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00:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Goremane Death-horn

Goremane Death-horn
Beastlord, The Host of a Thousand Young
Champion of Shub'Niggurath

Mane:Dyed with blood, a mucky reddish brown
Fur:Light Brown
Eyes:Amber with putrid pink iris.  Streaks of pink extend out of the iris.
Marks:Entire body is branded with dozens of chaos runes.
Residence:Oskarr's camp.
Personality:Generally calculating and calm, though there is a terrible temper waiting for those that insist on looking.
Goremane has become a fervent and devout follower of Shub'Niggurath since awakening her Witch-Priestess, Ylena from suspended animation within the Emerald City. Shub'Niggurath is a 'new' force competing for followers from amongst the Four. It is however more likely that she is an ancient god who was long dormant and is now rousing in a weakened state. That or she is merely an aglamation of aspects from two or more of the Four.

Spawned in the Drakwald forest near a the fortified Hochland town known of Kocrin. He first fought in the Warherd that he was born to known as the Split Hoof. Goremane raided smaller Imperial settlements with the Split Hoof for a year and a before they were scattered.

A group of Longknives had been tasked with ending the menace and led a mixed force of soldiers and hunters against them, but had been unable to corner the Warherd. That ended when Beakmaw (the bird headed champion) led the growing Warherd against a fortified town 20 miles southwest of Kocrin named Rothenburg. Unknown to the beastmen, Rothenburg was the home town of the Longknife leading the effort against them (as well as many of the hunters in his group).

The warriors caught the Split Hoof as they assaulted the town. Set upon from behind while scaling walls manned by desperate but effective defenders the Warherd suffered catastrophic losses, Goremane was seriously injured, as close to death as he has ever been. But he managed to escape, and for a time harbored a great desire for vengeance. After recovering from his injuries he sought to fulfill this desire and tracked down three of the four Longknives as well as a Questing Bretonian and a Knight of the White Wolf who had formed the core of the warriors. Only a dwarven Shieldbreaker named Durok Ironhide and the last Longknife named Graf Ulfberht escaped him.

That was five years ago. His desire for vengeance faded, as such a fire typically requires a devotion to others that just isn't present in beastmen. Since giving up how quest he traveled from Warherd to Warherd seeking only to improve himself, truly coming into his own after joining Zar Oskarr, and later reawakening the Witch Priestess Ylena.

Fate has recently taken an interesting twist however as his host was sought out by a follower of Tzeentch's calling himself Serguei Ulfberht, The Serpent of Hochland. The man had fallen to Chaos early in life as a fledgling apprentice being taught by a well meaning rogue shadow wizard. He has so far failed to do as ordered and end his lineage by killing the other males in his line. Namely Graf Ulfberht. Now, with murmurs of a new cult, perhaps even a new power rising and perverting followers of Taal and Rhyaa Serguei felt he may finally have found a means of truly destroying his brother, and so he has sought out its source.

As a truegor Goremane was always one of the herd's elite.  Standing eight and a half feet tall; his broad, shaggy shoulders are topped by a twisted mockery of an ox head. His right horn has had the tip broken off, a gromil replacement fitted in its place. While gors are often stooped in posture with arms out of proportion to their body Goremane holds himself straight with thick muscular arms that fit his barrel chest perfectly.  He has mutated an extra arm, growing below his right from the same socket.  The fur is patchy and uneven, but it is every bit as strong and coordinated as his natural two. Below the waist his fur thickens, tapering off at his back bent knees where it begins to mix with russet mottled grey scales. By mid-calf the fur is gone completely and only scales remain, leading down to a clawed dragon foot rather than the more common cloven hoof. Barbed, iron hard quills extend through the fur of much of his body, concentrated on his mane and shoulders, his forearms, and upper legs.

His name has inspired a macabre practice in which he gathers the blood of his slain enemies, mixing in herbs he to create a vile dye which he applies to his mane, leaving it a muckish blood red.

While it is removable, he almost always wears a suit of dark runic chaos armor. Thousands of quills find their way between the jagged banded plates. A large, runic shield covered in horns and featuring one large eye completes his physical defenses.

Having passed along his chainsword to Cho'gall he once again wields his Direlance, now known as Void Spike. The ithilmar/warpstone alloy has been further twisted with the binding of a daemon of Shub'Niggurath. Both right arms are wrapped in heavy runic gromil chains, the lower being attached to a brutal meat hook which he is able to sling around with ease.

Goremane does not simply hack away with abandon like most of his kin, but fights with purpose and strategy. He earned a spot as a Hand of Chaos by being more than a simple killing machine. Cunning, guile, and foresight ensured his rise to power and have helped him keep it. That, and a keen eye for talent worth keeping have ensured his is firmly ensconced among Oskarr's elite.

Barrier of Spite - Void Spike

Shepherd's Hook

Armor Styling