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Welcome to Starship Troopers - Season 2 - Survival of the Fittest

21:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Boomer ,real name Ivana Kulenov, is of average height and build but a bit fit and has a Russian accent who tends to be spit and polish when in uniform but with her duties that is more an afterthought. Engineers tend to get messy.

She is openly a homosexual and noted in her file, no use hiding it is her thought on the matter.

Her view of society is pretty simple the Federation and SICON its security arm is the best government mankind has ever had, as a serving Lifer its her duty and obligation to protect the species as an MI member. Those that serve or served deserve to lead the rest of the species when not in a hold out state and even then the species must be considered. And civilians fall into three groups those who cannot serve (disabled people, mothers with children or those with a need to be home etc.) they are fine she is here to protect them. Those who don't serve due to strong relgious or other convictions again they at least have strong belief and that is good enough for her respect. And the last the rest she considers at best apathetic to those who are cowards but clearly overall less commited to the species and therefore not worth as much as a citizen or serviing member of SICON.

In her duties she is business minded and likes a strong chain of command a CO and support NCO's giving orders she is not in that track so she follows orders as long as they are just under regulations.

-> 1st on the Upper Right Upper Arm: A black rose design vertical with a
dagger through it at the top in an integrated design a feminine classic
 warriors symbok of the dagger. [room for a proper carrer tattoo when
she reaches her eight in]
-> 2nd on the Lower Belly Between her Belly Button and her Lower Triangle
of Hair: Two joinded black symbols of venus ,circles with the inverted t,
in bold lines a classic symbol for a homosexual woman.
-> 3rd Tattoo is On Her Upper Back: A styalized federation flag with under it in a
neat row down in bold lettering Duty Courage Honor.
-> 4th Tattoo is on much of her center back and is her main service tattoo as
a PA Engineer it has a stylized Ape Woman (think original planet of the apes
movies) in PA with behind her held an old service flag from the Veterans
War her original ancestor that served in office as an elected politician on the
Federal Councils first sitting. Its a Russian Flag with a Moscow Crest and
under that the Unit Symbol at the time a Fighting Bullet Ant in old war
clothing of the time and holding a hammer for the enginners of the unit.
Next to this is the wording for the PA Engineers - We Build, We Fight, We
Destroy - Huzzah! [A proud blend of old symbols with the new.]
- 5th Tattoo is on Her Lower Back in Simple Style Wording - Mobile Infantry
- 6th Tattoo in on her Upper Left Arm a Dark Green Beret with wording under
it Super Ape and under that Crossed Moritas (room like the other arm to add
wording under that later on)

Power Armor Decal
-> A classic black ball bomb with the fuse lite, on it in Russian is Boom! Boom! in white and under that her last name Kulenov.

-> Met with SICON counselor to work out a marriage budget and get planning as well as career planning and is on a track to be a "Gunny", know to the command.
-> Wears the classic PA Half Skull and Crossbones earring in her Right Ear of a Trooper Tested in Combat.

Qualification Pins -
Power Armor