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20:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alyssa Chaser

Alyssa never felt unloved in her life, her dad worked from home most the time, and when he was away he called her every day. He doted on her, bought her almost anything she ever wanted, but then, that is the advantage of being the daughter of a famous novellist. Her mother worked on a few photo shoots, but on a whole was a stay at home mum, not your normal kind by any means. She was not the soccer mum.. pornstar mum maybe, she remembered starting high school, her mum and dad took her for the entrance interview, and every boy in the school was clambering over one another to get a look.

Alyssa on the other hand, really did not like her large breasts, not like her mother, she did not flaunt them, instead opting for higher cut tops that only hinted at her cleavage. Her father often said to her "I don't know how you came out so modest Liss" Of course, this was lost on Alyssa, but she did not know what happened behind closed doors, and did not want to.

Alyssa loves the arts, her classes at school are art, music, drama, advanced drama and english. She dislikes maths, and hates things where she cannot express herself, she wanted to be an artist.. her dad had built her an art studio in the back yard. Lately she had not found the time to do much, but then it was senior year, she had the prom to worry about, not to mention final exams. Her best friend Sarah Shaw and her planned on going to college together, they did not know which, but they had been friends since they were little, and were almost inseperable.

Ally got her mothers breasts, with a slender figure she had to get from her dad, her mothers smile, fathers eyes. She is an independant, unique girl who is not affraid to express herself, not affraid to -be- herself. She does not follow trends, even if she had the money to do so, opting instead to wear clothes that Sarah made or even mixing and matching with different styles. She has no interest in dating, never finding a boy that caught her eye.. she dated once, but found that all he seemed interested in was kissing and sex.