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Welcome to Big Red One

15:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Elan Darkwind

At a little over five and a half feet and one hundred pounds, Elan Darkwind is slightly built. Clad in a dark hooded cloak and dressed in greys and blacks he seems often seems a bit sinister. Clad in leather armor and longsword hangs by his side. But when the hood is pulled back it reveals a attractive face and silver hair. It is the young elf's piercing eyes that are his most memorable feature, as they seem to shift shades of various amber and violets to match his changing moods.

Like most grey elves, Darkwind is a bit arrogant and some what aloof. But where some dismiss elves as flighty, this description would never be applied to the Elan. His penetrating gaze seems to move over his surrounding constantly. There is a coldness to him, though when the need or the mood strikes he can seem quite personable.