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23:55, 4th May 2024 (GMT+0)

Criação de Personagem.

Posted by SkyWatchFor group 0
GM, 4 posts
Wed 8 Jan 2014
at 16:53
  • msg #1

Criação de Personagem

Em StormWatch: Beta, vocês são a equipe Beta do StormWatch, a Equipe Especial de Intervenção em Crise da ONU. O StormWatch recruta pós-humanos primariamente entre os seedlings (explicação abaixo), mas não recusam superseres cujas habilidades sejam de outras naturezas. No entanto, é importante que os poderes dos personagens sejam intrínsecos, ou seja, não tenham origem em objetos ou dispositivos. O uso de aparelhos para controlar ou amplificar seus dons é aceitável -- Jackson King, ex-Batallion e atual Weatherman usa o traje cibertran para amplificar sua telecinese --, mas personagens cujas habilidades vêm tão somente de dispositivos não são. Bases místicas para os poderes também não são apropriadas.

Ao contrário do bufê de origens dos universos Marvel e DC, na Wildstorm há um número mais limitado. Listo abaixo aquelas que são apropriadas para esta campanha.

* seedlings: no final da década de 1970, um cometa passou muito próximo à Terra e sua radiação transformou alguns milhares de pessoas em superseres latentes. Um pequena parcela destes manifesta superpoderes espontaneamente, mas o resto precisa de um ativador (atualmente só há um conhecido, Synergy, do StormWatch).
* alienígena: há duas espécies alienígenas que interferiram bastante na história do planeta, os kherans e os demonitas. Mestiços e descendentes de uniões entre esses alienígenas costumam ter superpoderes. Outras espécies podem também criar pós-humanos, como no caso de Jack Hawksmoor, que foi abduzido várias vezes durante 10 anos e transformado num ser adaptado para viver em cidades.
* artificial: apesar da Resolução Caetano da ONU, que proíbe programas de desenvolvimento de superseres, há várias iniciativas clandestinas com esse objetivo. Elas usam técnicas de manipulação biológica, genética, química e cibernética para criar agentes amplificados. É o caso daqueles expostos ao gen-factor.
* exótico: nenhuma das respostas anteriores. De vez em quando surge uma anomalia que nnao pode ser explicada, como Jenny Sparks, John Cumberland (se bem que este pode ser alienígena também, já que é de uma Terra paralela) e outros.

Finalmente, se vocês repararem bem na equipe Prime, vão perceber que todos são "porradores", pelo menos me termos de poder, apesar de terem outros talentos. Isso faz sentido, visto que um dos principais objetivos do grupo é resolver crises que envolvem superseres. Mas vocês não precisam seguir ess alinha. Um dos objetivos da equipe Beta é ser mais diversificada em termos de habilidades. Isso é só uma desculpa para vocês escolherem os poderes que quiserem.

Tendo dito isso, é bom os personagens não serem de vidro, isto é, possam sobreviver a combate.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:56, Wed 15 Jan 2014.
GM, 5 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 00:35
  • msg #2


Este jogo usa uma sistema frankensteiniano que combina Unisystem com MUtants & Masterminds 3e. Ações são resolvidas com um rolamento de Atributo + habilidade + 2d6. Há uma tabela que indica o número de sucessos de acordo com o rolamento.


Em combate, rola-se o ataque e a defesa. Caso o ataque sej amais alto que a defesa, o número de sucessos extras do atacante converte-se em dano adicional na razão de 1:1. Exemplo: Winter rola 15 no seu soco (3 sucessos) e o clone Koroshi rola 11 na sua defesa (1 sucesso). Winter faz seu dano de força +2 (3-1).

Em rolamentos opostos de determinados poderes, como Affliction, que são resistidos por Atributos, a tabela só é usada para determinar o nível de sucesso -- isto é, não é necessário que o poder ofensivo atinja um mínimo de 11 no rolamento.

Todo os sitema, incluindo atributos e poderes, está baseado numa tabela de ranques que está postada em outro tópico e serve a mesma função que a tabela do antigo DC Heroes e a do M&M 3e.

StormWatch: Beta é uma campanha de nível 10 (CL10). Isso significa que há alguns limites vigorando em relação ao quão altas determinadas características podem ser. Lembrem-se disso quando estiverem fazendo os personagens. Oslimites são:

Ataque/defesa (ex., FIG + Brawling)10
Habilidade (inc. especializações)5

Cada jogador tem 120 pontos para fazer o seu personagem. Os custos são:


Estou etudando se vou incorporar as compensações (trade offs) do M&M. Exemplo, se seu FIG + Brawling for 8, vc poderia ter STR 12. Como ainda não decidi, melhro nnao contar com isso.

Em humanos normais, os Atributos variam de -1 to 6, com 2 sendo a média. Todos os personagens já começam com 2 em cada Atributo de graça. Os sete atributos são:

Fighting: talento para combate, rege rolamentos de combate corpo-a-corpo e com armas de mão.
Strength: força física, componente de dano e dos Life Points.
Dexterity: destreza, componente de Speed e de iniciativa.
Constitution: constituição física, componente de Speed e dos Life Points.
Intelligence: inteligência.
Perception: percepção, componente da iniciativa
Willpower: força de vontade, componente dos Life Points.

Atributos secundários são calculados da seguinte maneira:

Life Points: STR + CON + WILL
Speed: (DEX + CON)/2 (arredonda pra baixo, max. 5)
Iniciativa: (DEX + PER)/2 (arredonda pra baixo)

A maioiria das Qualidades custa apenas 1 ponto/nível. Boa parte delas não possui níveis. Neste caso, o custo é apenas 1 ponto. Em casos excepcionais, uma Qualidade pode custar mais caro, mas isso será explicitado por um asterisco junto ao nome e pela descrição. Nas Qualidades com nível, três é considerado o limite máximo para humanos normais. A lista das Qualidades se encontra no post abaixo.

Os personagens já começam com Benefit (Security clearance) em virtude de serem agentes de campo do StormWatch.

Desvantagens só dão ponto se tiverem algum efeito mecânico. Mas é do interesse do jogador escolher Desvantagens para o personagem, não só para caracterizá-lo melhor, mas também porque essa é uma oportunidade para ganhar Drama Points (veja abaixo).

As Habilidades, incluindo especializações (que custam 1 ponto e dão +2), devem respeitar o limite do CL, que inclui o nível dado pela especialização. Ou seja, o personagem pode ter Melee 5 ou Melee (swords) 5, mas não Melee (swords) 8 (comprou Melee até 6 mais a especialização em espadas).

A lista de habilidades da campanha inclui: Acrobatics, Athletics, Art, Beasts, Boating, Brawling, Craft, Crime, Influence, Knowledge, Medicine, Melee, Notice, Occultism, Outdoor, Piloting, Ranged, Science, Technology, Warfare and Wild Card

Os idiomas são comprado por 1 ponto. Os personagens sabem falar e escrever sua língua nativa e inglês.

Os poderes são comprados com base no Mutants & Masterminds 3e e, em sua grande parte, funcionam como descrito. Como o sistema de resolução de dano, por exemplo, é diferente, alguns efeitos sofrerão mudanças para adequá-los ao sistema. O post seguinte ao das Qualidades listará as modificações que já existem.

Poderes não se restringem a habilidades pós-humanas, podendo representar itens tecnológicos, treinamento etc.

Os personagens já começam com Immunity (disease, poison), Limited to Half Effect. Isso representa o regime de imunizações aos quais vocês são submetidos quando se tornam agentes de campo.

Drama points (DP) são um mecanismo que dá um certo controle da narrativa aos jogadores. Eles servem para que o personagem ganhe o "poder do script", atuando de maneira heróica e desafiando as probabilidades para salvar o dia. Todos os personagens começam com 5 DP. Durante o jogo, os jogadores podem ganhar mais pontos atuando dentro do espírito da campanha, ajudando a desenvolver a história e a criar subplots, aceitando que coisas ruins aconteçam a seu personagem, e atuando de acordo com suas desvantagens. Há várias maneiras de usar os Drama points:

Heroic Feat: dá +10 para um rolamento, mas só pode ser usado uma vez por turno, ou aumenta um poder em 2 níveis por um turno. Tem que ser anunciado antes do rolamento.

Power Stunt: por 1 DP você pode usar seus poderes de maneira criativa. Em outras palavras, você pode duplicar outro efeito, desde que haja uma boa explicação. Você pode, opcionalmente, duplicar efeitos de Qualidade, por exemplo, Interpose.

Flesh Wound: permiet cortar todo o dano tomado até aquele momento pela metade (arredonda para cima). O primeiro uso em um combate custa 1 DP; o segundo, 2 DP; o terceiro, 4 DP e asism por diante.

Plot Twist: uma ve zpor sessão, você pdoe alterar a cena para conseguir uma vatagem, seja uma pista que não estaria disponíveld e outra maneira, uma rota de fuga de uma situação aparentemente inescpaável etc. Plot twists estnao sujeitos à aprovação do GM. Se ele não concordar, você não gasta o DP.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:06, Sat 01 Feb 2014.
GM, 6 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 23:37
  • msg #3


Acute Senses
Characters with this Quality have one sense that is more refined and sensitive than the rest. In game terms, there are four (rather than the normal five) senses: Hearing, Scent/Taste (they use the same receptors, so they are bundled up into one sense), Touch, and Vision. When bought as a Quality, an Acute Sense gives your character a +2 bonus to any Perception-related roll that relies on that sense.

You are equally adept using either hand, suffering no circumstance penalty for using your off-hand (as you don’t have one).

Animal Empathy
You have a special connection with animals. You can use interaction skills on animals normally, and do not have to speak a language the animal understands; you communicate your intent through gestures and body language and learn things by studying animal behavior. Characters normally have a -5 penalty to use interaction skills on animals, due to their intellect and lack of language.

You can create temporary magical devices.

You’re able to quickly size up an opponent’s combat capabilities. Choose a target you can accurately perceive and have the GM make a secret Notice check for you as a free action, opposed by the target’s Influence. If you win, the GM tells you the target’s attack and defense bonuses relative to yours (lower, higher, or equal). With each additional degree of success, you learn one of the target’s bonuses exactly. If you lose the opposed roll, you don’t find out anything. With more than one degree of failure, the GM may lie or otherwise exaggerate the target’s bonuses.

Attractive (ranked, 3)

You’re particularly attractive, giving you a +1 bonus on Influence checks to deceive, seduce, or change the attitude of anyone who finds your looks appealing. With a second rank, you are Very Attractive, giving you a +2 bonus. The third rank is reserved for Beautiful people and gives +3. This bonus does not count against CL, but also does not apply to people or situations which (in the GM’s opinion) would not be influenced by your appearance.


You have some significant perquisite or fringe benefit. The exact nature of the benefit is for you and the Gamemaster to determine. As a rule of thumb it should not exceed the benefits of any other advantage, or a power effect costing 1 point. It should also be significant enough to cost at least 1 power point. An example is Diplomatic Immunity (see Sample Benefits). A license to practice law or medicine, on the other hand, should not be considered a Benefit; it’s simply a part of having training in the appropriate Expertise skill and has no significant game effect. Benefits may come in ranks for improved levels of the same benefit. The GM is the final arbiter as to what does and does not constitute a Benefit in the setting. Keep in mind some qualities may constitute Benefits in some series, but not in others, depending on whether or not they have any real impact on the game.

Sample Benefits:
• Alternate Identity: You have an alternate identity,
complete with legal paperwork (driver’s license, birth certificate, etc.). This is different from a costumed identity, which doesn’t necessarily have any special legal status (but may in some settings).
• Cipher: Your true history is well hidden, making it difficult to dig up information about you. Investigation checks concerning you are made at a - 2 penalty per rank in this benefit.
• Diplomatic Immunity: By dint of your diplomatic status, you cannot be prosecuted for crimes in na- tions other than your own. All another nation can do is deport you to your home nation.
• Security Clearance: You have access to classified government information, installations, and possibly equipment and personnel.

You have an extensive network of acquaintances. It seems you know someone wherever you go. By spending a Drama Point, you can have access to an instant contact that will last for the session. Any requests to this person will require an Influence check with a difficulty dependent on the difficulty or danger invo;ved with helping the character.

Contacts (ranked, 2)
You know people that can help you with information, favors or even resources. One rank means the individual will provide information and small favors. Two ranks indicate the contact is a true ally and can be called for more involved requests.
Eidetic Memory
You have perfect recall of everything you’ve experienced. You have a +2 bonus on checks to remember things, including resistance checks against effects that alter or erase memories.

Equipment (ranked)
You have 5 points per rank in this advantage to spend on equipment. This includes vehicles and headquarters. Many heroes rely almost solely on Equipment in conjunction with their skills and other advantages.

Fast Reaction (ranked)
You have a +2 bonus to your initiative per rank in this advantage.

Favored Conditions

You have set of circumstances or environment you’re especially suited for fighting under or in. Examples include when outnumbered, when drunk, when cornered, in the air, underwater, in space, in extreme heat or cold, in jungles or woodlands, and so forth. While you are in your favored environment, you gain a +1 bonus to attacks or defenses. Choose at the start of the round whether the bonus applies to attack or defense. The choice remains until the start of your next round. This bonus is not affected by CL.

Favored Foe
You have a particular type of opponent you’ve studied or are especially effective against. It may be a type of creature (aliens, animals, constructs, mutants, undead, etc.), a profession (soldiers, police officers, Yakuza, etc.) or any other category the GM approves. Especially broad categories like “humans” or “villains” are not permitted. You gain a +1 bonus on Influence and Notice checks dealing with your Favored Foe. This bonus is not limited by CL.

Hard to Kill (ranked)
Characters with this Quality are tougher than nails. Each level of Hard to Kill adds one Life Point to your character’s Pool.

Once per round, when an ally within range of your normal movement is hit by an attack, you can choose to place yourself between the attacker and your ally as a reaction, making you the target of the attack instead. The attack hits you rather than your ally, and you suffer the effects normally. You cannot use this advantage against area effects or perception range attacks, only those requiring an attack check.

You can use the Technology skill to create inventions

Luck (ranked)
Fortune smiles on your character more often than on most people. Each level of Luck counts as a +1 bonus that can be applied to any roll, after the die is cast, once per game session. Multiple levels can be added together for a big bonus on one roll, or spread around several different actions.

You have a follower or minion. This minion is an independent character with a power point total of (Quality rank x 15). Minions are subject to the normal CL limits, and cannot have minions themselves. Your minions (if capable of independent thought) automatically have a helpful attitude toward you. They are subject to the normal rules for minions. Minions do not earn power points. Instead, you must spend earned power points to increase your rank in this advantage to improve the minion’s power point total and traits. Minions also do not have hero points. Any lost minions are replaced in between adventures with other followers with similar abilities at the Gamemaster’s discretion.

Natural Leader (ranked)
The hero with this Quality has the brains and understanding of a cohesive group, such that he is a benefit to the team. Any Drama Pool to which the character belongs receives a 1-point bonus per rank in this Quality, provided the character with this Quality is recognized as the "team leader." A Drama Pool may only have one recognized leader, though more than one character with Leadership may belong to one group. When the "Leader" of a group leaves, the points are deducted from the Drama Pool, but the leader does not receive them for personal use (the bonus points only exist as a part of the pool).

Nerves of Steel

A character with this Quality is almost impossible to scare. Whether he is too dumb or too stubborn is open to question, but he remains unruffled even in the face of unspeakable horrors. This is often key in keeping dry cleaning bills down. He is immune to fear except when confronted with the strangest supernatural manifestations, and even then gains a +4 bonus to his rolls.

Polyglot (ranked)
You can speak and understand additional languages. With one rank in this advantage, you know an additional language. For each additional rank, you double your additional known languages: two at rank 2, four at rank 3, eight at rank 4, etc. So a character with Languages 7 is fluent in 64 languages! Characters are assumed to be fluent in any languages they know, including being able to read and write in them.

Reputation (ranked)

Reputation rank represents a character’s notoriety. Those with a Reputation 2 or higher can be considered well known within their professional and social circle. Whether the character is famous or infamous depends on the point of view of the person recognizing the character. A successful Reputation check (NPC’s INT + this Quality’s level - 4) grants half the Reputation level as a bonus (or a penalty, if you are infamous, round down) to Influence rolls.

Resistance (ranked)

Some people are just innately better at ignoring the bad things that life or evil throws at them. This ability allows your character to fend off the effects of a particular type of harm. Each different type of Resistance Quality must be purchased separately. Some examples are presented below, but you or the GM may devise others.

• Age: Aging effects start at 40 and progress every 10 years. Each level of Resistance adds to the initial age and to the interval. So, at level 1, aging starts at 42 and increases at 54 and 66. At level 3, 45, 60 and 75; and at level 4, 50, 70 and 90, and so on. This Resistance also provides bonuses against aging attacks.
•Death: Each level adds to Willpower and Constitution rolls to stay alive after having Life Points fall below negative CON or effects that may cause instant death.
• Domination: The character adds her Resistance level to any roll to resist domination and control attempts, independently of the source of the attack.
• Pain: Each level reduces the penalties associated with severe wounds, and adds to Willpower and Constitution rolls to stay conscious when severely injured. This doesn’t help Survival Tests (use Hard to Kill for those).
• Sorcery: The character adds her Resistance level to any roll to resist sorcery effects cast against her directly (curses, polymorph, and so on).
• Psionic: The character adds her Resistance level to any roll to resist psionic effects her directly (telekinesis, mind control, and so on).
• Poison or Disease: Your character has a cast-iron stomach or an overactive immune system; add the level of this Resistance to any Constitution rolls to resist the effects of poison or disease. This is two different Qualities, If you want to be resistant against both, you must buy them separately.

You have another character serving as your partner and aide. Create your sidekick as an independent character with (Quality rank x 5) power points, and subject to the series CL. A sidekick’s power point total must be less than yours. Your sidekick is an NPC, but automatically helpful and loyal to you. Gamemasters should generally allow you to control your sidekick, although sidekicks remain NPCs and the GM has final say in their actions. Sidekicks do not earn power points. Instead, you must spend earned power points to increase your rank in Sidekick to improve the sidekick’s power point total and traits; each point you spend to increase your rank in Sidekick grants the sidekick 5 additional power points. Sidekicks also do not have hero points, but you can spend your own hero points on the sidekick’s behalf with the usual benefits. Sidekicks are not minions, but full-fledged characters, so they are not subject to the minion rules.

Situation Awareness
The observant almost always know what is going on around them, and can react with uncanny quickness if necessary. This character gains a +2 bonus to any Perception-based rolls to sense trouble or danger in his immediate surroundings. It’s also very hard to sneak up on him; the same bonus applies when he resists Crime rolls.

Status (Ranked)

By virtue of birth or achievement, you have special status. Examples include nobility, knighthood, aristocracy, and so forth. 0 is middle-class American; - 5 is a homeless person, +10 is a member of an ancient noble house, a movie mega-star, or the hero of millions.
GM, 7 posts
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 23:42
  • msg #4


Poderes com alcance Ranged têm as seguintes categorias:

Curto: nível x 10 m
Médio: nível x 25 m (-1 para acertar)
Longo: nível x 50 m (-3 para acertar)

Area: ataques de área não têm acerto automático, é preciso rolar. A distância de 30 pés é convertida para 10 m (rank 3 na Tabela de Progressão)

Impervious: não é mais +1/nível, tendo virado um modificador flat que custa 1 ponto por nível. Serve para cancelar níveis de Penetrating.

Penetrating: cada nível cancela um nível de Protection. Note que em termos de custo, faz mais sentido aumentar o dano do seu ataque. No entanto, se você maximizou seu ataque, estando no nível do CL, Penetrating é uma maneira de aumentar a eficácia do seu dano. Penetrating está limitado ao nível do seu poder. Exemplo, Damage 6 pode ter até 6 níveis de Penetrating.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:47, Sat 01 Feb 2014.
GM, 221 posts
Sat 15 Nov 2014
at 19:45
  • msg #5


Each basic condition describes a single game modifier. They are the “building blocks” of conditions, much as effects are the basic building blocks of powers. Indeed, many power effects reference these basic conditions in the descriptions of what they do.

A compelled character is directed by an outside force, but struggling against it; the character is limited to free actions and a single standard action per turn, chosen by another, controlling, character. As usual, this standard action can be traded for a move or even free action. Controlled supersedes compelled.

A controlled character has no free will; the character’s actions each turn are dictated by another, controlling, character.

A dazed character is limited to free actions and a single standard action per turn, although the character may use that action to perform a move, as usual. Stunned supersedes dazed.

The character has one or more abilities lowered below –5. (See Debilitated Abilities at Abilities for further details.)

A defenseless character has active defense bonuses of 0. Attackers can make attacks on defenseless opponents as routine checks (see Routine Checks). If the attacker chooses to forgo the routine check and make a normal attack check, any hit is treated as a critical hit (see Critical Hits). Defenseless characters are often prone, providing opponents with an additional bonus to attack checks (see Prone, later in this section).

A disabled character is at a –5 circumstance penalty on checks. If the penalty applies to specific checks, they are added to the name of the condition, such as Attack Disabled, Fighting Disabled, Perception Disabled, and so forth. Debilitated, if it applies to the same trait(s), supersedes disabled.

Fatigued characters are hindered. Characters recover from a fatigued condition after an hour of rest.

A hindered character moves at half normal speed (–1 speed rank). Immobile supersedes hindered.

Immobile characters have no movement speed and cannot move from the spot they occupy, although they are still capable of taking actions unless prohibited by another condition.

An impaired character is at a –2 circumstance penalty on checks. If the impairment applies to specific checks, they are added to the name of the condition, such as Attack Impaired, Fighting Impaired, Perception Impaired, and so forth. If it applies to the same trait(s), disabled supersedes impaired.

The character is unharmed and unaffected by other conditions, acting normally.

Stunned characters cannot take any actions, including free actions

Transformed characters have some or all of their traits altered by an outside agency. This may range from a change in the character’s appearance to a complete change in trait ranks, even the removal of some traits and the addition of others! The primary limit on the transformed condition is the character’s character point total cannot increase, although it can effectively decrease for the duration of the transformation, such as when a powerful superhero is turned into an otherwise powerless mouse or frog (obviously based on considerably fewer character points).

The character is completely unaware of his surroundings, unable to make interaction or Perception checks or perform any action based on them. If the condition applies to a specific sense or senses, they are added to the name of the condition, such as visually unaware, tactilely unaware (or numb), and so forth. Subjects have full concealment from all of a character’s unaware senses.

Vulnerable characters are limited in their ability to defend themselves, halving their active defenses (round up the final value). Defenseless supersedes vulnerable.

The character has temporarily lost character points in a trait. See Weaken effect in Powers for more information. Debilitated supersedes weakened.

Combined conditions are sets of basic conditions tied to a common descriptor. They’re essentially a kind of “short-hand” for talking about a group of basic conditions that go together in a particular circumstance, much like a power is a collection of basic effects.

The individual conditions making up a combined condition can be resolved individually. For example, if an effect that removes the dazed condition is used on a staggered character (who is dazed and hindered), then the character is no longer dazed, only hindered. Similarly, if an effect imposes a condition that supersedes part of the combined condition, only that part changes. So an effect that stuns a staggered character means the character is now stunned (superseding dazed) and hindered. Similarly, an effect that immobilizes a staggered character leaves the target dazed and immobile (superseding the hindered element of the combined condition).

While asleep, a character is defenseless, stunned, and unaware. A hearing Perception check with three or more degrees of success wakes the character and removes all these conditions, as does any sudden movement (such as shaking the sleeping character) or any effect allowing a resistance check.

The character cannot see. Everything effectively has full visual concealment from him. He is hindered, visually unaware, and vulnerable, and may be impaired or disabled for activities where vision is a factor.

A bound character is defenseless, immobile, and impaired.

The character cannot hear, giving everything total auditory concealment from him. This may allow for surprise attacks on the unaware character (see Surprise Attack in Action & Adventure for more information.) Interaction with other characters is limited to sign-language and lip-reading (see Interaction Skills in Abilities for more information).

A dying character is incapacitated (defenseless, stunned, and unaware) and near death. When the character gains this condition, immediately make a Fortitude check (DC 15). If the check succeeds, nothing happens. With two degrees of success, the character stabilizes, removing this condition. If the check fails, the character remains dying. Three or more total degrees of failure mean the character dies: so three failed Fortitude checks or one or two checks adding up to three degrees. Dying characters make a Fortitude check each round until they either die or stabilize. Another character can stabilize a dying character with a successful Treatment check (DC 15) or use of a Healing effect (see Powers).

An entranced character is stunned, taking no actions other than paying attention to the entrancing effect. Any obvious threat automatically breaks the trance. An ally can also shake a character free of the condition with an interaction skill check (DC 10 + effect rank).

Exhausted characters are near collapse. They are impaired and hindered. Characters recover from an exhausted condition after an hour of rest in comfortable surroundings.

An incapacitated character is defenseless, stunned, and unaware. Incapacitated characters generally also fall prone, unless some outside force or aid keeps them standing.

A paralyzed character is defenseless, immobile, and physically stunned, frozen in place and unable to move, but still aware and able to take purely mental actions, involving no physical movement whatsoever.

A prone character is lying on the ground, receiving a –5 circumstance penalty on close attack checks. Opponents receive a +5 circumstance bonus to close attack checks but a –5 penalty to ranged attack checks (effectively giving the prone character total cover against ranged attacks). Prone characters are hindered. Standing up from a prone position is a move action.

A restrained character is hindered and vulnerable. If the restraints are anchored to an immobile object, the character is immobile rather than hindered. If restrained by another character, the restrained character is immobile but may be moved by the restraining character.

A staggered character is dazed and hindered.

A surprised character is stunned and vulnerable, caught off-guard and therefore unable to act, and less able to avoid attacks
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