" Well, wasn't that the whole point? Split-second decision making sees Aurion ... to be continued later today :-)  sorry for the delay and long absence
Aurion Moonbeak_
player, 279 posts
Sun Elf
Sorcerer and Wizard
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 11:44
  • msg #390

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

... continuing his search with just a little more urgency than before the gorilla was named.

"We've been told that Haffrung can swap bodies." He explains to those gathered on the stair. "So, when Wrukaog corners the gorilla, Haffrung may escape to somebody else. So I think we ought to try to cut off his options. Haltashaar, if you would please, take someone with you and head back upstairs to keep an eye on those 'spare' bodies. Yell if any of them start casting spells."

He crosses the larder to the wizard's bedroom and peers in through the door. "And some of us should keep watch here in case Haffrung returns to a comfy bed." He beckons for someone else from the stairs to join him as he re-casts Detect Magic and peers into the bedroom trying to divine whether its safe to enter.
Tesseryn Brightsoul
player, 502 posts
Holy Liberator
Sun 28 Apr 2024
at 11:48
  • msg #391

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

"Vova," Tesseryn's voice carries above the clattering of her armour, "If you wanted to meet the evil wizard Haffrung, he just went this way in the body of a gorilla."
GM, 1560 posts
Licenced to Kill
Sun 5 May 2024
at 07:29
  • msg #392

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Though Wrukaog lunges forwards, the gorilla proves quicker and the passageway too narrow.  By the time Brindle is able to dismiss his spell to reduce the bigger Orc to merely big, the creature which Halphed vouchsafes is Haffrung has knuckled his way down the passage and vanished around the far corner.  Wrukaog, Tesseryn and Brindle, shouting words of encouragement, with Halphed trailing his best friend, set off in eager pursuit, joined with rather less enthusiasm but no little alacrity by Vova, still clutching an armful of severed hydra heads, driven on by vicious pecks from his minder, while the priestess Vashalla and the quietly judgemental Moram bring up the rear.

Aurion, meantime, continues on with his favourite pastime of splitting the party, ignoring the litany of cries from the ghosts of thousands of doomed adventurers who tried that and failed.  Directed by the Elf, Haltashaar heads back upstairs to ensure the spare bodies don't get repossessed, accompanied by Virdonitii and Leisha, while in the meantime Gratchscartch has discovered the larder and his appetite in no particular order and is otherwise gainfully occupied.

Which leaves Cogwitz to accompany Aurion once more as the Elf cautiously investigates the bedroom for any sign of magic; the Halfling eyeballing the doorway itself to make sure there are no mundane traps that might prove equally inconvenient. 

OOC: Map of the proceedings for Group 0 (situational) updated ...
Aurion Moonbeak_
player, 280 posts
Sun Elf
Sorcerer and Wizard
Sun 5 May 2024
at 09:44
  • msg #393

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Satisfied that the party is suitably split, and its not his fault (it was Haffrung, after all, who left a trail of spare bodies and comfy beds strewn across the dungeon that require watching while he runs off in the opposite direction in the body of a gorilla), and satisfied that the bedroom is suitably free of enchantments that could blow him to bits, Aurion steps closer to the bookcase and continues to concentrate on pinpointing the source of the magical aura lurking there.

He gives Gogwitz the nod to go ahead and check out the door in the south wall.
Tesseryn Brightsoul
player, 503 posts
Holy Liberator
Fri 10 May 2024
at 00:03
  • msg #394

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Tesseryn hustles forward in Wrukaog's wake, teeth bared in a fierce grin and sword held high.  She peers ahead with darkvision and extends the Protection from Evil granted her by the trio of Mitraic artefacts she wears to 20' radius to aid her companions.  What other powers do these artefacts grant the wearer and those about, she wonders, having had little time to explore their effects.  Whatever, they are a boon, surely.  Let the battle begin!
Vova doMedvyed
player, 17 posts
It's easy to make a mess
when you don't clean up!
Sat 11 May 2024
at 18:49
  • msg #395

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

 The uncharitable might suggest that this is far from the first time Vova has found himself staggering through a mysterious passageway, spattered in blood and carrying severed body parts... While being assaulted by a peacock... And high as a kite... While people shout at him... The fact that they would not, in fact be wrong does not make their biased assumptions any less hurtful however, although not to Vova who is instead rather industriously pulling faces at 'Kitty' in response to whatever Severed Hydra Head #3 just 'said' about the way the walls are melting sideways.

 And then he's given a direction by a friendly talking tree who informs him that the monkey wizard's half-way up a ladder and he smiles at them, beaming merrily as he asks "Does he need a hand up?"

 Being this close permits said shining beacon of liberation to realise that Vova's pupils are, just now large enough to dive into which probably recontextualizes just why he picked up so many of those damn' sweetmeats in the room they found them in.
player, 141 posts
Sun 12 May 2024
at 05:53
  • msg #396

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

"May I ?" ripostes the halfling in response to Aurion's commanding nod, albeit with a cheeky grin as he follows the elf into the bed chamber. As one does.

"That door is safe, by the way," he adds, perhaps unnecessarily, but with just a hint of sarcasm, as he points to the portal behind him before turning his expert eye to the other.
player, 158 posts
Sun 12 May 2024
at 14:29
  • msg #397

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

As soon as he is able to follow Haffrung, Wrukaog sets off in hot pursuit, determined to close the distance and stop that stinking ape from escaping.
player, 1101 posts
Brindle Thistlefoot
Sun 12 May 2024
at 14:40
  • msg #398

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Brindle follows as quickly as his little legs will carry him, with his favourite Wand of Magic Missiles in hand.
GM, 1561 posts
Licenced to Kill
Sat 18 May 2024
at 13:52
  • msg #399

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Curiously at peace with himself, Aurion wastes but a moment to nod Cogwitz towards a close inspection of the southern door before turning his mystically attuned mind back to his examination of the bookcase which strangely intrigues a mage of his proclivities.

Once more the Halfling declares the door free of traps, but locked and, on his own initiative, sets out to remedy that.

Not too much further north and east (just past the hydra without six heads, you can't miss it), the chase continues.  With long legs, and unrivaled bloody-mindedness, Wrukaog easily pulls away, leaving those in his wake to ignore such distractions as a long passage north, with a faint suggestion of a pool situated implausibly close to a door, and a much shorter passage south on the sinister black marbled, wall that you have come to think of as the Dark Tower on account of how evil Tesseryn declared it to be.  She stomps along, keen, and warding her companions, though they know it not, but struggling to keep up with the big Orc due to the weight of her plate armour, which suits Brindle who is going as fast as he can to stay with her, though the plucky fellow has his favourite wand ready for action and his best friend close behind him.

Neither are going fast enough for Vova, who all on his own is managing a state of mind not so much mystically attuned as at one with the universe, assuming the universe to be populated with fantastical and lurid imaginings, though charging down darkened passages after gorillas with an armful of severed heads while being subjected to a series of painful pecks from his peacock guardian might not be the best argument for sticking to reality.

In any event, Wrukaog has just turned the corner in time to spot the middle one of three doors he can see from there slamming shut when everyone in earshot is startled anew by a dreadful cry from Vic as Vashalla and Moram at the rear of the pursuit are suddenly engulfed by a gout of infernally hot flame that gushes from those doors of the Dark Tower, incinerating the pair on the spot.

For which, and this must be stressed, Aurion bears absolutely no blame.

OOC: Map of the proceedings for Group 0 (situational) updated ...
player, 159 posts
Sun 19 May 2024
at 14:03
  • msg #400

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Wrukaog pauses at the corner when he sees which door the ape went into. He looks back down the corridor behind him and sees how far behind the rest of the party are, just in time to see a bright flash from around the bend behind them. He beckons urgently for the party to hurry up as he waits for them to catch up.
player, 1102 posts
Brindle Thistlefoot
Sun 19 May 2024
at 14:07
  • msg #401

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Brindle almost jumps out of his skin when the fireball erupts behind them. It takes him a few moments to realise there were casualties but that just spurs him to want to move faster and he will follow Tesseryn as fast as he can.
Tesseryn Brightsoul
player, 504 posts
Holy Liberator
Mon 20 May 2024
at 00:41
  • msg #402

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Tesseryn grits her teeth and hustles on as fast as possible. "They're with Ishtar now!" As she closes in on Wrukaog she calls ahead "Stay close, Mitra will protect us!"  Somewhat?  She could hope... but overriding hope is determination... let's get this done, or die trying!
Aurion Moonbeak_
player, 281 posts
Sun Elf
Sorcerer and Wizard
Mon 20 May 2024
at 01:40
  • msg #403

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Sarcasm!?? The elvish brain recognises the jibe but finds rats' arses in short supply.

Boom!?? Screams!?? Have the hot-pursuit team run something more interesting?

"New plan!" Aurion announces, turning from the fascinating bookcase and moving quickly to the foot of the stairs where the confused linger. "Come closer!" He waves his arms to gather them all in. "We'll all be invisible. As long as we stay close to Cogwitz. And we'll go that way!" He points through the doorway towards the slain hydra's room where the boom and screams came from. There! That's a plan. He taps Cogwitz on the shoulder as he casts Invisibility Sphere on him, then turns and hurries off in the direction he pointed.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:49, Mon 20 May.
GM, 1562 posts
Licenced to Kill
Wed 29 May 2024
at 06:33
  • msg #404

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Having given everyone a good head start, Aurion springs into action.  Pausing only to cast a spell of invisibility upon Cogwitz, the Elven mage races off calling upon everyone to follow him as he races off, only to discover that those on the stairs have now vanished, so keen were they to pursue their earlier proscribed tasks, while Gratchscartch has no time to spare for such trivialites, having now found a well-stocked larder to feed his rumbling belly.

Though the halfling remains loyal, sighing theatrically as he races to catch up, that he might keep up with Aurion and keep the pair of them hidden from sight (and thus sparing the Gnoll from the Elf's wrath as he, obliviously) vanishes too, so Aurion knows not if he's coming or going.

Meanwhile, out of their sight, the remaining stalwarts swiftly set aside their grief and sense of loss and hurry after Wrukaog, arriving just in time as the big Orc kicks open the door through which he saw Haffrung go, thus revealing a small room, empty and long abandoned, the dust only disturbed by large footprints leading up the stairs that cling to the eastern wall.

OOC: Map of the proceedings Group 0 (situational) updated ...
player, 160 posts
Wed 29 May 2024
at 14:57
  • msg #405

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Naturally, Wrukaog races up the stairs in pursuit of the elusive magical gorilla. One thing has changed now, however. He pauses whenever he would vanish from the sight of those following and wait, impatiently, until they catch up again.
player, 1103 posts
Brindle Thistlefoot
Wed 29 May 2024
at 15:02
  • msg #406

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Brindle inevitably falls back toward the back of the party as his little legs struggle to maintain the pace of this mad pursuit. He tries to take note of his surroundings as he goes, looking for any familiar sights along the way to help orient himself with the areas they have previously explored.
Tesseryn Brightsoul
player, 505 posts
Holy Liberator
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 00:33
  • msg #407

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

Tesseryn surges on after Wrukaog, plate armour slowing her so much that she's only barely ahead of Brindle ... but gaining on Haffrung!  "Don't let him get away!" she calls encouragement to the others in line.
Aurion Moonbeak_
player, 282 posts
Sun Elf
Sorcerer and Wizard
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 00:56
  • msg #408

The Dark Tower - Level The Second Part 2

"Less than I'd hoped for," Aurion shrugs, "But we'll get it done, eg Cogwitz?!" Whatever it is. He turns on his heel and trots off, robes flapping and elbows pumping, in the direction the others went. He'll stop a moment before reaching the smouldering corpses and try to work out what happened to them.

08:48, Today: Aurion Moonbeak_ rolled 33 using 1d20+14 ((19)) knowledge arcana - what burnt Vashalla and Moram?
This message was last edited by the player at 00:59, Yesterday.
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