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Welcome to Infinite Odyssey- The First

09:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Miska Murat

Name: Miska Murat

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 138

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark brown

Distinguishing Marks: A light blue bar code tattoo on the inside of her left forearm. Her back is covered in red Chinese characters, words of wisdom from the great philosophers. All of the phrases look like they were tattooed by different inkers at different periods of time, and all of those phrases are crossed out except one: "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading". A smattering of other ink on her upper arms and thighs, including a two-headed Chinese dragon that spans her lower back and wraps around to her upper left thigh; a phoenix with wings spread on her upper right shoulder, and a small monkey directly opposite. All of her work is personal and significant.

She has a few scars scattered over her body, the most notable a puckered bullet wound in her right shoulder. The ring finger of her left hand has a visible pale line circling the base. Towards the back of her mouth, she has a gold tooth that’s only visible when she smiles.

Relatives: None that she's willing to talk about.

Close Friends/associates: Her maymoon, Jive. The maymoons are a species from Earth 2 that most closely resemble a cross between a spider monkey and a tarsier. Despite being incredibly fat, they're quick, see incredibly well in the dark, and more importantly, highly intelligent. They have a broad range of personalities, though one thing is constant: their stench. Jive himself tends to be aloof and disinterested unless food is offered as an immediate reward. He's particularly fond of salt and vinegar potato chips, which give him rancid gas.

Clothing style: For everyday wear, Miska tends toward fitted and functional clothes with distinct gypsy flair. Pants, vests, boots, hats are all richly patterned and have hidden pockets to conceal weapons or goods – even her jewelry and scarves have been purchased with a dual purpose in mind. Considering her profession, her fingernails are perpetually dirty and she seems constantly covered in a thin shroud of dust.

Her hair is thick and so unruly she almost appears to have dreadlocks. Long, thin braids are scattered throughout, ornamented with beads and threads of silver and gold. In addition to her regular jewelry, she typically wears a thin gold hoop in her left nostril.

Despite an overall dirty and wild appearance, she cleans up nice when she has to.

Extent of training/abilities: Without relaying too much of her personal life, suffice it to say Miska has had extensive training over the years from a variety of different non-reputable sources.

Fighting/weapons preference/equipment: Miska loves any and all types of guns. She carries an old Walther P38 in a leg holster for sentimental purposes, but for business, she prefers a plasma gun that, with a push of a button, extends over her forearm for greater accuracy. In years gone by, she carried an Honor, but since semi-officially "leaving" Null, has switched to a specially modified collapsible, electrified bo staff.

Strengths: Crack aim and a damn fine (if not frightening) pilot.

Weaknesses: Though she'd never let on, she's not particularly fond of hand-to-hand combat. She can hold her own in a bare-knuckle brawl, but if someone pulls that hardcore kung-fu crap, she's done for. Also has a bad habit of barreling through something when she could just as easily go around it, which tends to land her in some trouble.


Personality: Miska is idealistic, incredibly stubborn, holds firm to her beliefs and often talks before she thinks. Her comments are typically truthful to the point of biting -- she has no taste or time for lies and deceit. She's got a dry sense of humor that's often misconstrued as confrontational, though truly, it's a product of her blunt nature and potty mouth. This may or may not be slightly compounded by a quick temper.

For an "opportunist", she's incredibly trust-worthy. She doesn't play games -- if she says she'll do something, she does it. If she can't do it (or won't), she's more than comfortable saying that, too. She's also insanely loyal. She will defend and protect anyone close to her with her dying breath.

Despite how steadfast she is in her beliefs, Miska is changeable, seemingly reinventing herself every few years. It doesn't influence her core personality, simply her direction in life -- a reflection of her inability to settle in any one particular place.

When it comes to new environments, she's a sponge. She soaks up details and has a remarkable ability to blend into any crowd. She's also highly superstitious and believes heavily in the tides of luck.

Though Miska stays informed, she has so far managed to stay out of politics, considering how bad it is for business. On a personal level, she's not sure why equal rights for cyborgs and androids was ever an issue to begin with, much less why wars needed to be fought over it. Though she has no augmentations personally, she's not opposed to the idea, she just never had a reason to have it done. So far her regular old human body has held up just fine, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Right now, she's more or less stranded in Trium. She's got a ship (and some potential cargo), but she needs a crew to run it.

Hobbies: Collecting old guns, seeking out new (or at least unfamiliar) environments

Likes & Dislikes: (Likes) Guns, cherries, personal space, piloting her ship, anything new or original (Dislikes) Flaky people, being lied to, questions about herself, girly-girls, extreme pretentiousness and/or conceit.