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18:42, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jacob Percival

Name: Jacob Percival
Nickname: Pers (pronounced 'purrs')
Code Name: Jinx

Appearance:  Since joining the Ghostwalker program, Jake's let his hair grow out a little, but still keeps it relatively short.  He shaved fairly regularly but can never seem to keep a bit of a goatee off his chin and lip.  At 6' and nearly 190lbs before his transformation, he's packed on an additional 20 lbs of muscle, with a nearly unhealthy lack of body fat.

He tends to dress simple and doesn't even own a suit.  His eyes are normally blue, but glow semi-luminescent in the dark when struck with light, requiring him to wear special polarizing glasses or contact lenses to mask the effect.

He has several tattoos including a phrase in Arabic on his right arm and the Ghostwalker emblem on his left.

Main Ability:

Kinetic Prediction

Jake's primary power is the ability to sense and predict movement.  He sometimes describes this as seeing the air.  It is an active power in the sense that there is a limited window of time in which it is useful.  While he might see the track of a bullet well enough to dodge it, if it's already been fired and struck, he wouldn't be able to follow the trail back to the source.  While he might be able to predict the way a car is turning in traffic, he isn't able to tell where a car went if it's out of sight.

The power manifests in a few key ways:

Secondary Abilities:

Telekinetic Grip - Jake has a rudimentary telekinetic ability.  His power allows him to grip people and things, though generally not manipulate them with any degree of control.  As such it can be used to slow someone's movement, as a means or restraint, like hand cuffs, or potentially to crush things.  The force of his grip is currently about the same as a strong human, has a range of approximately 20' and can grip 3-4 things at once, though the more targets, the shorter the range and lower the strength (e.g. he can grip a hand at 20', two hands at 10', hands and feet at 2-3' or closer).

Psychic Camouflage - Though he's incapable of invisibility, he's able to mask his presence enough that casual observes wouldn't notice him unless they were looking closely.  The effectiveness of the camouflage is such that he's capable of projecting a slight blur when moving, making identification of his features difficult and making him difficult to spot when still, especially if in shadows.

Animal DNA: Jaguar

Physical Enhancements:




Enhanced Strength - Jake has increased muscle strength, able to carry approximately 250lbs for sustained periods of time, dead lift up to 350lbs and drag almost twice that weight.

Sensitivity - The nerves in his fingers are particularly acute.  He can feel textures enough to sense the grade of paper, feel writing impressions and other subtle traces on the surface of things.  However, this sense is only capable of picking up the physical and cannot pick up psychic, chemical, biological or other traces.

In addition, the hair on his body is equally sensitive and works in conjunction with his kinetic prediction to help him sense and predict movement.

Enhanced Balance - In combination with his animal DNA, training and psychic abilities, Jake has near inhuman balance.  He's able to walk a tight beam with no effort and a tight rope with only minimal concentration.  He's also difficult to trip or throw.

Climb - Through training, balance and strength, Jake can free climb most surfaces which have finger grip positions.

Jump - Jake can jump approximately 5-7' vertically and 10-15' horizontally with a running start.

Run - He can sprint at speeds approaching 30mph, with 15-20mph speeds sustained for extended periods of time.
Swim - A strong swimmer, he can sprint at approximately 6-7mph with 3-4mph speeds sustained and can hold his breath for 2-4 minutes, depending on activity levels.

Auditory Distress/Sound Sensitivity - Due to his acute hearing, Jake has difficulty sleeping and usually has to play music to block out enough outside noise to fall asleep.  Ironically, he's more comfortable around heavy gunfire and chaotic chases (which he can predict) than around crowds of people or during storms.

Distance Detail - He is essentially near sighted.  His distance vision picks up movement better and further than most people can see, but he has difficulty picking out details beyond shapes and colors.  Typically, he can identify facial features and expressions up to 30' away, but generally can't tell people apart by sight beyond 40' or 50'.  However, he's able to track movement and shapes, so once he's been given a target, he can follow that target based on motion even at extreme distances.

Vitamin Deficiency - A side effect of the animal DNA, Jake is unable to produce Vitamin A and must take regular injections or supplements in order to ensure proper vision, skin and bone health.  The first sign of deficiency is dry skin, followed by blurring vision.  Fortunately, his bones are naturally stronger than most, but theoretically, if one was to be broken, it would take longer to heal.

Ticklish - Due to his sensitive skin he's particularly ticklish.

Skills: Expert marksman (with hand guns, assault weapons, sniper rifles and other small arms), close quarters combat (hand to hand, knives, etc.), basic explosive ordinance handling, urban/outdoor stealth, small unit tactics, communications equipment operations, combat driving, rappelling and other related military/survival skills.

Background:  Jake was a fairly typical teen growing up in a suburb outside Dallas, TX.  He was an average student, decent, though not exceptional athlete, popular enough to have a lot of friends, not popular enough to voted 'most' anything.  Average, his father would call him on the rare weekends when he was in town.  He applied to a few colleges and even got accepted to a state school, but his mother had gotten sick his senior year and money had gotten tight.  When she finally died, he was left with an apartment he couldn't pay for, admission to a school he couldn't afford and no idea what to do.

He met the recruiter outside the Northpark Center.  He'd been collecting applications from various stores in the mall and wasn't looking forward to the prospect of spending the next few years working at the Gap, but didn't know what else to do.  The recruiter on the other hand had a few ideas and Jake started basic training a few weeks later.

Surprisingly enough, while he'd been average in school, he turned out to be an exceptional soldier.  He understood how to follow orders, was physically fit and had a natural talent with guns and hand to hand.  Whether it was the sense of order the military provided or just the sense that he finally excelled at something, he quickly became a true believer, volunteering for any assignment, training or mission that came his way.  There he quickly garnered a reputation as charmed, then a jinx, surviving numerous high risk operations without a scratch, even when his teammates were injured or killed.

He would have liked to think it was his enthusiasm or talent that got him noticed by the CIA, but he figures it was more likely that no one else would op with him.  So, when the opportunity came to be assigned to the Special Activities Division Special Operations Group, he jumped.  There, he began to truly shine, on solo and small group operations, serving on numerous covert actions around the globe for two years before being recruited to the Ghostwalker program.

It was there the reason for his 'luck' was identified and enhanced, making him nearly impossible to hit and further developed to enhance his marksmanship and hand to hand abilities.  Other abilities manifested, including a crude telekinetic and camouflage ability, as well as enhanced physical characteristics due to the gene splicing procedures.

Still a true believer, in the program, in service, he trains religiously and remains the first to step forward whenever there's a call for volunteers.