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14:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted.

Posted by MerLNFor group 0
player, 714 posts
Euryleia's Beau
FPs - 3 Refresh - 5
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 03:25
  • msg #40

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

The Knight and his Lady laughed as they stepped back into their quarters.  Fingers fumbled at Brun's fine new formal outfit.  Euryleia grinned, "Let me just tear it off, it would be faster.  Your stupid clothes are pointlessly complicated..."

Brun, laughed again and playfully brushed at her hands, "You brute...  And it isn't pointless!  You said it made me look fantastic.  Especially my..."  His awareness suddenly fell away through time.  He tried to hold on, but it was strong...the wave crashed over and through him.  Pushing him away.  Forward.  He caught flashes of moments not yet lived.  He focused as hard as he could to grab one of the quickly fleeting moments.  To stop his headlong hurtle through...


Brun blinked back tears, "I'm sorry...  I can't stop thinking about it...  Gwydion.  He shouldn't have been alone.  We should have..."  His eyes widened as he looked over Euryleia's chosen banquet gown, then grabbed his own jacket lapels, "Is it?  Am I?"

Euryleia was getting used to the timeshifts.  As much as you could get used to your love falling endlessly through time at just the wrong moments.  But this time felt different and the mention of Gwydion seemed ominous, "What about Gwydion?"

Brun answered, "He's going to die... But, maybe we changed it!"  He grabbed his pistol from where his weapon belt hung on his rushed way out.  Euryleia was already moving for the door, opening just in time for Brun to run through and her to follow.  She didn't bother to ask any more questions.

Brun lead the way.  He knew where he was going.  He'd already been there.
GM, 978 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 04:24
  • msg #41

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Gwydion seized his assailant's wrist with both of his hands, but as he pivoted to throw, the knife disappeared from the assassin's grip forcing Gwydion to release the assassin's wrist with one hand and abandon the throw in favor of capturing the other hand. It proved a wise move as the assassin's left hand darted in to drive the dagger into Gwydion's vitals. The Prince managed to catch the blow, if barely, as the two wrestled against one another. But the black clad killer suddenly blinked out of Gwydion's grip and a half-step to his left and struck again.

Meara, are you sure you don't want to go to Freyr? The attacker might come back to finish the job. You remember what it was like to lose Arthur? What if that were Freyr? Have a FP to go to her or else pony up a FP and have Brun and Euryleia sprint by on their way to Gwydion which will clue you in.

Brun and Euryleia will burst up in the scene after Gwydion acts and are then free to act as well. Meara too if she ponies up the FP.

22:47, Today: MerLN, for the NPC Assassin, rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 0, -1, 1, -1.  Assassin Defend. Melee +4. +2 invoke of Gwydion's Consequence. Spends FP to Invoke Unknown Personal Aspect for +2. 4+2+2-1 = 7 Tie. Gwydion gets a Boost.

23:07, Today: MerLN, for the NPC Assassin, rolled 1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 1, 1, -1, 0.  Assassin Attack. Melee +4.  +2 Lævateinn Ghostblade Stunt. 4+2+1 = 7. Gwydion roll defense.

Assassin (Gone)
Meara (If she refuses the compel)

Aspects in Play
Shredded Suit
Unsteady Grapple (Boost)

player, 563 posts
Young Knight of Avaluna
Fate Points: 3
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 06:38
  • msg #42

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

[GM gifted a Fate Point, so back up to 3.

22:24, Today: Gwydion rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of -1, -1, 0, 1.  Melee +5 vs TN 7.

aaaaaaaa Invoking Unsteady Grapple for +2

Total 6

Marking Stress 2, and I'm out of Physical Stress boxes!]

The shifting weapon gave Gwydion some trouble, and then his opponent warping away to try again was a total surprise. When the enemy came in again, Gwydion brought his hands down to try and grab at both wrists at once without dodging, instead stepping directly into the attack and trying to push the knife away while enacting the emergency anti-murder technique, slamming his forehead into the assassin's face!

[22:35, Today: Gwydion rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 1, -1, 0, -1.  Melee +5 to Attack.

Die roller I'm coming for you next you little bastard. Invoking Dueling Prodigy, Louder Than Words, and I Can Fix This for +6 to the total, -3 FP.

Total 10

And I really wish I'd Created Advantage there instead of attacking, but oops. Still, this should serve as a deterrent maybe.]

GM, 979 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 11:01
  • msg #43

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Gwydion slammed his head into the assassin's face plate. Thankfully, it was only slightly reinforced plasteel, but even so, the desperation move seemed to take the assassin aback momentarily. Moreover, with his face so close to the assassin's Gwydion caught the most ephemeral peek behind the shimmering mask. couldn't be...Iliza?

OOC: 05:46, Today: MerLN, for the NPC Assassin, rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 1, -1, 0, -1.  Assassin Defend. Melee +4. FP +2 for Invoking Unknown Personal Aspect. 4+2-1= 5. 10-5 = 5. Assassin checks it's 3 box. Two left. Takes a Minor Consequence.

I'm going to help you out slightly with the consequence, since you said you wish you had done CA to unmask, and call it A Glimpse Behind the Mask?

E&B are up.

Is Meara staying with dear old Dad?

player, 715 posts
Euryleia's Beau
FPs - 3 Refresh - 5
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 15:44
  • msg #44

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Brun sprinted into the scene and was momentarily relieved to see Gwydion alive.  It was fleeting as the prince was still being attacked by the assassin.  Or was he?  Was the assassin there....  Did they move?  Gwydion stabbed! No..... No he's okay.! Time and perspective fractured under the stress and desperation of the fast moving situation.  Brun was seeing every outcome; buffeted by the waves of possibility from all sides....

To everyone else, it looked like Brun had just run into the room and stopped.  His eyes far gone elsewhen.

I'd like to Compel Time and Tides.  As a Complication, Brun will be useless until he succeeds at a Devotion Overcome difficulty set by the Boss.  (Or a different Complication if the boss wishes)
player, 67 posts
Brun's Lady
FP - 3 Refresh-5
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 15:50
  • msg #45

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

While they ran the halls of Avaluna, Euryleia dropped the costume.  Her form rippled and changed; black armor replaced the ephemeral cloth and "skin".   A silver visored helm.  Foils extended from her hands.  The unmistakable shape of the famous Armour Euryleia now ran the halls alongside her Knight.

When they reached the scene, Euryleia did /not/ stop.  Boosters flared momentarily to launch her the last distance.  Her familiar voice boomed, "Gwydion!  On your left!" She landed at the Prince's side, foil snaking in to try force open the space and put herself into harm's way.

Euryleia's intention is to protect Gwydion first and get the attention on her.

Melee Create Advantage (tagging Warrior Born) Total +6.

Trying to create: Protect the King!

10:32, Today: Euryleia rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 0, -1, -1, 1.  Create Advantage - Melee +5. –

GM, 980 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 17:32
  • msg #46

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

The possibilities unfolded endlessly before Brun, each step, each outcome open to him. So many. So fast. The possibilities spiralled, spinning into an endless fractal. A repeating inevitability.

Brun stood before two figures in shimmering armor, one black, one white. Gleaming faceplates, not unlike the one once worn by his beloved, covered their faces, but he knew them.

"This is the only way. It must be done," he heard his own voice say, weighted with the anguish of certainty. "The King Must Die."

Euryleia easily interposed herself between the Assassin and Gwydion, ready to meet any attack.

"It has already begun," the black-clad Assassin said with sudden surprise and then vanished into nothingness.

OOC: Brun, I accept the compel. Rather than have you roll an overcome, I will say that you automatically comeback to yourself next turn. Giving up an exchange for a FP feels fair.

12:12, Today: MerLN, for the NPC Assassin, rolled 0 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 0, 0, 0, 0.  Assassin Defend vs. CA. Melee +4. Euryleia Wins. 1 free invoke.

Aspects in Play
Shredded Suit
Unsteady Grapple
A Glimpse Behind the Mask? (1 Free Invoke, Gwydion Only)
Protect the King (1 Free Invoke)

And with that the Assassin will choose to concede the conflict. Gwydion lives, but the Assassin vanishes.

Meara, have a FP for missing the action, but tell me if you are going to go toward the infirmary or if you see B&E and follow as that's important for me to know for what you see next.

player, 907 posts
A princess? We're doomed!
Fate Points: 0
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 17:56
  • msg #47

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Before MerLN could reply, Brun and Euryleia ran past them, and Meara instinctively followed, pulling her father along.  Clackclackclackclack went her heels as she ran along the corridor.  If those two were running with such determination, they were probably heading to stop something bad, and that's exactly what Meara's gut was telling her to do.  As she ran, she was able to realize that if MerLN had taken the time to inform her that Freyr and L1-4MNT were in the infirmary and stable, it was a warning that there was someone (or several someones) on the loose who needed to be stopped, not that she needed to run to the infirmary to protect them.  Auntie Val would never allow them to be unguarded after an attack.  She was probably already just as livid as Meara, but Auntie Val was always so much more productive in channeling her anger - yet another reason Meara looked up to her.

So it was that she saw Gwydion wrestling with an assassin and Euryleia transform into her original appearance (albeit on a much smaller scale) to intervene.

As Her Royal Highness Princess Meara du Chonaill, soon to be Queen of Venus, with a blade in hand, she knew exactly what she needed to do.

"GET BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENT!" she exclaimed as she performed a flying drop kick in a full gown and heels, aiming to distract the assassin.

Her father was so proud.  Terrified of the situation, but proud.

09:54, Today: Meara rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of -1, -1, 0, 1.  Zeal +7 (Long Jumper)
Total +6 to create advantage "Save(d by) the Queen"

GM, 981 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 18:07
  • msg #48

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

The drop kick was a masterful example of the technique, though the Assassin vanished a fraction of a second before Meara connected. Fortunately, the tuck and roll afterward was also a masterful example as Meara rolled to her feet short of colliding with the wall.

Well, at least Gwydion was saved, but what was going on?
player, 908 posts
A princess? We're doomed!
Fate Points: 1
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 18:19
  • msg #49

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Immediately after standing back up, Meara looked between every present and exclaimed quickly, "Freyr and L1-4MNT attacked, stable in infirmary, Cousin, report, Euryleia, figure it out, you're smarter than me!"

"What do you m-"

"I know my weaknesses, Daddy!  This is no time for pride!"
player, 716 posts
Euryleia's Beau
FPs - 4 Refresh - 5
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 18:58
  • msg #50

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Brun raged against the obnoxious certainty, staring daggers into the reflective faceplates.  When he answered, it echo'd angrily through the fractals of time, "The future is not written!  Gwydion lives!  Now...."

Brun snapped suddenly back into the Now, yelling at everyone and no one, "KINDLY FUCK OFF!" His eyes refocused and he saw Gwydion decidedly not dead.  He stumbled forward and tried to hug the Prince, "I knew I was lying!"
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:30, Mon 05 Feb.
player, 68 posts
Brun's Lady
FP - 2 Refresh-5
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 19:26
  • msg #51

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Euryleia's attention swung around as Brun cursed the room, but he didn't seem to be in danger and was moving again.  Gwydion was safe, for now.  Meara had also joined them, so that would make it easier to guard the pair of them. The idea that this was not the only attack was still a concern though. At Meara's order, Euryleia responded with a quiet dip of her helmed head.

She quickly began analyzing her sensor data of the assassin, specifically any identifiable traces during the disappearing trick.  While she worked on that, she accessed the comm system to begin sifting for any other reports or attacks.

Her left foil shortened and reshaped into a serviceable sword of a style nearly matching Gwydion's most commonly carried one.  This blade was offered to the Prince without a word as Euryleia focused on the data work....

We'll start with Create Advantage Datasift to create a collection of data on the current situation.

Total +3

14:22, Today: Euryleia rolled -1 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 0, 1, -1, -1.  Create Advantage - Lore +4.

GM, 982 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 19:37
  • msg #52

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Comms traffic consisted of Avaluna's Men-At-Arms sweeping CAMELOT citadel for an assailant dressed in white armor. No mention of an assailant in black armor was made. The white-armored assassin must have been the one who had perpetuated the attack that Meara had mentioned. But where were they now? Or for that matter their counterpart in black.

From her sensor data, Euryleia could detect traces of Wyrmgate particles in the room. No doubt from the assassin. A quick survey of the hallway showed no traces. Had the Assassin been waiting here? Or had they breached the veil here? No easy task if that was the case. Despite her own abilities, it had taken Euryleia a long time to do so. That conclusion seemed unlikely, but couldn't be ruled out entirely.
player, 564 posts
Young Knight of Avaluna
Fate Points: 0
Mon 5 Feb 2024
at 23:56
  • msg #53

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Shocked, bleeding, and now an additional layer of distraught, Gwydion absently put his arms around Brun and let out a quiet "I love you too." It took him a moment to register the others, but then he gratefully took the offered sword and steeled his resolve and began to move with purpose out to the hallway.

"I'm fine. Attacker used a Venusian blade and my new tech, but miniaturized. I saw Iliza under the mask, but it can't be her. MerLN, look for signs of Wyrmgate particles and mark where you find any. Double the guards and alert any nearby of Wyrmgate activity. Let's collect Iliza and Irina. If someone is walking around with their faces, I want them safe and aware. Once we we're clear, I need to talk to Rose."
GM, 984 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 00:28
  • msg #54

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

MerLN responded immediately. "Guards have been alerted, your Highness. The sisters Gehenmis are both currently in their domicile. However, the sensors upon Avaluna are unable to detect Wyrmgate particles. It is beyond the scope of their design parameters. A specialized sensor suite is required. Might I suggest Lady Euryleia or the Princess's drone companion perform a sweep?"

OOC: Gwydion, have a FP for being decisive. Very Kingly.
player, 565 posts
Young Knight of Avaluna
Fate Points: 1
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 00:53
  • msg #55

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

The fact that it was completely unprecedented to even consider Wyrmgate particles existing outside of a Wyrmgate had skipped the prince's mind, given his recent efforts. It was only obvious when pointed out. Wyrmgate particles being in their home had been theoretically impossible until a few weeks ago. Gwydion nodded to the ladies present.

"Meara, Euryleia, make it happen. I want you to scan wherever we go and I want Wigglesworth to start a scanning pattern that takes him past vulnerable targets, including the infirmary. And I want prisoners, not corpses. While keeping everyone safe is our top priority, learning identities and motives is right below that. We've already started dealing with time travel in several senses, and knowing what's going on could change everything going forward."
player, 910 posts
A princess? We're doomed!
Fate Points: 1
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 02:08
  • msg #56

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Meara had expected an explanation from Euryleia, not Gwydion.  Then, before she could react to the information he had provided, he started giving out orders, which she also had not expected.  To be fair, she had given orders first.  So, as to not rock the boat in an emergency situation, she walked over and whispered in her father's ear before he produced her comm - there wasn't really anywhere to keep it on the dress.  For some reason, it didn't have pockets.

It irked her, but not as much as feeling like she wasn't able to keep up with the others.

Once she had her comm back, she sent a summons to Wigglesworth and said, "Well, he's on his way.  As for prisoners instead of corpses, there is a reason I did not use a blade just now.  Once some guards have arrived for escort, I will head to where Lady Freyr and Sir L1-4MNT were attacked and Daddy can be escorted to safety.  Until then, however, I am not leaving your side, cousin, as that one was after you specifically."

Looking upwards just enough to make it clear she was not speaking to anyone physically in the room, she asked, "May I assume that there have been no other known attacks as of yet?"
GM, 985 posts
Protector and Guide
of the Wyrmgates
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 02:22
  • msg #57

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

"No other reports of violence have been reported, your Highness, " MerLN's voice responded.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:58, Tue 06 Feb.
player, 911 posts
A princess? We're doomed!
Fate Points: 1
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 17:47
  • msg #58

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Meara let out a small sigh of relief at the news.  "That is good to hear, at least, but not a reason to lower our guard.  I may be foolish, but not that foolish."

"I must say, this is the most exciting party I have ever attended.  Although your 12th birthday comes to mind..." Baughb says in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit so heads stay clear.

"DADDY!" Meara exclaimed in a scandalized, embarrassed voice as her father chuckled.

He gave her a tiny smile as he asked, "Are you thinking about running off and looking for a fight anymore?"

With a blush, Meara had to admit he was right.  "... No."

He gave her a reassuring pat on the back before turning to the others.  "If it pleases Your Majesties, I shall follow my daughter's order and head for a safer location once the escort arrives.  Give you all one less person to worry about."
player, 70 posts
Brun's Lady
FP - 2 Refresh-5
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 17:52
  • msg #59

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Euryleia's expressionless silver faceplate regarded Brun and Gwydion for a long moment.  Then she returned her attention to her data work, adding in Gwydion's insights.  At the suggestion she scan for Wyrmgate particles, she replied, "I already have and I can confirm particle trace around Prince Gwydion's black armored attacker.  Security is searching for a white armored assailant.  The trace here begins and ends where the black assassin was.  Between the trace and the involvement of Gwydion's currently theoretical technology, we should assume that the attackers may be able to travel through both space and time.  Which, to be clear, should be impossibly difficult.  Even for me and I am impressively capable."

While she offered her own insights, Euryleia began checking current locations and recent movements of those staying within CAMELOT proper.  Starting with Queen Valerie and working her way down the list based close association with Gwydion and Meara.  Iliza would be quite high in this list.  Euryleia did not agree with Gwydion that it couldn't have been Iliza or some temporal variance of Iliza.

Do you need a roll for this research?  She's basically running it in the background while she follows the group.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:09, Tue 06 Feb.
player, 717 posts
Euryleia's Beau
FPs - 4 Refresh - 5
Tue 6 Feb 2024
at 17:53
  • msg #60

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Brun relaxed into the words, the embrace, and the reassurance that he /had/ changed the future...  Or past?  Nothing made sense.  He stepped back next to his Lady giving Gwydion and Meara space to lead on while he tried to navigate the slowing waves.  The vision of Gwydion torn was fading away from him which seemed.... Good.  That's g....  That's.... Um....

Now was slipping again.  He tried to resist, hold on to....  Euryleia's voice.  Clear and true.  He focused on that, listening hard.  Brun began quietly muttering as he heard something important there; trying to talk his mind into lines, "Black and white.  Black and White.  I saw....  Black and White Armor.  I knew them... How will I /know/ them?  I said this was the only way, must be done.  The King Must Die.  But, that's not true... Right?  Gwydion didn't die.... Why would I lie to them?" Brun shut his eyes to think, but it didn't help.  So many eyes were still open...

Lore Overcome to see if Brun can make himself  know who he will know them to be?

Total - +1

12:45, Today: Brun rolled -2 using 4 Fudge dice with rolls of 0, -1, -1, 0.  Overcome - Lore +3. –

This message was last edited by the player at 18:37, Tue 06 Feb.
player, 566 posts
Young Knight of Avaluna
Fate Points: 1
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 00:21
  • msg #61

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Somehow her father always knew how to handle Meara just right to keep her safe and focused. If they were to be married, Gwydion was going to have to learn that power. While unable to get himself to smile at a time like this, Gwydion did cast a grateful look to Baughb.

"As concerned as I am for your safety, my lord, I suspect the other targets were chosen to remove their combat skills from our defense. We haven't heard anything about noncombatants being attacked. You should be safer further from me than closer, and I'd prefer to have Meara by my side if the assassins strike again. I could barely hold off one until you all arrived, for two I'd prefer to have overwhelming force." Euryleia's data received a nod from Gwydion.

"Exactly what I'm worried about. I'm the only one developing this technology and it's barely complete on a large scale. If someone's miniaturized it, they are almost certainly using the principle of temporal echoes to manipulate events across time. That means they've either stolen my research or inherited it. If they're from the future and the king they're coming after is me and not my uncle, then that also means I've failed and the entire technology is pointless. This is worse than smiling through that dinner..." That's right, Brun had seen something. He'd been there. That got Gwydion's attention. He didn't want to disrupt the stream of consciousness, though. Anything he said might send Brun to the wrong mental place and lose them whatever information could be gleaned. But the prince absolutely listened as they headed for the Gehenmis ladies' quarters.
player, 75 posts
Brun's Lady
FP - 2 Refresh-5
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 15:35
  • msg #62

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Euryleia's silver faceplate regarded the struggling Brun with blank impassivity.  At least externally.  Internally, she didn't have the right words for what she felt.  Heartache was closest, but felt inaccurate.  Vocabulary not designed for her.  She did lay a gentle armored hand on his shoulder, perhaps touch could express what words couldn't.

She reviewed her scans again.  Her range was so limited now.  Like so many things.  The drone would help, but was also limited.  They needed something larger.  Perhaps there was an older spare for her previous self on Thames....


Euryleia connected to the ship's comm channel.

Orson Hartjen, one of the oldest on the crew, just was never one for parties.  He felt the thumping hum of the music through the deckplates and that was enough.  She had always dragged him to those things anyway and it didn't feel right being there without her.  He was happy enough enjoying the relative quiet of bridgewatch and nice simple mug of caf.

Then the comm light pinged.

"Thames here.  Hartjen speaking"

Euryleia gave a quick explanation of events and what she needed.  Orson quietly mourned the loss of his quiet night, but confirmed his understanding, "We're on it, Lady.  I'll route the feed to you as soon I can." He looked at the very complex systems Sir Brun had installed, muttering, "Shit." He priority pinged the Captain and Bibi.  He was gonna need backup.

Orson had done his best while waiting on Bibi and the Captain, but much about the new systems were beyond him.  He regretted leaving all of it on his young Second to learn.  It wasn't fair or safe to leave it on him.

Bibi arrived sweaty, amped up and half covered in fluorescent body paint.  The explanation of need sent him near to panic as he tried to focus through party haze to operate his systems, "Attacked the Prince??  Fuuuuuuuuuck...shitshit... If it's those particles Sir Brun talked about then that's like moving through spacetime like gates BUT IN THE STATION...  fuckfuckfuck....". The boy was starting to shake while he tried to tune the sensors.

Captain Smalls stepped onto the bridge like it was any other shift and he hadn't been enjoying the party.  He took a sip from one mug, while handing another to Bibi, "Pause.  Breathe.  Drink.  Breathe again.  Do the job.  They need our help." His voice was steady, deep and reassuring.  There was no arguing with it.  Just go along with the Captain and things will work out.  The drink was a special emergency blend Esme made. To be used in special circumstances.  Time travelling assassins during a rave night met the criteria.


"Orson.  Go ahead and set up the connection for the Lady.  Bibi will have it ready in a moment." It wasn't a question.  It was just a fact.  Bibi had already started calming down and would have it up, just like his dad predicted....

A much larger sensor sweep filled Euryleia's awareness as Thames joined in.  To the quickly moving royal entourage, she reported, "I'm now confirming particle trace near Lady Freyr's quarters.....and a faint trace in Queen Valerie's chambers.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:57, Wed 07 Feb.
player, 914 posts
A princess? We're doomed!
Fate Points: 1
Wed 7 Feb 2024
at 18:32
  • msg #63

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

The moment Meara heard about a trace in Queen Valerie's chambers, she turned to Gwydion and said, "We need to investigate both, and your knowledge will be most important - as much as I wish otherwise, you need to be the one to investigate at the Queen's chambers.  I will take Wigglesworth to Freyr's chambers and request Iri's remote assistance.  Sir Brun, Lady Euryleia, please go with my co-"

She hesitated a moment, the word caught in her throat.  He was not just her cousin anymore, and she needed to remember that.

"... My Prince."

Before Gwydion could protest, she explained, "We do not have the luxury of time to stay together right now, nor do we have time for debate, and you are the priority target.  Contact me as soon as you have something, and for the goddesses' sakes, summon a chirurgeon get that wound looked at!"

She then took off, leaving her father to look between the two groups before shrugging and staying with the larger group.

"A word of advice, Your Highness.  With Venusian women, pick your battles and be ready to concede.  Especially women of the Chonaill family."
player, 568 posts
Young Knight of Avaluna
Fate Points: 1
Thu 8 Feb 2024
at 00:19
  • msg #64

2.5: You Are Cordially Beknighted

Though he'd been heading straight to the Gehemnis ladies, Euryleia's results caught Gwydion by surprise and brought him to a stop.

"MerLN, check on the Queen." And then Meara cut him off as he faced her to continue his stream of orders. Another surprise, and he listened to her right up until she was finished. Then he took her chin in hand, leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips, and then bowed his head. "Yes, my dear. Good luck." May as well start getting used to that now, right? With Meara gone, Gwydion nodded to Baughb's advice as the group began moving toward the Queen's chambers now. "Thank you, my lord. She and I aren't children anymore, and I can't keep acting like we are."
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