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Notes on RTJs and Character Creation.

Posted by GM BadCatManFor group 0
GM BadCatMan
GM, 7 posts
Sat 17 Jan 2015
at 12:52
  • msg #1

RTJs and Character Creation

When you post your Request-to-Join, please give me a brief summary of your experience at role-playing and with the DWAITAS rules, and of your familiarity with Doctor Who.

When describing your character concept, I'd like to know the following details:
  • Names or titles
  • Species (whether Time Lord, regular Gallifreyan, human, or other)
  • World and time of origin, and how variable this can be
  • Summaries of the character's history, personality, and key features (a few paragraphs, but not a huge write-up)
  • Particular Traits, Skills, or Gadgets that will be important to the character
  • The party role they might fill, like defender, talker, techie, comic relief, etc.

To get you thinking about the details, please also answer the following questions:
  • Has the character ever killed somebody, been responsible for another's death (even through deliberate inaction), or had someone sacrifice themselves for them? Or are they entirely innocent?
  • Without some key event from their past, who would they be in an alternate timeline?
  • What is a location, bleak and desolate, that your character has forgotten?
  • In the future (hopefully distant), how might they die?

I'd also like a brief writing sample that illustrates your character, doing what they do best.

I'd prefer only original characters, not canon characters from any range. You may not play the Doctor, a companion, or any other major character. I may however be swayed to allow a minor canon character who wasn't well developed originally.

Please don't send me a complete character sheet, not until your acceptance has been confirmed. RTJs won't be first-come, first-served. I will select a handful of the best applications with good writing samples, who will form a mixed group who will complement each other and fit well together.

If a player disappears, their character may disappear too, erased from the time-lines. Or worse. Not giving me notice of your departure gives me carte blanche to use them how I like.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:19, Fri 13 Mar 2015.
GM BadCatMan
GM, 9 posts
Sat 17 Jan 2015
at 14:02
  • msg #3

Character Creation

This game will use the Doctor Who: Adventures In Time And Space RPG (or Vortex rules) published by Cubicle 7.

Character creation is as standard: 24 character points, 18 skill points, 12 story points.

The Areas Of Expertise optional rule for Skills is in effect, with one popular house rule: you only need 1 skill point in a skill before you can take an Area of Expertise. For example, you need Knowledge 1 before you can take AoE: Dalek History. Other games tend to allow this with 0 skill points, but I figure a character needs some general capability and background in the skill before specialising.

We are not using the Aliens skill house rule.

Characters can come from past, present, or future, any world. I'll try to work out how to get everyone together. Aliens, Cyborgs, Robots, and Time Lords are all allowed. This includes Alien and Gadget Traits found only in the Gamemaster's Guide. I'll even consider a Type-103 humanoid TARDIS.

Story-based Traits (such as Adversary and Amnesia) should be discussed with me first so they can be worked into the story. The first few adventures will be modules, which might not allow a story element to be worked in.

The Advanced Time Lord Creation rules from The Time Traveller's Companion are allowed, utilising the Chapter House suites of traits. Time Lords don't necessarily have to be survivors of the Time War; they may come from the time before or during.

A TARDIS or other means of travel will be supplied.

I currently own or have access to:
  • The Player's Guide and The Gamemaster's Guide, the 10th and 11th Doctor editions
  • The Time Traveller's Companion
  • Aliens and Creatures
  • Defending the Earth: The UNIT Sourcebook
  • The Fourth Doctor Sourcebook
  • The Seventh Doctor Sourcebook
  • The Eighth Doctor Sourcebook

If you want a Trait or Gadget, etc., from another source, please copy it out for me. However, I won't accept material from the Primeval or Rocket Age settings, which also use the Vortex rules.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:26, Sat 21 Mar 2015.
GM BadCatMan
GM, 10 posts
Sat 17 Jan 2015
at 14:20
  • msg #4


All the regular rules apply, you should know how to play well with others. If something's going to become an argument, step back and ask me to resolve it.

Your posts should be more than one-liners unless there's a good reason, and should be well written with good spelling and grammar. Past tense is preferred; present and future tenses will be employed for temporal weirdness. Speech should be in a chosen and consistent colour, with thoughts in italics.

Please summarise game actions, dice rolls, and relevant rules at the bottom of your posts. Do not make them private unless you have good cause to hide actions from fellow PCs. I will use orange for rules information and OOC notes in game threads. Feel free to colour your own.

My preference is not to use silly science, deus ex machinas, or inexplicable superpowers. Keep the tone at reasonably good SF with science that's sounds feasible or within traditional Who technobabble; have solutions come out of what's already in the story (unless there's an actual god in the machine); and have the "old Time Lord tricks" (used by spending Story Points) derive from known Time Lord powers in a sensible way. So no shaking radiation out into a shoe.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:18, Thu 12 Mar 2015.
GM BadCatMan
GM, 11 posts
Sat 17 Jan 2015
at 14:28
  • msg #5

Character Sheet

Here is a text character sheet I made that I'd like players to use. It covers all the vital details. Following is an example sheet showing how to fill it in, but you don't have to do yours exactly the same way.


Character Name:                             Gender:
RPoL Player Name:                           Height:
Species:                                    Weight:
World Of Origin:                            Age:
Time Of Origin:                             Regenerations: __/__ (if applicable)
Home Technology Level:                      Hair:
                                            Speed:  __ (default Coordination)
Character Points:      24 (by default)
  Spent On Attributes: __
  Spent On Traits:     __

Skill Points:          18 (by default)

Story Points: 12 / 12 (by default)



Character Points Spent On Attributes:

             Base   Trait  Other  Other  Final
                    Bonus  Bonus  Injury Score

AWARENESS:     _  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   _
COORDINATION:  _  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   _
INGENUITY:     _  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   _
PRESENCE:      _  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   _
RESOLVE:       _  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   _
STRENGTH:      _  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   _
       Total: __


Character Points Spent On Traits:

Starting Traits:

Trait Name:
CP Cost:

Trait Name:
CP Cost:

Trait Name:
CP Cost:

Trait Name:
CP Cost:

Acquired Traits:

Trait Name:
CP Cost:


Skill Points:                       18 (by default)
Skill Points From Traits:           __
Skill Points From Character Points: __
Total Skill Points:                 __

     Total   Skill  Other
     Score = Points Bonus |  Skills:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Athletics
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Convince
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Craft
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Fighting
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Knowledge
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Marksman
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Medicine
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Science
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Subterfuge
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Survival
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Technology
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Transport
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:

Areas Of Expertise:


Technology Levels:

Item                     #   Cost   Weight   Location   Notes


Roll:   __

Roll:   __

Roll:   __


Story Points: _


Attack: __
Damage: __

Attack: __
Damage: _ / _ / _

Armour Protection: -_






Character Name:        Garen                Gender: Male
RPoL Player Name:      BadCatMan            Height: 5'10"
Species:               Human                Weight: 95 kg
World Of Origin:       The Endless Quarry   Age:    25
Time Of Origin:        4123 AD              Regenerations: -
Home Technology Level: Level 2              Hair:   Brown
                                            Eyes:   Brown
                                            Speed:   3 (default Coordination)
Character Points:      24 (by default)
  Spent On Attributes: 18
  Spent On Traits:      6

Skill Points:          18 (by default)

Story Points: 12 / 12 (by default)

22/12/2009: Sheet created


Character Points Spent On Attributes:

             Base   Trait  Other  Other  Final
                    Bonus  Bonus  Injury Score

AWARENESS:     4  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   4
COORDINATION:  3  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   3
INGENUITY:     3  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   3
PRESENCE:      2  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   2
RESOLVE:       2  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   2
STRENGTH:      4  +   _  +   _  -   _  =   4
       Total: 18


Character Points Spent On Traits:

Starting Traits:

Trait Name: Face In The Crowd
Type:       Minor Good
CP Cost:    -1
Effect:     +2 Subterfuge for sneaking about and not getting noticed
  Garen is fairly bland-looking.

Trait Name: Keen Senses
Type:       Minor Good
CP Cost:    -1
Effect:     +2 Awareness when listening
  Garen is good at listening out for approaching cave monsters.

Trait Name: Lucky
Type:       Minor Good
CP Cost:    -1
Effect:     May reroll double 1s
  Garen's not dead yet, so he considers himself lucky.

Trait Name: Run For Your Life!
Type:       Minor Good
CP Cost:    -1
Effect:     Speed +1 when being chased or fleeing
  Garen proved surprisingly adept at fleeing the cave monsters.

Trait Name: Sense Of Direction
Type:       Minor Good
CP Cost:    -1
Effect:     +2 to rolls to regain direction when lost or find a direction
  And he's not bad at finding his way around the twisting tunnels of his home


Trait Name: Tough
Type:       Minor Good
CP Cost:    -1
Effect:     Reduce damage by 2, after armour and other effects
  He's survived a few rock-falls and monster attacks.

Acquired Traits:

Trait Name:
CP Cost:


Skill Points:                       18 (by default)
Skill Points From Traits:
Skill Points From Character Points:
Total Skill Points:                 18

     Total   Skill  Other
     Score = Points Bonus |  Skills:
      +3   =   3   +  0   |  Athletics
        +2 =   1   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise: Running
        +2 =   1   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise: Climbing
      +0   =   0   +  0   |  Convince
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +3   =   3   +  0   |  Craft
        +2 =   1   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise: Mining
      +1   =   1   +  0   |  Fighting
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Knowledge
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Marksman
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Medicine
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Science
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +3   =   3   +  0   |  Subterfuge
        +2 =   1   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise: Sneaking
      +3   =   3   +  0   |  Survival
        +2 =   1   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise: Underground
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Technology
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:
      +?   =   0   +  0   |  Transport
        +? =   0   +  0   |    Area Of Expertise:


Technology Levels: 2

Item                     #   Cost   Weight   Location   Notes

Simple clothes

Mining Hammer


Roll:   __

Roll:   __

Roll:   __


Gadget: none
Story Points: _


Weapon: Mining Hammer
Attack: Strength + Fighting = 4 + 1 = 5
Damage: +4

Attack: __
Damage: _ / _ / _

Armour: none
Armour Protection: -_


Garen was born a hapless serf on a quarry world, in a former human colony that
had degenerated into worshipping a megalomaniac computer. Like his people, he
mined minerals to fuel the computer's power requirements and build more robot
overseers, all while avoiding rockfalls and giant cave lizards.

One day, a visiting Time Lord saved him from a cave lizard, waged a war against
the robots, overthrew the computer and liberated the people. Then they had

Realising that there was a whole universe beyond the quarry, Garen stowed away
on the Time Lord's TARDIS.


Garen just wants to see some of the universe, but his main goal is simply
surviving, usually by running away.


Garen is a quiet and unassuming sort, who isn't used to having to offer his
opinions on anything. Most would say he is dull.


Brown-haired, brown-eyed, medium height and build, and plain-featured, Garen is
overall an easily ignored and forgotten-about extra. He wears a plain grey shirt
and pants that are tattered and patched, and has a belt with a small hammer.
This message was last updated by the GM at 07:18, Thu 12 Mar 2015.
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