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21:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath.

Posted by HeathFor group 0
player, 172 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2011
at 00:56
  • msg #87

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Grung readies his battle axe and the demons arrival.  "Trees might be nice, but may not matter." Grung says as he waits for input from the others.
Kahan Singh
player, 889 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2011
at 02:37
  • msg #88

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

"We have to hold them here, lest they kill the earthrocs, damning us all to being stuck here with whatever other spawn crawl from that 'temple'." Kahan says in a weary, angry tone. "Does anyone have lamp oil on them? I think we should let fire cleanse these demons." he asks the rest of the group.

OOC: Planning on using Produce Flame to set fire to oil as someone splashes it across the demons when they attack.
GM, 3425 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2011
at 21:23
  • msg #89

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

You ready yourselves.  You see their spiked, infernal bodies.  The demons get in close but do not close in for melee.  From about 40 feet away, they clench their hands, and small spikes fly from their bodies at you:

Grizz is hit for 4 damage.

Borimer is hit for 3 damage.

Grung and Kahan manage to avoid getting hit.
GM, 3429 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2011
at 14:10
  • msg #90

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

You let arrows fly at the demons.  Borimer hits one of them.  They seem to pause for a momment and then they fly off to the northwest.  You have to wonder what came over them since they couldn't have been hurt very badly.
player, 1577 posts
Armor Class 2
Thac0 14
Mon 13 Jun 2011
at 17:16
  • msg #91

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

"We should forget 'em."

Borimer turns and runs towards the Earthrocs.
Kahan Singh
player, 891 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2011
at 18:05
  • msg #92

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Kahan nods and runs as fast as his tired legs would carry him to the earthrocs.
player, 175 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2011
at 18:26
  • msg #93

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

"Agreed." replies Grung as he runs as fast as his battered body will allow.
GM, 3432 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 03:36
  • msg #94

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

You continue south along the beach.  The waters are rough, and the mountain seems that it will soon turn you all into pillars of ash.  Chunks of ash and debris are falling all around.

You keep looking behind you, and as you get closer to the southern shore, you see the three demon creatures returning.  This time, you see that each of them carries a demon in its arms.  Three soulfeeders are clawing at the air, anxious to get to you.

OOC: You have two rounds until they reach you.  You can turn and face them or make preparations, continue south and ignore them until they get close (in which case you should be getting in view of the area where the earthrocs are at), or perform some other action.
player, 1580 posts
Armor Class 2
Thac0 14
Thu 16 Jun 2011
at 18:49
  • msg #95

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Borimer continues running, keeping himself between Kahan and the encroaching Evil Things.
player, 176 posts
Thu 16 Jun 2011
at 19:03
  • msg #96

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Grung sticks with Borimer and continues to run, but readies his battle axe for the upcoming fight surely to come.
GM, 3437 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2011
at 20:34
  • msg #97

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

You continue south for one round.

The demons are getting closer, and they get close to the ground and drop their cargo.  The soulseekers begin coming toward you.  At your current slower rate, they will likely catch up to you right after you reach the earthroc location.  The flying demons then begin going faster to catch up to you.

You contine south in round two.

The soulseekers are still moving to catch up.  The flying demons are catching up quickly, and they fire spikes from a distance.  None of them find the mark, although it makes your flesh crawl to see demon spikes flying by your heads.

You reach the area where the earthrocs...are supposed to be.

To your left (east) is the beachhead.  To your right (west) is the edge of the forest.  To the south there is a large area of boulders and rocks about 50 feet wide and 10 feet tall.  The earthrocs had previously been just to the east of the rocks.  Now they are not there, and neither is Prump.  However, you cannot see what is on the far side of the rock bulkhead.
Kahan Singh
player, 893 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2011
at 20:40
  • msg #98

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Kahan, as tired as he is, continued to push himself harder and harder to make it to the pile of rocks before the demons got to them, even if he thought they wouldn't make it. If Prump wasn't there... Well, they wouldn't need to worry about getting off of the island, because they'd all be doomed to die anyway.
Grizz Henderson
player, 308 posts
AC=5; THAC0=13
Sat 18 Jun 2011
at 20:47
  • msg #99

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Grizz follows Kahan closely, panting and checking behind him to see the approaching demons with characteristic superstitiousness.  "I'm good at sea, but we'll need a boat at a minimum.  Maybe if the earthrocs are gone we can find boats left by Tarimar's dwarves."
player, 1582 posts
Ac 2 (3 w/o shield)
Thac0 14
Sat 18 Jun 2011
at 22:56
  • msg #100

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Borimer curses Dwarves in general and Prump in particular while dashing to the pile of rocks, turning to draw his blade and meet the attack of the Demons.
player, 177 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2011
at 23:45
  • msg #101

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Seeing Borimer take his stand, Grung joins him to stop the soulseekers.
Kahan Singh
player, 894 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2011
at 00:12
  • msg #102

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

"We'd still have to get there alive, not to mention I have no idea where we are. Prump was the only one who knew how to get home." Kahan answers to Grizz, even if that was the best sounding idea he'd heard in awhile.
GM, 3439 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2011
at 15:00
  • msg #103

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

You go to the east side of the rocks and look past them.  You see two figures at the edge of the water.  One of them is Prump, face up.  He looks recently dead.

The figure next to him is hogtied and facing your direction, apparently unable to move or talk.  He is facing you on his belly.  It is Adaran.

You see nothing else.  No earthrocs or anything.

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:11, Sun 19 June 2011.
Kahan Singh
player, 895 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2011
at 18:55
  • msg #104

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

"Wait... something doesn't seem quite right..." Kahan mutters under his breath, looking around carefully, trying his best to ignore the impending death behind him to figure out what was going on. Prump couldn't have just gotten killed; the dwarves went straight to the Temple, and if they'd killed him, he would have been dead for days by now. Adaran wouldn't have killed him unless something terribly wrong had happened... Then again, there could be an invisible stalker around, so he starts looking for any footprints that didn't seem to have any end.
player, 178 posts
Sun 19 Jun 2011
at 19:28
  • msg #105

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

"Could be a trap, illusion, or both!  Be wary." Grung says in response of seeing Adaran's prone body.  Turning his attention to the soul seekers bearing down on them, he readies himself for whatever they might bring.
player, 1584 posts
Ac 2 (3 w/o shield)
Thac0 14
Sun 19 Jun 2011
at 20:27
  • msg #106

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Borimer nods but moves quickly to Adaran anyway, first removing the gag and then cutting him free.

[if borimer must fight the enemy or react to something adaran says before untying him, he will address that first, otherwise he ungags and cuts free adaran]
GM, 3441 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 19:15
  • msg #107

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

The party stands for a brief moment on the far southeast side of the mound of boulders (at the point where the last gray dot is on the right side of the map).

Borimer runs down and cuts Adaran free.  The rogue's body collapses helplessly.  He is obviously awake but unable to move, seemingly under some sort of spell.

"Well, well, what do we have here," comes a voice from the area of the rocks.  You spin and turn.  In the crescent area of the rocks, you see a man appear, a mage of some sort.  He is putting a wand into a satchel and removing another one.  Next to him stand two dwarves.  They have the familiar tattoo of Tarimar's minions.  And behind them all, the earthrocs are tied up but safe.

The soulseekers and flying demons are getting closer...  This man appears unaware or uncaring of their approach.  His wand is leveled at Borimer.

The two dwarves turn toward Grung, Grizz, and Kahan.  They each carry a crossbow.  Strapped to the waist of one is an axe.  The other has a warhammer strapped across his back.

"Do not try anything rash," the man says.  "The bolts in those crossbows are lined with a deadly poison, and this wand...well, as you can see, your friend did not fare well against it.  So who are you and where is Tarimar?  Tell me now or..."

"Maelarian!" one of the dwarf's cries out, "What is that?"

The demons have arrived.
GM, 3443 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 20:21
  • msg #108

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath


For this next battle, it will be a little different because it is a three party battle.

The demons will attack randomly, with those closest to the demons having the most chance of being attacked (i.e., Borimer and Adaran have the lowest chance).  Once a target is selected, the demons will continue to attack that target until attacked by a more powerful party or the victim is dead.

There are 3 flying demons and 3 soulfeeders total.

The mage and dwarves will choose the largest threat to themselves, which currently is the party.  However, if they are hit by demons, they have a chance in 20 of changing targets equal to the damage they are inflicted with.

There is one mage and two dwarves.

+1 weapons or equivalent are required to harm the demons.

Also, coming to the material plane gives the demons physical bodies.  Therefore, certain elements of the soulfeeders may be different than in their own plane.
Grizz Henderson
player, 309 posts
AC=5; THAC0=13
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 23:08
  • msg #109

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Grizz charges at the mage with his trident.  "I shall feed your corpse to the fishes, just like we did with Tarimar's rotting body."
player, 1586 posts
Ac 2 (3 w/o shield)
Thac0 14
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 23:32
  • msg #110

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

Borimer rushes the wizard with his longsword, looking for an opening to exploit in the sorcerer's defenses.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:39, Tue 21 June 2011.
GM, 3447 posts
Tue 21 Jun 2011
at 00:29
  • msg #111

Re: Temple of Ashmere 33 - Demon's Wrath

For Grung and Borimer, keep in mind your negative modifier that still applies for having breathed in so much smoke.
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