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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

21:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: B'dan
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Occupation/Rank: Rider of Bronze Golarth
Location: Sea Cliff Weyr

Personality: B'dan takes his duties as Wingleader seriously, guiding his wing both in the sky and in life.  It is, however, one of the only things he takes seriously, as he is an unrepentant carouser and womanizer.  When thread is not in the sky and other duties do not call, he can usually be found with a flagon of wine in one hand and a willing woman in the other.  Weyrbred, he has none of the repressive sexual mores to be found outside the weyrs, and, while considered quite a good catch, has shown no signs of establishing a permanent relationship with any female.  He's not opposed to the idea in theory, just no woman has ever caught his emotions along with his attentions for more than an extended dalliance.

Description: 6'3", 193 lbs., shoulder length black hair usually confined in a ponytail, goatee, very muscular, pierced left earlobe

Brief History: Born in Benden Weyr, and known in his youth as Badan, B'dan was witness to many of the events that have shaped modern Pern, albeit from a respectful distance.  When the call went out for volunteers to settle the new weyr, he was amongst the first to step forward, knowing that at a new weyr, he'd have a chance to lead a wing, perhaps even one day become Weyrleader.

Shortly after arriving at Sea Cliff Weyr, B'dan chanced to discover a cache of fire lizard eggs too late to bring them back to the Weyr.  Having Golath alert those of the weyr he was familiar with, along with his friends from Benden, food was brought in time to save virtually all of the young fire lizards, with nearly all of B'dan's new wing, along with other new acquaintances and old friends from Benden, impressing at least one of the miniature dragons.

B'dan himself impressed two, a gold he named Happy, for her sweet disposition, and a blue he named Scamp, for his insatiable curiosity and tendency to get into trouble investigating things, such as the time he crawled into the bags of a visiting rider and ended up transported to Ista Weyr.  With an entire unfamiliar weyr to investigate, he was gone for days, until word finally reached him that the Ista woman in charge of the lower caverns would like him to kindly come retrieve his lizard before he got into her food supplies a fourth time.

If Dragonrider, please make out the following:

Age When Impressed: 15
Dragon Age: 15

Dragon Description: Golarth is a Benden bronze, of Ramoth's line, with all the size and power that implies.

Dragon Personality: Golarth is often the sage counsel that reminds B'dan when he has other responsibilities, keeping him from going to excess in his revels.  How ever, the bronze is far from a wet blanket.  He enjoys mirth and merriment as much as his rider, and what makes B'dan happy, makes Golarth happy.  Golarth has a relationship of benevolent tolerance of, and fondness towards, Happy and Scamp, especially when they elect to help with the scratchy areas when he bathes.  He and Happy are always on good terms, but Scamp has earned his ire on more than one occasion.

B'dan's serious look:

B'dan's morning after look: