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Welcome to Wardens of Nexus - GURPS Dungeon Fantasy

18:20, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:        Oberon
Height:      6"
Weight:      1 lb.
Age:         He doesn't remember
SM:          -6
Appearance:  Tiny humanoid with black and green wings
Point Total: 522
CP:          18

Parry: 10 (+3 from front)
Block: 13
Dodge: 10 (+3 from front)

Attributes [211]
ST: 5  [-50]*	HP:   2  [-6]*
DX: 13 [60]	WILL: 20 [0]
IQ: 20 [200]	PER:  17 [-15]
HT: 11 [10]	FP:   15 [12]

Basic Lift:  5     Damage:     Thr 1d6-4;  Sw 1d6-3
Basic Speed: 6 [0]
Basic Move:  6/12 (Air Move) [0]

Languages:            Fae    (Native/Literate) [0]
                      Common (Native/Literate) [0]
TL:                   3                        [0]
Cultural Familiarity: Fae                      [0]

Advantages [255]
Magery 9 (Stable Casting, +40%)        [133]
*Appearance (Attractive)               [4]
*Enhanced Dodge 1                      [15]
*Flight (Winged, -30%)                 [30]
*Reduced Consumption 4                 [8]
Energy Reserve (Magical) 8             [24]
Inextinguishable Power                 [5]
Mind Shield 1                          [4]
Luck                                   [15]
Imbue 3 (L.S. Access, Enhancement Only, -10%; L.S. Application, Sunflare only, -50%; Magical, -10%)     [12]
Unusual Background (Ethereal Transcendence - Advanced Secret Spell) [5]

Perks [5]
*Pixie Shot                            [1]
Psychic Guidance (Fireball)            [1]
Psychic Guidance (Sunflare)            [1]
Secret Spell (Archmagi's Recuperation) [1]
Secret Spell (Sunflare)                [1]

*Pixie Racial Template

Disadvantages [-75]
Obsession (12)("Become the world's most powerful wizard.")       [-10]
Curious (12)                                                     [-5]
Skinny                                                           [-5]
Unnatural Features (No antenna, Bird wings instead of butterfly) [-5]
Sense of Duty (Adventuring Companions)                           [-5]
Divine Curse (Cannot Lie)                                        [-5]
  • You are incapable of making untrue statements. You may tell partial truths or opt to say nothing at all, but what you say cannot be false. If you make a promise, you must keep it to the letter (not the spirit).
*Dependency (Mana, Very Common, Constantly) [-25] *Sense of Duty (Nature) [-15] *Pixie Racial Template

Quirks [-5]
Fancies himself as the King of the Faeries                   [-1]
Prefers to remain unseen in potentially dangerous situations [-1]
Enjoys pranks immensely                                      [-1]
Broad-Minded                                                 [-1]
Distractible                                                 [-1]

Skills [29]
Hidden Lore (Magical Writings) (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Hidden Lore (Demons)           (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Hidden Lore (Magic Items)      (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Hidden Lore (Spirits)          (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Occultism                      (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Alchemy                        (VH)   IQ-3     [1]  17
Thaumatology                   (VH)   IQ+6     [1]  26†
Hazardous Materials (Magical)  (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Research                       (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Speed-Reading                  (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Teaching                       (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Writing                        (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Meditation                     (H)    Will-2   [1]  18
Shield (Buckler)               (E)    DX+1     [2]  14
Smallsword                     (A)    DX+1     [2]  14‡
Innate Attack (Beam)           (E)    DX+2     [4]  15
Innate Attack (All Others)     (E)    DEF Beam [0]  13
Fast-Draw (Potion)             (E)    DX       [1]  13
Stealth                        (A)    DEF IQ-5 [0]  15
Scrounging                     (E)    Per      [1]  17
Gesture                        (E)    IQ       [1]  20
Cartography                    (A)    IQ-1     [1]  19
Diplomacy                      (H)    IQ-2     [1]  18
Strategy                       (A)    IQ-2     [1]  18
Artist (Illusion)              (H)    IQ-2     [1]  18
Body Sense                     (H)    DX-2     [1]  11

Acting                         (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Animal Handling                (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Architecture                   (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Armoury                        (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Camouflage                     (E)    IQ-4     [0]  16
Connoisseur                    (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Counterfeiting                 (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Current Affairs                (E)    IQ-4     [0]  16
Diagnosis                      (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Disguise                       (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Falconry                       (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Fast-Talk                      (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
First Aid                      (E)    IQ-4     [0]  16
Forgery                        (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Gambling                       (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Heraldry                       (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Holdout                        (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Interrogation                  (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Intimidation                   (A)    Will-5   [0]  15
Jeweler                        (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Leadership                     (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Lockpicking                    (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Merchant                       (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Mimicry                        (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Naturalist                     (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Navigation (Land)              (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Packing                        (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Panhandling                    (E)    IQ-4     [0]  16
Performance                    (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Pharmacy                       (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Philosophy (Fae)               (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Physiology                     (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Poetry                         (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Poisons                        (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Psychology                     (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Public Speaking                (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Savoir-Faire                   (E)    IQ-4     [0]  16
Shadowing                      (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Smith (Iron)                   (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Smuggling                      (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Streetwise                     (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Tactics                        (H)    IQ-6     [0]  14
Teamster                       (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Traps                          (A)    IQ-5     [0]  15
Search                         (A)    Per-5    [0]  12

† +8 from Magery
‡ +1 from Balanced

Spells [96]

Air College
Purify Air (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 26
Create Air (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 26

Body Control College
Itch         (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Spasm        (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Tickle       (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Clumsiness   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Hinder       (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Rooted Feet  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Might        (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Control Limb (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Communication and Empathy College
Sense Foes (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Earth College
Seek Earth   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Shape Earth  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Earth Vision (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Fire College
Ignite Fire (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Create Fire (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Shape Fire  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Flame Jet   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Fireball    (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Food College
Seek Food   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Test Food   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Cook        (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Create Food (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Gate College
Timeslip       (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Timeslip Other (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Healing College
Lend Energy             (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Share Energy            (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Recover Energy          (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Archmagi's Recuperation (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27

Illusion College
Simple Illusion  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Complex Illusion (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Perfect Illusion (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Independence     (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Knowledge College:
Detect Magic   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Mage Sight     (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Identify Spell (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Analyze Magic  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Light and Darkness College
Light           (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Continual Light (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Colors          (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Infravision     (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Night Vision    (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Dark Vision     (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Glow            (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Flash           (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Darkness        (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Blur            (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
See Invisible   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Sunlight        (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Invisibility    (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Sunbolt         (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Sunflare        (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27

Meta College
Delay          (H)  IQ+7  [1] - 27
Link           (H)  IQ+7  [1] - 27
Maintain Spell (VH) IQ+7  [2] - 27

Metal College
Shape Metal (H) IQ+7 [1] - 27

Mind Control College
Foolishness    (H)  IQ+7  [1] - 27
Daze           (H)  IQ+7  [1] - 27
Mental Stun    (H)  IQ+7  [1] - 27

Movement College
Haste                  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Apportation            (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Grease                 (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Deflect Missile        (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Levitation             (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Lighten Burden         (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Locksmith              (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Distant Blow           (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Lockmaster             (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Manipulate             (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Flight                 (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27
Slide                  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Flying Carpet          (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27
Hawk Flight            (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27
Great Haste            (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27
Blink                  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Ethereal Transcendence (VH) IQ+7 [2] - 27

Necromantic College
Death Vision      (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Summon Spirit     (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Zombie            (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Control Zombie    (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Protection College
Shield           (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Armor            (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Missile Shield   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Reverse Missiles (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Mystic Mist      (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Sound College
Sound  (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Water College
Seek Water   (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27
Purify Water (H)  IQ+7 [1] - 27

Imbue Skills [6]
Multi-Shot         (VH)  IQ+6 [1] - 26
Incendiary Weapon  (VH)  IQ+6 [1] - 26
Penetrating Strike (VH)  IQ+6 [1] - 26
Stabilized Shot    (VH)  IQ+6 [1] - 26
Guided Weapon      (VH)  IQ+6 [1] - 26
Ghostly Weapon     (VH)  IQ+6 [1] - 26

Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [211]
Disadvantages/Quirks [-80]
Skills (29)/Spells (96)/Imbue Skills (6) [130]
Total [522]

Normal Clothing (0.02 lbs.)
Frame Backpack [Torso] ($1, .1 lbs., Holds 1 lb. of gear)
$34,944 ($21,000 Mandar loan) [Backpack] (.30 lbs.)
Sleeping Fur [Backpack] ($0.50, .08 lbs.)
1-man tent [Backpack] ($0.50, .05 lbs.)
Canteen [Backpack] ($0.10, .03 lbs.)
Backpack Alchemy Lab [Backpack] ($34, 0.4 lbs.)
Personal Basics [Backpack] ($0.17, 0.04 lbs.)
Delver's Webbing [Torso] Holds .2 lbs. ($1.36, 0.03 lbs.)
Compass [Backpack] (Pixie) ($2.00, 0.2 lbs.)
Paut x10 [Webbing] (Pixie Version) ($135, 0.02 lbs. each) ($1350, .2 lbs total)
Salamander Amulet [Neck] ($3690, 0.01 lb.)

Large Homeric Buckler

Dragonbone Shortstaff

Bracers of Force

Total 2.3675 lbs


Some have said I am cursed. Others have said I am a remnant of the Pixies of old. All I know is that magic runs through my veins, and I will be the best wizard this world has ever seen.

I left my family at a young age. Young for pixies is rather relative though, and since age is deemed unimportant I really don't know how old I am. I do know this: I have a lot left to learn. Nearly everything alive is bigger than I am, so I am constantly pushing myself to improve. I try to remain unseen wherever I go, but sometimes situations call for more drastic measures. This world has all kinds of things to offer, most of which cannot be experienced staying safe at home.

The first non-Pixies I met was a family of human farmers. I didn't understand them at first, but I learned their language quickly just by listening. I was leery about talking to them at first, but after several weeks my curiosity got the better of me. I stayed with them for nearly a year, and grew to enjoy their simple lifestyle. The peace wasn't meant to last though.

Coming back from the woods one day I discovered they had been massacred by Goblin-kin. There was a war going on, and a goblin raiding party had swept through the area. I won't go into details, but suffice it to say the goblins didn't live out the night due to some freak fires. I was soon wrapped up in the war, doing my part to end the goblin blight. This lead to the battle in Crescent Valley, attacking the Fortress of Dul’Aben, hopefully to end the war for good. Things didn't go quite as planned...