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01:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Blacksun stands 6'2" tall and is athletically built, having the build of a gymnast as opposed to a weight-lifter.  He has dark brown (nearly black) eyes and glossy black hair.  His skin is tanned and he appears to be a mix of Greek or Italian heritage.

His costume is primarily a black bodysuit with a large golden stylized Greek sun insignia that covers the bulk of his chest and radiates out in yellow spokes over his black bodysuit.  He has a long black cape.

Generic V&V Character Sheet

Player Name:

Character Name: Blacksun Secret ID: Daniel Giacomo

Level: 2nd
XP: 2000
Training: Strength

Height: 6'2" Weight: 220 lbs.

Physical Description: Daniel is a tall, athletically built young man of
indeterminate ethnicity; he appears a mix of Greek or Italian.  He has glossy
black hair and dark brown eyes.

STR 14
END 18 Healing Rate:   2.5
INT 11 % DHO: 8% % DD: 12%
AGL 21 DMG: +2 ACC:   +4
CHA 10 Reaction Mod: +0/-0

Basic Hits: 5 Hit Points: 30
Movement: 53" ground
Power: 64

Carrying Capacity: 500 lbs HTH: 1d8

Inventing Points: 2.2 Inventing %: 33%


GRAVITY CONTROL: Multiple x14. PR = multiple. R = 14". 1 action/turn to maintain.

LIGHT CONTROL: R = 42", D = 2d8, PR = 1. Binding special attack. Defense = 1 action
     to setup, PR 1/turn

Other Equipment

Character Notes/Origin/Personality/Description:

Blacksun stands 6'2" tall and is athletically built, having the build of a gymnast as
opposed to a weight-lifter.  He has dark brown (nearly black) eyes and glossy black
hair.  His skin is tanned and he appears to be a mix of Greek or Italian heritage.

His costume is primarily a black bodysuit with a large golden stylized Greek sun
insignia that covers the bulk of his chest and radiates out in yellow spokes over
his black bodysuit.  He has a long black cape.