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18:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Full Name: Josephine Miller
Nicknames: Jo
Age: 22
Age apparent: Early Twenties
Gender:  Female
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Waitress, Bartender, Student, Musician
Languages: English
Species: Human
Powers: --

Overall Appearance: Jo seems to have a pep in her step and a bubbly quality that never dies down. Her eyes, hold an innocence in their deep brown color, but they also hold a sharp wit and knowledge of life and its lessons. Her body is on the thinner side but even so she still possesses curves and a softer nature of someone who is worked hard and on her feet rather than someone who makes it to a daily gym visit. Her clothing when she's out is almost always worn to accentuate her figure though not overly suggestive, seeming to play more towards her innocence than outright sensuality like some of the other girls at the clubs. Most of the time she's made up, eye shadow and other things masking any of the signs of exhaustion that she might be suffering.

Height: 5’5”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Brown (light ringed by dark)
Hair color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Style: Varies, Usually long and pulled half or all the way up
Complexion: Pale
Body shape: Slender
Clothing:  Most of her clothing has seen better days, while not ratty it has been a few years since she's managed to update most of it. However, she somehow manages to keep her style looking somewhat current by adding a small accessory here or there. When at work she is allowed to wear tighter jeans or pants with a form-fitting shirt. When she's off the clock she's most often found in her apartment in pajamas.

Character Model: Emmy Rossum

Basic Personality:  Even though her past might be full of painful events, Jo manages to keep a smile on and a positive energy around her that patrons of her club's bar might deem infectious. She'll engage most people in conversations and may even do her best to help them should she think herself able to.

Merits: Makes friends easily, musically talented, hard worker, trusting

Flaws: Uncomfortable with talking about herself or her past, Shy when not on stage, Over-works herself, hyper-focuses, perfectionist when it comes to her work and music.

History: She was born in Los Angeles to her mother, who then moved the family including Jo's older brother and grandmother to a small home in upstate New York. Her mother never told her about the man who was her father apart from the fact that he was long gone. Growing up she often times played with her brother and was watched by her grandmother. Her mother died of cancer when she was 16, her grandmother following only six months later, leaving her brother, then 19 to care for her. It was through music that she managed to cope with her mother's death and she eventually found friends with the same interest and they formed a garage band that gained some notoriety with basement shows around the area. It was during one of these shows several years later that her brother crashed on his way home from his job, killing him and leaving her alone.

Since then she's had to cut back in her schooling and dream to eventually be an artist, working two jobs as a cocktail waitress and bartender at two clubs in the city. On her nights off and some of her luckier nights at work she's allowed time from her schedule to perform at open mic nights both at the club and around the city in the hopes of one day making it big or at least making enough to support her schooling and needs.