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Welcome to The Beach

07:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ashley Drake

Ashley lost her parents young, she was 7 when they died, which wasn't all bad, she was brought up by her aunt and uncle. Only issue was, they were religious, and not your normal go to church type, they were the do as we say, or god will smite you type. It was ok, until she started developing breasts at 12.. then it started with there being something wrong with her. Her cousin called her a freak because at 14 she herself did not have breasts. At school people made fun of her, and it got worse as they got bigger, then she got her period, and her aunt and uncle took her to so many doctors, to ask what was wrong. Never accepting 'it is normal' as an answer. She stayed at school only because she wanted an education, though she got a part time job, changed her style. It was about that time that she started to hide her body, wearing heavy black pieces, hiding her face with her firey red hair, which she died a darker, but more vivid shade. Make-up, jewellery.. then high school was over.

She moved out at 17, house-sharing a few times before finding a reasonable apartment close to the uni she would attend. Her current look started with piercing her ears, then nose, tongue, upper ear, lip, tongue again, lip again, nipples, clit, ears again, and again. Then she moved to tattoos, now having more than 20 over her body, though they were never seen by anyone at campus, no matter how hot the day, she is covered neck to toes.

Ashley does not bother to try to date guys, if she happens to meet a nice one she may, but on a whole she lets them make the move.. which normally ends in a few weeks of hot passionate sex.. then they move on. Which was fine with her. To be honest she did not know how it got to this point, she did not hang out with the 'goth' crowd, in fact she hated them almost as much as the jocks. She was not depressed, not on drugs..(well not all the time) she had just grown up hating her body, and very few had told her otherwise. So she hides it under her chosen clothing. People assume things about her, they assume she is a rebel, a drug addled, depressed psycho who hates the world. Which was completely wrong.

Ash loves music, real music, not the pop shit that is out, but rock and roll, the genuine stuff. She enjoys movies, especially the ones that make you think about them, the ones that have twists. She hated fake people, more than anything she hated people that were not themselves. She never lied when asked a question, the few people she called friends knew exactly who she was. Though most people did not care enough to learn about her.

Under her mass of black and dark coloured clothing she has a glorious set of E cup breasts, a body that although it is certainly not toned, was not awful either, and was far from the size her clothes made her appear to be. Under all the make-up ((that she wore because she felt that she was imperfect.. thanks to years of people telling her as such, and never having support from her family)) she had soft, but pale skin, a stunning set of full, dark pink, pouty lips. Stunning hazel eyes that she could make look brown, or green depending on the eye make-up she chose.