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Welcome to City of Forbidden Desires (Anitaverse - Las Vegas)

04:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Daniel Cheswin

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Full Name:  Daniel Cheswin
Nickname:  Dan, Danny (kept alive by his brother)
Age:  26 yrs
Age apparent:  26 yrs
Gender:  Male
Sexuality:  Homosexual
Occupation:  Unemployed
Languages: English
Species: Lycanthrope-Wolf
Powers:  Alpha – Partial Change, Healing (Blood Drinking), Call Wolf

Overall Appearance:   Muscular and well-toned, he isn't the body-builder type but obsess over his physique, in his heart thinking that is the only thing going for him.  Looking at Dan, quickly one would notice the size of his arms, always pushing the limits on the fabric of his t-shirts.  Then once past the body, his eyes would quickly catch someone's attention.  The light blue color shines across the room.  His hair is always messy unless it is cut short, not much attention goes into that on Dan's part.  He always has some sort of facial hair and at times is known to grow a beard.

Dan is always in some worn pair of jeans and a t-shirt which can vary to classic logo's or just plain.  The man rarely dresses up, so rare in fact that he doesn't own anything that would be considered dressy.

Height:  6'4"
Weight:  220lbs
Eye Color:  Blue
Hair color:  Brown
Hair Style:  Short, loosely styled.
Complexion:  Medium to Light
Body shape:  Muscular
Clothing:  A few jeans and t-shirts
Character Model:  Chris Hemsworth

Basic Personality:  Cool and calculating, Dan doesn't show much emotion.  Life had changed so much to him it became much darker and that has greatly affected him.  A friendly person at heart, he doesn't trust anyone but his brother so he can be standoffish.  His temper is quite the opposite of his brother so they make a good team.  Dan is very protective of Lucas.  This nature can lead him to obsessing about it, but he has been better since Lucas has grown up.  Dan really isn't sure what he would do without his brother and thoughts of a world as such are incomprehensible.

Sexual Likes:  Aggressive, Spontaneous, Masculinity
Sexual Dislikes:   Femininity
Sexual Strengths:  Confident, Appetite
Sexual Weaknesses:  Appetite, Aggressive (especially with humans)

Merits:  Loyal, Hardworking, Honest

Flaws:  Righteous, Stubborn

Dan was twelve when his parents were killed in car accident.  He can recall the night when the police visited him.  There was so much emotion but his only outlet was the teenage babysitter and his younger brother.  The babysitter he didn't know too well and his baby brother was someone he wanted to stand strong for, so he buried his sorrow in his energy to comfort Lucas.

The family wasn't large, both sides seemed to be cursed because longevity was not a feature, and odd accidents like the car accident weren't uncommon.  One person was alive that saved the two boys from the orphanage and possibly being split up was his dad's father, Grandpa Joe.  He was just turning seventy at the time, but the man was independent and fiercely strong willed.  He didn't hesitate to take the boys; they were his lineage, and his son's crowning achievement.  The old man moved Daniel and his brother from suburban Detroit to the remote countryside of Ohio.  There they worked on his farm and other farms in the area.  The two boys acclimated to the new environment quite easily and quickly proved to be natural country boys.

Dan had no trouble in high school, not much for academics; he did excel well in athletics participating and being a star in football, wrestling, and track.  The boys were well known because of their charm and their good looks and always appeared to be where the action was.

Just after Lucas had graduated, Dan was about 21 at this time.  The two young men decided to walk home after a party.  They were both quite intoxicated, but walking home in the country they have had their roots in for almost a decade, didn't seem like anything dangerous.  Unfortunately for them they came across a wolf, one that wasn’t scared away.

Dan woke first, not sure what went on, but immediately felt the bite on his shoulder.  Then frantically he looked for Lucas who wasn't far, having the same bite marks.  Dan carried Lucas back to the house, the young man finally walking up behind it.  They were freaked out and secretive for a bit before they had to tell Grandpa Joe and to their surprise he knew what it was and what was going to happen.  Unknown to the two boys, Joe's wife, and their grandmother, was a wolf whom had been bitten.  She was killed before the boys had even met her, but that gave Joe the knowledge on how to take care and ensure that Daniel and Lucas would be safe and able to deal with what life had handed them.

The concept was difficult to grasp at first, Dan denying it until the first full moon, when Grandpa Joe's preparation paid off and saved the two young men from going on a spree.  After that night, Dan is convinced and puts all his energy into understanding what he had.  Unfortunately Joe died a few months later and Dan then needed to grasp his control quickly in order to ensure that Lucas would stay safer.

It wasn't even a month after their grandfather's death that they packed up the Eagle station wagon and headed west.  There were many other adventures the two would have, but a place they felt they wanted to put down some roots hadn’t came up, then it was decided that they would try Las Vegas.  A big city life and then a calm country so close together, this was their plan as long as the wagon would get them there.

Danny & Lucas

Living or dead Family:
Brother  - Lucas - Alive
Mother – Dead
Father – Dead
Grandfather – Joseph – Dead
Grandmother - Dead