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Welcome to Shadowrun: The King's Seal

18:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Pala Sindradóttir
Shadowname: Cai
Gender: Female
Race: Nordic Troll (Giant)
Age: 36
Role: Weapons Specialist and Networker

Looks: Cai is memorable, even for a troll. For one thing, she is considerably taller than your average trog (14’ 6”) and she lacks the dermal plating, bony protrusions and toothiness characteristic of her brethren. These are not cosmetic changes, though – they are the trademark of the Nordic Troll. And Nordic she is, with natural red hair cut at an A-line, broad features, blue eyes, a smile that never ends, and a muscular, strong body. Cai is no super-model, but she is great looking by troll standards. She is a practical person and does not waste money on the appearance of her clothing, as difficult as it is to find in her size. She generally opts for jeans and muscle-shirts when off the job or armored cover-alls and camouflage jackets when working. On rare occasion, she can be found in the chic executive suite tux that she purchased for sensitive social events.

Personality: Cai is a friendly, robust girl that likes a good drink (or ten) and loves a great laugh even more. She makes friends everywhere she goes and seems to have endless generosity for her contacts. She can be a little loud and crass, but she never means any harm. Beneath her casual exterior is a perceptive and professional mind that notices more than most ever realize. When it is time to get down to business, she is a person that can be entirely counted upon. Her loyalty knows no bounds and neither does her appetite.

Skills/Powers: If it has been invented, Cai knows how to shoot it and she’s probably a crack-shot. From pistols to missile launchers, she is the epitome of a ballistic weapons specialist. However, her martial skills do not end with explosions. With her exceptional reach, she makes a more than formidable combatant when brawling, either empty-handed or with knives and staffs. Cai has several pieces of cyber and bioware that make her reflexes faster than they have a right to be. Many have judged Cai by these qualities alone and missed the boat, for her true strength lies in her natural affinity for building and maintaining relationships. She is a master networker and truly knows how to meet other people’s needs so that they are willing to help her at a later date.

Weaknesses: Even though Cai is likeable and loyal to a fault, not everybody responds well to her brusque candor. She is not the person to choose if deceit and word-play are called for. She also only has a basic understanding of computers and electronics, finding her pleasure in life in more corporeal activities, such as drinking large volumes of cheap synth-alcohol, eating huge portions of greasy food, listening to skull-splitting troll-thrash, and enjoying the occasional hot tryst. She is intelligent enough for a trog, but she does miss things from time to time and she is content with her limitations. Cai has a general mistrust of humans and she loathes anybody that is anti-metahumanity.

Background: Cai is a well-known and respected runner in the Seattle shadows. It seems like almost everybody there has at least heard of her and she is known for getting jobs done efficiently and without complications. Outside of Seattle, little is known about her history, although her heritage and strange accent (Germanic, maybe?) suggests that she is not originally from the UCAS.