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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

00:11, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  K’nady
Age:  29
Gender:  Male
Sexuality:  Hetero (save for green mating flights)
Occupation/Rank(Holder, Crafter, Rider):  Rider
Location:  Ista Weyr (being recruited for Rebel Weyr)

Personality:  K’nady is a cocky, arrogant, nosy bronze rider who has been blessed with good looks, attitude and enough talent fighting Thread to make him believe that he is irresistible to women – especially queen riders.  He doesn’t hesitate to use his status in blatant seduction and he prides himself on getting what he wants.  Unfortunately, when he doesn’t get what he wants – like Leadership of a Weyr – he gets cranky.  His bronze had gotten close, but had not managed to fly Kilarth and K’nady was a little bitter about it.  His oily supercilious manner towards his new Weyrleader and the Weyrwoman who seemed so much happier – although he would have thrilled her beyond her wildest dreams – is overly polite.  He borders on insolence, but is careful to never cross the line.  Only with his dragon does he show his softer side.

Description:  K’nady is a tall, angular man, seemingly carved from stone.  Lean muscles flex in his arms and legs and his stomach is flat and hard.  His eyes are blue-grey and his hair a very light white-blonde.  His skin, exposed to all kinds of weather as he is not an indoor kind of guy, is tanned and rugged, but still light complected.  His eyebrows, two shades darker than his hair, arch finely – and often sardonically – over his penetrating deep set eyes.  High cheekbones give his face an almost square shape and his chiseled jaw didn’t even have a dimple to soften it.

Brief History:  K’nady was born at Fort Weyr, the son of bronze rider K’nan and the Weyrhealer’s apprentice, Maidy who had gotten drunk one night on good Benden wine and ended up doing something she’d sworn she’d never do – sleep with a rider.  A son, named Kinady, was the result and Maidy, busy with her duties, immediately fostered him to one of the women in the Lower Caverns who desperately wanted children but was unable to conceive.  As it happened, there were no other children for her to foster so young Kinady got all of her attention and, frankly, he was rather spoiled.  She encouraged him in his endeavor and indulged his every whim so that Kinady grew up believing that he was much better than anyone else.  As luck would have it, he Turned 12 the day after the Weyr’s senior queen’s clutch hatched and it wasn’t until he was 13 that another Hatching occurred.  He stood the sands, arrogant in his belief of superiority and there were many in the stands hoping he would walk away without Impressing.  Unfortunately, the biggest bronze in the clutch made a beeline straight to the young weyrbrat and this only reinforced his belief in his own greatness.

Everything seemed charmed around K’nady, as he was now known.  He grew into his unusual good looks quickly and by the time he was 15, and Selcoth flew his first green, K’nady was no stranger to the intimate bed.  Selcoth flew enough greens successfully that rather awed jokes were made about the bronze’s prowess and many believed that K’nady was on the right track towards becoming not just a Wingleader someday, but a Weyrleader even.  Pity none of the men in the Weyr were all that fond of him, although the male green riders were resigned to coming down from a mating flight in his arms.  The women in the weyr, at least those who weren’t riders and therefore didn’t deal with him as much, vied to catch his attention and hopefully spend a night in his bed.

K’nady showed some aptitude at fighting Thread and he was made a Wingsecond by the time he was 20.  Unfortunately, all of the Wingleaders at Fort were hale and young enough to not be needing a replacement, so K’nady requested a transfer to Ista where he might have better luck at moving up in the ranks.  Fort’s Weyrleader was only too glad to see him go and he joined Ista’s ranks just after he turned 23.

Although Selcoth has not yet managed to fly a gold, he rises for every mating flight at the Weyr and sometimes K’nady manages to be in the right place and the right time to have Selcoth rise for another Weyr’s gold.

If Dragonrider, please make out the following:

Age When Impressed:  13
Dragon Name:  Selcoth
Dragon Age:  16

Dragon Description:  Selcoth is a big bronze, well-muscled and handsome.  Lightly colored, he is saved from looking gold only by the greenish cast to his skin.

Dragon Personality:  Selcoth complements his rider by being the voice of reason when K’nady gets too close to the edge of rudeness.  Although almost as arrogant as his rider, Selcoth nevertheless has the power to rein in K’nady when the rider desperately needs it.