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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

07:30, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Robert Gregg

Full Name: Robert A. Gregg
Nickname: Sarge, Rob
Age: 40
Age apparent: 37
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Occupation: Police officer, Former Marine
Languages: English, Arabic, German
Species: Human

Powers: While not necessarily a power, he is proficient in firearms and is almost equivalent to a sniper.  He also is well trained in self defense, having served in special operations for the military, though he isn't as quick as he used to be due to his age.

Basic Personality: Serious to a great degree and rather private, he doesn't talk much about his personal life, nor anything outside of his job, unless he truly trusts someone.  Some say that he generally lacks a sense of humor.  He has never made any bones about his general distrust of the monsters, but no one knows of his downright hatred of them and even further why...

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Hair Style: Short, almost military cut
Complexion: His age is showing a bit
Body shape: Surprisingly fit despite his age

Clothing: Blue jeans and T-shirts are standard fare for him, not owning anything more fancy, though he still has his uniform hanging in his closet.

Overall Appearance: Rob is a grizzled, hardy man that looks like he's seen more than his fair share of things that would make any normal sane person flee in terror.  There is nothing warm and inviting to his chocolate brown eyes and he tends to carry himself with a sense of authority.  Time has not treated this man particularly well, but he still looks like someone that could hold his own in the ring as long as he isn't fighting a monster.

Merits: Precise, intuitive, contemplative, can take charge if needed, spotless police record

Flaws: A bit of a hardass, cold, personally distant

History: Born in Chicago, no other place has ever felt like home and growing up, his family wasn't particularly well off, but they had enough to get by for the most part, military blood pumping through his veins, his father a veteran of WWII, fighting in the European campaign and a survivor of the D-Day invasion of Normandy.  The oldest of three brothers, he and his brothers all enlisted in the military to make their father proud.  He was the only one to actually do the full 20 years.  Enlisted as a Marine, Rob served his country in Operation Desert Storm as a fresh recruit, driving the Iraqis out of Kuwait in February of 1991 after only 100 days of ground combat.

His superiors saw his enthusiasm and over time began to climb his way up the ladder, being considered for OCS as soon as he achieved his bachelors degree in Law Enforcement after only 3 years of education at FLETC in Glynco, GA.  His strong sense of justice propelled him through the course curriculum, achieving high honors in his class.  After graduation from FLETC, he began the 10-week course for the Marine Corps Officer Candidate School in Quantico, Virginia, where the motto "Ductus Exemplo" (Leadership by example) was drilled into his head and he graduated, being granted the commission of second lieutenant.

Being an officer didn't mean that he was going to be a paper pusher sitting behind a desk, something he never wanted to do.  He could often be found at the test firing range, practicing and keeping his marksmanship up to par.  A fresh faced officer was often stuck with the more menial tasks, but he saw them as chances to impress the brass above him and gain some clout.  He was promoted to First Lieutenant after only a year and a half after OCS.

The attacks of September 11, 2001 saw the formation of MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command) and despite a recent promotion to Major, he volunteered to join MARSOC and take an active role in the operations, having to retest on the firing range, missing the qualifications for Sniper by only a couple of points.  Most of the operations that he led were deemed top secret and even now he doesn't discuss them with anyone.  But, there was the incident in Bosnia that changed his outlook on the world around him.  The operation was handed down, deemed top secret that had him, now a Lieutenant Colonel to take his men into a warehouse to take out a sleeper cell of terrorists.  What no one had bothered to tell him that it was simply one person.

The team breached the building only to come face to face with a vampire, something he had only heard of in children's stories and horror movies.  The team opened fire and with their lead bullets, did little to faze the monster, let alone kill it.  The vampire went on a killing frenzy, Rob and his team torn apart until he was thrown back through a door, the sunlight flooding in and setting the creature ablaze.  Rob was barely alive when the chopper arrived to extract them.  Eight men breached the building and only two survived.

The mission was deemed successful and he was promoted to Colonel, but he resigned from MARSOC and finished out his career behind a desk where he could retire and live his life after that.  He resigned and returned to Chicago only to find that the vampires were not only not killed on sight, but were given the rights as normal people, which enraged him beyond all belief.  He applied to join the Police Force, specifically asking to join CPIU and with his military background, there was little argument and he was assigned there under Captain Bishop, who would later disappear, only to be replaced by Captain Reilly.  His goal is to subvert the vampires and destroy them in the process of doing so, though he never speaks of it publicly, simply content to speak ill of them.

After things went horribly wrong in Chicago, he simply disappeared one night, only leaving a note of resignation on his captains desk and began to migrate west, his military pension more than sufficient to sustain himself for as long as need be, as long as he was wise about his money.  Finding himself in Las Vegas, he decided that he wasn't done with the law enforcement line of work, joining the Las Vegas CPIU, but has been far less vocal of his hatred of the monsters.

Living or dead Family: He doesn't discuss them.  Some wonder if they are even still among the living.