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11:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Darcy Graham

Name: Darcy "Darc" Graham
Alias(es): Hades
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Blond, currently cut short
Eyes:  Hazel
Complexion: Normal
Other Physical/Appearance Distinctions: See Below

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|C|h|a|r|a|c|t|e|r| |I|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n| | | | | | | | | |

Code Name: N/A
Full Name: Darcy "Darc" Graham
Alias(es): Hades
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Security Clearance: N/A

Personality: Darc can be a bit possessive, at least of the people and places he considers his.  The world above can do what it wants, but once you're in the underworld, you're his to protect, even if he has to protect you from yourself.  He's known to be giving, but not particularly forgiving.  Though not quick to anger, once enraged his can be cruel and merciless, but his anger is reserved for those who take advantage of the weak and powerless.  As plain old Darc, he can be quiet, but friendly, quick with a smile and spare change, but evasive and coy.  As Hades, he can be grim and a little dramatic and takes a special kind of delight inflicting pain on those he finds worthy.

Appearance: Darc tries to fade in to the background.  He likes hoodies, scarves, things that conceal like the shadows he calls friends.  His hair grows quickly, but it's currently cut nearly razor short.  At 5'11" and 160 lbs, he's fit, but not bulky by any stretch.  He makes up for that with a fluid grace, extreme stamina and a high threshold for pain.

Darc has a lot of tattoos, all in black ink, a full sleeve on his right arm, a half sleeve on his left forearm slowly creeping upwards, a Chinese proverb down his left side saying "Death and life have pre-determined appointments; riches and honor are from heaven", an angel on his back centered on his spine, a cross above on the back of his neck, swallows on each hand, names, numbers and phrases, scattered among images of mythology couples, including, Procris dying in the arms of Cephalus on his chest, Cupid carrying Psyche to Olympus on his shoulder, the Abduction of Persephone on one arm, Orpheus rescuing Eurydice from the Underworld on his side and more.  Most he doesn't explain, but they all have meaning.

He wears a single piece of jewelry, a simple metal band around the ring finger of his left hand.  His new family speculate on the meaning behind it, wondering if it relates to one of the many names tattooed on his skin.

Background:  Once upon a time, Darcy had a normal life.  Oh sure, he could hear things people said in the dark of night and could make shadow puppets without a light source, but all in all, he was pretty ordinary, went to school, got a job, had a family.  That was a long time ago it seems, almost a distant memory, something he doesn't talk about and his 'friends' only guess at when they look at the ring on his finger and some of the tattoos on his skin.

What they know is that a year or two ago he started turning up on the streets, almost always at night.  Soon, he was carving out a block or two of territory.  The rules were simple, no violence, not theft (after all, it was all his now), no drugs.  It became a haven, a sanctuary, a place whispered in the shadows where you could go to get away from the abusive son of a bitch that was beating you, get free of the pipe or needle, get out from under whatever was haunting you.

That's not to say it was a paradise.  There were catches to be sure.  You had to mean it and he'd hold you to it, going so far as to track down a few runaways and haul them back, at least until they'd done what they set out to do.  After that, the future was negotiable.

And there were always the gangs, the dealers, the pimps and thieves wanting that little patch of land in the middle of the city.  They'd take it out on the people trying to get clean, trying to get away, and he'd make them pay for it.  Still, it wasn't always safe and sometimes, sometimes, a little bit of clean is just what the dirt needs, someplace to go, something to dirty.

to be continued

Family/Friends: Darc has a network of people he considers family, from Marcus, a panhandler with PTSD and a love of cigars, to Lil, a teenage runaway with powers she hasn't yet learned to control.  He also counts Cerberus in that mix, the trio of pups that guard the empty warehouse he calls home.

Mundane Skills: Darc is a skilled boxer and knows a few other informal martial arts techniques.  He knows the streets, especially the alleys and grimier places, pawn shops, cheap bars, strip clubs, warehouse dance clubs and gambling dens.  He also knows a lot of the people who run them, as well as the more reputable night spots.  Looking for something at 3:30 in the morning, just whisper into the shadows and they might just answer back.

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|P|o|w|e|r|s| |a|n|d| |A|b|i|l|i|t|i|e|s| | | | | | | | | | |
Name: Shadow Control

Description: The ability to form, control and solidify shadows (see Common Uses below)

Abilities: The limits of his powers are unknown, but Darc has the ability to form (he calls it summoning) shadows, manipulate and control them, make them solid, move through them and do any number of other things in the dark.

Common Uses:

Weaknesses: The brighter the environment, the more difficult it is for him to form and control shadows.  Direct light, like from a high powered flashlight or focused sunlight, can weaken or disrupt the shadows he creates and controls, usually not instantly, but more akin to heat melting ice.  The greater the light (heat), the faster the shadows dissolve (the ice melts).  In addition, it takes him time to recharge his powers.  This process is sped up in the dark, much like a solar charger in reverse.
