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Welcome to Infinite Odyssey- The First

18:17, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Violetta Pajari

Name: Violetta Pajari

Nickname: Violet, V

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110lbs

Hair: Hair is shoulder length, tied into a tail at the back. It is naturally black
in color, with a dark red stripe off to the right side.

Eyes: Bright Blue

Distinguishing Marks: Eyes seem to glow when emotionally excited

Relatives: Grandfather, who taught her martial arts.

Close Friends/associates: None known.

Clothing style: Violetta wears loose fitting clothes, easy to run in and easy to hide things in. She wears a kevlar vest, light enough and loose enough to not impede her movements but good enough to help keep a shot from being too lethal.

Extent of training/abilities: Violetta has been practicing both T'ai chi ch'uan
and Jeet Kune Do since she was little.

Fighting/weapons preference/equipment: Violetta prefers to fight unarmed, but will use a gun or knife if she needs to. She wears a pair of gloves that have metal backing and metal caps over the knuckles, which are in turn connected to nano-shock generators. Violetta carries a Shaolin Sanctum medium pistol and a pair of vibro knives.

Weaknesses: Violetta is relatively uneducated in the greater wiles of the galaxy.

Personality: Violetta is rather quiet, but a firm believer in personal freedom. She will jump in to assist someone who is in trouble, but never tries to start a fight herself.

Hobbies: Violetta is a bounty hunter, an outlaw. Besides her profession, she enjoys a good drink of nice warm sake every now and then.

Likes & Dislikes: Hates people who think only through force and hates people who are too full of themselves.

Sexual Preferences: Bisexual