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14:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Kasey 'KC' or 'Kay' Duncan
Alias(es): KC, Kay, Duncan
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Black falling just below the shoulders with streaks of blue throughout.
Eyes:  Ice Blue
Complexion: Normal
Other Physical/Appearance Distinctions: KC is your average slight looking young woman with a slightly more athletic build. Her body, more her legs and arms toned by years of double bass drumming and the general use of her arms while playing. She also makes it a point to stay fit however due to several altercations she had post- performances growing up.  Her style is an eclectic mix of current fashion mixed with a punkish twist. Having been an 'artistic type' and traveled with her band she has many pieces of 'art' to show for it. A three quarter sleeve of tattoos on her right arm and a half sleeve on her left with a full detailed chest piece and several shoulder pieces. She also has multiple ear piercings including an industrial in her right ear and obvious holes in her lip and eyebrow where she used to have piercings.

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|C|h|a|r|a|c|t|e|r| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n| | | | | | | | | |
Code Name: --
Full Name: Kasey 'KC' or 'Kay' Duncan
Alias(es): KC, Kay, Duncan
Gender: Female
Class: --
Age: 24
Security Clearance: Level 1

Personality: Kasey is a well adjusted female with a minor streak of disinterest in authoritative figures. While not PARTICULARLY violent, she can, and at times has managed to severely injure people when she or others she is associated with are threatened. While she generally falls into the category of oppositional defiant, she will follow directions when they don't seem to be requesting TOO much of her, although she will be sure to mumble an insult under her breath as she goes about it. Her ADD type personality keeps her disorganized most of the time but an amusing person to be around. She has a sharp wit and isn't afraid to speak her mind or give an honest opinion no matter who she may piss off. Most frequently she is social and cordial to most people she meets, having been in a more-well known group gave her the thick skin she needed to deal with strangers in social situations, however since entering the Manor she tends to be more cautious and quiet to start off with preferring to listen and ask a few questions before jumping into casual conversation. Her short time alone and fending for herself as well as some of the stories of the others were enough to make her wary and cynical to most outsiders, however that may not be readily apparent in a conversation with her. When she was younger and on the road she would occasionally have streaks of deviancy, most often when bored after shows or when traveling, this however was more than likely just a phase being as she is generally calmer and contained while at the Manor.

Appearance: A music junkie and reveler in all things punk she tends to take her style from a combination of what is in fashion and what she has available. Most times she has a black baby-doll tshirt on with gray fitted jeans and a pair of converse sneakers with a studded belt or bullet belt. Since she's moved to the manor her 'thrift store chic has hit an all time high and she seems to favor the 5cent fitted kids tees when kickin' it casual. However she has been known to sport heels, dress shirts and even an actual black cocktail dress on occasion.  On her wrists she's been known to have a small leather studded cuff or a bracelet or two. Several rings from her parents on her fingers and neck jewelry ranging from dog collars to small chains with a tiffany's heart on it. Her hair is often in a pony-tail or half-up/half-down and her makeup is most frequently natural looking eye-shadows and eyeliner to bring out the blue in her eyes. She will almost always have a guitar pick or a set of drumsticks on her however in case she gets the opportunity to play.

Background: Growing up Kasey was one of the normal kids in a suburban neighborhood. Her parents were loving and fostered her artistic sensibility. She had a particular passion for doodling and music. She was given her first guitar at 3 and first drum set at 7. From then she hopped around from bands in her area playing a combination of instruments and singing for them. She worked her way through high school hoping from her parent's house to living with other friends to occasionally out of her own car when her band traveled. Through this she kept decent grades without much of a problem and was accepted to a decent college. However, after about a term she realized that path wasn't what she was made for and she left. After that point she worked menial jobs and performed with her band around the area, once again living in and out of friend's houses and her car, her father and her having had a falling out over her choice to leave college. Eventually the band picked up some notoriety in the alternative scene, rocketing them into a decent amount of fame. However, after about a year  of decent success something changed in Kasey and she found herself struggling to function with so much attention on her. She had 'shifted' and something about her was different, most of the fans and her band mates didn't really notice but she would complain of headaches and whispers. After several strange occurrences (such as unplanned pyrotechnics and several monitors being moved on stage during concerts) some smaller groups of activists would accuse her of being a mutant and on several occasions attempted to start fights, one seriously injuring her and several other of the activists when some sort of explosion caused several of them to catch fire. Soon after that particular altercation she left the band, without warning or notice. She simply dropped off the map after a show one night and was considered by everyone she knew to be missing.From the time she left the band until the time she wandered into the manor she lived quietly and as below the radar as possible, something she wasn't used to. After several small melt downs and several manifestations of her 'powers' she realized what she was. However, apart from some minor attempts at controlling the small plasma balls and lighter objects she could pick up when focusing, her powers were relatively unchecked as she didn't know of anyone who could help her control them. Since her entrance into the group of vigilantes at the manor however, she has learned what her powers are and how to gain a little more control over them. The headaches she gets from over focusing can be cured by relaxing with music and the intense explosions she once had when discharging her plasma shots have since calmed with training and definition in her skill level.

Family/Friends: Donna (mother), Phil (father), James (brother), Sam (friend and band mate), Zeph (friend and band mate), D (band mate)

Mundane Skills: Kasey has a keen eye for detail and can quickly and accurately sketch almost anything. She also has the ability to read music as well as teach it, as she once took on the seemingly insane task of teaching her younger brother James guitar. She has a patience for younger children and acts as a pretty decent mother hen when the need arises, however this only ranges from children ages 2-10. Her fame in the music industry taught her the value of charisma and public speaking and has a talent for both. She also is skilled in fighting when it comes to things such as bar fights. Not professionally taught she learned quickly while on tours. Other skills she picked up from her fame were the ability to create diversions and slip into the background of most situations, making her ability to vanish in varied situations almost legendary.

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|P|o|w|e|r|s| |a|n|d| |A|b|i|l|i|t|i|e|s| | | | | | | | | | |
Name: Telekenesis
Description: The ability to control objects with ones mind
Abilities: While they may extend further than she knows currently Kasey has the ability to hold a person in one place for an extended period of time, shift/move smaller objects.
Limitations: With prolonged use she tends to get very bad headaches so she can only hold or move an object for so long the period of time she can hold it without strain is dependant on the object's size and weight. On occasion if she's concentrated too hard she has caused smaller objects to break or explode.

Name: Telepathy
Description: The ability hear others thoughts
Abilities: See above description, however most of the time the thoughts come through as whispers and can, if there are enough of them, upset her.
Limitations: Most of the time she only has this ability with people she has prolonged contact with, or knows fairly well (ie there must be an emotional connection established first)
Weaknesses: anything that can resist or block out telepathic probing.

Name: 'Fireworks'
Description: The power to generate bright bursts of multi-colored energy plasmoids from fingertips.The globules obey mental control, traveling where  directed,arranging themselves in balls, streamers, and other shapes, and exploding when commanded. The strength of the energy varies in degrees of power and intensity, and could range from a multitude of colorful sparkles capable of temporarily blinding a person to a powerful detonation capable of smashing objects and destroying property, or a precision burst inside a human brain, simulating the effects of a massive strok
Abilities: See above description, however most of the time she can't control it well enough past small explosions
Limitations: Her current control of the ability.
Weaknesses: Any large explosion can drain her energy.
