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Welcome to My Mutation is Awesome (based on Marvel's X-Men)

00:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Cade Cairn
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Physical Description:
This Australian born teen literally grew up watching the animal channel and idolizing Steve Irwin (God rest his soul). So he dresses in button down khaki or pale green safari shirts and matching safari shorts. This ankle socks are pushed down to be just above his deep brown hiking boots. He has dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes (with stand-out even in the dead of night). He is athletically built, having well defined muscles, even for a kid who hasn't reached adulthood. And has a small tribal tattoo on his neck.

Lazy Description:
(This part required so we can RP around your character correctly. Example: Mittens looks up at Liberty... wait.. Liberty is shorter than Mittens.)

Hair color: Dirty blonde
Skin color: Light tan
Height: 4'11
Weight: 100 lbs
Clothing preference:
Khakis shorts and a matching button down safari style shirt
Wears a crocodile tooth necklace, and carries leopard print bandanna in his back pocket (which sometimes he wears on his head when things get heated).  He also sports a pair of sunglasses ( that his (diseased) father gave him.

On his thirteenth birthday Cade and his father (Zane), went for a walkabout -- Cade's first. His father claimed that this was Cade's "step into manhood." Though the first few days went by perfectly, things soon turned sour. Some drunk Aussies, out for a weekend of kanga-hunting, got into a tiff with Zane. The next thing Cade knew a gun went off and then his dad was dead in his arms.

An Aboriginal tribe found him some time later, starving to death, and brought him back to health. Once healthy enough to travel they took him home to his mother. She of course was heartbroken at the loss of her husband, and in a bit of anger took her frustration out on Cade. She packed his belongs and sent him on a one way trip to the States (that's United States for those westerners) to live with his estranged uncle.

There Cade and his uncle, Liam, traveled from place to place, never staying long. Liam claimed it was because of the lack of work, but Cade believed otherwise. Besides the ever changing scenery Cade noticed changes in himself. That's when he noticed the small tattoo on his neck. The spiral design made no sense to him, and his attempts to uncover its meaning were fruitless.

He brought the subject up to his uncle several times, but his uncle always managed to dodge the subject. Cade continues to research the tattoo's meaning, but is finding only deadends in the newest town's library (where the current X-team resides).

Cade is a determined, focused. When he puts his mind to a task he goes all out to complete that one task. Sometimes he focuses too much and looses sight on his surroundings, and other people. Despite this, he is friendly and approachable. He wants to make friends, but has never really had the opportunity to do so. So sometimes, his friendliness comes off as abrasive and overbearing.

Gifted to him by magical means, the Aborigines gifted him with the following powers.
Glide: Has the ability to jump and glide for several meters (it's not flight), externally people think he just jumps gracefully.
Sight: Cade can spot a needle in a haystack (if its within a an inch or two of the surface). He also has low-light vision.
Claws: Cade can extend the length of his fingernails (and toenails) into sharp claws. Though nothing like Wolverine or Lady Deathstrike, his claws can at least pierce leather.

Survival: Cade can make a meal of anything, even medium-rare iguana. His ability to adapt to his surroundings is perhaps what allowed him to survive until the Aborigines found him.
Loyal: Once befriended Cade will be your friend for life. You can rely on him in a pinch, and he will bend over backward to make sure you're settled.
Athletic: Cade can excel in nearly an sport, except hockey -- ice is just too weird, and cold.

Other Stuff:
Winter: No, just no. Snow. Ice. Below 40 degree temperatures. Cade becomes useless. Oh he'll function, but don't expect anything spectacular.