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Dr. Christie's Findings.

Posted by Commander HackFor group 0
Tag in Data Bases
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 16:52
  • msg #14

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

 Some of the Newer ores and Minerals are pushed off to the side if they show no purpose in weapons  development , or Human Health products...some are tagged  with an asterisk that would be the color of a Race ( white  for Humans, Red for Angels, Blue  for Sanri, Purple  of Occui, Brown for Mull, Green for LArgran, Grey for  Creshian, Black for Demon a Light Green for the Borials ( from Bura) there is a orange reserved for  Skith, but no entries yet)
Henry Christie
player, 784 posts
Mon 20 Apr 2015
at 13:41
  • msg #15

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Results of investigations into human remains

These were a human body and several patches of skin from different people brought back from shore leave under rather mysterious circumstances involving a brawl and some captives (of whom?).

The corpse has high levels of regeneration similar to that shown by a demon. Strangely, it seems as if the human cells within his body are encouraging or inviting the demon cells to replicate! Had he survived the brawl, it's likely that the wound would already be closing slowly of its own accord without treatment. He pointed this out to the trooper, if he's willing to come that close (not everyone is happy around dead bodies, after all!).

He then turned to the patches of skin.

Oriste's  patch showed signs of Largran patch work - the cells  would make the human body far more flexible and less likely to break bones &c, but the skin would be easier to shred or tear... so it's not clear if it's an advantage or not!

Oren's skin  has a mix of demon and Largan cells, that are joining with the human cells, perhaps this would allow the human to be faster and more agile, as well as being able to take a bit more punishment... but at what cost?

Finally, the sample from Rawlings seems to have some Creshian and demon cells in it. The mix seems to have made him much stronger and his body able to take more punishment.. had he livbed another 6 months the Creshian cells would have started to take over, turning him in to a hybrid Bug/human/Demon!
Henry Christie
player, 927 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2015
at 17:22
  • msg #16

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Flora & Fauna of Bura

Tooth or Tentacle Plant: ambulatory with teeth on arms. Shamans make a juice from it which is heated until it boils then drunk, this treats its venom, sleeping a lot is also recommended. In severe cases, the juice can also be injected into the holes made in the victim by the plant's teeth. The plants do not like direct sunlight, being found near big thick trees or near the sides of moutnains in the shade.

Sinking Plant: it crawls Like a long worm until if finds a place to get food, then it sinks into the ground, grows and waits until something edible walks over it and sinks. The plant has many lips which have teeth, it sticks its lips out and grabs, pulls,next set grabs and pulls, first one grabs higher... they do that till food  inside, the first set, then closes. They do not open again, till food is gone. It sucks all the juice out of whatever it eats, the larger ones then eat the body as well. It's found most commonly near water holes, lakes, rivers and road ot paths.

Arrow Plant: These grow Like a pretty red or white flower with a thick base. Three  Flowers  rise  from the base, they bloom all year, looking for food. When little, they shoot bugs, then small creatures. When they get bigger they will kill big creatues. When food comes in range it shoots three tiny arrows from the middle of the flower. If a creatue is hit, it falls asleep, a nice sleep with pleasant dreams. Roots from the plant reach up, stick into the food and begin to drink. The food does not die,unless it is too little to survive. Arrow plants grow in fields or near water.

Yellow Berry Plant: the berries tend to stimulate the body, easing pain, and such enabling the body to go past its limits. You will crash when it wears off and want/need to sleep. One berry is the dose, it will last for an hour. A 2nd berry will last for 30 minutes, a third  berry, about 10 minutes...a 4th berry will put   you into shock. People  from a 1 berry dose will wake up after 2 hours or so of sleep.

Bura Peas: they grow in pods, not any longer then 3 inches or so, average is about 2 inches. One pea per inch. 6 or more or the peas help keep a person going, if  food is scarce.

Scoop Beetle: a beetle close to 5 inches long. Burains like to eat them uncooked, You crack the shell and scoop out the insides, it tastes somewhat like peanut butter.

Bura Roots: foot-long purple tubers. Cooked they occupy a role similar to the potato, raw they retain their fluid and are more like cucumbers.

Dagger Plant: a long grass with razor-sharp leaves which retain their sharpness if dried. If one gets into a wound they become poisonous if not removed promptly.

Plant with scarlet leaves and white flowers (name unknown): used to make perfumes. The flower itself can be used to flavour baked goods and in cooking, it adds a  sweet tang to foods. The scarlet leaves are poisonous to eat, but attract the Burian bees, that help pollenate it.

Flytrap Plant: harmless to humanoids, as it prefers insects. Deeper in the Jungles  to the South, there are much larger ones, that will eat Humanoids and animals.

Pitcher Plant: these can become as large as a desk. The fluid inside can be used for medicines that numb the body and put it to sleep. If noiled down to a paste, it is a deadly poison.

Burian Rabbit: shorter ears than an Earth one, three eyes, 4 Legs... and yes, they taste like chicken!

Plant-spider:  a bulbus, dark-green body with vine-like legs, hunts and kills small animals, sucks them dry. They make a sloshing noise when they run. Their bodies  can be boiled for a wonderful soup. Down in the Jungles, the tropical version will hunt Humanoids down. Their fang-like front legs have a numbing agent in the tips.

Sunberry: makes good wine which is invigorating.

Spiders: yellow and brown with 6 legs, co-exist with Grave-Digger Plants, weaving its web between the stalks. This symbiosis is called the Bandit Pair. It drains the fluids of anything it catches then cuts the body loose. The spider is caught and raised for its venom, which can be used to numb pain or as a poison, depending on how much is used.

Grave-Digger Plant: Llooks like green bamboo. It slowly pulls the body of anything caught under the  ground  and consumes the  meat. The stalks of the plant are used in making Burian bows,  spears and even arrow shafts, since they are very, very strong.

Bubble Beast: A bulbous Green sphere-like creature, with thousands of little legs  at the base which made it seem to float when it moves. Mouth at the top with a spear-like tongue which it uses to catch the small animals that are its prey. Their Jucies are used for cleaning equipment, the tips of their tongues are used on arrows and darts. Some people eat the 'shell' after it is cooked, others find it too bitter.

Diver Bird: green feathers but coloured breast, they seek large insects and small  animals to eat.

Yellow and green beetles which are not native, appear to be UEs. They travel in well-organised packs and eat both plants and animals.

Angels living here acquire a green pigment after a couple of generations, appearing more like native Burians. Indeed, most of the wildlife is green, even their almost Earth-like squirrels.

[Compiled with the help of a green angel call Al-te.]

Note: Jova flowers flourish here, although they are of course an alien species.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:54, Fri 25 Sept 2015.
Henry Christie
player, 986 posts
Thu 15 Oct 2015
at 07:55
  • msg #17

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Avian Combat

Blacks and greys: attack with beak and clawed fingers...sometimes (rarely) a knife that is normally used to flay people with.

Blues, greens  and Yellows: use hand guns.

Yellows: may also use a rifle from time to time.

Reds: use hand guns and SMGs.

Mutilcoloured: use any weapon, and also carry a sword-like blade.
Henry Christie
player, 991 posts
Tue 20 Oct 2015
at 09:33
  • msg #18

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Avian Flight

Blacks and Greys are incapable of gliding whilst more 'senior' birds (as indicated by plumage colour) can do so.
Henry Christie
player, 1013 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2015
at 12:49
  • msg #19

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

More Avian Notes (courtesy of Jesse Dalton

1. The black/purple birds feathers seem to 'absorb light', thus making it hard to the Avain to be seen. Which is why they were overlooked and many of our guys ended up shot or dead.

2. The beaks are hard, but much smaller, the inside is lined with sharp teeth. Possibly useful for good weaponry?

3. There were no 'glide wings, but stronger thicker Muscles in legs and arms. So they were not capable of flying for long distances or at all but great for running or melee.
Henry Christie
player, 1014 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2015
at 15:28
  • msg #20

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Purple Avians

The so-called purple avians' feathers  are Purple, and can shimmer (if you will) like  Black - like  a velvet or silk, dark purple vest or dreess. They seem to absorb light.

Purple avians cannot glide or fly, Like most of the 'other' coloured avians, but they are more agile then any other coloured avian. They also seem to be able to reason, much like their 'coloured' leaders... and thus are inclined to use stealth, and choose weapons that are appropriate to whatever they are douing.
Henry Christie
player, 1077 posts
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 09:54
  • msg #21

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Fuji Sealife

The ball crab: despite its name is more shrimp-like with a segmented body of a head, thorax and abdomen. The abdomen ends with a large ball-like base that tapers off into a flat tail. The creatures seemed to wrap themselves around this ball defensively keeping their limbs tight against it as if to prevent predators from nibbling off appendages. They have 2 vicious 'pincers' apparently designed to tear flesh. They come from a Largrane planet and the meat of the ball is poisonous (a neurotoxin, dangerous to most humanoid species) if not cooked.

Pincer Turtles: crossbred Earth stock designed to survive while still providing   food and the shell for assorted goods.

Glow fish: originally from Bura, but enhanced to help maintain enviro-levels and also being pleasing to the eye.

Pizza fish: bred to  be a food source, and help enviro-levels. Round and flat in appearance.

Sea Spiders: there's a wide variety of these including a pitch black one with a leg span of a dinner table. There are many others, varied in size from a baseball to a frying pan many with bright colours. They spin thick webbing typically anchored on coral and 'catch' fish.

Delta serpent: a sea snake imported from the Delta colonies which has settled on Bura well. It tastes good, but is savage when threatened.

Zolth penguins: there are red skinned ones with blue eyes and  a few greyish-brown ones with  blue eyes as well. Zolth species seem to be able to adapt to heat, they also have been able to crossbreed with Earth penguins, yielding a brown species. The brown species seems more aggressive then either of the 'parent' species, but   all get along  well. They can be bought as pets, and have a natural lifespan of 20 years, or a captive life span of 10-12 years.

Wake wraiths: ghostly white images that rise from the depths riding a ship's wake.  They leap out of the wave, and a light bursts along their spine and down either side of their tails like blue fire. They seem to fly there flapping their wide flat bodies seeming to dip and snatch up something like flying fish that leap out of the water. They hunt in packs and the Alpha members have spiny blades on their tails that can be dangerous and cause nasty infections. They are said to taste like halibut, but can turn on fishermen and try to knock them overboard! They are quite intelligent and some folks have trained them to help fish. They were originally developed for a gas-giant environment, using the same bacteria as those in glow fish in their swim bladders, but were brought to Fuji to eat Earth squid which had got here more or less by accident!
This message was last edited by the player at 17:21, Sat 05 Dec 2015.
Henry Christie
player, 1137 posts
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 09:26
  • msg #22

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Fuji Beach Life

Starcrab: 8-legged 'starfish' like creature, 2 eyes, a hard carapace and a beaklike mouth.

Twisted hermit crab: 3" long, big eyes on stalks, 4 claws and a shell on its back.
Henry Christie
player, 1295 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2016
at 14:55
  • msg #23

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings


This mostly from conversation with a captured Mech-pilot (see Brig thread for full transcript... someone was probably recording!)

Like many demon-allied species, Hilites feel that it is OK to use those that they capture how they please: as food, as slaves, as sexual toys. Humans they apparently like the taste of, unfortunately.

Amongst themselves, they form pair-bonds that last until the children are old enough to be independent, then split up again. Only once they are done breeding do they settle with a 'life-mate', normally only subsequently looking for another partner if one dies.

Slaves are used and discarded freely, any offspring that result are studied and trained.

Their world-view is that those who are weaker are there to be exploited. Weaker Hilites are either given to the Empire as tribute or may be supported by slave-labour. Such weaklings are unlikely to rise far within Hilite society, however.

They are part of a 'Triad' with Nivarians and Hyrians, these races are too strong to be enslaved so they trade with them. It seems this irks them somewhat, especially about the Nivarians. The Hyrians are the strongest species in the Triad, not liked but dealt with in order to remain part of the main power bloc of the Beta Quadrant. The Nivarians are viewed as inferior because they fight in groups using large fierce 6-legged dog-like animals rather than taking enemies on in single combat.

Young Hilites are trained in 'group learning places' and assigned roles depending on how well they do. The best go into business or leadership roles, the worst end up farmers and labourers, those in the middle end up in the military - of these the best become flyers, others occupy lower status roles (ground pounders).

Plant life: plkanys - a fruit that is good for them but usually only taken under doctor's orders; the Cuffi fruit - grows on bushy trees and provides juice that aids muscle growth, the flesh helps treat 'bumps' that they get from bad meat.

They prefer to eat meat, bloody meat and not always cooked although they are advised to cook meat on health grounds. They do not practise cannibalism on religious grounds.

Their faith is based around The Black, a sort of sentient universe view. The Black creates all things. They practise an annual sacrifice of lesser races each new year, sending them off in a burning starship.

Half-breed Hilites are rare but prized, they are believed to be blessed by The Black (else how could they come into existance, being drawn from a lesser race?). They recognise that other species are inherently smarter so see the benefits of mixing smarter yet lesser beings with their own, where physical prowess seems more prized. So the half-breed can be smart and strong.
Henry Christie
player, 1368 posts
Tue 10 May 2016
at 08:12
  • msg #24

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings


(Preliminary name until I find out what they are called)

Humanoid, with white wrinkly skin and just the one eye. Air-breathers, with atmospheric preferences similar to humans. Very fast movers.

Use giant spider-like creatures as watch-beasts, and have both pulse weapons and one which fires blades about a foot long.
Henry Christie
player, 1504 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2016
at 17:59
  • msg #25

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings


Bipedal 'dog-like' humanoids.

More males than females. Bond in packs with 1 female and several males. Female in charge at home, males when at war. Unattached females serve in the navy or as fighter pilots.
Henry Christie
player, 1646 posts
Fri 30 Sep 2016
at 12:55
  • msg #26

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Specimens delivered to Henry's lab after the fight with the Arabs

A mixed batch of halfbreeds: 3 are male, 3 are female, all are hideous versions of the mix of man and Largran. Where there is flesh it is 'dusty' coloured (Arab heritage?), but there are either scales  under the  skin or ridged skin that may ormay not have turned to scales... Henry feels a 50/50 chance on that.

Some have hands with more elongated largran-like fingers, some have human fingers, but all have nasty bone-like claws - the  points are sharp, a study reveals that the  under side  would have  developed into blade-like  edges.

Feet are about the same mix, with thicker claws on the toes. All of the half breeds only have 4 toes in the front, and  one claw  that 'folds up' in the back. Comparision with the Largran specimens in the tubes, shows that adult Largrans have a 'spur' of  sorts that use for battle, their boots  have a design the allows them to  'stick out' so that they can be deployed even whilst the feet are otherwise protected.

All the  creatures  have  Largran jagged teeth, much like a Monitor lizard. 3 have  some one elongated heads with largran eyes... three others have misshapen heads but  are closer to Humans, their eyes  are largran-reptile like, however.
Henry Christie
player, 1914 posts
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 09:09
  • msg #27

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Green Moon Critters

(Courtesy of Shadow, who somehow found time to record them in quite some detail even whilst being chased by hostiles!)

A Flying furry snake - several feet in length, very aggressive, hurled itself towards Shadow at head height. Laid out, you could see its wings  and  teeth. It had 2 sets of  fangs, two on the lower jaw, and two on  Upper, and a set of spike-like  teeth set along  the  jaws which looked  like they was  made  for  tearing off a  bite. The fangs were probably to aid the flow of the venom that was in sacs on either side of the jaws. The locals call it a Cullito, and they are venomous. Once they have fed they are too heavy to fly and find hollow trees or the like in which to digest their prey. Females will attempt to fly and climb to their treetop nests to feed their young. They grow to 4-5ft on land, sea-going ones (which swim rather than fly) reach 8-10ft. It appears that despite being furry, they can shed their skins like a snake.

A small turtle-like Beetle  had an angry set of  teeth as well, perfect for  ripping and tearing, but its shell was not  as hard as it looked, but that helped it be very, very fast, using the  many legs it had.

A Huge 'spider-gator' also had a Shell as well, perhaps to protect it when attacked by other  creatures, but not thick enough to protect it from power would figure  that Hard Ammo would make  short work of them. These are intelligent, probably sentient... they certainly know how to repay a kindness.

A tree-climbing 'bear'

A Vampire-like  bat which brought the bear to the ground... and seemed to warn Shadow away from its  kill.

A  Blue-purple  fruit  which was edible and provided moisture as well. It is about the size of a football, you can slice off the top, drink from it then eat the flesh. The  juice  collects inside the flesh, once it  reaches a 'breaking point', the juice will flow onto the ground, to attract insects that will help fertilize the soil. The flesh is good energy food, and sweet to the taste. The locals dry this  flesh for  putting in drinks and foods to sweeten them. Some have even put the juice in jars, keeping it cold for use in drinks and cooking.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:06, Tue 02 May 2017.
Henry Christie
player, 1920 posts
Sat 4 Mar 2017
at 13:00
  • msg #28

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Elispian (from Elispse)

Pale white skin with prominent veins. One large eyeball, mostly black. (Wonder how it deals with depth perception?)

Thin mouth with jagged teeth.

Long slender fingers, sharp nails. Feet much the same.

Skin is somewhat tough, but does cut easily. Blueish blood...
Henry Christie
player, 1987 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 16:31
  • msg #29

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

More Green Moon Wildlife

Drac: Large winged flying creature, perches on trees from which it launches itself on its prey. The male screams as it makes its strike (to terrify prey), the female does not (possibly to be certain of its kill as it may have young to feed). They feast on blood and flesh, and hate sunlight being most active at night or in deeper parts of the forest where sunlight does not penetrate.

Tree Bear or Bole Climber: Roundish tree-climbing animal. Dracs eat them. They mostly eat leaves and fruit but can supplement their diet with small animals.

Leather-feathered Birds: Eat fish. WHen diving, cover heads with wings as protection against impact with the water.

Fish: All have long thin, front fins but wider paddle-shaped fins in the back. These fins end with two-toed feet. The tail is all flesh, some types have the tail flat, others have it vertical. None have yet been seen with dorsal fins. Live speciments have been observed flipping around, some using their front fin spines to 'stab' at the sand, while the feet push them forward.

Bort: Looks like a cross between a small pig and a rat, it lives off roots and fallen fruit and will eat dead flesh if it finds it. They burrow under rocks  and logs for their homes.

Purple Flowers: Make good eating, thick and juicy, and the smaller petals do for treats for children. Beware insects who don't want to share, though!

Pruners: As big as a cow, capable of standing on its hind legs then being some 6ft tall, a fur-covered caterpillar with eight pairs of stick-like legs. They mostly live off rotting plants and animals but will occasionally attack the living.

Milt: a rabbit-like creature with large round ears on top of head, pointy teeth and hisses when startled/disturbed. Their flesh is good to eat when cooked on an open flame, but not when boiled: some of the greens that they eat are poisonous and boiling causes their toxins to become more potent and likely to cause distress.

The Laughing Death: plant with a triangle shaped, pure  white  flower, the flower had a bulging  black curve to the  bottom, that loked like an odd smile. The seeds are in the black bit, they are used to dull pain but if you take too many they'd kill you.

Gleamers: Spider-like creature as big as a house-cat with 6 legs which emits very bright light from its eyes to immobilise prey.

Night Fliers: Hand-sized butterfly-style creatures with long animal-like tongues they use to lap up berry-juice.

Night Flowers: Petals open to reveal rich juicy berries.

Brankus: A half humanoid/half beast with 6 legs on the animal Body and two arms on the  humaniod  torso. They have learned to use weapons, like the spear and bow, as well as swords and rifles. They have villages in the deeper forest and even live in  deep caves. Like Demons they steal our people for food and breeding. We have found no use for them ourselves. They say in the years gone by that Demons captured some and would let them loose on our planets to see if they would breed there. They appear to be the source of many legends and myths.

Preekas: Turtle-like creature, 6 legs - the front two were a bit longer and  could almost be called hands. The  head, had a turtle-like neck  with an Arrow shaped head, the  Mouth  was 'V' shaped, following the  contour of the head... inside were jagged teeth in the  front..and a long, bone-like 'molar ' on each side. They are both  prey and predator . The ones in the sea, can get as big as your shuttle.. and fight with other  great beasts  for  dominance . In a Lake this  big, they might get as big as you say..your  cow?   .. they use   pointed  teeth to tear flesh..or , to Hand onto flesh.. the   bone teeth, grind shells and bone.. they waste nothing, of a Kill.. they like to come on shore at night.. to surprise creatures  that come to the water... they are...shy... and try to stay away from larger creatures... Naragrans... put them in heated  water..they wait for the shell to crack..then  eat the.. Giol's people  will boil them  that way, and  eat the  inside  of the shells with a spoon.. the leather like shells can be used  to clothing, , belts and such.

Virck: Oval with the ability to snap. They eat animals and insects. They  live in groups called pods. They hide in the thicker grasses, or at the feet of  fruit trees, and are inactivie at night. On Nivar, they can grow as big as the shuttle out in the deepest forests!
This message was last edited by the player at 14:04, Sun 28 May 2017.
Henry Christie
player, 1988 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 16:32
  • msg #30

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Lyri's creatures (found on the Green Moon but are they native to it?)

There  were  the two small aliens  with the Black 'plastic-like' suits on.. one  suit and an odd form of  Zipper pulled down to its  waist. there were markings on the body that showed  a Med tech had  measured and took some Pictures.. the other  was  about the same, and,easy to see, female.

 the  I slit..with  4 eyeballs  that  seemed to be able to move independently along the   slit..One    eye-lid..of close the slit .

 their   nose was  sort  with large  nostrils.. that made the nose  almost hard to see.

  the  teeth were needle -like and Jagged... and the  tongue  had some holes  as if for suctioning .

 Three fingered hands  their  feet were in boots that were apart of the suits.
Henry Christie
player, 2128 posts
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 13:50
  • msg #31

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Roussian 'pets'

Larg: 6 legged.

Wort: 'lizard-cat' - possibly not native but of Largan origin.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:17, Sun 14 Feb 2021.
Henry Christie
player, 2187 posts
Sat 2 Sep 2017
at 14:16
  • msg #32

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

ESN 1003 Etna

Mountain 'wildlife park':

Fruit trees - apples and an exotic fruit, light purple with tinges of green. The 'unripe' ones are lime green.

Cat-like creature, strong smell. Panther-like.

Small bear-like furry creature.

Large ants with lighting bug-like abdomens, nocturnal, eat the light purple fruits.

Spider as big as a dinner roll which was red with gold stripes on the abdomen. It had a mouth with jagged teeth and the front two legs had claws, which it used to spin webbing around its prey. It eats the robin-sized bird.

Bird the size of a robin which had glowing eyes and blue feathers.

Golden bell-shaped flowers that held sweet nectar, but the leaves had jaws to catch insects.

Small squeaky fur-covered animals with long ant-eater type tongues but shorter snouts, fur is thick, they have hand-like front paws and larger, narrow hind paws; and there is a thick stubby tail, with a bone-like ball on the tip.

Tree - needle-bearing, with clumps of 5 needles with a bright yellow berry at the base - thousands of these clumps all over the tree's branches.

Armadillo-like creature, with legs and shell covered in thick black fur - eats the berries from the needle-tree.

Black noths with white underwings... when they flap their wings they glow.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:14, Wed 13 Sept 2017.
Henry Christie
player, 2287 posts
Fri 27 Oct 2017
at 15:15
  • msg #33

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

The Aqrains

Gleaned from a report supplied by Admiral Hennings:

Towards Largran Space is the planet Aqra. 90% is covered in Fresh water. Because of this, it has become a hub for  merchants and traders. They spend a few creds for tankers, jugs  and containers of  water  and sell it for Max profit to colonies, ships and stations. According to the reports, it's nothing to see a Tanker ship as big as the Hermes with Ships from both sides of the war, hooked up to buy water.

On Aqra are the Aqrains or Fish folk. There are three main types. The Alphas, or Humaniod types, look a bit like a cross between a Skith and a Human, with big  eyes and wide mouths but some are rather pleasing to the eyes, by human standards... and, yes we can mate with them. Aqrains try to discourage that, because the Huamn side seems to take over and breeds out the fish side of the family in as little as one generation. Halfbreeds tend to be light blue skinned though there are light green skinned ones as well. The Alphas have gills and lungs, but are slower on dry land. They have very few arid areas, as they have most industry under water, or undergound so their forests and jungles  run wild. There are limited 'human' towns, for  renegades or  colonists  that managed to make their own way there. Alphas need to  get wet once or twice a day. In space, their suits keep their bodies moist.

The second group is the Halfbreeds. They are considered as second class citizens, but do have a say in some of the local goings on. Again, they seem to favour their human side but Largans are bred out for some reason. Demons, as far as we know, have only been using Aqrains for food. If they are using them for breeders, we have not found anything...

The Last group are the 'Followers'. They are breeders pure and simple, from their eggs come the Alphas and other followers. One out of every  5 eggs  is an Alpha, the rest are Followers. They tend to be  built stronger but less  intelligent. They are found in the ground troops and labour battalions, but none will be seen in command or flying aircraft.

Lastly, there are two small moons, both around earth-size. One has ore we could use, there are some wildcat miners there. It has a thin atmomosphere, helmets are needed  for prolonged  walks. The other is a bit bigger and closer to Aqra. It has trees  and some water. There are only Aqarian Outposts there, and one 'city' of sorts. It has a small sea but many lakes. Some small time traders will land there to trade for   waster and crops.

Aqarians eats small mammals, insects and  birds. They will hunt and kill larger mammals for big feasts. Their favourite food is apparently Creshians.
Henry Christie
player, 2691 posts
Fri 11 May 2018
at 08:07
  • msg #34

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

The Gava

The Gava are small humanoid beings covered with fur on shoulders and thighs. Females  have less chest fur.

So far all specimens seen have been dark-haired, and blue eyed. They have jagged  teeth for ripping and tearing their food, though they also have molars in the back for chewing what they have bitten off.

They are a simple species with little innate technological development. Thus far, they have relied on sticks and stones for weapons but they have adapted quickly to the use of metal blades. Some have been seen with captured handguns, and may be able to use them, but no-one can say for certain if this is mimicry or actual understanding.

Gava troops have been taken into the Fleet at their 'request'. Small thin blue    tunics have been made for them as well as metal spears, that the Gava will be allowed to keep as hunting weapons.

They are savage and meat eaters, but loyal to a fault, to those who they see as friends....

 Shortest 'adult' 2 foot  7 inches  tall.... Tallest  thus  far.. 4 foor  3inches
Henry Christie
player, 2703 posts
Wed 30 May 2018
at 10:32
  • msg #35

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Wildlife on Aqra

On land:

Leeches - big ones! Normally active in daytime, dormant at night; but light or blood activates them.

Burrowing shelled creatures - eat leeches.

Small rat-like creatures - also burrowing, communicate by whistles, operate in groups a bit like Earth meercats.

Flying insects - several different kinds which prey on one another. All have armour to the front.

Salamander-type creatures - live in the muck, emerge when it rains and eat leeches.

Ovalboar - some kind of large creature (only found a dead one part-eaten by scavengers...).

Beetles - scavengers, soft bellies and hard shells. Round maw with sharp teeth. When they have eaten their fill, they borrow into the ground - or into the creature they have been eating - to rest.

Worms - also scavengers with round maws, and shielded eyes. They tend to bob up and down to take bites...

Onion - well, it's shaped like on, with green leaves and blue bulbs.

Uni-deer - forest dweller, deer-like with a single branching tree-like horn from the middle of its forehead.

Gava Berries - small  football shaped  berries, purple or dark red with three  tiny seeds in the middle. They are very sweet and can be juiced, baked, etc.

Tubers - egg shaped, dark grey skinned, grow in clumps of 20 to 30 - may be used in place of potatoes

Hanging Melons - found on palm-like trees. They are blue and green (the bluer  the riper). Flesh is sweet with a lot of juice, and there is a ball of 5 round seeds in the  middle. The green (unripe) ones are very tart.

Mulka Plant - brush like trees about 2 or 3  inches around. The bark varies  from light brown to dark brown, the darker brown the bark the thicker and richer the sap in the bole. The sap is a lot like Molasses, if taken raw. If boiled it becomes a  thick rich butter, good  for glazing or bread topping. The Gava make a hot drink from the sap, sweet but tangy, which is said to increase strength and speed but leaves you sleepy afterwards.

In the sea/coastal:

Aqra-saur - giant prehistoric-looking black scaled creatures. Used as war mounts under ?mind-control systems. These beasts are HUGE. A head is  a little over  3 feet from jaw bone to Jawbone, about 5 foot high from the bottom of the back jaw to the  top of the  forehead, 6 feet  long  from the tip of the nose to the back of the head. Two rows of teeth.... Sharp, jagged 'alligator'-like teeth, with a row of needle-like teeth an inch or so behind for 'holding'. The eyes  are 2 feet across, and almost three feet high, with a clear lid, and a scaled lid.

Carnivourous 'scavenger' fish - about a foot long with sharp teeth.

Crabs - football-sized, soft shells, two claws with blade-like pincers on the   top of the shell, and  two 'spoon-like' claws for digging into carcasses, the   mouth was  like that  of a eel, and there are 8 walking legs which carried the body. Shrimp like tails on the back.

A Turtle - which appears to have a wooden shell. Not clear how it acquires it, or if it's just a growth that looks like wood.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:23, Wed 11 July 2018.
Henry Christie
player, 3348 posts
Fri 29 Mar 2019
at 07:17
  • msg #36

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

Potential Medicinal Plants

From Aqra....

 Bright Green  water  Lilly things.... when  used  in a boiled  down  form, can reduce infection from insect bites....if  eaten  as a spoon ful of  'pudding'.. it  can  clean up  stomach irritations

 Yellow-Green, Grape sized  nuts.... the shells  can  be  boiled  and  the    syrum used to make  waterproofing for  boots and such... The meat is highly acyive in  aiding the human body  to   break up  plague in the blood stream

  Stalks  of  'giant  Green Onions"  Numbs  the  body if  eaten raw ( too much can kill)… extract  can be used for pain killer and  Anesthetics .

From Nivar:...…

 Violet Blue  egg-plant-fruit... Flesh  and    juice  is    fortifying  and tastes  great ( better  cold..Nivar likes them warm).. seems to help speed up muscle  repair and Internal healing

Frog-crabs... though it took Humans a few   trys… Boilign them  like Crabs.. makes them taste better, but they are  rather    chewy.....Grillign them makes  them taste  good, but a bit  crispy...Cooked in a  pan seems to be the right  choice... and  can have beens, potatoes  and other  such things  with it

 The  Sacs  Undeder the  Frog-crab's  tongue   can be used to  make  a 'seal' for  open  wounds, much like   Derma plast
Henry Christie
player, 3609 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2019
at 12:57
  • msg #37

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings

More from Bura

Bessen  ..Bessen..or  Bessi are  Omnivores  that tend to live in streams or  along the  shore of   quiet lakes.  They  send  to live   in small groups in the  Mud, thier shells made of  sediment  that clings  to them  as poddlings,, the older the Bessen gets , the larger and harder the shell be comes..

 Older..LArger Bessen  have  been found   near the Bottom of   quiet lakes and  even  protected   bays... it is assumed , the  bigger Bessen's  eggs float into water  and  settle  together to form the Pods.,... they   each  insects and  other scavenger crewtures, but  thrive on  the algae that clings to plants  rocks  and  debris .

 Larger   Bessen  can  ambush  Fish and  amphibians , as well as  aquatic  Reptiles. There have been some deep divers  , investing wrecks  who have been attacked  and eaten or mained  by  the  sharp front  Jawbones , and  'bladelike'  claws...they  like  to sun in the  day, as that helps harden thier shells... the hunt, mostly at  night..but rarely turn down a meal that  happens into thier  reach.

 Salt water Bessen are more  aggressive, have lighter  shells  and  will chase wounded  prey.

 It is to be noted.all bessen  that  reach a shell diameter  of  2 feet or more.... will be  more prone to  'meat'  meals, as the algae  cannot   keep up with thier needs.

From one Hizk of OCCUI Broadhead  University.
Henry Christie
player, 3694 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2020
at 10:13
  • msg #38

Re: Dr. Christie's Findings


Granda  Bird: it is  very  fast, very  vicious.  The legs  are sometimes used  for  war Horns - they have large hollow bones that are horn-shaped, with a narrow and a wide end. The Marrow is used to make Puddings and such, that are meaty and filling.
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